Representative  Trish Ladner - 2023
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1043HB1043make an exemption from certain property taxation for owner-occupied single-family dwellings.
SB 26SB26transfer a property tax relief program, to change income requirements for certain property tax relief programs, and to index certain income schedules to inflation.
SB 182SB182establish a uniform method for calculating high school credit received from completing postsecondary courses.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1080HB1080prohibit certain medical and surgical interventions on minor patients.
HB 1129HB1129modify and establish provisions related to medical cannabis.
HB 1132HB1132revise provisions regarding the duties of the medical marijuana oversight committee.
HB 1133HB1133define a commodity for the purpose of qualifying as a common carrier.
HB 1200HB1200require a percentage of signatures on a petition to initiate a constitutional amendment to be obtained from each legislative district.
HB 1201HB1201provide for the election of State Brand Board members.
HC 8012HC8012Honoring the families who hosted the 2023 Legislative pages in their homes during the legislative session.
HCR 6012HCR6012Stating South Dakota's preferred policy to promote best results in animal identification and tracking through flexibility in methods.
SB 185SB185establish the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States – South Dakota and revise provisions related to the foreign ownership or control of agricultural land.