Representative  Lance R. Koth - 2024
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1129HB1129repeal the session law authorizing the Board of Regents to contract for the design and construction of a new dairy research and extension farm on the campus of South Dakota State University, and to declare an emergency.
HC 8024HC8024Honoring Kelly Larson for his longstanding public service and congratulating him on his upcoming retirement.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1001HB1001repeal the expiration of a reduction in certain gross receipts and use tax rates.
HB 1002HB1002require administration of the ACT to public school students in grade eleven.
HB 1011HB1011revise the membership of the South Dakota Capitol Complex Restoration and Beautification Commission.
HB 1023HB1023provide immunity from liability for certain actions of the State Bar and its agents.
HB 1024HB1024require that an application for a medical marijuana registry identification card include a notice of federal law regarding firearms and the unlawful use of a controlled substance.
HB 1035HB1035extend the period of renewal for an enhanced permit to carry a concealed pistol.
HB 1036HB1036require that a dispensary post notice of the federal law regarding possession of a firearm and the use of marijuana and to provide a civil penalty.
HB 1041HB1041modify the definition of public infrastructure to allow a federally recognized Indian tribe to be eligible for housing infrastructure grants and loans and to declare an emergency.
HB 1044HB1044update the United States census survey used to ascertain and adjust the salary of members of the Legislature.
HB 1053HB1053create term limits for public utilities commissioners.
HB 1055HB1055raise the appraisal value of surplus property that may be sold by a political subdivision without notice.
HB 1056HB1056increase the property tax exemption allowed for certain veterans with a disability.
HB 1067HB1067designate Medal of Honor Recognition Day.
HB 1068HB1068allow disabled veterans to obtain a standard issue county motor vehicle or motorcycle license plate.
HB 1069HB1069permit the display of campaign signs in municipalities in conjunction with the beginning of absentee voting.
HB 1070HB1070provide for the use of the obligation recovery center by counties.
HB 1071HB1071revise a provision providing authority to the Governor to enter into agreements with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
HB 1072HB1072establish qualifications for members of the Board of Education Standards.
HB 1073HB1073keep interest earned on incarceration construction fund moneys in the same fund.
HB 1074HB1074expand eligibility to practice as a dental hygienist under the collaborative supervision of a dentist.
HB 1076HB1076require the consideration of the definition of antisemitism when investigating unfair or discriminatory practices.
HB 1077HB1077provide for the disbursement of the catastrophic county poor relief fund to the participating counties in the event of the discontinuance of the fund.
HB 1090HB1090revise provisions related to tax deeds and to declare an emergency.
HB 1092HB1092revise provisions regarding the 911 emergency surcharge.
HB 1098HB1098provide free birth certificates to persons experiencing homelessness.
HB 1099HB1099establish educational standards for the expanded practice of optometry.
HB 1116HB1116make fraudulent solicitation of charitable contributions a deceptive act or practice.
HB 1118HB1118revise unclaimed property provisions.
HB 1120HB1120provide special motor vehicle license plates for advanced life support personnel and emergency medical technicians.
HB 1124HB1124provide for the temporary filling of water development district board positions created as a result of population increases.
HB 1126HB1126permit an alternative delivery method for issuance of a policy by an insurer.
HB 1136HB1136revise the renewal fee for barber's certificate of registration.
HB 1147HB1147address discriminatory acts against entities participating in a 340B drug pricing program.
HB 1150HB1150enable the exercise of control by local governments over the presence and operation of medical marijuana establishments within their jurisdictions.
HB 1161HB1161regulate the acceptance of a central bank digital currency.
HB 1163HB1163amend provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code.
HB 1185HB1185amend provisions regarding entry on private property for examination and survey of a project requiring a siting permit.
HB 1186HB1186define the requirements for granting a carbon pipeline easement.
HB 1194HB1194clarify provisions pertaining to tax increment finance districts.
HB 1197HB1197require the publication of measures taken to restrict the access of obscene materials by minors.
HB 1211HB1211repeal the Midwestern Regional Higher Education Compact.
HC 8004HC8004Honoring Sophie Spier of Sioux Falls, South Dakota Girls State Governor, and Gavin Pischke of Hartford, South Dakota Boys State Governor, and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs.
HC 8005HC8005Recognizing and celebrating the De Smet Bulldogs as the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Class B boys' basketball state champions.
HC 8007HC8007Recognizing and expressing gratitude for fifty years of prudent and reliable financial stewardship of the state pension program by the South Dakota Retirement System.
HC 8009HC8009Celebrating the South Dakota State University Jackrabbit football team winning a second consecutive NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) National Championship.
HC 8011HC8011Honoring Jason Jons, a member of the South Central School District Board of Education, on his years of school board service.
HC 8016HC8016Honoring the life of Kenneth Michael Prorok.
HC 8029HC8029Celebrating the wrestling career of Jackson Remmers.
HCR 6001HCR6001Supporting the Electoral College.
HCR 6003HCR6003To create the One Hundredth Session Planning Committee of the South Dakota Legislature.
HCR 6004HCR6004Affirming the Legislature's support and commitment of the State of Israel.
HCR 6006HCR6006Urging the members of South Dakota's congressional delegation to sponsor and support an amendment to the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Act.
HCR 6007HCR6007Encouraging the United States Department of Veteran Affairs to allow veterans to receive long-term care services at facilities that do not otherwise meet the requirements set by the department.
HCR 6008HCR6008Opposing an initiated measure to place the right to an abortion in the Constitution of South Dakota.
HCR 6010HCR6010Acknowledging the need to protect our borders and affirming South Dakota's support of the defense of the southern border.
HJR 5001HJR5001Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, requiring all non-judicial offices elected by a statewide vote to be nominated at a primary election.
SB 3SB3extend the length of time allowed for a tax agreement with an Indian tribe.
SB 7SB7revise the water resources projects list.
SB 10SB10require that a notification of medical cannabis certification be provided to a patient's primary or referring practitioner.
SB 12SB12authorize certain employer actions regarding the use of cannabis by an employee or a prospective employee.
SB 13SB13revise the process for nominating candidates for the offices of lieutenant governor, attorney general, and secretary of state.
SB 14SB14expand authorization for the conditional taking of coyotes from snowmobiles.
SB 15SB15require a convicted defendant to reimburse the cost of digital forensic examination fees.
SB 30SB30prohibit discrimination based on military status.
SB 31SB31create the indigent legal services fund, to provide ongoing revenue therefor, and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 33SB33repeal the Petroleum Release Compensation Board.
SB 35SB35provide that certain personal information of a lottery prize winner may only be used for advertising or promotion with the winner's consent.
SB 38SB38amend the amount a merchant or place of business may assess against returned checks.
SB 71SB71remove a prohibition on the ability of law enforcement and various governmental entities to inspect, search, seize, prosecute, or impose disciplinary action on cannabis dispensaries, cultivation facilities, manufacturing facilities, and testing facilities.
SB 76SB76modify provisions pertaining to the appointment of vacant positions on a board or commission.
SB 78SB78provide for an E15 fuel tax refund.
SB 79SB79revise provisions related to the possession, distribution, and manufacture of child pornography.
SB 125SB125require the Department of Social Services to conduct a state-wide study on child care, to provide an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 127SB127revise the requirements pertaining to average teacher compensation and to establish a minimum teacher salary.
SB 197SB197revise provisions regarding the alcohol beverage fund.
SC 801SC801Recognizing and commending the National Conference of State Legislatures on its fiftieth anniversary in 2025.
SC 804SC804Honoring the 2022-2023 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Dr. Jennifer Lowery, Tea School Superintendent; Darren Ellwein, Harrisburg Middle School Principal; Kathy Holter, Platte-Geddes School Business Official; Dr. Samantha Walder, Tea Elementary School Principal; Pete Wilson, Meade Secondary School Principal; Brady Sumners, Spearfish Assistant Middle School Principal; Ann Pettit, Douglas Curriculum Leader; and Mischelle Slaba, Wagner Director of Special Education.
SC 807SC807Honoring the life of Kenneth Michael Prorok.
SC 811SC811Recognizing Coach Ben Irlbeck for his coaching success and exemplary service to his community.
SC 816SC816Honoring the late Alexei Navalny for his bravery in standing in opposition to Vladimir Putin and for his tireless advocacy for democracy in Russia.
SC 817SC817Honoring the 2023-2024 Canton C-Hawk girls wrestling team for its outstanding accomplishments.
SC 818SC818Honoring the 2023-2024 Canton C-Hawks boys wrestling team for its outstanding accomplishments.
SCR 601SCR601Celebrating the sister-state relationship with Taiwan.
SJR 501SJR501Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election, an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, authorizing the state to impose work requirements on certain individuals who are eligible for expanded Medicaid.