Representative  Trish Ladner - 2025
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1095HB1095extend the area in which a director for an irrigation district may reside.
HB 1119HB1119limit annual valuation increases on owner-occupied single-family dwellings and nonagricultural property.
HB 1142HB1142amend the bond requirement for certain municipal officers.
HB 1143HB1143require that the director of equalization adjust certain agricultural land values.
HB 1246HB1246require the director of equalization to adjust certain agricultural land values.
SB 72SB72revise the payor of autopsy costs in certain circumstances.
SB 127SB127authorize the expenditure of moneys and make an appropriation for grants supporting airport terminal improvements and expansion.
SB 128SB128amend requirements for an official newspaper.
SB 169SB169require a public hearing prior to a vote to impose an excess tax levy.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1019HB1019eliminate certain property taxes levied on owner-occupied single-family dwellings, and to increase certain gross receipts tax rates and use tax rates.
HB 1052HB1052prohibit the exercise of eminent domain for a pipeline that carries carbon oxide.
HB 1053HB1053require age verification by websites containing material that is harmful to minors, and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1059HB1059clarify the meaning of teleconference for purposes of open meeting requirements.
HB 1061HB1061prohibit a health care provider from restricting or denying a parent or guardian's access to certain medical records and other health information of a minor.
HB 1071HB1071modify practice criteria for physician assistants.
HB 1081HB1081revise the disposition of revenues from the precious metals severance tax.
HB 1094HB1094modify laws regarding school bus safety and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1123HB1123repeal medical purpose as a defense in prosecutions involving cannabis.
HB 1209HB1209repeal authorization for the use of medical cannabis by a probationer or parolee.
HC 8002HC8002Honoring the life and service of former Representative Dr. Donald Dean Van Etten.
HCR 6003HCR6003To provide for an interim study regarding property tax reduction and preservation of the American dream to own a home.
HJR 5002HJR5002Applying to the United States Congress under Article V of the United States Constitution to call for a convention for proposing an amendment to the constitution establishing congressional term limits.
SB 74SB74require the publication and review of an explanation of the open meeting laws of this state.
SB 79SB79permit the operation of a Class I electric bicycle on the Mickelson Trail.
SB 191SB191limit annual valuation increases on owner-occupied single-family dwellings and provide an exception for mill rate limitations on taxing districts.
SCR 602SCR602Celebrating the sister-state relationship with Taiwan.
SCR 603SCR603Supporting the establishment of a standardized system to recognize and award academic credit or certification for military service.
SJR 501SJR501Providing legislative approval for a future use water permit application by the Western Dakota Regional Water System.