Representative Karla J. Lems - 2025
Prime Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1052 | HB | 1052 | prohibit the exercise of eminent domain for a pipeline that carries carbon oxide. |
HB 1190 | HB | 1190 | require an ownership disclosure for any non-individual entity that exercises eminent domain. |
HB 1191 | HB | 1191 | subject advertising services to a gross receipts tax, and to allocate proceeds to property tax relief. |
HJR 5006 | HJR | 5006 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election amendments to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, requiring an intervening general election before consideration of an initiated constitutional amendment or initiated measure having the same subject as a previously rejected initiated amendment or measure. |
SC 820 | SC | 820 | Honoring the 2024-2025 Canton C-Hawk girls wrestling team for its outstanding accomplishments. |
Co Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1053 | HB | 1053 | require age verification by websites containing material that is harmful to minors, and to provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1062 | HB | 1062 | amend provisions pertaining to the maintenance and publication of the statewide voter registration file. |
HB 1169 | HB | 1169 | modify the signature requirement for a petition to initiate a constitutional amendment. |
HB 1184 | HB | 1184 | amend the deadline for filing a petition to initiate a measure or constitutional amendment. |
HB 1186 | HB | 1186 | provide for the revision and eventual repeal of the employer's investment in South Dakota's future fee. |
HB 1204 | HB | 1204 | revise the subpoena powers of the Government Operations and Audit Committee. |
HB 1205 | HB | 1205 | require legislative approval of real property leases that are necessary for the operation of state government and exceed specified durations or rental payments. |
HB 1228 | HB | 1228 | require an environmental impact statement from applicants seeking a carbon dioxide transmission facility permit from the Public Utilities Commission of the State of South Dakota. |
HB 1243 | HB | 1243 | require an ownership disclosure for any non-individual entity that exercises eminent domain. |
HC 8008 | HC | 8008 | Recognizing Scouting America Day at the Capitol and celebrating Scouting America on the occasion of its one hundred fifteenth anniversary. |
HC 8017 | HC | 8017 | Honoring the Canton C-Hawks boys wrestling team. |
HCR 6010 | HCR | 6010 | Encouraging the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council to establish an interim legislative committee on preserving and protecting the Black Hills of South Dakota. |
HJR 5007 | HJR | 5007 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election a law transfer the state accounting system from the Bureau of Finance and Management to the state auditor and amend provisions pertaining to the Bureau of Finance and Management. |
SB 124 | SB | 124 | establish the Incarceration Task Force. |
SB 204 | SB | 204 | prohibit the expenditure of certain funds appropriated for purposes related to the construction of a prison facility. |
SCR 608 | SCR | 608 | To provide for an interim study to examine the South Dakota criminal justice system with a focus on substance abuse, mental health issues, and corrections. |