Representative  William Shorma - 2025
Prime Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1086HB1086clarify a provision related to the award of punitive damages in a wrongful death action.
HB 1117HB1117modify requirements on the use of mobile electronic devices while driving.
Co Sponsor
BillBill Type1Bill2Title
HB 1010HB1010require cost model reports for certain programs and institutions.
HB 1045HB1045create a share the road specialty license plate.
HB 1070HB1070prohibit cost-sharing in certain health insurance policies for diagnostic and supplemental breast imaging examinations.
HB 1071HB1071modify practice criteria for physician assistants.
HB 1080HB1080void covenants that prohibit or restrict the possession or use of firearms and ammunition.
HB 1092HB1092make an appropriation for a student teacher stipend grant program.
HB 1108HB1108create the McCook Lake contingency fund and to transfer moneys to the fund.
HB 1141HB1141provide an exception for employers to acquire and distribute opioid antagonists that are available over the counter.
HB 1153HB1153authorize a law enforcement officer to temporarily detain an individual who is reasonably suspected of committing a crime and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1261HB1261provide the board of commissioners with authority over certain intra-county land uses and construction projects.
HC 8003HC8003Recognizing Jacqueline Sly as the recipient of the AARP South Dakota Andrus Award.
HJR 5002HJR5002Applying to the United States Congress under Article V of the United States Constitution to call for a convention for proposing an amendment to the constitution establishing congressional term limits.
SB 93SB93prohibit payment or rebate of insurance deductibles by contractors providing motor vehicle repair services.
SB 106SB106require an individual be registered as a voter of this state before being eligible to be a petition sponsor for a ballot measure.
SB 111SB111permit a court to order family therapy or reunification therapy in a custody or visitation dispute.
SB 203SB203increase the minimum age to purchase a lottery ticket.
SC 804SC804Honoring the 2023-2024 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Todd Foster, Brookings Middle School Principal; Dr. Julie Hatling, Belle Fourche Elementary School Principal; Camille Kaul, Aberdeen Curriculum Leader; Jason Kolousek, Wessington Springs Secondary School Principal; Kristi Lewis, Chester School Business Official; Mark Naugle, Custer School Superintendent; Amanda Olinger, Harrisburg Assistant Middle School Principal; and Laura Welch, Lennox Director of Special Education.
SC 805SC805Celebrating and honoring Tabor's Czech Days annual festivities on the occasion of its seventy-sixth anniversary.
SCR 602SCR602Celebrating the sister-state relationship with Taiwan.
SCR 603SCR603Supporting the establishment of a standardized system to recognize and award academic credit or certification for military service.
SCR 604SCR604Supporting the expansion of transportation services for veterans receiving medical care in this state.
SJR 503SJR503Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, clarifying that an individual must be a citizen of the United States to be eligible to vote.