Senator Amber Hulse - 2025
Prime Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1095 | HB | 1095 | extend the area in which a director for an irrigation district may reside. |
HB 1126 | HB | 1126 | modify provisions pertaining to the compensation of a recount board. |
HB 1127 | HB | 1127 | require that notice of a county's canvass, post-election audit, and testing of automatic tabulating equipment be posted to the secretary of state's website. |
HB 1232 | HB | 1232 | modify requirements relating to the operation of salons and booths and to declare an emergency. |
HC 8007 | HC | 8007 | Honoring Jordan Jensen of Brookings as Miss Rodeo South Dakota 2025. |
SB 72 | SB | 72 | revise the payor of autopsy costs in certain circumstances. |
SB 73 | SB | 73 | require that an individual registering as a voter when applying for a driver license be a resident of this state for the purposes of voting. |
SB 75 | SB | 75 | require an indication of United States citizenship status on a motor vehicle operator's license or permit, and on a nondriver identification card. |
SB 91 | SB | 91 | revise the requirements for a petition to initiate a measure or constitutional amendment or to refer a law. |
SB 92 | SB | 92 | require that the director of the Legislative Research Council and the secretary of state review an initiated measure and determine if the measure embraces more than one subject. |
SB 94 | SB | 94 | amend provisions pertaining to the duties of presidential electors. |
SB 169 | SB | 169 | require a public hearing prior to a vote to impose an excess tax levy. |
SB 185 | SB | 185 | amend provisions pertaining to the process by which the qualifications of a registered voter are verified. |
SB 191 | SB | 191 | limit annual valuation increases on owner-occupied single-family dwellings and provide an exception for mill rate limitations on taxing districts. |
SC 808 | SC | 808 | Honoring Joelle Simpson of Rapid City as Miss South Dakota. |
Co Sponsor
Bill | Bill Type1 | Bill2 | Title |
HB 1044 | HB | 1044 | authorize the use of a newborn safety device for the voluntary surrender of a newborn and to make clarifying changes. |
HB 1053 | HB | 1053 | require age verification by websites containing material that is harmful to minors, and to provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1068 | HB | 1068 | allow a student to wear certain military decorations at a school graduation ceremony and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1071 | HB | 1071 | modify practice criteria for physician assistants. |
HB 1093 | HB | 1093 | modify the permissible dates for a school district bond election. |
HB 1096 | HB | 1096 | prohibit eligibility for a suspended imposition of sentence for certain rape offenses. |
HB 1100 | HB | 1100 | clarify which opinions must be included in the annual judicial opinions report prepared by the Legislative Research Council. |
HB 1105 | HB | 1105 | require the display of the state seal or motto in public school classrooms. |
HB 1119 | HB | 1119 | limit annual valuation increases on owner-occupied single-family dwellings and nonagricultural property. |
HB 1222 | HB | 1222 | expand the authorized carrying, possession, and storage of a concealed pistol. |
HB 1231 | HB | 1231 | repeal the board of barber examiners and cosmetology commission, and to create the cosmetology and barbering board, to provide a penalty, and to make an appropriation therefor. |
SB 5 | SB | 5 | permit a sheriff to charge a fee for service of process, whether service is completed or not. |
SB 7 | SB | 7 | prohibit the adoption or implementation of certain policies related to immigration enforcement. |
SB 68 | SB | 68 | require an individual be a citizen of the United States before being eligible to vote and to provide a penalty therefor. |
SB 105 | SB | 105 | establish election day as a legal holiday. |
SB 106 | SB | 106 | require an individual be registered as a voter of this state before being eligible to be a petition sponsor for a ballot measure. |
SB 115 | SB | 115 | revise a provision related to sexual contact with a child under eighteen. |
SC 802 | SC | 802 | Honoring Callie Mueller of Florence, South Dakota, on being named Miss Rodeo America 2025. |
SC 810 | SC | 810 | Honoring Hannah Heiman of Clark, South Dakota Girls State Governor, and David Yusten Jr. of Sioux Falls, South Dakota Boys State Governor, and the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs. |
SCR 603 | SCR | 603 | Supporting the establishment of a standardized system to recognize and award academic credit or certification for military service. |
SJR 503 | SJR | 503 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, clarifying that an individual must be a citizen of the United States to be eligible to vote. |