Administrative Rules
Rule 10:06 RECYCLING




10:06:01             Landfill recycling requirements for state agencies.


CHAPTER 10:06:01



10:06:01:01        Definitions.

10:06:01:02        Written recycling plans required.

10:06:01:03        Inability to recycle or dispose of waste.

10:06:01:04        Office and computer paper -- Deadline for recycling -- Statewide recycling program.

10:06:01:05        Office and computer paper -- Cities not in statewide recycling program.

10:06:01:06        Yard waste.

10:06:01:07        Lead acid batteries.

10:06:01:08        Waste motor oil.

10:06:01:09        Waste tires.

10:06:01:10        White good appliances.

10:06:01:11        Printed paper, corrugated paper, and other cardboard.

10:06:01:12        Glass, plastic, aluminum, and steel.

10:06:01:13        Acceptable methods of recycling or disposal through vendor -- Compliance with solid waste requirements.

Rule 10:06:01:01 Definitions.

          10:06:01:01.  Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean:

          (1)  "State agency," as defined in SDCL 34A-6-61;

          (2)  "Yard waste," as defined in SDCL 34A-6-61;

          (3)  "Recycling," as defined in SDCL 34A-6-61;

          (4)  "Solid waste," as defined in SDCL 34A-6-1.3; and

          (5)  "Waste tire," as defined in SDCL 34A-6-61.

          Source: 20 SDR 100, effective January 5, 1994.

          General Authority: SDCL 5-23-39.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 5-23-38, 5-23-39.

Rule 10:06:01:02 Written recycling plans required.

          10:06:01:02.  Written recycling plans required. Each state agency shall file a written plan that addresses the wastes specified in this chapter with the Bureau of Administration 60 days before the date specified for the elimination of the waste. The plan shall identify the specific methods to be implemented to eliminate the specified waste from the agency's landfill waste and the dates on which the changes will be or have been made.

          Source: 20 SDR 100, effective January 5, 1994.

          General Authority: SDCL 5-23-39.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 5-23-38, 5-23-39.

Rule 10:06:01:03 Inability to recycle or dispose of waste.

          10:06:01:03.  Inability to recycle or dispose of waste. If an agency is unable to recycle or dispose of the waste material by one of the methods specified in the applicable section, except for §§ 10:06:01:04 and 10:06:01:05, the agency shall contact the Bureau of Administration for assistance.

          Source: 20 SDR 100, effective January 5, 1994.

          General Authority: SDCL 5-23-39.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 5-23-38, 5-23-39.

          Note: The telephone number of the Bureau of Administration is (605) 773-3688.

Rule 10:06:01:04 Office and computer paper -- Deadline for recycling -- Statewide recycling program.

          10:06:01:04.  Office and computer paper -- Deadline for recycling -- Statewide recycling program. Each state agency must begin the process of eliminating office and computer paper from its landfill wastes by January 5, 1994. Each state agency must recycle wastepaper generated by that agency.

          State agencies in Aberdeen, Brookings, Custer, Hot Springs, Huron, Madison, Mitchell, Pierre, Rapid City, Sioux Falls, Spearfish, Springfield, Sturgis, Vermillion, Watertown, and Yankton shall recycle wastepaper through the statewide paper recycling program according to the method specified in this section. State agencies in other locations shall recycle wastepaper according to § 10:06:01:05.

          The statewide recycling program consists of interagency collection, pick-up, storage, and transportation to a recycling center. Pick-up, storage, and transportation to a recycling center may be provided by a private vendor or agency.

          The state agency must have a deskside recycling box for each employee and a set of sorting bags and rack for each 15 employees. Individual employees shall collect, empty, and sort waste office and computer paper from their personal boxes into the general collection bags as necessary. The agency or a private vendor shall collect the bags containing wastepaper as necessary and store them for transportation to a paper recycling center.

          Source: 20 SDR 100, effective January 5, 1994.

          General Authority: SDCL 5-23-39.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 5-23-38, 5-23-39.

Rule 10:06:01:05 Office and computer paper -- Cities not in statewide recycling program.

          10:06:01:05.  Office and computer paper -- Cities not in statewide recycling program. State employees not working in one of the cities listed in § 10:06:01:04 must recycle waste office and computer paper generated by their agency. The state agency shall provide each such employee with a deskside recycling box. Each office shall purchase a general wastepaper collection station consisting of sorting boxes from Central Supply in Pierre. Agency offices in cities not listed in § 10:06:01:04 shall store collected paper on site. The agency shall deliver the collected paper to one of the cities listed in § 10:06:01:04 by means of an employee of that agency who is traveling to one of the cities on other business.

          An agency with an existing contract to recycle wastepaper in the manner described in SDCL 5-23-39 complies with this section.

          Source: 20 SDR 100, effective January 5, 1994.

          General Authority: SDCL 5-23-39.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 5-23-38, 5-23-39.

          Note:  The telephone number of Central Supply is (605) 773-3223.

Rule 10:06:01:06 Yard waste.

          10:06:01:06.  Yard waste. Each state agency must eliminate yard wastes from its landfill wastes by January 1, 1995, by one of the following methods:

          (1)  Use of a mulching mower;

          (2)  Grinding or shredding of waste for use as plant bedding; or

          (3)  Taking yard waste to a composting vendor or composting site.

          Source: 20 SDR 100, effective January 5, 1994.

          General Authority: SDCL 5-23-39.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 5-23-38, 5-23-39.

Rule 10:06:01:07 Lead acid batteries.

          10:06:01:07.  Lead acid batteries. Each state agency must eliminate lead acid batteries from its landfill wastes by July 1, 1995, by returning the battery to one of the following:

          (1)  A retail vendor upon the purchase of a new battery;

          (2)  A local collector of used batteries for recycling; or

          (3)  A local Department of Transportation shop that collects lead acid batteries for recycling.

          Source: 20 SDR 100, effective January 5, 1994.

          General Authority: SDCL 5-23-39.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 5-23-38, 5-23-39.

Rule 10:06:01:08 Waste motor oil.

          10:06:01:08.  Waste motor oil. Each state agency must eliminate waste motor oil from its landfill wastes by July 1, 1995, by one of the following methods:

          (1)  Through a local waste motor oil recycling or disposal vendor; or

          (2)  Through a local Department of Transportation shop that recycles or disposes of waste motor oil. The Department of Transportation shops that recycle or dispose of waste motor oil are located in Aberdeen, Brookings, Watertown, Huron, Pierre, Mobridge, Murdo, Winner, Mitchell, Sioux Falls, Yankton, Rapid City, Belle Fourche, and Custer.

          Source: 20 SDR 100, effective January 5, 1994.

          General Authority: SDCL 5-23-39.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 5-23-38, 5-23-39.

Rule 10:06:01:09 Waste tires.

          10:06:01:09.  Waste tires. Each state agency must eliminate waste tires from its landfill wastes by July 1, 1995, by one of the following methods:

          (1)  Returning to a retail vendor upon the purchase of new tires;

          (2)  Eliminating through a tire recycling or disposal vendor; or

          (3)  Eliminating through a local Department of Transportation shop that recycles or disposes of waste tires.

          Source: 20 SDR 100, effective January 5, 1994.

          General Authority: SDCL 5-23-39.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 5-23-38, 5-23-39.

Rule 10:06:01:10 White good appliances.

          10:06:01:10.  White good appliances. Each state agency must eliminate white good appliances from its landfill wastes by January 1, 1996, by one of the following methods:

          (1)  Returning to the vendor upon the purchase of new white good appliances; or

          (2)  Through a local scrap metal or white goods appliance recycling or disposal vendor.

          Source: 20 SDR 100, effective January 5, 1994.

          General Authority: SDCL 5-23-39.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 5-23-38, 5-23-39.

Rule 10:06:01:11 Printed paper, corrugated paper, and other cardboard.

          10:06:01:11.  Printed paper, corrugated paper, and other cardboard. Each state agency must eliminate printed paper, corrugated paper, and other cardboard from its landfill wastes by January 1, 1997, through a local paper and cardboard recycling or disposal vendor.

          Source: 20 SDR 100, effective January 5, 1994.

          General Authority: SDCL 5-23-39.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 5-23-38, 5-23-39.

Rule 10:06:01:12 Glass, plastic, aluminum, and steel.

          10:06:01:12.  Glass, plastic, aluminum, and steel. Each state agency shall eliminate glass, plastic, aluminum, and steel from its landfill wastes by July 1, 1997, by one of the following methods:

          (1)  Returning it to the vendor upon the purchase of new products made of glass, plastic, aluminum, and steel; or

          (2)  Through a glass, plastic, aluminum, and steel recycling or disposal vendor.

          Source: 20 SDR 100, effective January 5, 1994.

          General Authority: SDCL 5-23-39.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 5-23-38, 5-23-39.

Rule 10:06:01:13 Acceptable methods of recycling or disposal through vendor -- Compliance with solid waste requirements.

          10:06:01:13.  Acceptable methods of recycling or disposal through vendor -- Compliance with solid waste requirements. Agencies that use a vendor for recycling or disposal of waste material may either sell the waste material to the vendor, pay the vendor to recycle or dispose of the waste material, or give the waste material to the vendor at no charge. The vendor must certify that the waste material does not go to a South Dakota landfill.

          The methods of recycling or disposal specified in this chapter may be used only if the waste material is recycled or disposed of by a method that complies with SDCL chapter 34A-6 and ARSD article 74:27.

          Source: 20 SDR 100, effective January 5, 1994.

          General Authority: SDCL 5-23-39.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 5-23-38, 5-23-39.

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