CHAPTER 12:15:01
12:15:01:01 Definitions.
12:15:01:02 Obtaining a declaratory ruling.
12:15:01:03 Council action on petition.
12:15:01:04 Petition for contested case hearing.
12:15:01:05 Notice of hearing.
12:15:01:01. Definitions.
Terms defined in SDCL 1-26 and 38-27-1 have the same meaning when used in this article. In addition, as used in this article, "check-off fee" means the assessment imposed by SDCL 38-27 which a first purchaser must collect on all oilseeds marketed to the first purchaser in the state.
12 SDR 125, effective February 2, 1986; 12 SDR 128, 12 SDR 154, effective July
1, 1986; 37 SDR 133, effective January 18, 2011.
Authority: SDCL 38-27-8.1, 38-27-14.
Implemented: SDCL 38-27-8, 38-27-11, 38-29-12.
12:15:01:02. Obtaining
a declaratory ruling. A person may request the council to issue a decision
on the applicability of any statutory provision, rule, or order pertaining to a
stated factual situation by submitting a written petition to the council containing
the following information:
(1) The state statute or
council rule or order in question;
(2) The name and address of
the person, agency, or group submitting the petition;
(3) The facts and
circumstances which give rise to the issue to be answered by the council's
declaratory ruling;
(4) A description of the
action requested of the council and a statement of the reasons why the action
should be taken;
(5) The signature of the
person filing the petition or the authorization of the group or agency making
the petition; and
(6) The notarization of the
signature or authorizations.
12 SDR 125, effective February 2, 1986; 12 SDR 128, 12 SDR 154, effective July
1, 1986; 37 SDR 133, effective January 18, 2011.
Authority: SDCL 1-26-15, 38-27-8.1, 38-27-14.
Implemented: SDCL 1-26-15, 38-27-8.1.
12:15:01:03. Council
action on petition. Upon receipt of the petition, the council may request
from the petitioner any additional information it may require for the issuance
of its ruling. Within 30 days following receipt of the additional information
requested, the council shall issue its declaratory ruling and serve a certified
copy by mail upon the petitioner.
12 SDR 125, effective February 2, 1986; 12 SDR 128, 12 SDR 154, effective July
1, 1986; 37 SDR 133, effective January 18, 2011.
Authority: SDCL 1-26-15, 38-27-8.1, 38-27-14.
Implemented: SDCL 1-26-15, 38-27-8.1.
12:15:01:04. Petition
for contested case hearing. In a contested case as defined in SDCL 1-26-1(2) concerning a refund of check-off fees, a person aggrieved by an action of the council taken without a hearing may, within 30 days following the date of the action, petition the council for a hearing. The hearing shall be held not later than 60 days following receipt of the petition.
12 SDR 125, effective February 2, 1986; 12 SDR 128, 12 SDR 154, effective July
1, 1986; 37 SDR 133, effective January 18, 2011.
Authority: SDCL 38-27-8.1, 38-27-14.
Implemented: SDCL 1-26-16, 38-27-8.1.
12:15:01:05. Notice
of hearing. At least 20 days before the date set by the council for
hearing, the council shall serve by mail a copy of a notice of hearing upon the
petitioner and other interested or affected parties.
12 SDR 125, effective February 2, 1986; 12 SDR 128, 12 SDR 154, effective July
1, 1986; 37 SDR 133, effective January 18, 2011.
Authority: SDCL 38-27-8.1, 38-27-14.
Implemented: SDCL 1-26-16, 38-27-8.1.
CHAPTER 12:15:02
12:15:02:01 Quarterly reports and remittance.
12:15:02:01.01 Collection of fee -- Record of assessment.
12:15:02:02 Check-off fee refund application.
12:15:02:01. Quarterly
reports and remittance. Every first purchaser shall submit a quarterly
report to the council within 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter if
oilseeds were purchased during the quarter. Each first purchaser shall make a
report to the council at least once a year. Quarterly reports with required
fees shall be submitted to the remittance center at the Department of Revenue
in Sioux Falls, which serves as the agent for the council. The report shall be
on forms provided by the council and shall contain the following information:
(1) The name and address of
the first purchaser;
(2) Hundredweight of
sunflowers, safflowers, and canola purchased on which the check-off fee was
(3) Bushels of flax
purchased on which the check-off was collected;
(4) The total dollar amount
of the check-off fee collected;
(5) The calendar quarter
for which the report is submitted;
(6) The date of the report;
(7) The signature of the
first purchaser or an authorized representative.
All check-off fees collected during
the calendar quarter for which the report is submitted shall be remitted to the
council with the report.
12 SDR 125, effective February 2, 1986; 12 SDR 128, 12 SDR 154, effective July
1, 1986; 37 SDR 133, effective January 18, 2011.
Authority: SDCL 38-27-8.1, 38-27-14.
Implemented: SDCL 38-27-11, 38-27-14.
12:15:02:01.01. Collection
of fee -- Record of assessment. A first purchaser shall collect the
check-off fee from growers by deducting the fee from the purchase price. The
amount of fee deducted shall be noted on the grower's check stub or assembly
sheet as evidence that the fee has been paid by the grower. The grower's
address, date sold, and total hundredweights or bushels sold shall also be
recorded on the check stub or assembly sheet. The check stub or assembly sheet
constitutes a record of assessment.
37 SDR 133, effective January 18, 2011.
Authority: SDCL 38-27-8.1, 38-27-14.
Implemented: SDCL 38-27-12, 38-27-14.
12:15:02:02. Check-off
fee refund application. The check-off fee refund application shall be on
forms provided by the council and shall contain the following information:
(1) The date or dates of
(2) The name, address, and
signature of the grower;
(3) Hundredweight of
sunflowers, safflowers, and canola purchased;
(4) Bushels of flax
(5) The total dollar amount
of the fee collected;
(6) The name and address of
the first purchaser;
(7) The date of the
application; and
(8) A statement showing the
refund application is valid for a period of 365 days.
12 SDR 125, effective February 2, 1986; 12 SDR 128, 12 SDR 154, effective July
1, 1986; 37 SDR 133, effective January 18, 2011.
Authority: SDCL 38-27-8.1, 38-27-14, 38-27-16.
Implemented: SDCL 38-27-8, 38-27-11, 38-27-12, 38-27-14, 38-27-16.
CHAPTER 12:15:03
12:15:03:01 Application for checkoff fee refund.
12:15:03:02 Refund of checkoff fee.
12:15:03:03 Notice of rejection.
12:15:03:01. Application
for check-off fee refund. An application for a refund of check-off fees
shall be made on a form described in § 12:15:02:02. A grower who has sold
oilseeds subject to the check-off fee may request a check-off fee refund
application from the South Dakota Oilseeds Council.
12 SDR 125, effective February 2, 1986; 12 SDR 128, 12 SDR 154, effective July
1, 1986; 37 SDR 133, effective January 18, 2011.
Authority: SDCL 38-27-8.1, 38-27-14.
Implemented: SDCL 38-27-16.
12:15:03:02. Refund
of check-off fee. The council shall refund check-off fees within 60 days
after receipt of a check-off fee refund application that meets the following
(1) The application is
submitted to the council within 60 days after the assessment;
(2) The application
contains all of the information required by § 12:15:02:02.
12 SDR 125, effective February 2, 1986; 12 SDR 128, 12 SDR 154, effective July
1, 1986; 37 SDR 133, effective January 18, 2011.
Authority: SDCL 38-27-8.1, 38-27-14.
Implemented: SDCL 38-27-16.
12:15:03:03. Notice
of rejection. If a check-off fee refund application is rejected because it
does not meet one or more of the requirements in § 12:15:02:02, a copy of
the application with a written notice of reasons for rejection shall be sent to
the refund applicant.
If the application is corrected and
returned to the council within 60 days after the assessment or within 30 days
after the receipt of the notice of rejection, whichever is later, the council
shall refund the check-off fees if the corrected application meets the
requirements of subdivision 12:15:03:02(2).
12 SDR 125, effective February 2, 1986; 12 SDR 128, 12 SDR 154, effective July
1, 1986; 37 SDR 133, effective January 18, 2011.
Authority: SDCL 38-27-8.1, 38-27-14.
Implemented: SDCL 38-27-16.