CHAPTER 12:20:01
12:20:01:01 Definitions.
12:20:01:02 Mediator training.
12:20:01:03 Mediation fees.
12:20:01:04 Contents of request for mediation.
12:20:01:05 Form for notice of request for mandatory mediation.
12:20:01:06 Procedure for mediation.
12:20:01:07 Mediation session notice form.
12:20:01:08 Response to notice.
12:20:01:09 Director to notify other creditors.
12:20:01:10 Response from other creditor.
12:20:01:11 Conduct at mediation sessions.
12:20:01:12 Mediation agreement.
12:20:01:13 Ag Finance Counseling.
12:20:01:01. Definitions. Terms defined in SDCL 54-13-1 have the same meaning in this chapter. In addition, terms used in this chapter mean:
(1) "Director," the director of mediation services or their designee;
(2) "Mediation release," a document issued by the director to the party who files a request for mediation stating that the mediation conditions of SDCL 54-13 have been met.
Source: 15 SDR 20, effective August 7, 1988; 30 SDR 204, effective June 28, 2004; 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2.
12:20:01:02. Mediator training. The director, in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, may provide initial training in mediation techniques to the mediators. This training shall include at least 32 hours of initial training on the mediation process, mediation skills, and agricultural farm finance issues and shall include instruction that a mediator shall not advise a creditor or debtor about the law or to encourage or assist a debtor or creditor in reserving or establishing legal rights. If a mediator has previous training exceeding these 32 hours, the mediator may provide proof of other qualifications and certifications. Subsequent and supplemental training of mediators may be conducted by the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Successful completion of the initial training session constitutes the minimum qualification to serve as a mediator.
Source: 15 SDR 20, effective August 7, 1988; 30 SDR 204, effective June 28, 2004; 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014; SL 2021, ch 1, §§ 8, 19, effective April 19, 2021.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2.
12:20:01:03. Mediation fees. Requests for mediation must be filed with the director on a form which may be obtained from the director. The form must be accompanied by a nonrefundable initial fee of $100 to pay for the initiating party's share of the first hour of mediation in session. If the respondent replies in the affirmative to use mediation, that response shall also be accompanied by a nonrefundable initial fee of $100 to pay for the respondent's share of the first hour of mediation in session. If mediation is with a USDA agency, the agency is exempt from this requirement and is not required to pay any fees; the other party to the mediation will pay half of the mediator's expenses based on the mediator's time report.
No mediation services may be provided unless each party has paid the required initial fee. If mediation occurs, the initiating party and the respondent shall each pay a fee of $25 for each additional hour or fraction of an hour of mediation in session after the first hour. The director shall bill any remaining amount due from the parties based on the mediator's time report.
Source: 15 SDR 20, effective August 7, 1988; 18 SDR 3, effective July 17, 1991; 30 SDR 204, effective June 28, 2004; 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2, 54-13-5.
12:20:01:04. Contents of request for mediation. The request for mediation must indicate if mediation is mandatory or voluntary and contain the following information:
(1) If filed by a creditor:
(a) The name, address, and telephone number of the creditor and the creditor's representative for service of notices;
(b) If possible, the names and positions of the creditor's representatives who plan to attend the mediation proceedings;
(c) The name, address, and telephone number of the debtor;
(d) The stated location of the real estate and location of chattel property or other collateral, including legal descriptions. If the debtor's property is under the control of a third party, the creditor shall list the same information, if available, for the third party;
(e) If mandatory, an affidavit that the debt meets the requirements of SDCL 54-13-10;
(f) An explanation of the nature of the conflict.
(2) If filed by a borrower:
(a) The name, address, and telephone number of the borrower;
(b) If possible, the name, address, and telephone number of each person who will accompany the borrower to the mediation proceedings;
(c) The name, address, and telephone number of the creditor or creditors;
(d) The location of the real estate and the location of chattel property or other collateral listed by creditor, including legal descriptions. If the property is under the control of a third party or parties, the name, address, and telephone number of each party shall be provided;
(e) An explanation of the nature of the conflict.
Source: 15 SDR 20, effective August 7, 1988; 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2.
12:20:01:05. Form for notice of request for mandatory mediation. The form for the notice of request for mandatory mediation shall include the following:
(1) The name of the party requesting mediation;
(2) A brief description of the mediation process;
(3) A statement informing all parties that the party or representative attending the mediation session must have the authority to negotiate agreements with other parties;
(4) The information required to be brought to the initial mediation session;
(5) A statement that both borrowers and the borrower's spouse must attend the mediation sessions;
(6) A listing of services available to borrowers through various other agencies or organizations;
(7) To the borrower, a waiver or mediation form;
(8) A listing of any agency or organization that provides emotional or stress counseling or any other assistance;
(9) Advice of availability of financial preparation assistance as required by SDCL 54-13-9.
Source: 15 SDR 20, effective August 7, 1988.
General Authority:SDCL 54-13-2.
12:20:01:06. Procedure for mediation. The following procedure applies upon receipt of a request for mediation:
(1) The director shall determine whether a mediator is available and evaluate the request;
(2) Within 3 business days after receiving the request, the director shall mail a notice of a request for mediation to all parties;
(3) Mailing of the notice of request for mediation to the respondent begins the 42-day mediation period as provided in SDCL 54-13-12;
(4) A respondent receiving a notice of a request for mediation must answer in writing to the director within 10 days after the notice was postmarked;
(5) If an answer is not received by the director within the 10-day period, the director shall notify the requester that the respondent refused mediation.
Source: 15 SDR 20, effective August 7, 1988; 30 SDR 204, effective June 28, 2004; 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2, 54-13-13.
12:20:01:07. Mediation session notice form. The form for notice of the mediation session shall include the following:
(1) The time and place of the initial mediation session;
(2) The name of the parties involved in mediation;
(3) The name of the mediator assigned;
(4) A brief description of the mediation process;
(5) A statement informing all parties that the party or representative attending the mediation session must have the authority to negotiate agreements with other parties;
(6) The information required to be brought to the initial mediation session; and
(7) A statement that both the borrower and the borrower's spouse must attend the mediation sessions.
Source: 15 SDR 20, effective August 7, 1988; 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2, 54-13-11, 54-13-13.
12:20:01:08. Response to notice. A recipient of a notice of a request for mediation shall indicate the intent to mediate by responding in writing to the director within 10 days after the notice was postmarked. If the borrower agrees to mediation the borrower shall provide to the director the name, address, and telephone number of any other creditor or creditors to whom there is indebtedness. Upon receipt of the responding party's written intent to mediate, the director shall schedule a mediation session.
If the borrower waives the rights of mediation, the borrower shall execute the waiver of mediation form and return it to the director within 10 days. A borrower who fails to respond to the director within 21 days of the postmarked date of notice is considered to have waived mediation. Once the respondent has waived the rights of mediation either by written notification or failing to respond, the director may issue a mediation release to the initiating party.
Source: 15 SDR 20, effective August 7, 1988; 30 SDR 204, effective June 28, 2004; 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2, 54-13-10.
12:20:01:09. Director to notify other creditors. If a borrower assents to mediation and is indebted to other creditors, the director shall notify those creditors by mail within three business days after receipt of the information.
Source: 15 SDR 20, effective August 7, 1988; 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2, 54-13-10.
12:20:01:10. Response from other creditor. Any other creditor named in the borrower's response shall notify the director in writing within 10 days if that creditor desires to become a party to the mediation.
Source: 15 SDR 20, effective August 7, 1988; 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2, 54-13-10.
12:20:01:11. Conduct at mediation sessions. Mediation sessions shall be conducted as follows:
(1) Mediation sessions are under the control of the mediator;
(2) The mediator must hold in strict confidence all information provided by the parties to the mediation;
(3) All parties must have the opportunity to speak and state their positions;
(4) Legal counsel may advise clients regarding legal rights and the implication of suggested solutions;
(5) All parties to the proceedings must make a good faith effort to resolve the dispute.
Source: 15 SDR 20, effective August 7, 1988.
General Authority:SDCL 54-13-2.
12:20:01:12. Mediation agreement. If the parties involved in mediation reach a tentative agreement, the mediator shall summarize the terms of the agreement for review by the parties.
After the terms of the agreement are reviewed and approved by all agreeing parties, those parties and the mediator shall agree upon the person who is to prepare the actual document. All agreeing parties are required to sign the agreement.
Those parties who do not reach agreement may request another mediation session, although the request may be declined by either party. The request may be made in writing to the mediator and may include a request for extension of time. If the parties agree that a mediated solution is not possible, the borrower may sign a waiver which will allow the director to issue a mediation release to creditors.
Source: 15 SDR 20, effective August 7, 1988; 30 SDR 204, effective June 28, 2004; 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 16-18-1, 54-13-2, 54-13-15.
12:20:01:13. Ag Finance Counseling. Agricultural finance counseling options may be offered to mediation clients who request this service. The department may contract with trained ag finance counselors to provide this service to debtors and/or creditors.
Source: 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-7.
CHAPTER 12:20:02
12:20:02:01 Definitions.
12:20:02:02 Mediator training.
12:20:02:03 Mediation fees.
12:20:02:04 Contents of request for mediation.
12:20:02:05 Procedure for requested mediation.
12:20:02:06 Form for notice of request for mediation.
12:20:02:07 Mediation meeting notice form.
12:20:02:08 Conduct at mediation sessions.
12:20:02:09 Mediation agreement.
12:20:02:01. Definitions. Terms defined in SDCL 54-13-1 have the same meaning in this chapter. In addition, terms used in this chapter mean:
(1) "Director," the director of mediation services or their designee;
(2) "Requesting Party," the individual, group, or entity initiating mediation;
(3) "Non-requesting Party," the individual, group, or entity with whom mediation is requested.
Source: 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2.
12:20:02:02. Mediator training. The director, in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, may provide initial training in mediation techniques to the mediators. This training shall include at least 32 hours of initial training on the mediation process, mediation skills, federal lands issues, surface damage relating to oil and gas development issues, and shall include instruction that a mediator may not advise the requesting party or non-requesting party about the law or to encourage or assist a requesting party or non-requesting party in reserving or establishing legal rights. If a mediator has previous training exceeding these 32 hours, the mediator may provide proof of other qualifications. Subsequent and supplemental training of mediators may be conducted by the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Successful completion of the initial training session constitutes the minimum qualification to serve as a mediator.
Source: 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014; SL 2021, ch 1, §§ 8, 19, effective April 19, 2021.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2.
12:20:02:03. Mediation fees. Requests for mediation must be filed with the director on a form which may be obtained from the director. The form must be accompanied by the following fees:
(1) Federal Lands Mediation: a nonrefundable initial fee of $200 for the requesting party's share of the filing request. If the non-requesting party replies in the affirmative to use mediation, that response shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable initial fee of $200 for the non-requesting party's share of the filing request. No mediation services may be provided unless each party has paid the required initial fee. If mediation occurs, the requesting party and the non-requesting party shall each pay an equal amount of the mediators expenses based on the mediator's time report, not to exceed $200 per hour per party. Additionally, each party will share in any mailing expenses incurred by the department. If federal lands mediation is with a USDA agency, the agency is exempt from this requirement and is not required to pay any fees; the other party to the mediation will pay half of the mediators expenses based on the mediator's time report, not to exceed $200 per hour.
(2) Oil and Gas Mediation: a nonrefundable initial fee of $200 for the requesting party's share of the filing request. If the non-requesting party replies in the affirmative to use mediation, that response shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable initial fee of $200 for the non-requesting party's share of the filing request. No mediation services may be provided unless each party has paid the required initial fee. If mediation occurs, the requesting party and the non-requesting party shall each pay an equal amount of the mediator's expenses based on the mediator's time report not to exceed $200 per hour per party. Additionally, each party will share in any mailing expenses incurred by the department.
Source: 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2.
12:20:02:04. Contents of request for mediation. The request for mediation must contain the following information:
(1) The name, address, and telephone number of the requesting party;
(2) The type of mediation requested and nature of the conflict;
(3) The name, address, and telephone number of the non-requesting party;
(4) The stated location of the real estate, including legal description. If the property is under the control of a third party or directly affects a third party, list the name, address, and telephone number for the third party; and
(5) If needed, the names of additional parties involved with mediation.
Source: 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2.
12:20:02:05. Procedure for requested mediation. The following procedure applies upon receipt of a request for mediation:
(1) The director shall evaluate the request and determine if mediation is allowable under SDCL 54-13;
(2) If allowable, the director may offer other alternative means to resolve the dispute and continue with the mediation process by mailing a notice of a request for mediation to all parties;
(3) If not allowable, the director shall mail a notice to the requesting party explaining why the mediation request is not allowable through the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. A requesting party may in writing, request the determination of the director be reviewed by the secretary and reconsidered;
(4) Mailing the notice of request for mediation by certified mail to the non-requesting party begins the mediation period;
(5) A non-requesting party receiving notice of a request for mediation must answer in writing to the director within 20 days after the notice was postmarked;
(6) A non-requesting party who fails to respond to the director within 20 days is considered to have waived mediation. Upon receipt of the non-requesting party's written intent to mediate, the director shall schedule a mediation session.
Source: 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014; SL 2021, ch 1, §§ 8, 19, effective April 19, 2021.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2.
12:20:02:06. Form for notice of request for mediation. The form for notice of request for mediation shall include the following:
(1) The name of the party requesting mediation;
(2) A brief description of the mediation process;
(3) A statement informing all parties that the party or representative attending the mediation session must have the authority to negotiate agreements with other parties;
(4) The information required to be brought to the initial mediation session;
(5) A statement that all parties must attend the mediation session.
Source: 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2.
12:20:02:07. Mediation meeting notice form. The form for notice of the mediation session shall include the following:
(1) The time and place of the initial mediation session;
(2) The name of the parties involved in mediation;
(3) The name of the mediator assigned;
(4) A brief description of the mediation process;
(5) A statement informing all parties that the party or representative attending the mediation session must have the authority to negotiate agreements with other parties;
(6) The information required to be brought to the initial mediation session.
Source: 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2.
12:20:02:08. Conduct at mediation sessions. Mediation sessions shall be conducted as follows:
(1) Mediation sessions are under the control of the mediator;
(2) The mediator must hold in strict confidence all information provided by the parties to the mediation;
(3) All parties must have the opportunity to speak and state their positions;
(4) Legal counsel may advise clients regarding legal rights and the implication of suggested solutions;
(5) All parties to the proceedings must make a good faith effort to resolve the dispute.
Source: 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2.
12:20:02:09. Mediation agreement. If the parties involved in mediation reach a tentative agreement, the mediator shall summarize the terms of the agreement for review by the parties.
After the terms of the agreement are reviewed and approved by all agreeing parties, those parties shall sign the document. All agreeing parties are required to sign the agreement.
Those parties who do not reach agreement may request another mediation session in writing. The request may be declined by either party. If the parties agree that a mediated solution is not possible, the parties involved may indicate in writing that they were unable to reach an agreement. The mediation period shall be 90 days or less; parties may agree in writing to extend the mediation by 30 days.
Source: 41 SDR 93, effective December 2, 2014.
General Authority: SDCL 54-13-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 54-13-2.
12:20:03:01 Definitions.
12:20:03:02 Mediator training.
12:20:03:03 Mediation fees.
12:20:03:04 Contents of request for mediation.
12:20:03:05 Procedure for requested mediation.
12:20:03:06 Form for notice of request for mediation.
12:20:03:07 Mediation meeting notice form.
12:20:03:08 Procedures for interveners.
12:20:03:09 Conduct at mediation sessions.
12:20:03:10 Mediation agreement.
12:20:03:01. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean:
(1) "Director," the director of mediation services or their designee;
(2) "Requesting Party," the individual, group, or entity requesting mediation;
(3) "Non-requesting Party," the individual, group, or entity with whom mediation is requested;
(4) "Intervener," an individual, group, or entity who is not a requesting party or non-requesting party to the mediation and may be impacted by the dispute.
Source: 42 SDR 31, effective September 8, 2015.
General Authority: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
Law Implemented: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
12:20:03:02. Mediator training. The director, in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, may provide initial training in mediation techniques to the mediators. This training shall include at least 32 hours of initial training on the mediation process, mediation skills, water drainage issues, and shall include instruction that a mediator may not advise or assist a party in reserving or establishing legal rights. If a mediator has previous training exceeding these 32 hours, the mediator may provide proof of other qualifications, Subsequent and supplemental training of mediators may be conducted by the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Successful completion of the initial training session constitutes the minimum qualification to serve as a mediator.
Source: 42 SDR 31, effective September 8, 2015; SL 2021, ch 1, §§ 8, 19, effective April 19, 2021.
General Authority: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
Law Implemented: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
12:20:03:03. Mediation fees. Requests for mediation must be filed with the director on a form which may be obtained from the director. A nonrefundable initial fee of $200 for the requesting party's share of the filing request must accompany the mediation form. If the non-requesting party replies in the affirmative to use mediation, that response shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable initial fee of $200 for the non-requesting party's share of the filing request. No mediation services may be provided unless each party has paid the required initial fee. If a request to intervene is made, such request shall include a nonrefundable initial fee of $200. If intervener status is accepted, interveners become a party to the mediation. If mediation occurs, all parties shall each pay an equal amount of the mediators expenses based on the mediator's time report, not to exceed $200 per hour per party. Additionally, all parties will share equally in any mailing or legal notice expenses incurred by the department.
Source: 42 SDR 31, effective September 8, 2015.
General Authority: SDCL 46A-11A-2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 46A-11A-3.
12:20:03:04. Contents of request for mediation. The request for mediation must contain the following information:
(1) The name, address, and telephone number of the requesting party;
(2) The nature of the drainage dispute;
(3) The name, address, and telephone number of the non-requesting parties;
(4) The stated location of the real estate, including legal description and county. If any interest in the described property is held by a third party or directly affects a third party, list the name, address, and telephone number for each third party; and
(5) If needed, the name of property owners, counties, municipalities, townships or agencies of the state or federal government reasonably determined by the requesting party to be affected by the drainage activity.
Source: 42 SDR 31, effective September 8, 2015.
General Authority: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
Law Implemented: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
12:20:03:05. Procedure for requested mediation. The following procedure applies upon receipt of a request for mediation:
(1) The director shall evaluate the request and determine if mediation is allowable under SDCL 46A-11A;
(2) If not allowable, the director shall mail a notice to the requesting party explaining why the mediation request is not allowable through the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. A requesting party may in writing, request the determination of the director be reviewed by the secretary and reconsidered;
(3) Mailing the notice of request for mediation by certified mail to the non-requesting party begins the mediation period;
(4) A non-requesting party receiving notice of a request for mediation must answer in writing to the director within 20 days after the notice was postmarked. A non-requesting party who fails to respond to the director within 20 days is considered to have waived mediation;
(5) Upon receipt of the non-requesting party's written intent to mediate, the director shall schedule a mediation session.
Source: 42 SDR 31, effective September 8, 2015; SL 2021, ch 1, §§ 8, 19, effective April 19, 2021.
General Authority: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
Law Implemented: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
12:20:03:06. Form for notice of request for mediation. The form for notice of request for mediation shall include the following:
(1) The name of the requesting party;
(2) A brief description of the mediation process, the nature of the conflict, the description of the real property, and all other parties;
(3) A statement informing all parties that the party or representative attending the mediation session must have the authority to negotiate agreements with other parties;
(4) The information required to be brought to the initial mediation session;
(5) A statement that all parties must attend the mediation session.
Source: 42 SDR 31, effective September 8, 2015.
General Authority: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
Law Implemented: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
12:20:03:07. Mediation meeting notice form. A public notice of mediation including intervener instructions shall be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in one official newspaper designated by the county or counties where the real property is located. In addition, the form for notice of the mediation session to the mediator and identified parties shall include the following:
(1) The time and place of the initial mediation session;
(2) The name of the parties involved in mediation;
(3) The name of the mediator assigned;
(4) A brief description of the mediation process, the nature of the conflict, the description of the real property, and all other parties;
(5) A statement informing all parties that the party or representative attending the mediation session must have the authority to negotiate agreements with other parties;
(6) The information required to be brought to the initial mediation session and the number of copies which should be available for the parties to the mediation.
Source: 42 SDR 31, effective September 8, 2015.
General Authority: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
Law Implemented: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
12:20:03:08. Procedures for interveners. The following procedure applies when a third party wants to intervene:
(1) A public notice is published in the newspaper in the county with intervener instructions;
(2) An intervener must fill out the intervener form provided by the director. The intervener form, fee, and any supporting documentation that might assist the mediator in making an intervention determination shall be returned to the director by the intervener applicant;
(3) Upon receipt of the intervener form, fee, and any supporting documentation, the director shall provide the form to the assigned mediator. The mediator shall determine whether an applicant may intervene;
(4) If intervener status is allowed, the mediator shall provide instructions to the party regarding the mediation session;
(5) If the mediator determines that intervener status is not allowed, the mediator will notify the director. The director will then notify the intervener applicant.
Source: 42 SDR 31, effective September 8, 2015.
General Authority: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
Law Implemented: SDCL 46A-11A-9.
12:20:03:09. Conduct at mediation sessions. Mediation sessions shall be conducted as follows:
(1) Mediation sessions are under the control of the mediator;
(2) The mediator must hold in strict confidence all information provided by the parties to the mediation, except as otherwise agreed to by the parties or provided by state law;
(3) All parties must have the opportunity to speak and state their positions. The mediator may allow parties to offer evidence and present testimony from third parties;
(4) Legal counsel may be present and advise clients regarding legal rights and the implication of proposed solutions;
(5) All parties to the proceedings must make a good faith effort to resolve the dispute.
Source: 42 SDR 31, effective September 8, 2015.
General Authority: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
Law Implemented: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
12:20:03:10. Mediation agreement. If the parties involved in mediation reach an agreement, the mediator shall document the terms and all parties shall sign the agreement.
Those parties who do not reach agreement may request another mediation session in writing. The request may be declined by either party. If the parties agree that a mediated solution is not possible, the parties involved may indicate in writing that they were unable to reach an agreement. The mediation period shall be 90 days or less; parties may agree in writing to extend the mediation by 30 days.
Source: 42 SDR 31, effective September 8, 2015.
General Authority: SDCL 46A-11A-1.
Law Implemented: SDCL 46A-11A-6.