20:10:36:53. Tier 4 interconnection feasibility study.
Upon receipt of the appropriately executed agreement and deposit, the public
utility shall commence the tier 4 interconnection feasibility study. The study
shall be completed within the timeline agreed to between the parties at the
scoping meeting. The study shall evaluate the effects of the proposed small
generator facility on the existing public utility and look for possible adverse
system impacts. Feasibility study results may include:
(1) Initial identification of any circuit
breaker short circuit capability limits exceeded as a result of the
(2) Initial identification of any thermal
overload or voltage limit violations resulting from the interconnection;
(3) Initial review of grounding requirements and
system protection; and
(4) Description and estimated cost of
interconnection facilities and system upgrades required to interconnect the
small generator facility to the public utility in a safe and reliable manner.
If the applicant asks that the interconnection feasibility
study evaluate multiple potential points of interconnection, the public utility
shall perform the additional evaluations at the applicant's expense.
At a minimum, the interconnection feasibility study report
(1) State the underlying assumptions of the
(2) Show the results of the analyses; and
(3) Identify any possible adverse system impacts
or other potential impacts.
If the interconnection feasibility study identifies
possible adverse system impacts caused by the small generator facility, an
interconnection system impact study is required.
The public utility shall contact the applicant to schedule
an optional interconnection feasibility study results meeting to review the
feasibility study report and discuss the identified possible adverse system
impacts along with any other potential impacts. The parties may also mutually
agree to adjust the study timeline determined at the scoping meeting based upon
the interconnection feasibility study results.
Source: 35 SDR
305, effective July 1, 2009.
General Authority:
SDCL 49-34A-27, 49-34A-93.
Law Implemented:
SDCL 49-34A-27, 49-34A-93.