Administrative Rules




24:17:01            Definition of terms.

24:17:02            Excess general funds, Repealed.

24:17:03            Student records.


CHAPTER 24:17:01




24:17:01:01                           Definitions.

24:17:01:02 to 24:17:01:04    Repealed.

24:17:01:05                           Short-term group care education program.

24:17:01:06                           Reporting percent of day enrollment.

24:17:01:07                           Definition of preschool for data collection purposes.

Rule 24:17:01:01 Definitions.

          24:17:01:01.  Definitions. Terms used in this article mean:


          (1)  "Department," the Department of Education;


          (2)  "Period," an indication of the number of times during a school day that the attendance status is reported for a student;


          (3)  "Secretary," the secretary of the Department of Education;


          (4)  "Student data submission," a report containing detailed information on each student in a format prescribed by the secretary.


          Source: 28 SDR 19, effective August 19, 2001; 36 SDR 215, effective July 6, 2010; 37 SDR 241, effective July 6, 2011.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-13-37.4.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-51, 13-13-10.1.


          Cross-Reference: Excess General Fund Oversight Board, SDCL 13-13-76.


Rule 24:17:01:02 Repealed.

          24:17:01:02.  Exclusions for revenue received from opting out of the property tax limitations. Repealed.


          Source: 28 SDR 19, effective August 19, 2001; 29 SDR 52, effective October 22, 2002; repealed, 37 SDR 241, effective July 6, 2011.


Rule 24:17:01:03 Repealed.

          24:17:01:03.  Exclusions for revenue received from gifts, contributions, grants, and donations. Repealed.


          Source: 28 SDR 19, effective August 19, 2001; repealed, 37 SDR 241, effective July 6, 2011.


Rule 24:17:01:04 Repealed.

          24:17:01:04.  Exclusions for revenue received from the consolidation incentive. Repealed.


          Source: 28 SDR 19, effective August 19, 2001; repealed, 37 SDR 241, effective July 6, 2011.


Rule 24:17:01:05 Short-term group care education program.

          24:17:01:05.  Short-term group care education program. A short-term group care education program includes an educational program at a county juvenile detention center, a group care center for minors licensed by the Department of Social Services, or an alcohol and drug treatment center accredited by the Department of Human Services. The education program must be operated by a public school district and be located within the boundaries of the public school district providing the program to qualify as a short-term group care education program. The school district may not receive reimbursement from the Department of Social Services under the auxiliary placement program for the students attending this education program. The facility must be reported to and approved by the department in a format prescribed by the secretary before the fiscal year for which state aid will be provided. The secretary may waive the time lines for application as a short-term group care education program if the school district can show unforeseeable extenuating circumstances.

          Source: 28 SDR 19, effective August 19, 2001.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-13-37.4.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-51, 13-13-10.l.

          Cross-Reference: Auxiliary placement program, SDCL 13-28-39.

Rule 24:17:01:06 Reporting percent of day enrollment.

          24:17:01:06.  Reporting percent of day enrollment. For the purposes of reporting day enrollment, a full-time student or 100 percent enrolled student is any student who is carrying a full course load. The term, full course load, means any student who is enrolled in at least five courses or is scheduled for a full school day. The term, full school day, means the amount of time in the day between the start and end of classes during an average school day. If any student is enrolled in less than five classes or does not attend school for the full school day, the student shall be reported based on the percentage of classes taken or the portion of the full school day that the student is in school.


          Source: 36 SDR 21, effective August 18, 2009.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-3-51, 13-13-37.4.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-51, 13-13-10.1(2A) and (B), 13-37-35.1(14).


Rule 24:17:01:07 Definition of preschool for data collection purposes.

          24:17:01:07.  Definition of preschool for data collection purposes. For the purpose of data collection, a preschool student is defined as a child who is at least three years of age on or before September 1st, is not enrolled in kindergarten, and is receiving educational services from a public school district for a minimum of 128 hours. A full-time preschool student is a student who is enrolled in a program that operates at least 448 hours per year. For purposes of this data collection, students enrolled in programs operated for a lesser time shall be reported on a prorated basis as a percentage of 448 hours. All public school districts operating a preschool program shall report student data for preschool students. This definition is intended exclusively for data collection and should not be used for any other purpose.


          Source: 36 SDR 215, effective July 6, 2010.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-3-51.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-1.4, 13-3-51.



CHAPTER 24:17:02



(Repealed. 37 SDR 241, effective July 6, 2011)

CHAPTER 24:17:03




24:17:03:01        Requirement to submit student record form.

24:17:03:02        Student data submission.

24:17:03:03        Extension of deadlines.

24:17:03:04        Department review of student records.

24:17:03:05        Exception to nonduplicative dates requirement.

24:17:03:06        Student count for state aid purposes.

24:17:03:07        Average daily membership weight of students attending short-term group care education program.

24:17:03:08        Requirement to submit calendar data.

24:17:03:09        Student enrollment dates.

24:17:03:10        Requirement to submit educational structure data.

Rule 24:17:03:01 Requirement to submit student record form.

          24:17:03:01.  Requirement to submit student record form. Each accredited school district shall report, for each student attending school within the school district, detailed information on the student as requested by the secretary on the student record form.

          Source: 28 SDR 19, effective August 19, 2001.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-13-37.4.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-51, 13-13-1.2, 13-13-37.4.

Rule 24:17:03:02 Student data submission.

          24:17:03:02.  Student data submission. The due date for submission of the fall student data through the student information system is 15 days following the last Friday of September of each school year. State aid fall enrollment count is final on the last business day of October and no additional students may be added after this date but may be removed if found to be reported in error. The December child count data is due 10 days following December 1 of each school year. If a due date falls on a weekend or state holiday, the due date is the next business day following the scheduled due date.


          The final student record forms for each school year must be submitted no later than the second Friday in June of each school year.


          Source: 28 SDR 19, effective August 19, 2001; 29 SDR 111, effective February 12, 2003; 35 SDR 253, effective May 11, 2009; 36 SDR 215, effective July 6, 2010.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-13-37.4.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-51, 13-13-1.2, 13-13-37.4.


          Cross-Reference: Average daily membership, SDCL 13-13-10.1.


Rule 24:17:03:03 Extension of deadlines.

          24:17:03:03.  Extension of deadlines. The secretary may extend any of the deadlines contained in this chapter. The extension may be on a case-by-case basis or a blanket extension for all school districts required to submit the forms. Blanket extensions shall be granted if the state's reporting format fails for a significant amount of time. Individual extensions may be granted upon written request signed by both the chief executive officer and board president of the school district if the district experiences unforeseeable extenuating circumstances.

          Source: 28 SDR 19, effective August 19, 2001.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-13-37.4.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-51, 13-13-37.4.

Rule 24:17:03:04 Department review of student records.

          24:17:03:04.  Department review of student records. Department staff shall review all student record forms to verify the accuracy of the data reported. Except as provided in this chapter, no student may be reported as attending more than one attendance center for the same period of time.

          Source: 28 SDR 19, effective August 19, 2001.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-13-37.4.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-51, 13-13-1.2, 13-13-10.1, 13-13-37.4.

Rule 24:17:03:05 Exception to nonduplicative dates requirement.

          24:17:03:05.  Exception to nonduplicative dates requirement. Any residentially placed student reported as attending a short-term group care education program may be reported as attending another attendance center for the same period of time, not to exceed 90 consecutive school days. After attending for more than 90 consecutive school days, the student must be dropped on the ninety-first day from the count of the attendance center at which the student was enrolled prior to being enrolled in the short-term group care education program.

          Source: 28 SDR 19, effective August 19, 2001.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-13-37.4.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-51, 13-13-10.1, 13-13-37.4.

Rule 24:17:03:06 Student count for state aid purposes.

          24:17:03:06.  Student count for state aid purposes. No student who has an unexcused absence of 15 consecutive school days may be included in the count of the attendance center for state aid purposes, retroactive to the last day the student attended school or had an excused absence. An excused absence, for purposes of this section, includes medical illness and enrollment in a short-term group care education program for up to 90 consecutive school days. Nothing in this section supersedes the student due process requirements referenced in SDCL chapter 13-32, article 24:07, or other applicable law.


          Source: 28 SDR 19, effective August 19, 2001; 36 SDR 215, effective July 6, 2010; 43 SDR 176, effective July 3, 2017.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-3-51, 13-13-37.4.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-51, 13-13-10.1, 13-13-37.4.


Rule 24:17:03:07 Average daily membership weight of students attending short-term group care education program.

          24:17:03:07.  Average daily membership weight of students attending short-term group care education program. For the purpose of calculating local need for the foundation aid formula, the department shall multiply the average daily membership for residentially placed students attending each short-term group care education program by 1.2.

          Source: 28 SDR 19, effective August 19, 2001.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-13-37.4.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-13-10.1, 13-13-37.4, 13-13-73.


          Local need, SDCL 13-13-10.1.

          Foundation aid, SDCL ch 13-13.

          Average daily membership, SDCL 13-13-10.1.

Rule 24:17:03:08 Requirement to submit calendar data.

          24:17:03:08.  Requirement to submit calendar data. All school calendars are due by the last Friday in August. The minimum data reporting requirements for a school calendar are as follows:


          (1)  Start date of school year;

          (2)  End date of school year;

          (3)  Grade levels;

          (4)  School terms in quarters, semesters, or trimesters; and

          (5)  Periods.


          Source: 36 SDR 215, effective July 6, 2010.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-13-37.4.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-51.


Rule 24:17:03:09 Student enrollment dates.

          24:17:03:09.  Student enrollment dates. Enrollment start date of a student is determined on the day, month, and year on which a student is admitted to a school or educational institution to include preschool. An enrollment end date is the day, month, and year of a student's last attendance in the school. The end date for graduating students shall be the last calendar day of the school unless the student graduates early, in which case the student is counted on the last required day of attendance.


          Source: 36 SDR 215, effective July 6, 2010.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-13-37.4.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-51, 13-13-10.1.


Rule 24:17:03:10 Requirement to submit educational structure data.

          24:17:03:10.  Requirement to submit educational structure data. The finalized educational structure data for each school district is due by March first for the next school year. The school district shall report the following information:


          (1)  New schools;

          (2)  Closed schools; and

          (3)  Grade span changes.


          Source: 43 SDR 9, effective August 4, 2016.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-3-51, 13-13-37.4.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-51, 13-13-10.1, 13-13-37.4.


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