Administrative Rules




24:57:01             Definitions.

24:57:02             Teacher Evaluation Process.



CHAPTER 24:57:01






24:57:01:01        Definitions.



Rule 24:57:01:01 Definitions

          24:57:01:01.  Definitions. Terms used in this article mean:


          (1)  "Danielson framework," the twenty-two components, clustered into domains one through four, inclusive, in The Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument (2013 edition) by Charlotte Danielson;


          (2)  "Department," the South Dakota Department of Education;


          (3)  "Evaluation," a process to assess objectively the performance of a teacher;


          (4)  "Professional practice rating," the rating assigned to a teacher using at least one component from each of the four domains of the Danielson framework;


          (5)  "State assessments," the academic achievement tests referenced in SDCL 13-3-55 and the science achievement test provided by the Department pursuant to 20 U.S.C. § 6311(b)(1)(C), as amended through December 1, 2013;


          (6)  "State minimum evaluation requirements," the model for evaluating teacher performance which, for each teacher:


               (a)  Assigns a professional practice rating;

               (b)  Assigns a student growth rating based on attainment of student learning objectives;

               (c)  Will be used to guide professional growth; and

               (d)  Provides clear, timely, and useful feedback, including feedback that identifies needs and guides professional development;


          The ratings in (a) and (b) may be combined into a summative effectiveness rating;


          (7)  Student growth," a change in student achievement between two or more points in time;


          (8)  Student growth rating," the rating assigned to a teacher based on student growth;


          (9)  "Student learning objectives," target goals of student growth which:


               (a)  Reflect a rigorous, yet realistic expectation of student growth that can be achieved during the instructional period;

               (b)  Are written by a teacher and approved by an evaluator; and

               (c)  Include district, school, or teacher-developed assessments;


          (10)  "Summative effectiveness rating," the combination of a teacher's professional practice rating and student growth rating into one of the following categories: Below Expectations, Meets Expectations, or Exceeds Expectations;


          (11)  "Teacher," for purposes of this article, an individual who:


               (a)  Provides instruction to any kindergarten through grade twelve student;

               (b)  Maintains daily student records;

               (c)  Has completed an approved teacher education program at an accredited institution or completed an alternative certification program;

               (d)  Has been issued a South Dakota certificate; and

               (e)  Is not serving as a principal, assistant principal, superintendent, or assistant superintendent.


          Source: 40 SDR 102, effective December 4, 2013; 41 SDR 109, effective January 12, 2015; 43 SDR 176, effective July 3, 2017.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-3-69(7), 13-42-33.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-69(7), 13-42-33 to 13-42-35, inclusive.


          Reference: Charlotte Danielson, The Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument, published by the Danielson Group, 2013 edition. The materials are available for viewing at the South Dakota Department of Education, 800 Governors Drive, Pierre, South Dakota. Copies may be obtained from


CHAPTER 24:57:02



24:57:02:01        Teacher performance standards.

24:57:02:02        State minimum evaluation requirements.

24:57:02:03        Alternative evaluation model.

24:57:02:04        Alternative evaluation application.

24:57:02:05        Application timelines.

24:57:02:06        Effect of application denial.

Rule 24:57:02:01 Teacher performance standards.

          24:57:02:01.  Teacher performance standards. Beginning in the 2014-15 school year, the minimum professional performance standards to be used as a basis for evaluating teacher performance shall be aligned with the Danielson framework.


          Source: 38 SDR 58, effective October 17, 2011; 39 SDR 32, effective September 3, 2012; transferred from § 24:08:06:01, 40 SDR 102, effective December 4, 2013.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-3-69(7), 13-42-33, 13-42-34.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-69(7), 13-42-33, 13-42-34.


Rule 24:57:02:02 State minimum evaluation requirements.

          24:57:02:02.  State minimum evaluation requirements. Beginning in the 2014-2015 school year, each school district must, at a minimum, use all the state minimum evaluation requirements when evaluating teachers in the district.


          Source: 40 SDR 102, effective December 4, 2013.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-3-69(7), 13-42-33.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-69(7), 13-42-33 to 13-42-35, inclusive.


Rule 24:57:02:03 Alternative evaluation model.

          24:57:02:03.  Alternative evaluation model. Notwithstanding § 24:57:02:02, a school district may use a model of professional practice other than the Danielson framework to evaluate its teachers if it proves to the department that this model is aligned with the Danielson framework. A school district may also choose not to use student learning objectives as a measure of student growth if it proves to the department that the district's method of measuring student growth for all teachers in the district reflects a rigorous, yet realistic expectation of student growth that can be achieved during the instructional period and includes district, school, or teacher-developed assessments.


          Source: 40 SDR 102, effective December 4, 2013; 43 SDR 176, effective July 3, 2017.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-3-69(7), 13-42-33.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-69(7), 13-42-33 to 13-42-35, inclusive.


Rule 24:57:02:04 Alternative evaluation application.

          24:57:02:04.  Alternative evaluation application. If a district chooses to use the options provided in § 24:57:02:03, it must apply on forms provided by the department. The department may require additional documents and information necessary to enable the department to make the determinations referenced in § 24:57:02:03.


          Source: 40 SDR 102, effective December 4, 2013.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-3-69(7), 13-42-33.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-69(7), 13-42-33 to 13-42-35, inclusive.


Rule 24:57:02:05 Application timelines.

          24:57:02:05.  Application timelines. All materials specified in § 24:57:02:04 must be received by the department by January thirty-first before the school year in which the district intends to implement the alternative evaluation model. By April 1 of that year, the department shall review the application and all documentation and issue a decision on the application. If a district's model is approved by the department, the district must submit any subsequent revisions for review and approval pursuant to this chapter.


          Source: 40 SDR 102, effective December 4, 2013.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-3-69(7), 13-42-33.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-69(7), 13-42-33 to 13-42-35, inclusive.


Rule 24:57:02:06 Effect of application denial.

          24:57:02:06.  Effect of application denial. The department may deny the application if the district fails to submit all materials specified in § 24:57:02:04 by the deadline or if the department determines that the proposed model does not meet the requirements of § 24:57:02:03. If the application is denied, the district shall comply with all state minimum evaluation requirements for the upcoming school year. Nothing in this chapter requires the department to provide a hearing on the district's application.


          Source: 40 SDR 102, effective December 4, 2013.

          General Authority: SDCL 13-3-69(7), 13-42-33.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 13-3-69(7), 13-42-33 to 13-42-35, inclusive.


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