Administrative Rules





31:02:01             Ethanol Infrastructure Incentive Program.


CHAPTER 31:02:01




31:02:01:01        Definitions.

31:02:01:02        Eligible projects.

31:02:01:03        Other eligibility criteria.

31:02:01:04        Grant conditions.

31:02:01:05        Allocation of grant funds among classes of projects.

31:02:01:06        Application form.

31:02:01:07        Criteria for grant awards.

31:02:01:08        Default.

31:02:01:09        Remedies.

31:02:01:10        Access and reporting.

Rule 31:02:01:01 Definition.

          31:02:01:01.  Definitions. Terms used in this chapter mean:


          (1)  "Ethanol," a blended alcohol produced by fermentation from biological materials such as sugars, starches, and cellulosic feedstocks;


          (2)  "Ethanol blend," a blended motor fuel containing ethyl alcohol of at least ninety-nine percent purity, typically derived from agricultural products, and which is blended exclusively with a product commonly or commercially known or sold as gasoline;


          (3)  "Ethanol blender pump," a mechanism provided by a motor fuel retail dealer for the dispensing at retail as defined in § 10-47B-3 of ethanol blend so that the end user may choose a particular grade of ethanol to gasoline to be dispensed;


          (4)  "Ethanol infrastructure incentive program," the grant program created by SDCL 10-47B-164.1 and administered under this chapter;


          (5)  "Flex fuel vehicle," a motor vehicle designed to burn either gasoline or a blend of gasoline and up to eighty-five percent ethanol; and


          (6)  "GOED," the Governor's Office of Economic Development.


          Source: 38 SDR 115, effective January 9, 2012.

          General Authority: SDCL 10-47B-164.1, 10-47B-164.2.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 10-47B-164.1.


Rule 31:02:01:02 Eligible projects.

          31:02:01:02.  Eligible projects. The following classes of projects are eligible to apply for grants from the ethanol infrastructure incentive program:


          (1)  Class 1 -- Motor fuel retail dealer projects for the purchase and installation of ethanol blender pumps installed on or after September 15, 2011, or the modification of existing ethanol blender pumps to comply with the standards set out in this chapter and associated piping and storage systems;


          (2)  Class 2 -- Projects to encourage the purchase of flex fuel vehicles in this state;


          (3)  Class 3 -- Projects to encourage the increased use of ethanol in this state, including marketing or the dissemination of informational materials in this state; and


          (4)  Class 4 -- Projects to facilitate or encourage the installation of infrastructure for the distribution of ethanol.


          Source: 38 SDR 115, effective January 9, 2012.

          General Authority: SDCL 10-47B-164.1, 10-47B-164.2.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 10-47B-164.1.


Rule 31:02:01:03 Other eligibility criteria.

          31:02:01:03.  Other eligibility criteria. In addition to the criteria set out in § 31:02:01:01, a proposed project seeking a grant from the ethanol infrastructure incentive program must meet the following criteria:


          (1)  The project shall be physically located in this state or directed toward end users in this state;

          (2)  The project shall demonstrate a likelihood that it will increase the use of ethanol in this state or increase consumer knowledge of ethanol;

          (3)  If applicable, the project shall utilize existing technologies proven to be reliable;

          (4)  The project shall meet state air, water quality, and other environmental protection standards; and

          (5)  For projects involving the installation of ethanol blender pumps:


               (a)  The ethanol blender pump shall be of a type that does not allow for an end user to receive an ethanol blend percentage other than that designated by the end user;


               (b)  The ethanol blender pump shall provide all of the following types of ethanol blends for the end user:


                      (i)    A blend of ten percent ethanol;

                      (ii)   A blend of fifteen percent ethanol or more; and

                      (ii)   A blend of twenty-five percent or more ethanol;


               (c)  The ethanol blender pump shall be of a type compatible with related infrastructure, including storage and piping systems; and


               (d)  The ethanol blender pump shall comply with all applicable alternative fuel, biofuel, and flexible fuel requirements established by law.


          Source: 38 SDR 115, effective January 9, 2012.

          General Authority: SDCL 10-47B-164.1, 10-47B-164.2.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 10-47B-164.1.


Rule 31:02:01:04 Grant conditions.

          31:02:01:04.  Grant conditions. A grant shall be in an amount determined by GOED and made subject to the following terms:


          (1)  The amount of the grant may not exceed the actual cost of the project as proposed in the application;


          (2)  A grant shall be paid on a reimbursement basis upon satisfactory completion of the project. The grant recipient shall submit a U.S. Internal Revenue Service Form W-9 and as applicable to the project, ethanol blender pump specification, certification that installation meets Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources standards, copies of all invoices for the project, proof of payment of all project costs, lien releases from vendors and installers, and other documentation reasonably required by GOED to establish that the project has been satisfactorily completed in compliance with the provisions of this chapter;


          (3)  All work paid for with grant proceeds shall comply with all applicable building and housing codes and standards.


          (4)  Unless a written extension is granted by GOED, the project shall be completed within one hundred eighty days of notice of grant approval;


          (5)  The grant application and application for reimbursement shall be signed under oath;


          (6)  Any project that involves the installation of ethanol blender pumps, including successor owners, shall continue to sell ethanol blends in excess of fifteen percent ethanol for a minimum of twenty-four months after project completion; and


          (7)  Any existing pump to be replaced shall be removed and disposed of in compliance with applicable federal and state environmental protection laws.


          Source: 38 SDR 115, effective January 9, 2012; SL 2021, ch 1, §§ 8, 19, effective April 19, 2021.

          General Authority: SDCL 10-47B-164.1, 10-47B-164.2.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 10-47B-164.1.


Rule 31:02:01:05 Allocation of grant funds among classes of projects.

          31:02:01:05.  Allocation of grant funds among classes of projects. GOED may allocate grant funds among the classes of projects described in § 31:02:01:02. GOED may designate periods of time during which it accepts applications for grants from one or more class of projects. GOED shall publically announce that it is accepting applications for grants and the class or classes of projects which may be eligible for funding. GOED may not accept applications that are not filed within the designated application time period or that relate to a class of projects for which applications are not being accepted.


          Source: 38 SDR 115, effective January 9, 2012.

          General Authority: SDCL 10-47B-164.1, 10-47B-164.2.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 10-47B-164.1.


Rule 31:02:01:06 Application form.

          31:02:01:06.  Application form. A grant application shall be submitted on forms provided by GOED and shall include the following:


          (1)  The name, complete mailing address, and county of the applicant;


          (2)  The name, title, address, telephone number, and email address of a designated contact person for the applicant;


          (3)  The amount of the grant requested;


          (4)  A summary description of the project, including its estimated cost; and


          (5)  The estimated date of completion of the project.


          No incomplete or inaccurate applications may be considered. GOED may request such additional information as necessary for it to determine eligibility and to make an award decision.


          Source: 38 SDR 115, effective January 9, 2012.

          General Authority: SDCL 10-47B-164.1, 10-47B-164.2.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 10-47B-164.1.


Rule 31:02:01:07 Criteria for grant awards.

          31:02:01:07.  Criteria for grant awards. A portion of the grants to be awarded under this chapter may be awarded on a first-come basis. Any grant not awarded on a first-come basis shall be awarded based upon a reasonable projection of additional ethanol blend to be sold as a result of the project and other projected benefits to the ethanol industry in this state. At the time GOED announces that it will entertain grant applications, GOED shall announce the amount of grant funds available and what percentage, if any, will be awarded on a first-come basis.


          Source: 38 SDR 115, effective January 9, 2012.

          General Authority: SDCL 10-47B-164.1, 10-47B-164.2.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 10-47B-164.1.


Rule 31:02:01:08 Default.

          31:02:01:08.  Default. Any of the following constitutes a default upon the terms of an ethanol infrastructure incentive program grant:


          (1)  Any part of a grant application is shown to be materially false or misleading;


          (2)  Any part of the grant is used for any purpose other than reimbursement for eligible project costs;


          (3)   The grantee fails to commence or complete the project within the time allowed by this chapter;


          (4)  For projects involving the installation of ethanol blender pumps, the grantee fails to continue to sell ethanol blends in excess of fifteen percent ethanol for a minimum of twenty-four months after project completion; or


          (5)  Repeated failure by the grantee to provide access to facilities or documents or to provide the reports and other information required by this chapter.


          Source: 38 SDR 115, effective January 9, 2012.

          General Authority: SDCL 10-47B-164.1, 10-47B-164.2.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 10-47B-164.1.


Rule 31:02:01:09 Remedies.

          31:02:01:09.  Remedies. If there is a default pursuant to the provisions of § 31:02:01:08, the grantee shall repay the grant to GOED within thirty days of a written demand from GOED. GOED may retain counsel and commence a civil action to recover any grant funds that a grantee is required to repay. GOED may forgive a default under this chapter if any of the following conditions are met:


          (1)  There are fuel shortages that make compliance impractical;

          (2)  There are changes in fuel market conditions that make compliance impractical;

          (3)  There are changes in state or federal regulations that make compliance impractical.


          For any grant involving the installation of ethanol blender pumps and a default pursuant to the provisions of subdivision 31:02:01:08(4), the amount sought to be repaid may be prorated based upon the number of months less than twenty-four that ethanol blends were sold.


          Source: 38 SDR 115, effective January 9, 2012.

          General Authority: SDCL 10-47B-164.1, 10-47B-164.2.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 10-47B-164.1.


Rule 31:02:01:10 Access and reporting.

          31:02:01:10.  Access and reporting. A grantee shall grant GOED reasonable access to the grantee's facilities and records for the purpose of determining compliance with the terms of the grant and of this chapter. A grantee shall provide a written project report to GOED at least annually on forms provided by GOED. GOED may require more frequent reports in the event of a late or an incomplete report or a reasonable cause to believe a default has occurred.


          Source: 38 SDR 115, effective January 9, 2012.

          General Authority: SDCL 10-47B-164.1, 10-47B-164.2.

          Law Implemented: SDCL 10-47B-164.1.


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