Administrative Rules




39:04:01             Definitions.

39:04:02             Bank card controls.

Rule 39:04:01 DEFINITIONS

CHAPTER 39:04:01



39:04:01:01        Definitions.

Rule 39:04:01:01 Definitions.

          39:04:01:01.  Definitions. Terms used in this article mean:

          (1)  "Agency," any unit of state government which annually submits a budget proposal or an informational budget to the Legislature;

          (2)  "Bureau," the bureau of finance and management;

          (3)  "Commissioner," the commissioner of finance and management;

          (4)  "Traveler," any state employee authorized to travel in order to conduct official state business;

          (5)  "Issuing authority," a financial institution selected by the state to issue bank cards to travelers.

          Source: 17 SDR 30, effective August 26, 1990.

          General Authority:SDCL 3-9-19.

          Law Implemented:SDCL 3-9-19.


CHAPTER 39:04:02



39:04:02:01        Card issuance.

39:04:02:02        Card usage.

39:04:02:03        Payments -- Travel reimbursements.

Rule 39:04:02:01 Card issuance.

          39:04:02:01.  Card issuance. A traveler requesting a state-issued bank card shall apply to the finance office within his agency. Upon approval by the agency director the applications shall be forwarded to the issuing authority. The bank card shall be issued to the employee. A state-issued bank card shall be authorized with an account credit line established by the agency's director, based on traveler's expense needs. Cash advance privileges may be established by the agency director.

          Source: 17 SDR 30, effective August 26, 1990.

          General Authority:SDCL 3-9-19.

          Law Implemented:SDCL 3-9-19.

Rule 39:04:02:02 Card usage.

          39:04:02:02.  Card usage. The bank card is issued primarily for business use. Misuse of a bank card may result in revocation of the card. Not paying charges on time or not maintaining a sufficient credit balance to cover state travel expenses constitutes misuse of a bank card. The bank card shall be surrendered to the issuing authority, the traveler's agency director, or the commissioner upon request.

          A lost or stolen bank card shall be reported to the traveler's agency finance office and the issuing authority immediately upon discovery of the loss. A bank card shall be turned in to the traveler's agency finance office prior to termination of employment. Any outstanding balance owing on the bank card at the time of termination may be withheld from the traveler's remaining pay warrants and from any warrants issued for termination vacation, termination sick pay, or unreimbursed travel expenses by the state auditor or by the business manager of a state institution not on the state's central payroll system. A bank card surrendered by a traveler shall be forwarded by the traveler's agency to the bureau for disposal.

          Source: 17 SDR 30, effective August 26, 1990; 17 SDR 141, effective March 26, 1991.

          General Authority:SDCL 3-9-19.

          Law Implemented:SDCL 3-9-19.

Rule 39:04:02:03 Payments -- Travel reimbursements.

          39:04:02:03.  Payments -- Travel reimbursements. The traveler is responsible for paying all charges incurred on the state-issued bank card according to the credit terms of the issuing authority. Any past-due balance may be withheld from the traveler's pay warrant by the state auditor or by the business manager of a state institution not on the state's central payroll system and, in addition, the bank card may be revoked.

          Reimbursement for state travel expenses pursuant to SDCL chapter 3-9 and ARSD article 5:01 may not include any interest charge accrued on a bank card issued for travel expenses and may not include the transaction fee on a cash advance.

          Source: 17 SDR 30, effective August 26, 1990.

          General Authority:SDCL 3-9-19.

          Law Implemented:SDCL 3-9-19.

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