31:02:01:09. Remedies.
If there is a default pursuant to the provisions of § 31:02:01:08, the
grantee shall repay the grant to GOED within thirty days of a written demand
from GOED. GOED may retain counsel and commence a civil action to recover any
grant funds that a grantee is required to repay. GOED may forgive a default
under this chapter if any of the following conditions are met:
(1) There are fuel
shortages that make compliance impractical;
(2) There are changes in
fuel market conditions that make compliance impractical;
(3) There are changes in
state or federal regulations that make compliance impractical.
For any grant involving the
installation of ethanol blender pumps and a default pursuant to the provisions
of subdivision 31:02:01:08(4), the amount sought to be repaid may be prorated
based upon the number of months less than twenty-four that ethanol blends were
38 SDR 115, effective January 9, 2012.
Authority: SDCL 10-47B-164.1, 10-47B-164.2.
Implemented: SDCL 10-47B-164.1.