Administrative Rules
Rule 48:03:15:03 Ineligible players.

          48:03:15:03.  Ineligible players. A Mega Millions ticket may not be purchased by or a prize paid to any of the following persons:


          (1)  A member of the commission or an employee of the lottery;

          (2)  An officer or employee of a company or business that currently supplies equipment, supplies, or services being used directly in the operation of the lottery's on-line games; or

          (3)  An immediate family member of an individual described in subdivision (1) and (2) of this section who reside in the same household.


          Source: 36 SDR 170, effective May 11, 2010.

          General Authority: SDCL 42-7A-21(1).

          Law Implemented: SDCL 42-7A-4(13).


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