House Bill 1009
create additional classifications of agricultural property, to revise certain provisions concerning the valuation of agricultural land for ad valorem taxation, and to revise certain provisions concerning the taxation of certain agricultural property.
Representatives Rhoden (prime), Glover, Hargens, Howie, Jensen, McCoy, Murschel, and Turbiville and Senators McNenny (prime), Hundstad, Lintz, and Peterson (Jim) at the request of the Interim Committee on Classifications of Real Property Study Committee
01/10/2006 First read in House and referred to House Taxation H.J. 19 N/A
01/17/2006 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this dateN/A
01/19/2006 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this date 2:18.0
01/19/2006 House Taxation Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 12, NAYS 2. 2:18.0
01/23/2006 Motion to Amend, H.J. 193 1:15:00.0
01/25/2006 Motion to Amend,, Passed H.J. 231 0:30:32.0
01/25/2006 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 55, NAYS 13. H.J. 232 0:30:32.0
01/26/2006 First read in Senate and referred to Senate Taxation S.J. 212 N/A
02/03/2006 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this dateN/A
02/15/2006 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this dateN/A
02/17/2006 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this date 1:27:19.0
02/22/2006 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this date 0:01:42.0
02/22/2006 Senate Taxation Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 5, NAYS 3. 0:01:42.0
02/23/2006 Motion to Amend,, Passed S.J. 667 3:53:51.0
02/23/2006 Senate Do Pass Amended,, Failed, YEAS 15, NAYS 16. S.J. 668 3:53:51.0
02/23/2006 Intent to reconsider S.J. 668 3:53:51.0
02/23/2006 Senate Reconsidered, Passed, YEAS 18, NAYS 13. S.J. 672 3:53:51.0
02/23/2006 Senate Do Pass Amended,, Failed, YEAS 15, NAYS 17. S.J. 673 3:53:51.0
02/28/2006 Motion to Amend,, Passed S.J. 723 0:33:32.0
02/28/2006 Senate Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 23, NAYS 12. S.J. 723 0:33:32.0
02/28/2006 Senate Title Amended, Passed S.J. 724 0:33:32.0

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