House Bill 1004
prohibit cardholder cultivation of medical cannabis.
Date | Action | Audio | Location |
01/11/2022 | First Reading House H.J. 7 | N/A | |
01/14/2022 | Referred to House State Affairs H.J. 29 | N/A | |
01/21/2022 | Scheduled for hearing | 6:30 | |
01/21/2022 | House State Affairs Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 10, NAYS 3. | 6:30 | |
01/24/2022 | House of Representatives Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 41, NAYS 29. H.J. 108 | 1:01:38 | |
01/25/2022 | First read in Senate and referred to Senate Health and Human Services S.J. 105 | N/A | |
02/02/2022 | Scheduled for hearing | 3:05 | |
02/02/2022 | Senate Health and Human Services Deferred to the 41st legislative day, Passed, YEAS 4, NAYS 2. | 3:05 | |
02/28/2022 | Senate Health and Human Services Reconsidered, Failed, YEAS 3, NAYS 3. | 1:55 |
Bill Text Versions
Date | HTML Format | PDF Format |
01/02/2022 | Introduced | Introduced |
Requested By | Status | In Context | Instructions | Version of Bill |
Duhamel | Not Moved | 1004A (PDF) (HTML) | 1004A(PDF) (HTML) | Introduced |
Previous Amendments
Requested By | Status | In Context | Instructions | Version of Bill |
No data available |