2022 Bills
Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1001
revise the freeze on assessments for dwellings of disabled and senior citizens.
revise the freeze on assessments for dwellings of disabled and senior citizens.
HB 1002
revise certain provisions regarding the investments authorized for state public funds.
revise certain provisions regarding the investments authorized for state public funds.
HB 1003
update references to certain federal motor carrier regulations.
update references to certain federal motor carrier regulations.
HB 1004
prohibit cardholder cultivation of medical cannabis.
prohibit cardholder cultivation of medical cannabis.
HB 1005
provide for the designated use of public school multi-occupancy rooms and sleeping rooms.
provide for the designated use of public school multi-occupancy rooms and sleeping rooms.
HB 1006
promote continued fairness in women's sports.
promote continued fairness in women's sports.
HB 1007
codify a joint committee for legislative redistricting.
codify a joint committee for legislative redistricting.
HB 1008
provide a cause of action for certain employees that are required to receive a vaccination as a condition of employment and to declare an emergency.
provide a cause of action for certain employees that are required to receive a vaccination as a condition of employment and to declare an emergency.
HB 1009
revise certain provisions of the Higher Education Savings Plan Act.
revise certain provisions of the Higher Education Savings Plan Act.
HB 1010
revise certain references to the Internal Revenue Code.
revise certain references to the Internal Revenue Code.
HB 1011
revise the application process for the reduction of tax on dwellings owned by paraplegics.
revise the application process for the reduction of tax on dwellings owned by paraplegics.
HB 1012
protect students and employees at institutions of higher education from divisive concepts.
protect students and employees at institutions of higher education from divisive concepts.
HB 1013
make an appropriation for certain costs related to Capitol Lake and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for certain costs related to Capitol Lake and to declare an emergency.
HB 1014
make an appropriation to fund tax refunds for elderly persons and persons with a disability and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to fund tax refunds for elderly persons and persons with a disability and to declare an emergency.
HB 1015
require a moment of silence in schools to begin the school day.
require a moment of silence in schools to begin the school day.
HB 1016
make an appropriation for costs related to disasters in the state and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for costs related to disasters in the state and to declare an emergency.
HB 1017
make an appropriation for costs related to suppression of wildfires in the state and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for costs related to suppression of wildfires in the state and to declare an emergency.
HB 1018
make an appropriation for the construction of a storage garage in Rapid City and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the construction of a storage garage in Rapid City and to declare an emergency.
HB 1019
make an appropriation for the payment of extraordinary litigation expenses and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the payment of extraordinary litigation expenses and to declare an emergency.
HB 1020
authorize the Bureau of Administration to construct an addition to the Kinsman Building in Pierre, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Bureau of Administration to construct an addition to the Kinsman Building in Pierre, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1021
authorize the Board of Regents to acquire property, contract for the design and construction of an athletics events center at Dakota State University, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Board of Regents to acquire property, contract for the design and construction of an athletics events center at Dakota State University, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1022
authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the design and renovation of, and construction of an addition to, the Stanley J. Marshall Center at South Dakota State University, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the design and renovation of, and construction of an addition to, the Stanley J. Marshall Center at South Dakota State University, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1023
authorize the Board of Regents to demolish a South Dakota State University building and to make an appropriation therefor.
authorize the Board of Regents to demolish a South Dakota State University building and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1024
revise and repeal certain provisions regarding self-support tuition rates at off-campus locations governed by the Board of Regents.
revise and repeal certain provisions regarding self-support tuition rates at off-campus locations governed by the Board of Regents.
HB 1025
update legal holidays in South Dakota.
update legal holidays in South Dakota.
HB 1026
prohibit eligibility for a suspended imposition of sentence for the crime of rape.
prohibit eligibility for a suspended imposition of sentence for the crime of rape.
HB 1027
place certain substances on the controlled substances schedule and to declare an emergency.
place certain substances on the controlled substances schedule and to declare an emergency.
HB 1028
update certain provisions related to the licensure of optometrists.
update certain provisions related to the licensure of optometrists.
HB 1029
revise the definition of telehealth for purposes of health insurance policies.
revise the definition of telehealth for purposes of health insurance policies.
HB 1030
make an appropriation to reimburse certain health care professionals who have complied with the requirements for certain health care recruitment assistance programs and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to reimburse certain health care professionals who have complied with the requirements for certain health care recruitment assistance programs and to declare an emergency.
HB 1031
make an appropriation to the Board of Technical Education to construct an advanced manufacturing laboratory space and classrooms on the campus of Lake Area Technical College and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Board of Technical Education to construct an advanced manufacturing laboratory space and classrooms on the campus of Lake Area Technical College and to declare an emergency.
HB 1032
make an appropriation to the Board of Technical Education to construct an agriculture and diesel power laboratory and multi-purpose space on the campus of Mitchell Technical College and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Board of Technical Education to construct an agriculture and diesel power laboratory and multi-purpose space on the campus of Mitchell Technical College and to declare an emergency.
HB 1033
make an appropriation for the provision of housing infrastructure loans and grants.
make an appropriation for the provision of housing infrastructure loans and grants.
HB 1034
make an appropriation from the coordinated natural resources conservation fund to the State Conservation Commission and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation from the coordinated natural resources conservation fund to the State Conservation Commission and to declare an emergency.
HB 1035
allow the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources to collect receipts from timber sales on federal lands and disburse those receipts according to federal law.
allow the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources to collect receipts from timber sales on federal lands and disburse those receipts according to federal law.
HB 1036
revise certain provisions regarding search warrants for tracking devices.
revise certain provisions regarding search warrants for tracking devices.
HB 1037
revise the penalty for certain willful violations by grain buyers and grain warehouse operators.
revise the penalty for certain willful violations by grain buyers and grain warehouse operators.
HB 1038
establish an opioid abatement and remediation fund and to declare an emergency.
establish an opioid abatement and remediation fund and to declare an emergency.
HB 1039
provide for the assessment of certain agricultural land as noncropland.
provide for the assessment of certain agricultural land as noncropland.
HB 1040
reduce the maximum property tax levies for the general fund of school districts.
reduce the maximum property tax levies for the general fund of school districts.
HB 1041
facilitate legislative oversight of settlement agreements involving a state entity or official.
facilitate legislative oversight of settlement agreements involving a state entity or official.
HB 1042
provide for permanent daylight savings time when permissible under federal law.
provide for permanent daylight savings time when permissible under federal law.
HB 1043
revise renewal and licensing requirements for plumbers.
revise renewal and licensing requirements for plumbers.
HB 1044
adopt the 2021 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, and allow for selective adoption of provisions within the Uniform Plumbing Code by municipalities.
adopt the 2021 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, and allow for selective adoption of provisions within the Uniform Plumbing Code by municipalities.
HB 1045
provide for the use and regulated sale of marijuana, and to impose a tax on the sale of marijuana, and to distribute that revenue to counties.
provide for the use and regulated sale of marijuana, and to impose a tax on the sale of marijuana, and to distribute that revenue to counties.
HB 1046
revise the disposal fee for large-scale solid waste disposal facilities operated by political subdivisions.
revise the disposal fee for large-scale solid waste disposal facilities operated by political subdivisions.
HB 1047
make an appropriation to the Department of Education to improve and renovate the Cultural Heritage Center and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Department of Education to improve and renovate the Cultural Heritage Center and to declare an emergency.
HB 1048
make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks for expanding Custer State Park and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks for expanding Custer State Park and to declare an emergency.
HB 1049
make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks for building a shooting range near Rapid City and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks for building a shooting range near Rapid City and to declare an emergency.
HB 1050
repeal obsolete lease requirements for the Black Hills Playhouse.
repeal obsolete lease requirements for the Black Hills Playhouse.
HB 1051
amend certain provisions relating to the small business credit initiative fund.
amend certain provisions relating to the small business credit initiative fund.
HB 1052
place limitations on the enforcement of federal laws and orders related to firearms, accessories, and ammunition.
place limitations on the enforcement of federal laws and orders related to firearms, accessories, and ammunition.
HB 1053
authorize counties to issue bonds for certain expenditures funded by a gross receipts tax.
authorize counties to issue bonds for certain expenditures funded by a gross receipts tax.
HB 1054
prohibit the isomerization and acetylation of cannabinoids and the sale and possession of products created by the isomerization and acetylation of cannabinoids and to provide a penalty therefor.
prohibit the isomerization and acetylation of cannabinoids and the sale and possession of products created by the isomerization and acetylation of cannabinoids and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1055
require informational transparency regarding the issuance of executive orders.
require informational transparency regarding the issuance of executive orders.
HB 1056
revise provisions related to medical cannabis data maintained by the Department of Health.
revise provisions related to medical cannabis data maintained by the Department of Health.
HB 1057
prohibit the unauthorized transfer of cannabis and cannabis products by a medical cannabis cardholder to another person.
prohibit the unauthorized transfer of cannabis and cannabis products by a medical cannabis cardholder to another person.
HB 1058
revise the available forms of medical cannabis products.
revise the available forms of medical cannabis products.
HB 1059
permit nonresponsive insurance producer applications be deemed withdrawn as to not constitute a refusal or administrative action.
permit nonresponsive insurance producer applications be deemed withdrawn as to not constitute a refusal or administrative action.
HB 1060
consolidate certain domestication provisions in the Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.
consolidate certain domestication provisions in the Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.
HB 1061
codify an advisory council for the appraiser certification program.
codify an advisory council for the appraiser certification program.
HB 1062
revise a provision regarding when a license is not required of a person installing electric wiring.
revise a provision regarding when a license is not required of a person installing electric wiring.
HB 1063
revise the approval process for state employee household moving allowances.
revise the approval process for state employee household moving allowances.
HB 1064
direct the Department of Education to use certain fall enrollments when calculating state aid for school districts that declined in enrollment between 2020 and 2021.
direct the Department of Education to use certain fall enrollments when calculating state aid for school districts that declined in enrollment between 2020 and 2021.
HB 1065
repeal references to nonresident holders of concealed pistol permits.
repeal references to nonresident holders of concealed pistol permits.
HB 1066
prohibit the personal possession of a loaded firearm while under the influence of marijuana or intoxicated.
prohibit the personal possession of a loaded firearm while under the influence of marijuana or intoxicated.
HB 1067
require the waiver of animal adoption fees for veterans
require the waiver of animal adoption fees for veterans
HB 1068
clarify the processing of sexual assault kits performed on individuals ages sixteen and seventeen.
clarify the processing of sexual assault kits performed on individuals ages sixteen and seventeen.
HB 1069
include out-of-state convictions as a basis of an enhanced penalty for certain drug crimes.
include out-of-state convictions as a basis of an enhanced penalty for certain drug crimes.
HB 1070
clarify certain provisions of the rural access infrastructure improvements grant program.
clarify certain provisions of the rural access infrastructure improvements grant program.
HB 1071
make an appropriation for maintaining the drainage of Lake Andes and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for maintaining the drainage of Lake Andes and to declare an emergency.
HB 1072
revise the safety zone within which a firearm may be discharged or trapping activities may occur.
revise the safety zone within which a firearm may be discharged or trapping activities may occur.
HB 1073
provide for diploma privilege for admittance to the practice of law.
provide for diploma privilege for admittance to the practice of law.
HB 1074
classify vehicular homicide as a crime of violence.
classify vehicular homicide as a crime of violence.
HB 1075
modify legal and official notice publication requirements.
modify legal and official notice publication requirements.
HB 1076
permit certain municipalities to elect aldermen at large.
permit certain municipalities to elect aldermen at large.
HB 1077
require certain language for the oath or affirmation for civil office.
require certain language for the oath or affirmation for civil office.
HB 1078
authorize the use of electric all-terrain and off-road vehicles on public highways and to declare an emergency.
authorize the use of electric all-terrain and off-road vehicles on public highways and to declare an emergency.
HB 1079
revise provisions regarding court transcript costs.
revise provisions regarding court transcript costs.
HB 1080
prolong requirements for increasing teacher compensation.
prolong requirements for increasing teacher compensation.
HB 1081
add solar energy tax revenue to the calculation of local effort for state aid to school districts.
add solar energy tax revenue to the calculation of local effort for state aid to school districts.
HB 1082
revise the motor vehicle excise tax on vehicles leased for more than twenty-eight days to include certain off-road vehicles.
revise the motor vehicle excise tax on vehicles leased for more than twenty-eight days to include certain off-road vehicles.
HB 1083
provide a partial property tax exemption for the surviving spouses of certain veterans.
provide a partial property tax exemption for the surviving spouses of certain veterans.
HB 1084
provide for the regulation of motorized foot scooters and to declare an emergency.
provide for the regulation of motorized foot scooters and to declare an emergency.
HB 1085
expand the eligibility for a small estate probate.
expand the eligibility for a small estate probate.
HB 1086
provide for the redistribution of donated prescription drugs and medical supplies.
provide for the redistribution of donated prescription drugs and medical supplies.
HB 1087
revise certain provisions regarding records that are not open to inspection and copying and deliberations in an executive or closed meeting.
revise certain provisions regarding records that are not open to inspection and copying and deliberations in an executive or closed meeting.
HB 1088
limit the delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration in medical cannabis and cannabis products that may be dispensed.
limit the delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration in medical cannabis and cannabis products that may be dispensed.
HB 1089
revise provisions related to abandoned mobile or manufactured homes.
revise provisions related to abandoned mobile or manufactured homes.
HB 1090
require an annual report on nonmeandered waters.
require an annual report on nonmeandered waters.
HB 1091
authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the design and construction of a year-round rodeo practice facility on the campus of South Dakota State University, together with equipment and furnishings, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the design and construction of a year-round rodeo practice facility on the campus of South Dakota State University, together with equipment and furnishings, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1092
make an appropriation for the precision agriculture cybersecurity CyberAg partnership initiative and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the precision agriculture cybersecurity CyberAg partnership initiative and to declare an emergency.
HB 1093
increase the annual fee for certain electric motor vehicles.
increase the annual fee for certain electric motor vehicles.
HB 1094
revise provisions related to medical cannabis for the protection of youth.
revise provisions related to medical cannabis for the protection of youth.
HB 1095
allow a local government to prevent a medical cannabis establishment from operating in its jurisdiction.
allow a local government to prevent a medical cannabis establishment from operating in its jurisdiction.
HB 1096
revise provisions regarding livestock identification.
revise provisions regarding livestock identification.
HB 1097
clarify conduct that is not required related to medical cannabis.
clarify conduct that is not required related to medical cannabis.
HB 1098
revise requirements for involvement in the medical cannabis program.
revise requirements for involvement in the medical cannabis program.
HB 1099
revise provisions related to courtroom modifications for child witnesses.
revise provisions related to courtroom modifications for child witnesses.
HB 1100
revise provisions related to the video recording of certain victim testimony at a preliminary hearing or deposition.
revise provisions related to the video recording of certain victim testimony at a preliminary hearing or deposition.
HB 1101
make an appropriation for the construction of a new public safety regional jail near Deadwood and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the construction of a new public safety regional jail near Deadwood and to declare an emergency.
HB 1102
reduce the exempt commercial policyholder aggregate premium requirement.
reduce the exempt commercial policyholder aggregate premium requirement.
HB 1103
provide a reimbursement schedule for chiropractic, dental, and optometric services under the Medicaid program.
provide a reimbursement schedule for chiropractic, dental, and optometric services under the Medicaid program.
HB 1104
revise provisions related to the location of courtroom facilities.
revise provisions related to the location of courtroom facilities.
HB 1105
allow for a good cause exception to the time for an involuntary commitment hearing.
allow for a good cause exception to the time for an involuntary commitment hearing.
HB 1106
provide for the security and privacy of certain personally identifiable information for judicial officers and to declare an emergency.
provide for the security and privacy of certain personally identifiable information for judicial officers and to declare an emergency.
HB 1107
establish a process for requesting records prepared or maintained by court services officers.
establish a process for requesting records prepared or maintained by court services officers.
HB 1108
revise provisions related to driving under the influence.
revise provisions related to driving under the influence.
HB 1109
revise a provision related to the review of the master jury list.
revise a provision related to the review of the master jury list.
HB 1110
revise a provision related to the appointment of a guardian ad litem or a special advocate to represent an abused or neglected child.
revise a provision related to the appointment of a guardian ad litem or a special advocate to represent an abused or neglected child.
HB 1111
provide for the referral of certain resolutions adopted by the board of a school district.
provide for the referral of certain resolutions adopted by the board of a school district.
HB 1112
authorize the use of crossbows by senior hunters.
authorize the use of crossbows by senior hunters.
HB 1113
prohibit threats made with the intent to coerce an abortion and to provide a penalty therefor.
prohibit threats made with the intent to coerce an abortion and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1114
revise a notice requirement for a hearing on the comprehensive plan in a joint jurisdictional area.
revise a notice requirement for a hearing on the comprehensive plan in a joint jurisdictional area.
HB 1115
allow succession to real property by an affidavit.
allow succession to real property by an affidavit.
HB 1116
modify the date for the state's presidential primary elections.
modify the date for the state's presidential primary elections.
HB 1117
revise a certain provision regarding standard nonforfeiture amounts for individual deferred annuities.
revise a certain provision regarding standard nonforfeiture amounts for individual deferred annuities.
HB 1118
clarify when a delivery facilitation contractor may be considered an independent contractor.
clarify when a delivery facilitation contractor may be considered an independent contractor.
HB 1119
revise the general state aid formula to provide adjustment for alternative education students participating in interscholastic activities.
revise the general state aid formula to provide adjustment for alternative education students participating in interscholastic activities.
HB 1120
include carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide capture companies in certain provisions regarding pipeline taxation.
include carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide capture companies in certain provisions regarding pipeline taxation.
HB 1121
revise certain provisions related to advanced life support personnel.
revise certain provisions related to advanced life support personnel.
HB 1122
require criminal background checks for emergency medical technicians and advanced life support personnel.
require criminal background checks for emergency medical technicians and advanced life support personnel.
HB 1123
establish licensure for rural emergency hospitals.
establish licensure for rural emergency hospitals.
HB 1124
accommodate legislation on medical services.
accommodate legislation on medical services.
HB 1125
accommodate legislation relating to education in South Dakota.
accommodate legislation relating to education in South Dakota.
HB 1126
accommodate legislation relating to the protection of public safety.
accommodate legislation relating to the protection of public safety.
HB 1127
modify provisions related to county redistricting.
modify provisions related to county redistricting.
HB 1128
protect the integrity of reemployment assistance.
protect the integrity of reemployment assistance.
HB 1129
prohibit forms of discrimination in access to organ transplantation.
prohibit forms of discrimination in access to organ transplantation.
HB 1130
specify taxation, authorization, and standards of practice for the sale of travel insurance.
specify taxation, authorization, and standards of practice for the sale of travel insurance.
HB 1131
provide for a revocation of hunting, trapping, or fishing privileges.
provide for a revocation of hunting, trapping, or fishing privileges.
HB 1132
make an appropriation to provide a grant for the infrastructure and construction of a new justice center in Lincoln County and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to provide a grant for the infrastructure and construction of a new justice center in Lincoln County and to declare an emergency.
HB 1133
provide that the cost of a home study required for an adoption is the responsibility of the Department of Social Services.
provide that the cost of a home study required for an adoption is the responsibility of the Department of Social Services.
HB 1134
revise provisions related to medical cannabis for the protection of youth.
revise provisions related to medical cannabis for the protection of youth.
HB 1135
accommodate legislation related to medical cannabis.
accommodate legislation related to medical cannabis.
HB 1136
revise oversight and reporting requirements concerning cannabis.
revise oversight and reporting requirements concerning cannabis.
HB 1137
make an appropriation for high performance computing and data storage systems at South Dakota State University and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for high performance computing and data storage systems at South Dakota State University and to declare an emergency.
HB 1138
increase dollar limits related to play on video lottery machines.
increase dollar limits related to play on video lottery machines.
HB 1139
create the Commission on Indian Affairs.
create the Commission on Indian Affairs.
HB 1140
permit the use of tribal identification cards when registering to vote.
permit the use of tribal identification cards when registering to vote.
HB 1141
exempt members of Indian tribes in South Dakota from hunting and fishing license fees.
exempt members of Indian tribes in South Dakota from hunting and fishing license fees.
HB 1142
exempt members of Indian tribes from admission fees, camping permit fees, and park service fees of state parks.
exempt members of Indian tribes from admission fees, camping permit fees, and park service fees of state parks.
HB 1143
require training on Native American law be provided to legislators and legislative staff.
require training on Native American law be provided to legislators and legislative staff.
HB 1144
establish provisions for replacing certain names of geographic places that use offensive words or phrases.
establish provisions for replacing certain names of geographic places that use offensive words or phrases.
HB 1145
provide for the appointment of members of the Senate and House of Representatives to the South Dakota Capitol Complex Restoration and Beautification Commission.
provide for the appointment of members of the Senate and House of Representatives to the South Dakota Capitol Complex Restoration and Beautification Commission.
HB 1146
authorize the State-Tribal Relations Committee to issue subpoenas.
authorize the State-Tribal Relations Committee to issue subpoenas.
HB 1147
provide a penalty for businesses that do not accept tribal identification cards as a valid form of identification.
provide a penalty for businesses that do not accept tribal identification cards as a valid form of identification.
HB 1148
authorize sports wagering within a licensed affiliate business.
authorize sports wagering within a licensed affiliate business.
HB 1149
require sellers of residential real property to disclose property taxes to buyers.
require sellers of residential real property to disclose property taxes to buyers.
HB 1150
prohibit the use of cyanide for the purpose of mining for gold and silver.
prohibit the use of cyanide for the purpose of mining for gold and silver.
HB 1151
direct the Department of Labor and Regulation to compile and report statistics related to poverty and workforce development on tribal lands.
direct the Department of Labor and Regulation to compile and report statistics related to poverty and workforce development on tribal lands.
HB 1152
establish rights regarding the disposition of a person's remains.
establish rights regarding the disposition of a person's remains.
HB 1153
revise the number of class hours required to obtain a responsible broker's license.
revise the number of class hours required to obtain a responsible broker's license.
HB 1154
reduce the number of years of delinquent property taxes required for a county to issue a tax deed on a property.
reduce the number of years of delinquent property taxes required for a county to issue a tax deed on a property.
HB 1155
revise the compensation for a township board member overseer.
revise the compensation for a township board member overseer.
HB 1156
revise provisions regarding weed removal along highways.
revise provisions regarding weed removal along highways.
HB 1157
revise the penalty for the ingestion of certain controlled substances.
revise the penalty for the ingestion of certain controlled substances.
HB 1158
regulate school resource officers.
regulate school resource officers.
HB 1159
enhance South Dakota.
enhance South Dakota.
HB 1160
clarify bond or pre-trial release upon sobriety program participation.
clarify bond or pre-trial release upon sobriety program participation.
HB 1161
create a registration requirement for sober living homes.
create a registration requirement for sober living homes.
HB 1162
define a loaded firearm.
define a loaded firearm.
HB 1163
provide for the use of screening instruments in determining kindergarten readiness.
provide for the use of screening instruments in determining kindergarten readiness.
HB 1164
establish provisions for the regulation of certain products derived from industrial hemp.
establish provisions for the regulation of certain products derived from industrial hemp.
HB 1165
make an appropriation for capital projects adjacent to the Big Sioux River and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for capital projects adjacent to the Big Sioux River and to declare an emergency.
HB 1166
make an appropriation for road improvements leading to the former entrance into the Palisades State Park and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for road improvements leading to the former entrance into the Palisades State Park and to declare an emergency.
HB 1167
expand the duty of public road repair and maintenance.
expand the duty of public road repair and maintenance.
HB 1168
to eliminate property tax for certain seniors.
to eliminate property tax for certain seniors.
HB 1169
modify the licensing of barbers.
modify the licensing of barbers.
HB 1170
incorporate the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings in the social studies curriculum.
incorporate the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings in the social studies curriculum.
HB 1171
revise provisions related to missing children.
revise provisions related to missing children.
HB 1172
assist students in objectively reviewing scientific information.
assist students in objectively reviewing scientific information.
HB 1173
include a common paymaster as within the meaning of employing unit.
include a common paymaster as within the meaning of employing unit.
HB 1174
revise requirements for sales of catalytic converters to scrap metal businesses.
revise requirements for sales of catalytic converters to scrap metal businesses.
HB 1175
make an appropriation for developing the Mickelson Trail and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for developing the Mickelson Trail and to declare an emergency.
HB 1176
grant immunity from certain liabilities for camping activities.
grant immunity from certain liabilities for camping activities.
HB 1177
establish provisions regarding ejection of persons from certain lodging establishments and recreational vehicle facilities.
establish provisions regarding ejection of persons from certain lodging establishments and recreational vehicle facilities.
HB 1178
establish provisions concerning the sale of adult-use retail marijuana.
establish provisions concerning the sale of adult-use retail marijuana.
HB 1179
provide for an inalienable right to bodily integrity.
provide for an inalienable right to bodily integrity.
HB 1180
permit designated visitors in nursing facilities.
permit designated visitors in nursing facilities.
HB 1181
prohibit the use of cyanide for the purpose of mining for uranium.
prohibit the use of cyanide for the purpose of mining for uranium.
HB 1182
partially reallocate federal payments from national forests.
partially reallocate federal payments from national forests.
HB 1183
prohibit school districts from using certain mascots and team names that are derogatory toward Native American peoples or culture.
prohibit school districts from using certain mascots and team names that are derogatory toward Native American peoples or culture.
HB 1184
require the playing of an honor song or Lakota Flag Song at certain graduation ceremonies upon student request.
require the playing of an honor song or Lakota Flag Song at certain graduation ceremonies upon student request.
HB 1185
permit the wearing of a beaded graduation cap at a school honoring or graduation ceremony.
permit the wearing of a beaded graduation cap at a school honoring or graduation ceremony.
HB 1186
authorize enrolled tribal members to attend certain institutions of higher education without payment of tuition costs.
authorize enrolled tribal members to attend certain institutions of higher education without payment of tuition costs.
HB 1187
establish certain provisions related to law enforcement.
establish certain provisions related to law enforcement.
HB 1188
establish the nonbeneficiary student scholarship program and make an appropriation therefor.
establish the nonbeneficiary student scholarship program and make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1189
make an appropriation to the Department of Tribal Relations to fund the Native American achievement schools grant program.
make an appropriation to the Department of Tribal Relations to fund the Native American achievement schools grant program.
HB 1190
establish the paraprofessional tuition assistance program, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
establish the paraprofessional tuition assistance program, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1191
make an appropriation to the Department of Tribal Relations to support certain children first learning centers that promote the teaching of the Lakota language and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Department of Tribal Relations to support certain children first learning centers that promote the teaching of the Lakota language and to declare an emergency.
HB 1192
make an appropriation to the Department of Education for the Teach for America grant program.
make an appropriation to the Department of Education for the Teach for America grant program.
HB 1193
make an appropriation to the Department of Tribal Relations to support Indian horse racing relays and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Department of Tribal Relations to support Indian horse racing relays and to declare an emergency.
HB 1194
make an appropriation to the Office of Attorney General to temporarily fund a position within the Office of Liaison for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons, and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Office of Attorney General to temporarily fund a position within the Office of Liaison for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1195
direct the Indian Education Advisory Council to make an annual report to the Governor and the State-Tribal Relations Committee.
direct the Indian Education Advisory Council to make an annual report to the Governor and the State-Tribal Relations Committee.
HB 1196
designate the traditional flute as the official indigenous musical instrument of South Dakota.
designate the traditional flute as the official indigenous musical instrument of South Dakota.
HB 1197
include certain costs as project costs for tax increment financing districts.
include certain costs as project costs for tax increment financing districts.
HB 1198
require display of the state motto or the state seal in public schools.
require display of the state motto or the state seal in public schools.
HB 1199
remove irreconcilable differences as a cause for divorce.
remove irreconcilable differences as a cause for divorce.
HB 1200
establish criteria for temporary custody and visitation orders.
establish criteria for temporary custody and visitation orders.
HB 1201
address determinations regarding physical custody of a minor.
address determinations regarding physical custody of a minor.
HB 1202
provide for custody entitlement of a child born out of wedlock.
provide for custody entitlement of a child born out of wedlock.
HB 1203
require taxing districts to hold a public hearing when increasing property tax revenues relative to the previous year.
require taxing districts to hold a public hearing when increasing property tax revenues relative to the previous year.
HB 1204
establish liability and the burden of proof for spoliation of evidence in statute.
establish liability and the burden of proof for spoliation of evidence in statute.
HB 1205
revise the duty of governing boards regarding dangerous roadways.
revise the duty of governing boards regarding dangerous roadways.
HB 1206
establish fees for information provided from the statewide voter registration file.
establish fees for information provided from the statewide voter registration file.
HB 1207
clarify standards for the consideration of open enrollment applications.
clarify standards for the consideration of open enrollment applications.
HB 1208
prohibit chemical abortion drugs and to provide a penalty therefor.
prohibit chemical abortion drugs and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1209
make an appropriation to the Board of Regents for improving the National Music Museum at the University of South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Board of Regents for improving the National Music Museum at the University of South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
HB 1210
make an appropriation to the Board of Regents to provide grant funding for a new biomedical facility at the research park in Sioux Falls, and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Board of Regents to provide grant funding for a new biomedical facility at the research park in Sioux Falls, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1211
prohibit the enforcement of contracts limiting competition on certain matters of conscience.
prohibit the enforcement of contracts limiting competition on certain matters of conscience.
HB 1212
prohibit certain activities related to a person's COVID-19 vaccination status and provide a penalty therefor.
prohibit certain activities related to a person's COVID-19 vaccination status and provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1213
clarify the Corrections Commission's ability to obtain criminal justice information.
clarify the Corrections Commission's ability to obtain criminal justice information.
HB 1214
prohibit forms of caller identification manipulation and to impose a penalty therefor.
prohibit forms of caller identification manipulation and to impose a penalty therefor.
HB 1215
revise the deadlines for state agencies to submit annual budget requests to the Legislative Research Council.
revise the deadlines for state agencies to submit annual budget requests to the Legislative Research Council.
HB 1216
remove collective bargaining for school district employees.
remove collective bargaining for school district employees.
HB 1217
expand criminal provisions regarding the protection of minors from certain forms of sexual exploitation.
expand criminal provisions regarding the protection of minors from certain forms of sexual exploitation.
HB 1218
revise the definition of abused or neglected child to include minors subject to human trafficking.
revise the definition of abused or neglected child to include minors subject to human trafficking.
HB 1219
revise provisions regarding sanitary improvement districts.
revise provisions regarding sanitary improvement districts.
HB 1220
establish a safe harbor for child survivors of certain forms of human trafficking.
establish a safe harbor for child survivors of certain forms of human trafficking.
HB 1221
require training on human trafficking for law enforcement officers.
require training on human trafficking for law enforcement officers.
HB 1222
provide property tax relief for family day care homes.
provide property tax relief for family day care homes.
HB 1223
authorize the provision of informed consent by a pregnant minor.
authorize the provision of informed consent by a pregnant minor.
HB 1224
extend unemployment insurance benefits to individuals who are unemployed because of their refusal to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination.
extend unemployment insurance benefits to individuals who are unemployed because of their refusal to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination.
HB 1225
make an appropriation to provide for the development of South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to provide for the development of South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
HB 1226
make an appropriation to improve healthcare in South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to improve healthcare in South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
HB 1227
make an appropriation for stormwater infrastructure improvements in South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for stormwater infrastructure improvements in South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
HB 1228
expand the ability for patients to seek investigational drugs, biological products, or devices.
expand the ability for patients to seek investigational drugs, biological products, or devices.
HB 1229
authorize the formation of corporations and limited liability companies by physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists.
authorize the formation of corporations and limited liability companies by physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists.
HB 1230
revise the penalty for a violation of maintenance of financial responsibility.
revise the penalty for a violation of maintenance of financial responsibility.
HB 1231
revise the penalty for driving without a license.
revise the penalty for driving without a license.
HB 1232
establish mandatory sentences for certain driving while under the influence violations.
establish mandatory sentences for certain driving while under the influence violations.
HB 1233
establish a parole hearing requirement for certain inmates.
establish a parole hearing requirement for certain inmates.
HB 1234
make an appropriation to provide contingency funds for unanticipated costs related to the coronavirus pandemic and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to provide contingency funds for unanticipated costs related to the coronavirus pandemic and to declare an emergency.
HB 1235
require legislative approval for the acquisition, sale, or exchange of real property by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks.
require legislative approval for the acquisition, sale, or exchange of real property by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks.
HB 1236
make an appropriation regarding fiscal policy of the State and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation regarding fiscal policy of the State and to declare an emergency.
HB 1237
make an appropriation of moneys received from the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund to provide cash assistance to South Dakota citizens.
make an appropriation of moneys received from the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund to provide cash assistance to South Dakota citizens.
HB 1238
create a task force on jail planning, to make an appropriation of general contingency funds therefor, and to declare an emergency.
create a task force on jail planning, to make an appropriation of general contingency funds therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1239
make an appropriation to increase the success of South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to increase the success of South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
HB 1240
make an appropriation to enhance the economic health of South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to enhance the economic health of South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
HB 1241
address surrogacy.
address surrogacy.
HB 1242
allow medical practice on the basis of conscience.
allow medical practice on the basis of conscience.
HB 1243
make an appropriation to the Board of Regents for a cost-of-living increase and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Board of Regents for a cost-of-living increase and to declare an emergency.
HB 1244
make an appropriation to develop and create a residency program for psychologists and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to develop and create a residency program for psychologists and to declare an emergency.
HB 1245
equalize the general fund appropriations appropriated to the Board of Regents.
equalize the general fund appropriations appropriated to the Board of Regents.
HB 1246
establish the fundamental right of a parent.
establish the fundamental right of a parent.
HB 1247
reduce the gross receipts tax rate on retail sales and service and a certain use tax rate to four percent.
reduce the gross receipts tax rate on retail sales and service and a certain use tax rate to four percent.
HB 1248
make an appropriation for the erection of the South Dakota Sioux Code Talker Memorial and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the erection of the South Dakota Sioux Code Talker Memorial and to declare an emergency.
HB 1249
require the posting of syllabi and course information.
require the posting of syllabi and course information.
HB 1250
prohibit institutions of higher education from discriminating against or providing preferential treatment to students.
prohibit institutions of higher education from discriminating against or providing preferential treatment to students.
HB 1251
address lobbying.
address lobbying.
HB 1252
create an Office of Public Policy Events at institutions of higher education.
create an Office of Public Policy Events at institutions of higher education.
HB 1253
provide property assessment freeze and reduction of property assessment for certain seniors, and to revise qualifications for a property tax exemption.
provide property assessment freeze and reduction of property assessment for certain seniors, and to revise qualifications for a property tax exemption.
HB 1254
prohibit the private funding of National Guard and State Guard active-duty missions.
prohibit the private funding of National Guard and State Guard active-duty missions.
HB 1255
clarify certain public meeting requirements.
clarify certain public meeting requirements.
HB 1256
establish employees' exemptions from employer-imposed COVID-19 vaccine requirements.
establish employees' exemptions from employer-imposed COVID-19 vaccine requirements.
HB 1257
establish a fund to assist counties with paying infrastructure expenditures and to declare an emergency.
establish a fund to assist counties with paying infrastructure expenditures and to declare an emergency.
HB 1258
protect an individual's conscience from entities requiring the COVID-19 vaccine.
protect an individual's conscience from entities requiring the COVID-19 vaccine.
HB 1259
provide oversight regarding the exercise of gubernatorial emergency powers.
provide oversight regarding the exercise of gubernatorial emergency powers.
HB 1260
limit the manner in which legislation may be introduced.
limit the manner in which legislation may be introduced.
HB 1261
establish emergency retire-rehire provisions for the South Dakota Retirement System.
establish emergency retire-rehire provisions for the South Dakota Retirement System.
HB 1262
prohibit discrimination based on a person's vaccination status or possession of an immunity passport and to declare an emergency.
prohibit discrimination based on a person's vaccination status or possession of an immunity passport and to declare an emergency.
HB 1263
require an annual meeting with the congressional delegation.
require an annual meeting with the congressional delegation.
HB 1264
make an appropriation for the Liaison for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Office, and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the Liaison for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Office, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1265
increase the required units of United States government for high school graduation.
increase the required units of United States government for high school graduation.
HB 1266
codify minimum requirements for high school graduation.
codify minimum requirements for high school graduation.
HB 1267
allow certain medical professionals to dispense ivermectin to persons.
allow certain medical professionals to dispense ivermectin to persons.
HB 1268
revise provisions related to name changes when obtaining a marriage license.
revise provisions related to name changes when obtaining a marriage license.
HB 1269
limit the deployment of the National Guard for federal service.
limit the deployment of the National Guard for federal service.
HB 1270
require a defendant in a criminal proceeding to be physically present during the reading of victim impact statements.
require a defendant in a criminal proceeding to be physically present during the reading of victim impact statements.
HB 1271
provide for remote work for employees of money lending licensees and mortgage lender businesses.
provide for remote work for employees of money lending licensees and mortgage lender businesses.
HB 1272
revise provisions related to counseling for domestic abuse defendants.
revise provisions related to counseling for domestic abuse defendants.
HB 1273
authorize the Department of the Military to purchase certain real property in Chamberlain and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Department of the Military to purchase certain real property in Chamberlain and to declare an emergency.
HB 1274
establish the Commission on Truth and Reconciliation.
establish the Commission on Truth and Reconciliation.
HB 1275
clarify signature requirements on petitions regarding the change of form of government in municipalities.
clarify signature requirements on petitions regarding the change of form of government in municipalities.
HB 1276
make an appropriation for the purposes of aerial predator control and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the purposes of aerial predator control and to declare an emergency.
HB 1277
make an appropriation to the State Conservation Commission, transfer moneys thereto, and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the State Conservation Commission, transfer moneys thereto, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1278
revise the child support obligation schedule.
revise the child support obligation schedule.
HB 1279
revise certain provisions relating to child support.
revise certain provisions relating to child support.
HB 1280
provide for an examination via telehealth for purposes of a bona fide practitioner-patient relationship under the medical cannabis program.
provide for an examination via telehealth for purposes of a bona fide practitioner-patient relationship under the medical cannabis program.
HB 1281
clarify the contents of the general appropriations act for fiscal year 2023, pertaining to certain federal moneys and to declare an emergency.
clarify the contents of the general appropriations act for fiscal year 2023, pertaining to certain federal moneys and to declare an emergency.
HB 1282
allow inpatient psychiatric facility placement alternatives for certain patients.
allow inpatient psychiatric facility placement alternatives for certain patients.
HB 1283
require the posting of laws regarding hospital, nursing facility, and assisted living center visitation.
require the posting of laws regarding hospital, nursing facility, and assisted living center visitation.
HB 1284
increase household income thresholds for a paraplegic tax reduction.
increase household income thresholds for a paraplegic tax reduction.
HB 1285
create a critical care endorsement for emergency medical technician-paramedics.
create a critical care endorsement for emergency medical technician-paramedics.
HB 1286
permit municipalities to contribute more to the cost of insurance provided to certain officers or retired employees.
permit municipalities to contribute more to the cost of insurance provided to certain officers or retired employees.
HB 1287
revise certain provisions regarding the crime of rape and provide a penalty therefor.
revise certain provisions regarding the crime of rape and provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1288
make an appropriation for the planning, renovation, and equipping of the North East Regional Jail Facility in Brown County and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the planning, renovation, and equipping of the North East Regional Jail Facility in Brown County and to declare an emergency.
HB 1289
update provisions regarding self-service storage.
update provisions regarding self-service storage.
HB 1290
prohibit lobbying by state officials and employees.
prohibit lobbying by state officials and employees.
HB 1291
classify 911 telecommunicators as Class B members of the South Dakota Retirement System.
classify 911 telecommunicators as Class B members of the South Dakota Retirement System.
HB 1292
regulate delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol, THC-O acetate, and hexahydrocannabinol for those under the age of twenty-one.
regulate delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol, THC-O acetate, and hexahydrocannabinol for those under the age of twenty-one.
HB 1293
limit liability for certain child welfare agency licensees.
limit liability for certain child welfare agency licensees.
HB 1294
address early learning and child care.
address early learning and child care.
HB 1295
require an annual report from associations that represent boards of school districts.
require an annual report from associations that represent boards of school districts.
HB 1296
provide for the killing of mountain lions under certain circumstances.
provide for the killing of mountain lions under certain circumstances.
HB 1297
revise the authorization for a tribal flag display in the rotunda of the capitol building.
revise the authorization for a tribal flag display in the rotunda of the capitol building.
HB 1298
reallocate federal payments from national forests.
reallocate federal payments from national forests.
HB 1299
establish requirements for higher education.
establish requirements for higher education.
HB 1300
provide for certain permissible dates for municipal and school district elections.
provide for certain permissible dates for municipal and school district elections.
HB 1301
revise percentages regarding certain municipal proceeds of gaming revenues.
revise percentages regarding certain municipal proceeds of gaming revenues.
HB 1302
modify tuition responsibilities for children in residential treatment centers.
modify tuition responsibilities for children in residential treatment centers.
HB 1303
address elementary and secondary education.
address elementary and secondary education.
HB 1304
address child care.
address child care.
HB 1305
revise provisions regarding the procurement of tax deeds.
revise provisions regarding the procurement of tax deeds.
HB 1306
make an appropriation to rural access infrastructure funds and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to rural access infrastructure funds and to declare an emergency.
HB 1307
revise the definition of cremation.
revise the definition of cremation.
HB 1308
provide for the payment of signing bonuses to school district staff members.
provide for the payment of signing bonuses to school district staff members.
HB 1309
prohibit the use of political litmus tests in education.
prohibit the use of political litmus tests in education.
HB 1310
authorize parental review of instructional and curricular materials.
authorize parental review of instructional and curricular materials.
HB 1311
clarify the means of voluntarily terminating a relationship between a birth mother and a child.
clarify the means of voluntarily terminating a relationship between a birth mother and a child.
HB 1312
establish due process rights for students during disciplinary proceedings.
establish due process rights for students during disciplinary proceedings.
HB 1313
expand the definition of community safety zone in relation to the sex offender registry.
expand the definition of community safety zone in relation to the sex offender registry.
HB 1314
prohibit the personal possession of a loaded firearm while in possession of cannabis or cannabis products and to provide a penalty therefor.
prohibit the personal possession of a loaded firearm while in possession of cannabis or cannabis products and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1315
clarify provisions related to foster care.
clarify provisions related to foster care.
HB 1316
revise provisions regarding soil health in resource conservation and forestry and conservation districts.
revise provisions regarding soil health in resource conservation and forestry and conservation districts.
HB 1317
enhance the Battleship South Dakota Memorial.
enhance the Battleship South Dakota Memorial.
HB 1318
prohibit medical abortion by telemedicine and to increase the penalty for the unlicensed practice of medicine when performing a medical abortion.
prohibit medical abortion by telemedicine and to increase the penalty for the unlicensed practice of medicine when performing a medical abortion.
HB 1319
prohibit contributions from federal campaign committees.
prohibit contributions from federal campaign committees.
HB 1320
appropriate funds to reconstruct Custer West Dam and to declare an emergency.
appropriate funds to reconstruct Custer West Dam and to declare an emergency.
HB 1321
prohibit frivolous or vexatious complaints against commercial pesticide applicators and to provide a penalty therefor.
prohibit frivolous or vexatious complaints against commercial pesticide applicators and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1322
provide for the direct sale of certain home-produced or home-processed foods and food products.
provide for the direct sale of certain home-produced or home-processed foods and food products.
HB 1323
increase the amount transferred into the coordinated natural resources conservation fund.
increase the amount transferred into the coordinated natural resources conservation fund.
HB 1324
provide additional time for camping permit acquisition by residents.
provide additional time for camping permit acquisition by residents.
HB 1325
revise the classification of agricultural land according to soil type.
revise the classification of agricultural land according to soil type.
HB 1326
reinstate the prohibition against certain acts causing the termination of an unborn human life, and to prescribe a penalty therefor.
reinstate the prohibition against certain acts causing the termination of an unborn human life, and to prescribe a penalty therefor.
HB 1327
reduce certain gross receipts tax rates and a use tax rate, and to repeal a conditional reduction of certain gross receipts tax rates.
reduce certain gross receipts tax rates and a use tax rate, and to repeal a conditional reduction of certain gross receipts tax rates.
HB 1328
require law enforcement to report certain seizures of property.
require law enforcement to report certain seizures of property.
HB 1329
require a forensic audit of election results after each presidential general election.
require a forensic audit of election results after each presidential general election.
HB 1330
limit the increase of assessed value of property for the purpose of taxation, and to limit the property tax due on property.
limit the increase of assessed value of property for the purpose of taxation, and to limit the property tax due on property.
HB 1331
clarify the description of common carrier pipelines.
clarify the description of common carrier pipelines.
HB 1332
allow persons moving from certain municipal zones to retain property assessments from original homes.
allow persons moving from certain municipal zones to retain property assessments from original homes.
HB 1333
make an appropriation of American Rescue Plan Act moneys for child care grants and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation of American Rescue Plan Act moneys for child care grants and to declare an emergency.
HB 1334
make an appropriation of American Rescue Plan Act moneys for certain home and community-based services, and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation of American Rescue Plan Act moneys for certain home and community-based services, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1335
revise certain provisions regarding the expenditure of moneys allotted to the state by the United States of America.
revise certain provisions regarding the expenditure of moneys allotted to the state by the United States of America.
HB 1336
make various clarifying changes to the state budgeting process.
make various clarifying changes to the state budgeting process.
HB 1337
to protect elementary and secondary students from political indoctrination.
to protect elementary and secondary students from political indoctrination.
HB 1338
appropriate money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the current expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools.
appropriate money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the current expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools.
HB 1339
make an appropriation to provide contingency funds for unanticipated costs and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to provide contingency funds for unanticipated costs and to declare an emergency.
HB 1340
appropriate money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the current expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools.
appropriate money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the current expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools.
Bill Type: House Commemoration
HC 8001
honoring the 2020-2021 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Dr. Becky Guffin, Aberdeen School Superintendent; Fran Ruesink, Dell Rapids Middle School Principal; Susan Purintun, DeSmet School Business Official; Nick Gottlob, Spearfish Elementary School Principal; Mathew Raba, Belle Fourche Secondary School Principal; Joe Williams, Meade Assistant Middle School Principal; Dr. Tonia Warzecha, Tea Curriculum Leader; and Deb Muilenburg-Wilson, Sioux Falls Director of Special Education.
honoring the 2020-2021 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Dr. Becky Guffin, Aberdeen School Superintendent; Fran Ruesink, Dell Rapids Middle School Principal; Susan Purintun, DeSmet School Business Official; Nick Gottlob, Spearfish Elementary School Principal; Mathew Raba, Belle Fourche Secondary School Principal; Joe Williams, Meade Assistant Middle School Principal; Dr. Tonia Warzecha, Tea Curriculum Leader; and Deb Muilenburg-Wilson, Sioux Falls Director of Special Education.
HC 8002
Commending and honoring the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1054.
Commending and honoring the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1054.
HC 8003
Celebrating the Sioux Falls Lincoln High School's boys tennis program's seventh-straight State Class AA team championship.
Celebrating the Sioux Falls Lincoln High School's boys tennis program's seventh-straight State Class AA team championship.
HC 8004
Honoring Ritchie Nordstrom for being selected to join the National League of Cities' 2022 Transportation and Infrastructure Services Federal Advocacy Committee.
Honoring Ritchie Nordstrom for being selected to join the National League of Cities' 2022 Transportation and Infrastructure Services Federal Advocacy Committee.
HC 8005
Commending and honoring Eric Stroeder, a member of the Mobridge-Pollock School District Board of Education, on his selection as the Associated School Boards of South Dakota Outstanding School Board Member of South Dakota for 2021.
Commending and honoring Eric Stroeder, a member of the Mobridge-Pollock School District Board of Education, on his selection as the Associated School Boards of South Dakota Outstanding School Board Member of South Dakota for 2021.
HC 8006
honoring Auburn Brenner of Sioux Falls, South Dakota Girls State Governor, and Joseph Gebel of Mitchell, South Dakota Boys State Governor, and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs.
honoring Auburn Brenner of Sioux Falls, South Dakota Girls State Governor, and Joseph Gebel of Mitchell, South Dakota Boys State Governor, and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs.
HC 8007
honoring and remembering the life of Betty Lou Kost.
honoring and remembering the life of Betty Lou Kost.
HC 8008
celebrating the Winner High School football team's Class 11B state championship win.
celebrating the Winner High School football team's Class 11B state championship win.
HC 8009
honoring the extraordinary life of Maria "Mary" Victoria Piper and expressing condolences to her family.
honoring the extraordinary life of Maria "Mary" Victoria Piper and expressing condolences to her family.
HC 8010
Celebrating the Madison High School gymnastics team for winning the Class A state championship.
Celebrating the Madison High School gymnastics team for winning the Class A state championship.
HC 8011
Celebrating one hundred years of WNAX radio.
Celebrating one hundred years of WNAX radio.
HC 8012
Celebrating the Platte-Geddes High School football team for winning the Class 9AA state championship.
Celebrating the Platte-Geddes High School football team for winning the Class 9AA state championship.
HC 8013
Recognizing Our Savior Lutheran Church in Aberdeen, for celebrating 75 years of service and dedication to the community.
Recognizing Our Savior Lutheran Church in Aberdeen, for celebrating 75 years of service and dedication to the community.
HC 8014
Honoring the life and service of Dr. Arthur W. Zimiga.
Honoring the life and service of Dr. Arthur W. Zimiga.
HC 8015
Honoring the work of Ethleen Iron Cloud Two Dogs.
Honoring the work of Ethleen Iron Cloud Two Dogs.
HC 8016
Honoring the work of Beverly Warne.
Honoring the work of Beverly Warne.
HC 8017
Honoring the life and service of Vietnam veteran Thomas Bad Heart Bull.
Honoring the life and service of Vietnam veteran Thomas Bad Heart Bull.
HC 8018
Honoring John Samuel Marty.
Honoring John Samuel Marty.
HC 8019
Celebrating Mitchell High School's show choir, Friend de Coup.
Celebrating Mitchell High School's show choir, Friend de Coup.
Bill Type: House Concurrent Resolution
HCR 6001
Opining that the star quilt should be recognized as the official quilt of this state.
Opining that the star quilt should be recognized as the official quilt of this state.
HCR 6002
Recommending private sector housing solutions.
Recommending private sector housing solutions.
HCR 6003
declaring April 26th to be shared parenting day.
declaring April 26th to be shared parenting day.
HCR 6004
urging the creation of safe and supportive environments for students with epilepsy.
urging the creation of safe and supportive environments for students with epilepsy.
HCR 6005
Urging the executive branch to refrain from seeking or promoting specific legislative outcomes.
Urging the executive branch to refrain from seeking or promoting specific legislative outcomes.
HCR 6006
To urge the United States Congress and the President of the United States to take no action to employ military forces of the United States in active-duty combat unless the United States Congress has passed an official declaration of war and to bring troops home who are engaged in unconstitutional foreign conflicts.
To urge the United States Congress and the President of the United States to take no action to employ military forces of the United States in active-duty combat unless the United States Congress has passed an official declaration of war and to bring troops home who are engaged in unconstitutional foreign conflicts.
HCR 6007
Celebrating the sister-state relationship with Taiwan.
Celebrating the sister-state relationship with Taiwan.
HCR 6008
Urging the Associated School Boards of South Dakota to immediately discontinue any affiliation with or participation in the National School Boards Association.
Urging the Associated School Boards of South Dakota to immediately discontinue any affiliation with or participation in the National School Boards Association.
HCR 6009
Commending Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with this State and the United States.
Commending Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with this State and the United States.
HCR 6010
Supporting the initiatives of the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate.
Supporting the initiatives of the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate.
HCR 6011
declaring August thirty-first as Young Republicans Day.
declaring August thirty-first as Young Republicans Day.
HCR 6012
Urging the development of options for ensuring continued visitation of patients and residents in nursing facilities and assisted living centers.
Urging the development of options for ensuring continued visitation of patients and residents in nursing facilities and assisted living centers.
HCR 6013
Celebrating American heroes.
Celebrating American heroes.
HCR 6014
Urging the federal government to fulfill treaty obligations by fully funding the Oglala and Rosebud Sioux Tribe Departments of Public Safety for the public safety crisis on the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Sioux Reservations.
Urging the federal government to fulfill treaty obligations by fully funding the Oglala and Rosebud Sioux Tribe Departments of Public Safety for the public safety crisis on the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Sioux Reservations.
Bill Type: House Joint Resolution
HJR 5001
To apply for a convention of states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States, to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office for federal officials and members of Congress.
To apply for a convention of states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States, to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office for federal officials and members of Congress.
HJR 5002
proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, establishing the commissioner of agriculture and natural resources as an elected constitutional officer.
proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, establishing the commissioner of agriculture and natural resources as an elected constitutional officer.
HJR 5003
proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election a new section to Article VI of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to the definition of a human being.
proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election a new section to Article VI of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to the definition of a human being.
Bill Type: House Resolution
HR 7001
In support of investigating and opening an official inquiry into the Medals of Honor given to United States soldiers for the involvement and participation of the soldiers in the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890.
In support of investigating and opening an official inquiry into the Medals of Honor given to United States soldiers for the involvement and participation of the soldiers in the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890.
HR 7002
Celebrating Black History Month.
Celebrating Black History Month.
HR 7003
For the integrity of South Dakota.
For the integrity of South Dakota.
HR 7004
Addressing the Governor's unacceptable actions in matters related to the appraiser certification program.
Addressing the Governor's unacceptable actions in matters related to the appraiser certification program.
HR 7005
Urging support for the people of Ukraine.
Urging support for the people of Ukraine.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 1
codify legislation enacted in 2021.
codify legislation enacted in 2021.
SB 2
publish voter-approved initiated constitutional amendments and initiated measures in the session laws.
publish voter-approved initiated constitutional amendments and initiated measures in the session laws.
SB 3
provide for the use and regulated sale of marijuana.
provide for the use and regulated sale of marijuana.
SB 4
revise provisions related to a written certification for the medical use of cannabis.
revise provisions related to a written certification for the medical use of cannabis.
SB 5
revise acceptable conduct related to the medical use of cannabis.
revise acceptable conduct related to the medical use of cannabis.
SB 6
revise provisions related to prohibited conduct by schools and landlords related to medical cannabis.
revise provisions related to prohibited conduct by schools and landlords related to medical cannabis.
SB 7
revise provisions related to custody and visitation rights by medical cannabis cardholders.
revise provisions related to custody and visitation rights by medical cannabis cardholders.
SB 8
revise provisions concerning civil penalties imposed for violations related to medical cannabis.
revise provisions concerning civil penalties imposed for violations related to medical cannabis.
SB 9
revise the definition of a designated caregiver.
revise the definition of a designated caregiver.
SB 10
revise provisions related to verifications required prior to receiving medical cannabis.
revise provisions related to verifications required prior to receiving medical cannabis.
SB 11
revise provisions regarding the medical marijuana oversight committee.
revise provisions regarding the medical marijuana oversight committee.
SB 12
revise the annual report on medical cannabis by the Department of Health to the Legislature.
revise the annual report on medical cannabis by the Department of Health to the Legislature.
SB 13
repeal provisions permitting certain documents to serve as temporary registry identification cards for medical cannabis.
repeal provisions permitting certain documents to serve as temporary registry identification cards for medical cannabis.
SB 14
revise provisions related to the confidential list of medical cannabis cardholders maintained by the Department of Health.
revise provisions related to the confidential list of medical cannabis cardholders maintained by the Department of Health.
SB 15
revise provisions providing that certain professions are not subject to discipline for certain conduct relating to medical cannabis.
revise provisions providing that certain professions are not subject to discipline for certain conduct relating to medical cannabis.
SB 16
repeal provisions related to the prosecution, search, seizure, penalty, or discipline of medical cannabis establishments for certain conduct.
repeal provisions related to the prosecution, search, seizure, penalty, or discipline of medical cannabis establishments for certain conduct.
SB 17
revise provisions regarding cost reimbursement associated with medical cannabis.
revise provisions regarding cost reimbursement associated with medical cannabis.
SB 18
revise rulemaking authority related to medical cannabis.
revise rulemaking authority related to medical cannabis.
SB 19
permit certain facilities to establish reasonable restrictions related to the medical use of cannabis.
permit certain facilities to establish reasonable restrictions related to the medical use of cannabis.
SB 20
revise the medical purpose defense related to the medical use of cannabis.
revise the medical purpose defense related to the medical use of cannabis.
SB 21
revise provisions related to the revocation of a medical cannabis registry identification card.
revise provisions related to the revocation of a medical cannabis registry identification card.
SB 22
revise a reference to the Division of Criminal Investigation.
revise a reference to the Division of Criminal Investigation.
SB 23
revise the definition of bona fide practitioner-patient relationship.
revise the definition of bona fide practitioner-patient relationship.
SB 24
establish a maximum number of cannabis plants that may be cultivated by a medical cannabis cardholder.
establish a maximum number of cannabis plants that may be cultivated by a medical cannabis cardholder.
SB 25
provide for the taxation of marijuana.
provide for the taxation of marijuana.
SB 26
revise the definition of practitioner for purposes of the medical cannabis program.
revise the definition of practitioner for purposes of the medical cannabis program.
SB 27
revise the provisions regarding the denial or nonrenewal of a patient registry identification card.
revise the provisions regarding the denial or nonrenewal of a patient registry identification card.
SB 28
disqualify for life any person from driving a commercial vehicle who is convicted of a felony offense involving human trafficking.
disqualify for life any person from driving a commercial vehicle who is convicted of a felony offense involving human trafficking.
SB 29
authorize highway maintenance vehicles to operate at less than the posted minimum speed on interstate highways.
authorize highway maintenance vehicles to operate at less than the posted minimum speed on interstate highways.
SB 30
add Juneteenth as a state holiday.
add Juneteenth as a state holiday.
SB 31
make an appropriation to the Department of Labor and Regulation for the modernization of the reemployment assistance enterprise system and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Department of Labor and Regulation for the modernization of the reemployment assistance enterprise system and to declare an emergency.
SB 32
authorize the Department of Corrections to purchase certain real property, construct a community work center for offenders committed to the Department of Corrections, to make an appropriation therefor, transfer funds from the budget reserve fund, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Department of Corrections to purchase certain real property, construct a community work center for offenders committed to the Department of Corrections, to make an appropriation therefor, transfer funds from the budget reserve fund, and to declare an emergency.
SB 33
authorize the Department of Corrections to make healthcare improvements at the South Dakota Women's Prison, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Department of Corrections to make healthcare improvements at the South Dakota Women's Prison, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 34
make an appropriation for the enhancement and improvement of state radio infrastructure and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the enhancement and improvement of state radio infrastructure and to declare an emergency.
SB 35
increase penalties for actions related to grain transactions.
increase penalties for actions related to grain transactions.
SB 36
require financial security for the decommissioning of solar facilities.
require financial security for the decommissioning of solar facilities.
SB 37
repeal the bingo distributor license and bingo manufacturer license and to repeal the bingo tax.
repeal the bingo distributor license and bingo manufacturer license and to repeal the bingo tax.
SB 38
prohibit a grain broker from engaging in certain transactions or activities and to provide a penalty therefor.
prohibit a grain broker from engaging in certain transactions or activities and to provide a penalty therefor.
SB 39
reduce the period for filing claims upon the revocation of a grain buyer license.
reduce the period for filing claims upon the revocation of a grain buyer license.
SB 40
establish safety standards regarding biogas gathering lines.
establish safety standards regarding biogas gathering lines.
SB 41
revise the appropriation for the construction of a National Guard Readiness Center in Sioux Falls, for the purchase and exchange of property between the state and the Sioux Falls Development Foundation, and to declare an emergency.
revise the appropriation for the construction of a National Guard Readiness Center in Sioux Falls, for the purchase and exchange of property between the state and the Sioux Falls Development Foundation, and to declare an emergency.
SB 42
authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the design and construction of an addition to the wellness center at the University of South Dakota, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the design and construction of an addition to the wellness center at the University of South Dakota, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 43
authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the design, renovation, and construction of an addition for a health sciences center at Black Hills State University–Rapid City, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the design, renovation, and construction of an addition for a health sciences center at Black Hills State University–Rapid City, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 44
authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the demolition of Briscoe Hall and the existing Lincoln Hall, and the design and construction of the new Lincoln Hall, at Northern State University, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the demolition of Briscoe Hall and the existing Lincoln Hall, and the design and construction of the new Lincoln Hall, at Northern State University, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 45
revise notice and record keeping requirements of real estate brokerages.
revise notice and record keeping requirements of real estate brokerages.
SB 46
protect fairness in women's sports.
protect fairness in women's sports.
SB 47
revise certain provisions regarding money transmission.
revise certain provisions regarding money transmission.
SB 48
make an appropriation for the redesign and renovation of the Wagner Readiness Center and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the redesign and renovation of the Wagner Readiness Center and to declare an emergency.
SB 49
authorize the Department of the Military to construct a cold storage building located in Rapid City, South Dakota, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Department of the Military to construct a cold storage building located in Rapid City, South Dakota, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 50
make an appropriation for water, wastewater and storm water projects throughout state government, and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for water, wastewater and storm water projects throughout state government, and to declare an emergency.
SB 51
make an appropriation to support firefighter training equipment and recruitment efforts in the state, and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to support firefighter training equipment and recruitment efforts in the state, and to declare an emergency.
SB 52
make an appropriation for the replacement of the Richmond Lake spillway, for the general maintenance and repair of other state-owned dams, and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the replacement of the Richmond Lake spillway, for the general maintenance and repair of other state-owned dams, and to declare an emergency.
SB 53
authorize the Department of Corrections to purchase certain real property and contract for design of a community work center for offenders committed to the Department of Corrections, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Department of Corrections to purchase certain real property and contract for design of a community work center for offenders committed to the Department of Corrections, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 54
appropriate funds for the Dakota State University Cyber Program Expansion and to declare an emergency.
appropriate funds for the Dakota State University Cyber Program Expansion and to declare an emergency.
SB 55
appropriate funds for the expansion of broadband infrastructure and to declare an emergency.
appropriate funds for the expansion of broadband infrastructure and to declare an emergency.
SB 56
revise certain provisions relating to the South Dakota Retirement System.
revise certain provisions relating to the South Dakota Retirement System.
SB 57
add gaming enforcement agents to Class B membership of the South Dakota Retirement System.
add gaming enforcement agents to Class B membership of the South Dakota Retirement System.
SB 58
make an appropriation for the construction of a new state public health laboratory and the renovation of the existing laboratory and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the construction of a new state public health laboratory and the renovation of the existing laboratory and to declare an emergency.
SB 59
revise property tax levies for school districts and to revise the state aid to general and special education formulas.
revise property tax levies for school districts and to revise the state aid to general and special education formulas.
SB 60
revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2022.
revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2022.
SB 61
make an appropriation to the Board of Technical Education to support the purchase of simulation equipment for a health sciences clinical simulation center on the campus of Southeast Technical College and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Board of Technical Education to support the purchase of simulation equipment for a health sciences clinical simulation center on the campus of Southeast Technical College and to declare an emergency.
SB 62
make an appropriation for eligible water, wastewater, storm water, and nonpoint source projects and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for eligible water, wastewater, storm water, and nonpoint source projects and to declare an emergency.
SB 63
revise the appropriation for road improvements to the State Veterans Cemetery, to provide for ordinary operations of the cemetery, and to declare an emergency.
revise the appropriation for road improvements to the State Veterans Cemetery, to provide for ordinary operations of the cemetery, and to declare an emergency.
SB 64
make appropriations from the water and environment fund and its revolving fund subfunds for various water and environmental purposes and to declare an emergency.
make appropriations from the water and environment fund and its revolving fund subfunds for various water and environmental purposes and to declare an emergency.
SB 65
delineate uses for the South Dakota housing opportunity fund.
delineate uses for the South Dakota housing opportunity fund.
SB 66
authorize the use of electric all-terrain and off-road vehicles on public highways.
authorize the use of electric all-terrain and off-road vehicles on public highways.
SB 67
make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to improve and repair infrastructure around Lake Alvin and Newell Lake and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to improve and repair infrastructure around Lake Alvin and Newell Lake and to declare an emergency.
SB 68
revise holiday pay for state employees.
revise holiday pay for state employees.
SB 69
provide for an electronic system to update voter registration information.
provide for an electronic system to update voter registration information.
SB 70
modify the amount of time to report an injury for workers' compensation.
modify the amount of time to report an injury for workers' compensation.
SB 71
revise certain provisions related to the partners in education tax credit program.
revise certain provisions related to the partners in education tax credit program.
SB 72
establish the crime of hazing and to provide a penalty therefor.
establish the crime of hazing and to provide a penalty therefor.
SB 73
provide for the use of artificial light and night-vision equipment while hunting coyotes and other predators.
provide for the use of artificial light and night-vision equipment while hunting coyotes and other predators.
SB 74
revise provisions regarding out-of-service motor carrier violations.
revise provisions regarding out-of-service motor carrier violations.
SB 75
establish certain pay provisions for state employees working shifts longer than eight hours a day.
establish certain pay provisions for state employees working shifts longer than eight hours a day.
SB 76
revise certain provisions regarding the minimum amount of a lottery prize that is subject to setoff.
revise certain provisions regarding the minimum amount of a lottery prize that is subject to setoff.
SB 77
enhance the penalty on registered sex offenders who commit sexual contact without consent from a person capable of consenting.
enhance the penalty on registered sex offenders who commit sexual contact without consent from a person capable of consenting.
SB 78
revise the enhanced penalty for unauthorized manufacture, distribution, counterfeiting or possession of Schedule I or II substances.
revise the enhanced penalty for unauthorized manufacture, distribution, counterfeiting or possession of Schedule I or II substances.
SB 79
clarify cross-references regarding powers of attorney.
clarify cross-references regarding powers of attorney.
SB 80
exempt the provision of electricity through electric vehicle charging stations from the definition of electric utility.
exempt the provision of electricity through electric vehicle charging stations from the definition of electric utility.
SB 81
revise the definition of sexual contact for purposes of sexual contact with a child under eighteen by a person in a position of authority.
revise the definition of sexual contact for purposes of sexual contact with a child under eighteen by a person in a position of authority.
SB 82
revise the admissibility of certain statements made by persons with developmental disabilities concerning certain crimes.
revise the admissibility of certain statements made by persons with developmental disabilities concerning certain crimes.
SB 83
modify when a motion for expungement of an arrest record may be made and to declare an emergency.
modify when a motion for expungement of an arrest record may be made and to declare an emergency.
SB 84
make an appropriation for the design, renovation, and construction of a multi-purpose facility at the Cottonwood Field Station and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for the design, renovation, and construction of a multi-purpose facility at the Cottonwood Field Station and to declare an emergency.
SB 85
create the ARPA water and environment fund, create a subfund, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
create the ARPA water and environment fund, create a subfund, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 86
revise certain definitions in laws regarding physical therapists.
revise certain definitions in laws regarding physical therapists.
SB 87
update the South Dakota Coordinate System to conform to national standards.
update the South Dakota Coordinate System to conform to national standards.
SB 88
revise certain provisions regarding the State Conservation Commission and conservation districts.
revise certain provisions regarding the State Conservation Commission and conservation districts.
SB 89
require insurers to provide coverage for hearing aids and related services to persons under age nineteen.
require insurers to provide coverage for hearing aids and related services to persons under age nineteen.
SB 90
revise certain provisions regarding local building codes.
revise certain provisions regarding local building codes.
SB 91
revise provisions regarding the use of certain lights by county highway department authorized vehicles.
revise provisions regarding the use of certain lights by county highway department authorized vehicles.
SB 92
require that taxpayer funded pool arrangements providing workers' compensation coverage demonstrate financial stability, reliable management, and fair pricing.
require that taxpayer funded pool arrangements providing workers' compensation coverage demonstrate financial stability, reliable management, and fair pricing.
SB 93
revise certain provisions related to the use of epinephrine and supraglottic airway devices by ambulance services.
revise certain provisions related to the use of epinephrine and supraglottic airway devices by ambulance services.
SB 94
revise the membership of the Board of Education Standards to include the chairs of the Senate and House committees on education.
revise the membership of the Board of Education Standards to include the chairs of the Senate and House committees on education.
SB 95
revise provisions regarding the Teacher Compensation Review Board.
revise provisions regarding the Teacher Compensation Review Board.
SB 96
make an appropriation to the Board of Regents to renovate the science laboratories in the Churchill-Haines Building at the University of South Dakota.
make an appropriation to the Board of Regents to renovate the science laboratories in the Churchill-Haines Building at the University of South Dakota.
SB 97
authorize the Board of Regents to acquire the incubator building located on the campus of South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, to contract for the design and renovation thereof, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Board of Regents to acquire the incubator building located on the campus of South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, to contract for the design and renovation thereof, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 98
add an exemption from the calculation of adjusted gross proceeds from gaming.
add an exemption from the calculation of adjusted gross proceeds from gaming.
SB 99
revise percentages regarding certain municipal proceeds of gaming revenues.
revise percentages regarding certain municipal proceeds of gaming revenues.
SB 100
revise the requirement for approval from certain private campground owners for the construction or expansion of municipal campground and municipal tourist facilities.
revise the requirement for approval from certain private campground owners for the construction or expansion of municipal campground and municipal tourist facilities.
SB 101
revise provisions regarding the sale or service of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of twenty-one.
revise provisions regarding the sale or service of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of twenty-one.
SB 102
create the medicaid expansion fund and to provide for the receipt of monies received as a result of expanding medicaid eligibility.
create the medicaid expansion fund and to provide for the receipt of monies received as a result of expanding medicaid eligibility.
SB 103
make an appropriation to support the teen court grant program and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to support the teen court grant program and to declare an emergency.
SB 104
modify certain provisions related to elections for sparse school districts.
modify certain provisions related to elections for sparse school districts.
SB 105
require renovation estimates on certain school facilities before replacement.
require renovation estimates on certain school facilities before replacement.
SB 106
require school boards to consult with law enforcement on the design of new school facilities.
require school boards to consult with law enforcement on the design of new school facilities.
SB 107
provide for the remote witnessing of certain legal instruments.
provide for the remote witnessing of certain legal instruments.
SB 108
repeal certain reporting requirements to the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council.
repeal certain reporting requirements to the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council.
SB 109
make an appropriation to pay increased costs incurred in the construction of an appropriate regional facility and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to pay increased costs incurred in the construction of an appropriate regional facility and to declare an emergency.
SB 110
transfer funds to the South Dakota postsecondary scholarship grant fund for the South Dakota need-based grant program and to declare an emergency.
transfer funds to the South Dakota postsecondary scholarship grant fund for the South Dakota need-based grant program and to declare an emergency.
SB 111
revise provisions on aiding, abetting, or advising.
revise provisions on aiding, abetting, or advising.
SB 112
transfer the Office of Indian Education to the Department of Education.
transfer the Office of Indian Education to the Department of Education.
SB 113
add nabiximols as a Schedule III controlled substance.
add nabiximols as a Schedule III controlled substance.
SB 114
provide a refund for the contractor's excise tax for certain residential housing projects.
provide a refund for the contractor's excise tax for certain residential housing projects.
SB 115
make an appropriation for quiet zone railway crossings and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for quiet zone railway crossings and to declare an emergency.
SB 116
repeal a physician's ability to prescribe the number of cannabis plants a cardholder may cultivate.
repeal a physician's ability to prescribe the number of cannabis plants a cardholder may cultivate.
SB 117
revise the gross receipts tax on certain food.
revise the gross receipts tax on certain food.
SB 118
establish provisions related to the testing of medical cannabis.
establish provisions related to the testing of medical cannabis.
SB 119
prohibit sexual contact between prison employees and prisoners.
prohibit sexual contact between prison employees and prisoners.
SB 120
include intentionally manipulated images or recordings in the crime of invasion of privacy by recording.
include intentionally manipulated images or recordings in the crime of invasion of privacy by recording.
SB 121
restrict the distribution of deceptive images or recordings with the intent to influence the outcome of an election.
restrict the distribution of deceptive images or recordings with the intent to influence the outcome of an election.
SB 122
prohibit private funding of election costs except for gifts of a nominal and intrinsic value.
prohibit private funding of election costs except for gifts of a nominal and intrinsic value.
SB 123
provide for certain requirements in the absentee ballot application process.
provide for certain requirements in the absentee ballot application process.
SB 124
protect the integrity and accuracy of voter registration information.
protect the integrity and accuracy of voter registration information.
SB 125
to establish the transfer of a motor vehicle upon death.
to establish the transfer of a motor vehicle upon death.
SB 126
require closure of litigation over the recreational use of nonmeandered waters.
require closure of litigation over the recreational use of nonmeandered waters.
SB 127
to establish the transfer of a boat upon death.
to establish the transfer of a boat upon death.
SB 128
increase the penalty for neglect, abandonment, and mistreatment of animals.
increase the penalty for neglect, abandonment, and mistreatment of animals.
SB 129
revise provisions regarding the right-of-way of vehicles at an intersection.
revise provisions regarding the right-of-way of vehicles at an intersection.
SB 130
authorize the Board of Regents to acquire property, contract for the design and construction of the Dakota State University Applied Research Lab, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
authorize the Board of Regents to acquire property, contract for the design and construction of the Dakota State University Applied Research Lab, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 131
require the Board of Regents to provide an annual presentation to the special committee.
require the Board of Regents to provide an annual presentation to the special committee.
SB 132
make an appropriation for multi-media lab equipment at Black Hills State University and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for multi-media lab equipment at Black Hills State University and to declare an emergency.
SB 133
make an appropriation to the Board of Regents to upgrade an education lab and purchase resources at Black Hills State University and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Board of Regents to upgrade an education lab and purchase resources at Black Hills State University and to declare an emergency.
SB 134
revise provisions related to physician assistants.
revise provisions related to physician assistants.
SB 135
revise provisions regarding agritourism liability.
revise provisions regarding agritourism liability.
SB 136
revise and clarify certain processes for emergency detainment related to drug and alcohol abuse.
revise and clarify certain processes for emergency detainment related to drug and alcohol abuse.
SB 137
establish gestational surrogacy arrangements and agreements.
establish gestational surrogacy arrangements and agreements.
SB 138
clarify provisions related to filing a petition to refer an ordinance or resolution.
clarify provisions related to filing a petition to refer an ordinance or resolution.
SB 139
provide for the creation and funding of Oceti Sakowin community-based schools.
provide for the creation and funding of Oceti Sakowin community-based schools.
SB 140
recognize hair discrimination as an unfair or discriminatory practice.
recognize hair discrimination as an unfair or discriminatory practice.
SB 141
establish provisions for the South Dakota Retirement System.
establish provisions for the South Dakota Retirement System.
SB 142
establish provisions for medical services.
establish provisions for medical services.
SB 143
establish provisions related to education.
establish provisions related to education.
SB 144
create the incarceration construction fund for the capital construction of such facilities.
create the incarceration construction fund for the capital construction of such facilities.
SB 145
provide protections and workplace safety for meat and poultry processing workers.
provide protections and workplace safety for meat and poultry processing workers.
SB 146
create the Office of Ombudsman for State Employees.
create the Office of Ombudsman for State Employees.
SB 147
authorize the construction and operation of a nursing facility in Lyman County and to declare an emergency.
authorize the construction and operation of a nursing facility in Lyman County and to declare an emergency.
SB 148
revise annuity sales standards.
revise annuity sales standards.
SB 149
establish a restaurant meals program as part of the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
establish a restaurant meals program as part of the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
SB 150
revise provisions concerning medical cannabis.
revise provisions concerning medical cannabis.
SB 151
revise the automatic removal of certain convictions from a background check record.
revise the automatic removal of certain convictions from a background check record.
SB 152
provide for ticket-in, ticket-out video lottery.
provide for ticket-in, ticket-out video lottery.
SB 153
prohibit vehicle dealers from purchasing vehicles at public auctions.
prohibit vehicle dealers from purchasing vehicles at public auctions.
SB 154
revise criteria for the South Dakota freedom scholarship.
revise criteria for the South Dakota freedom scholarship.
SB 155
make an appropriation for programs that assist victims of domestic violence, abuse, and neglect and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for programs that assist victims of domestic violence, abuse, and neglect and to declare an emergency.
SB 156
revise certain provisions regarding census estimates for the purposes of off-sale and on-sale liquor licenses.
revise certain provisions regarding census estimates for the purposes of off-sale and on-sale liquor licenses.
SB 157
exempt the sale of certain goods related to information technology from a gross receipts tax.
exempt the sale of certain goods related to information technology from a gross receipts tax.
SB 158
revise provisions regarding the liability of owner or caretaker of an impounded animal.
revise provisions regarding the liability of owner or caretaker of an impounded animal.
SB 159
exempt any person suffering from a severe mental illness from capital punishment.
exempt any person suffering from a severe mental illness from capital punishment.
SB 160
exempt motor vehicle service contracts from the insurance code.
exempt motor vehicle service contracts from the insurance code.
SB 161
make an appropriation for matching funds to enhance research in manufacturing processes having lunar application and planetary use in tribal housing development and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for matching funds to enhance research in manufacturing processes having lunar application and planetary use in tribal housing development and to declare an emergency.
SB 162
revise the discretionary formula for reduced taxation of new structures and residential property.
revise the discretionary formula for reduced taxation of new structures and residential property.
SB 163
address transparency in prescription drug pricing.
address transparency in prescription drug pricing.
SB 164
clarify the requirements for the execution of a living will declaration.
clarify the requirements for the execution of a living will declaration.
SB 165
exempt gross receipts of certain coaches from certain gross receipts taxes.
exempt gross receipts of certain coaches from certain gross receipts taxes.
SB 166
reduce the rate of gross receipts tax on certain food.
reduce the rate of gross receipts tax on certain food.
SB 167
clarify the certification process for teachers and school administrators.
clarify the certification process for teachers and school administrators.
SB 168
provide public access to abandoned cemeteries.
provide public access to abandoned cemeteries.
SB 169
establish a means for certain Department of Corrections inmates to earn credit against fines or costs ordered by the sentencing court.
establish a means for certain Department of Corrections inmates to earn credit against fines or costs ordered by the sentencing court.
SB 170
make an appropriation for costs related to forest resiliency and growth in the state and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation for costs related to forest resiliency and growth in the state and to declare an emergency.
SB 171
prohibit insurance policies from restricting the method of payment for dental care.
prohibit insurance policies from restricting the method of payment for dental care.
SB 172
revise provisions regarding eligibility for parole for certain persons sentenced to life imprisonment.
revise provisions regarding eligibility for parole for certain persons sentenced to life imprisonment.
SB 173
establish standards for live or photographic lineups conducted by law enforcement.
establish standards for live or photographic lineups conducted by law enforcement.
SB 174
make an appropriation to provide a grant for the construction of a facility to provide certain health facilities and services and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to provide a grant for the construction of a facility to provide certain health facilities and services and to declare an emergency.
SB 175
make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks for building a shooting range in western South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks for building a shooting range in western South Dakota and to declare an emergency.
SB 176
revise provisions regarding self-propelled agriculture units.
revise provisions regarding self-propelled agriculture units.
SB 177
revise provisions regarding medical cannabis.
revise provisions regarding medical cannabis.
SB 178
replace the name of Custer State Park.
replace the name of Custer State Park.
SB 179
modify certain provisions regarding municipal campgrounds.
modify certain provisions regarding municipal campgrounds.
SB 180
amend certain provisions relating to the small business credit initiative fund.
amend certain provisions relating to the small business credit initiative fund.
SB 181
require the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources to assemble a task force to study the adoption of a watershed ecosystems management approach.
require the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources to assemble a task force to study the adoption of a watershed ecosystems management approach.
SB 182
prohibit discriminatory actions against persons engaged with the firearm industry.
prohibit discriminatory actions against persons engaged with the firearm industry.
SB 183
increase the limit on the number of video lottery machines in a licensed establishment.
increase the limit on the number of video lottery machines in a licensed establishment.
SB 184
provide for limited elk licenses to landowners.
provide for limited elk licenses to landowners.
SB 185
revise certain provisions regarding voter registration records.
revise certain provisions regarding voter registration records.
SB 186
expand Medicaid eligibility by the Legislature.
expand Medicaid eligibility by the Legislature.
SB 187
require state agencies to provide certain information for initiated measure or constitutional amendment fiscal notes.
require state agencies to provide certain information for initiated measure or constitutional amendment fiscal notes.
SB 188
allow for unlicensed businesses to store alcoholic beverages.
allow for unlicensed businesses to store alcoholic beverages.
SB 189
make an appropriation to pay increased costs incurred in the development and construction of a low-intensity residential treatment facility and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to pay increased costs incurred in the development and construction of a low-intensity residential treatment facility and to declare an emergency.
SB 190
revise provisions regarding municipal zoning of medical cannabis establishments.
revise provisions regarding municipal zoning of medical cannabis establishments.
SB 191
revise certain provisions regarding motor vehicle license plates.
revise certain provisions regarding motor vehicle license plates.
SB 192
increase the South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship award.
increase the South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship award.
SB 193
require legislative approval for the acquisition, construction, or expansion of certain campgrounds.
require legislative approval for the acquisition, construction, or expansion of certain campgrounds.
SB 194
make an appropriation to the Department of Education to provide grants to organizations that provide early education programs.
make an appropriation to the Department of Education to provide grants to organizations that provide early education programs.
SB 195
establish the burden of proof after a claim of immunity.
establish the burden of proof after a claim of immunity.
SB 196
make an appropriation to provide grants for certain residential alternative care programs and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to provide grants for certain residential alternative care programs and to declare an emergency.
SB 197
require the POW/MIA flag be displayed in the Senate and House of Representative chambers.
require the POW/MIA flag be displayed in the Senate and House of Representative chambers.
SB 198
establish an interim committee regarding alternative programming for juvenile offenders.
establish an interim committee regarding alternative programming for juvenile offenders.
SB 199
revise provisions related to a name change for certain crime victims.
revise provisions related to a name change for certain crime victims.
SB 200
make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to purchase and construct boat cleaning stations, and to declare an emergency.
make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to purchase and construct boat cleaning stations, and to declare an emergency.
SB 201
revise provisions regarding industrial hemp and to declare an emergency.
revise provisions regarding industrial hemp and to declare an emergency.
SB 202
update maintenance requirements for voter registration files.
update maintenance requirements for voter registration files.
SB 203
revise certain provisions regarding utility facilities and revenue bonds.
revise certain provisions regarding utility facilities and revenue bonds.
SB 204
establish a process for the abandonment of certain pipelines.
establish a process for the abandonment of certain pipelines.
SB 205
index a certain level of municipal proceeds regarding the disbursements from the Gaming Commission fund to an inflation index.
index a certain level of municipal proceeds regarding the disbursements from the Gaming Commission fund to an inflation index.
SB 206
provide for the assessment of certain agricultural land as noncropland.
provide for the assessment of certain agricultural land as noncropland.
SB 207
enact the uniform electronic recordation of custodial interrogations act.
enact the uniform electronic recordation of custodial interrogations act.
SB 208
revise the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
revise the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
SB 209
limit the provision of state assistance to federal authorities in certain matters related to firearms.
limit the provision of state assistance to federal authorities in certain matters related to firearms.
SB 210
provide for the establishment of education savings accounts.
provide for the establishment of education savings accounts.
SB 211
protect an individual's conscience from entities requiring the COVID-19 vaccine.
protect an individual's conscience from entities requiring the COVID-19 vaccine.
SB 212
revise certain fees collected by the Office of the Secretary of State.
revise certain fees collected by the Office of the Secretary of State.
SB 213
revise Senate Bill 60, the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2022, as previously enacted in the Ninety-Seventh Session of the South Dakota Legislature.
revise Senate Bill 60, the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2022, as previously enacted in the Ninety-Seventh Session of the South Dakota Legislature.
Bill Type: Senate Commemoration
SC 801
Celebrating the LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit community in South Dakota.
Celebrating the LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit community in South Dakota.
SC 802
Honoring the Mount Rushmore Rug Hookers' Social Club, a member of the national organization, Association of Traditional Hooking Artists.
Honoring the Mount Rushmore Rug Hookers' Social Club, a member of the national organization, Association of Traditional Hooking Artists.
SC 803
honoring and commending Dow Rummel Village for its ninety-four percent vaccination rate among staff members.
honoring and commending Dow Rummel Village for its ninety-four percent vaccination rate among staff members.
SC 804
Commending the South Dakota Air National Guard's 114th Fighter Wing of Sioux Falls for being awarded the Distinguished Flying Unit Plaque and the United States Air Force Outstanding Unit Award.
Commending the South Dakota Air National Guard's 114th Fighter Wing of Sioux Falls for being awarded the Distinguished Flying Unit Plaque and the United States Air Force Outstanding Unit Award.
SC 805
honoring Donna and Floyd Cammack on the occasion of their seventieth wedding anniversary.
honoring Donna and Floyd Cammack on the occasion of their seventieth wedding anniversary.
SC 806
commending the Rapid City Babe Ruth 14U Braves baseball team for being the first South Dakota team to reach the Babe Ruth World Series.
commending the Rapid City Babe Ruth 14U Braves baseball team for being the first South Dakota team to reach the Babe Ruth World Series.
SC 807
Commending the Sioux Falls Little League baseball team for its historic season and participation in the Little League World Series.
Commending the Sioux Falls Little League baseball team for its historic season and participation in the Little League World Series.
SC 808
Honoring Prairie Paradise Farms as the 2021 Leopold Conservation Award recipient.
Honoring Prairie Paradise Farms as the 2021 Leopold Conservation Award recipient.
SC 809
honoring Auburn Brenner of Sioux Falls, South Dakota Girls State Governor, and Joseph Gebel of Mitchell, South Dakota Boys State Governor, and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs.
honoring Auburn Brenner of Sioux Falls, South Dakota Girls State Governor, and Joseph Gebel of Mitchell, South Dakota Boys State Governor, and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs.
SC 810
to honor and remember the life of Brandon Valley High School teacher, coach, father, and husband, Chad Garrow.
to honor and remember the life of Brandon Valley High School teacher, coach, father, and husband, Chad Garrow.
SC 811
Commending Maiya Muller for winning the State Class A girls golf individual title.
Commending Maiya Muller for winning the State Class A girls golf individual title.
SC 812
Honoring the city of Tabor, South Dakota on its one hundred fiftieth anniversary.
Honoring the city of Tabor, South Dakota on its one hundred fiftieth anniversary.
SC 813
Celebrating and honoring Tabor's Czech Days annual festivities on the occasion of its seventy-third anniversary.
Celebrating and honoring Tabor's Czech Days annual festivities on the occasion of its seventy-third anniversary.
SC 814
Recognizing Norma Rendon, Waciampi Win, for her life of honor, service, and leadership.
Recognizing Norma Rendon, Waciampi Win, for her life of honor, service, and leadership.
SC 815
Honoring the 2021-2022 Canton C-Hawk boys wrestling team for its outstanding accomplishments.
Honoring the 2021-2022 Canton C-Hawk boys wrestling team for its outstanding accomplishments.
SC 816
Honoring the 2021-2022 Canton C-Hawk girls wrestling team for its outstanding accomplishments.
Honoring the 2021-2022 Canton C-Hawk girls wrestling team for its outstanding accomplishments.
SC 817
Commending the Social Distance Powwow for promoting traditional songs, dance, and a sense of community in the virtual world amidst a global pandemic.
Commending the Social Distance Powwow for promoting traditional songs, dance, and a sense of community in the virtual world amidst a global pandemic.
SC 818
Recognizing and honoring the legacy of Tom Brady, one of football's greatest quarterbacks of all time, upon his retirement from the National Football League.
Recognizing and honoring the legacy of Tom Brady, one of football's greatest quarterbacks of all time, upon his retirement from the National Football League.
SC 819
Recognizing and honoring the great achievement of Chase Hanson, who won the 2022 South Dakota State Class B boys wrestling championship in the 120 pound weight class, and his teammates from Stanley County High School.
Recognizing and honoring the great achievement of Chase Hanson, who won the 2022 South Dakota State Class B boys wrestling championship in the 120 pound weight class, and his teammates from Stanley County High School.
SC 820
Honoring and recognizing the work and presence of Cindy Tryon as a positive and elating force in the South Dakota Legislative Research Council.
Honoring and recognizing the work and presence of Cindy Tryon as a positive and elating force in the South Dakota Legislative Research Council.
SC 821
Honoring Angela Ehlers for being the 2021 recipient of the Spirit of Dakota award.
Honoring Angela Ehlers for being the 2021 recipient of the Spirit of Dakota award.
SC 822
Honoring Clint Johnson as the recipient of the 2021 Legend of ProRodeo award and for his outstanding representation of South Dakota on the national stage.
Honoring Clint Johnson as the recipient of the 2021 Legend of ProRodeo award and for his outstanding representation of South Dakota on the national stage.
SC 823
Honoring Onion Ring, a world-class bucking horse, for earning the 2021 World Champion saddle bronc title and for his high caliber performance on the national stage.
Honoring Onion Ring, a world-class bucking horse, for earning the 2021 World Champion saddle bronc title and for his high caliber performance on the national stage.
SC 824
Honoring and Commending the Lakota Nation Invitational for its 45 years of success and its unique ability to showcase Native youth and their exceptional talents.
Honoring and Commending the Lakota Nation Invitational for its 45 years of success and its unique ability to showcase Native youth and their exceptional talents.
SC 825
Honoring and Commending Stevi Fallis for earning her 1,000th point and the Red Cloud High School girls basketball team for their exceptional athleticism throughout the 2021-2022 basketball season.
Honoring and Commending Stevi Fallis for earning her 1,000th point and the Red Cloud High School girls basketball team for their exceptional athleticism throughout the 2021-2022 basketball season.
SC 826
Celebrating the Madison High School football team for winning the Class 11A state championship.
Celebrating the Madison High School football team for winning the Class 11A state championship.
SC 827
Celebrating the Howard High School football team for winning the Class 9A state championship.
Celebrating the Howard High School football team for winning the Class 9A state championship.
SC 828
Commending Grady Kane for his outstanding accomplishments in the sport of archery.
Commending Grady Kane for his outstanding accomplishments in the sport of archery.
Bill Type: Senate Concurrent Resolution
SCR 601
expressing support for the 2021 South Dakota Coordinated Plan for Natural Resources Conservation.
expressing support for the 2021 South Dakota Coordinated Plan for Natural Resources Conservation.
SCR 602
To encourage the executive branch of this state to examine mitigation efforts to curtail the spread of aquatic invasive species.
To encourage the executive branch of this state to examine mitigation efforts to curtail the spread of aquatic invasive species.
SCR 603
to raise awareness about tardive dyskinesia.
to raise awareness about tardive dyskinesia.
SCR 604
Celebrating the LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit community in South Dakota.
Celebrating the LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit community in South Dakota.
SCR 605
Celebrating the South Dakota Division of the Izaak Walton League of America for its ideals and accomplishments during one hundred years of conservation leadership.
Celebrating the South Dakota Division of the Izaak Walton League of America for its ideals and accomplishments during one hundred years of conservation leadership.
SCR 606
urging the highest levels of safety and oversight in the operation of the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility.
urging the highest levels of safety and oversight in the operation of the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility.
SCR 607
Encouraging the South Dakota High School Activities Association to sanction baseball.
Encouraging the South Dakota High School Activities Association to sanction baseball.
SCR 608
To conduct an interim study examining local jails and opportunities for collaboration with state correctional plans.
To conduct an interim study examining local jails and opportunities for collaboration with state correctional plans.
Bill Type: Senate Joint Resolution
SJR 501
to apply to Congress under Article V of the United States Constitution to call a convention for an amendment to the Constitution establishing congressional term limits.
to apply to Congress under Article V of the United States Constitution to call a convention for an amendment to the Constitution establishing congressional term limits.
SJR 502
Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, providing for wagering on sporting events via mobile or electronic platform.
Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, providing for wagering on sporting events via mobile or electronic platform.
SJR 503
Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota to increase the maximum number of members of the South Dakota Legislature.
Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota to increase the maximum number of members of the South Dakota Legislature.
Bill Type: Senate Resolution
SR 701
Acknowledging authority to spend federal funds as authorized in the general appropriations act for the current fiscal year.
Acknowledging authority to spend federal funds as authorized in the general appropriations act for the current fiscal year.
SR 702
Urging support for the people of Ukraine.
Urging support for the people of Ukraine.