House Bill 1313
expand the definition of community safety zone in relation to the sex offender registry.
Representatives Miskimins (prime), Barthel, Chase, Davis, Duba, Goodwin, Keintz, Milstead, Mulally, Perry, and Reed and Senators Klumb (prime), Smith (V. J.), Wiik, and Zikmund
Prison/Jail Population Cost Estimates:
02/02/2022First Reading House H.J. 178 N/A
02/04/2022Referred to House Local Government H.J. 211 N/A
02/15/2022Scheduled for hearing 1:27:17
02/15/2022 House Local Government Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 1313A 1:27:17
02/15/2022 House Local Government Deferred to the 41st legislative day, Passed, YEAS 13, NAYS 0. 1:27:17

Bill Text Versions
DateHTML FormatPDF Format
02/02/2022 IntroducedIntroduced

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MiskiminsAdopted1313A (PDF)  (HTML)1313A(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced
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