House Bill 1005
provide for the designated use of public school multi-occupancy rooms and sleeping rooms.
Representatives Deutsch (prime), Aylward, Haugaard, Howard, Jensen (Kevin), Jensen (Phil), Mulally, and Soye and Senators Symens (prime), Frye-Mueller, Novstrup, and Stalzer
01/11/2022First Reading House H.J. 7 N/A
01/12/2022Referred to House State Affairs H.J. 22 N/A
01/31/2022Scheduled for hearing 1:50
01/31/2022 House State Affairs Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 5. 1:50
02/01/2022 House of Representatives Motion to amend, Passed H.J. 169 Amendment 1005A 28:38
02/01/2022 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 38, NAYS 29. H.J. 170 28:38
02/02/2022First read in Senate and referred to Senate Judiciary S.J. 162 N/A
02/08/2022Scheduled for hearing 2:34:11
02/08/2022 Senate Judiciary Do Pass, Failed for lack of a second 2:34:11
02/08/2022 Senate Judiciary Deferred to the 41st legislative day, Passed, YEAS 6, NAYS 1. 2:34:11

Bill Text Versions
DateHTML FormatPDF Format
01/02/2022 IntroducedIntroduced
02/01/2022 House EngrossedHouse Engrossed

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GoschAdopted1005A (PDF)  (HTML)1005A(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced