Senate Bill 118
establish provisions related to the testing of medical cannabis.
Senator Wheeler (prime) and Representative Finck (prime)
01/26/2022First read in Senate and referred to Senate Health and Human Services S.J. 115 N/A
02/07/2022Scheduled for hearing 50:10
02/07/2022 Senate Health and Human Services Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 118A 50:10
02/07/2022 Senate Health and Human Services Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 0. 50:10
02/09/2022 Senate Deferred to another day, Passed S.J. 223 N/A
02/10/2022 Senate Deferred to another day, Passed S.J. 232 N/A
02/14/2022 Senate Motion to amend, Passed S.J. 241 Amendment 118B 21:12
02/14/2022 Senate Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 35, NAYS 0. S.J. 241 21:12
02/15/2022First read in House and referred to House Health and Human Services H.J. 324 N/A
03/01/2022Scheduled for hearing 2:22
03/01/2022 House Health and Human Services Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 13, NAYS 0. 2:22
03/01/2022 Certified uncontested, placed on consent 2:22
03/02/2022 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 68, NAYS 1. H.J. 520 N/A
03/03/2022Signed by the Speaker H.J. 589 N/A
03/03/2022Signed by the President S.J. 457 N/A
03/07/2022 Delivered to the Governor on Monday, March 07, 2022 S.J. 462 N/A
03/28/2022 Signed by the Governor on Friday, March 18, 2022 S.J. 543 N/A

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Previous Amendments
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WheelerAdopted118B (PDF)  (HTML)118B(PDF)  (HTML)Senate Health and Human Services Engrossed
WheelerAdopted118A (PDF)  (HTML)118A(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced