House Bill 1248
make an appropriation for the erection of the South Dakota Sioux Code Talker Memorial and to declare an emergency.
01/27/2022First Reading House H.J. 139 N/A
01/31/2022Referred to House Military and Veterans Affairs H.J. 156 N/A
02/14/2022Scheduled for hearing 15:10
02/14/2022 Referred to House Committee on Appropriations, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 2. 15:10
02/16/2022Scheduled for hearing 2:02:24
02/22/2022Scheduled for hearing 2:52:37
02/22/2022 House Committee on Appropriations Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 1. 2:52:37
02/23/2022 House of Representatives Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 66, NAYS 3. H.J. 446 3:18:20
02/23/2022First read in Senate and referred to Senate Committee on Appropriations S.J. 328 N/A
02/28/2022Scheduled for hearing 1:14:55
03/01/2022Scheduled for hearing 1:44:35
03/01/2022 Senate Committee on Appropriations Tabled, Passed, YEAS 6, NAYS 0. 1:44:35

Bill Text Versions
DateHTML FormatPDF Format
01/27/2022 IntroducedIntroduced

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