House Bill 1327
reduce certain gross receipts tax rates and a use tax rate, and to repeal a conditional reduction of certain gross receipts tax rates.
02/02/2022First read in House and referred to Joint Committee on Appropriations H.J. 182 N/A
02/14/2022 Referred to House Committee on Appropriations, Passed H.J. 288 N/A
02/16/2022Scheduled for hearingN/A
02/17/2022Scheduled for hearing 4:19:21
02/17/2022 House Committee on Appropriations Do Pass, Passed, YEAS 6, NAYS 1. 4:19:21
02/23/2022 House of Representatives Motion to amend, Passed H.J. 437 Amendment 1327C 1:53:19
02/23/2022 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 39, NAYS 31. H.J. 441 1:53:19
02/23/2022First read in Senate and referred to Senate State Affairs S.J. 330 N/A
02/25/2022Scheduled for hearing 2:30
02/25/2022 Senate State Affairs Deferred to the 41st legislative day, Passed, YEAS 8, NAYS 1. 2:30

Bill Text Versions
DateHTML FormatPDF Format
02/02/2022 IntroducedIntroduced
02/23/2022 House EngrossedHouse Engrossed

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Previous Amendments
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KarrAdopted1327C (PDF)  (HTML)1327C(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced
NesibaN/A1327B (PDF)  (HTML)1327B(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced