House Bill 1242
limit the amount of money that a political action committee may accept from an authorized committee of a candidate for federal office.
Representative Gosch (prime)
02/05/2025First Reading House H.J. 199 N/A
02/06/2025Referred to House State Affairs H.J. 213 N/A
02/11/2025 Prime Sponsor Changed at the Request of the Prime Sponsor H.J. 254 N/A
02/24/2025Scheduled for hearing 30:04
02/24/2025 House State Affairs Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 1242A 30:04
02/24/2025 House State Affairs Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 11, NAYS 1. 30:04
02/25/2025 House of Representatives Motion to amend, Passed H.J. 390 Amendment 1242B 1:34:36
02/25/2025 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 36, NAYS 34. H.J. 390 1:34:36
02/26/2025First read in Senate and referred to Senate State Affairs S.J. 394 N/A
03/04/2025Scheduled for hearing 1:09:36
03/04/2025 Senate State Affairs Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 1242C 1:09:36
03/04/2025 Senate State Affairs Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 5, NAYS 3. 1:09:36
03/10/2025 Senate Tabled, Passed, YEAS 25, NAYS 8. S.J. 493 N/A

Requested ByStatusIn ContextInstructionsVersion of Bill
PischkeNot Moved1242D (PDF)  (HTML)1242D(PDF)  (HTML)Senate State Affairs Engrossed
Previous Amendments
Requested ByStatusIn ContextInstructionsVersion of Bill
GoschAdopted1242C (PDF)  (HTML)1242C(PDF)  (HTML)House Engrossed
GoschAdopted1242B (PDF)  (HTML)1242B(PDF)  (HTML)House State Affairs Engrossed
GoschAdopted1242A (PDF)  (HTML)1242A(PDF)  (HTML)Introduced