Senate Bill 125
require certain day care providers to mail notices of noncompliance.
01/23/2012First read in Senate and referred to Senate Health and Human Services S.J. 132 N/A
01/30/2012Scheduled for hearing 1:04:39
02/01/2012Scheduled for hearingN/A
02/06/2012Scheduled for hearingN/A
02/06/2012 Senate Health and Human Services Motion to amend, Passed Amendment 125scN/A
02/08/2012Scheduled for hearing 3:09
02/08/2012 Senate Health and Human Services Do Pass Amended, Passed, YEAS 4, NAYS 3. 3:09
02/10/2012 Senate Do Pass Amended, Failed, YEAS 11, NAYS 18. S.J. 371 38:30

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