2011 Bills Signed By The Governor
HB 1001revise certain provisions concerning the assessment of agricultural land.
HB 1002revise certain provisions regarding the documentation of data used to make adjustments during the assessment process for factors that affect the capacity of the land to produce agricultural products.
HB 1003permit the Interim Rules Review Committee to revert a rule if the rule imposes certain costs.
HB 1004codify the legislation enacted in 2010.
HB 1005revise certain provisions pertaining to private shooting preserves.
HB 1006authorize certain air guns for use in hunting certain animals.
HB 1007authorize the South Dakota Building Authority to issue revenue bonds to provide for maintenance and repair on facilities controlled by the Board of Regents and to provide appropriations therefor.
HB 1008authorize the Board of Regents to expend higher education facilities funds to maintain and repair certain facilities occupied under capital leases.
HB 1009repeal the authority of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to regulate public swimming places and bulk water haulers.
HB 1010revise the definition of bulk pesticide.
HB 1011revise certain provisions pertaining to domestic abuse programs.
HB 1013revise the membership of the Board of Examiners for Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists.
HB 1014revise certain provisions regarding the purpose of the 911 emergency surcharge and to provide rule-making authority to the 911 Coordination Board to establish allowable recurring and nonrecurring costs for the operation of a public safety answering point.
HB 1015place certain substances on the controlled substances schedule and to declare an emergency.
HB 1016revise certain provisions regarding the licensing and regulation of grain buyers, grain warehouses, and weighmasters.
HB 1017authorize the release of offender photographs and physical description for purposes of victim and community notification.
HB 1018provide for a partial early final discharge from parole.
HB 1019include employees responsible for persons on supervised release or probation and members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles in protections afforded law enforcement and judicial officers.
HB 1020repeal certain provisions regarding the disclosure of parole eligibility at sentencing.
HB 1021revise certain provisions regarding the inspection of parole files.
HB 1022revise certain provisions regarding veterans credited service and benefits under the South Dakota Retirement System and under the South Dakota deferred compensation plan.
HB 1023revise certain provisions regarding how South Dakota Retirement System survivor benefits and disability benefits are handled in regard to children.
HB 1024revise certain provisions regarding vacancies on the Board of Trustees of the South Dakota Retirement System.
HB 1025revise certain provisions regarding references to the Internal Revenue Code.
HB 1026repeal fleet licensing procedures for certain vehicles.
HB 1027revise the definition of a trailer for the purpose of titling a restored or rebuilt trailer.
HB 1028revise the due dates of certain tax returns and remittances.
HB 1029revise certain provisions concerning the taxation of telecommunications companies.
HB 1030revise the provisions relating to placement of surplus lines insurance and tax allocation of surplus lines insurance.
HB 1031increase the national registry fee for real estate appraisers.
HB 1032authorize imposition of a permanent injunction upon any person engaged in an unlicensed real estate appraisal practice.
HB 1033provide for the registration and regulation of appraisal management companies.
HB 1034repeal the requirement for motor vehicle liability insurance safety rating discounts for certain older motor vehicle drivers.
HB 1035revise the process for the collection of the annual insurance company examination assessment fee.
HB 1036revise the time when financial reports of the guaranty association are submitted to the director of insurance.
HB 1037revise certain posting requirements relating to hunting in the Black Hills Fire Protection District.
HB 1038revise certain provisions concerning certain fees for the electronic transmission of court records.
HB 1040provide jurisdiction for clerk magistrates to accept certain penalties.
HB 1041revise the statutory duties of the presiding judge of each judicial circuit.
HB 1042revise certain provisions relating to the assignment of a judgment.
HB 1043clarify the jurisdictional amount in a small claims court proceeding.
HB 1044revise certain water project district voter eligibility provisions.
HB 1045authorize dental hygienists to provide preventive and therapeutic services to more persons under certain circumstances.
HB 1047revise certain prairie dog shooting season provisions.
HB 1051provide deadlines for the transmission of voter registration files.
HB 1053repeal the requirement to provide notice to abutting counties when changing the county plan or ordinances.
HB 1056establish an additional time period during which fireworks may be sold and discharged and to revise certain provisions regarding county regulation of fireworks.
HB 1057repeal the provision that requires the county auditor to assist in locating unregistered mobile homes.
HB 1058clarify the definition of motor vehicle for the purpose of supplemental automobile liability insurance.
HB 1060revise certain provisions concerning how motor vehicle license fees are distributed in the unorganized territories of a county.
HB 1062adopt the Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act.
HB 1067revise the lookback period for the enhancement of penalties for multiple assaults and violations of protection orders.
HB 1069define electronic communication devices for certain crimes involving threatening or harassing calls.
HB 1070prohibit school districts from employing school counselors who are not certified.
HB 1079repeal certain provisions related to the purchase of firearms by out-of-state residents.
HB 1080modify the date on which the annual financial reports of school districts are considered past due.
HB 1081eliminate the requirement that certain political subdivisions purchase an accounting manual.
HB 1085prohibit certain political advertising in highway rights-of-way.
HB 1087address comprehensibly the liability relationship between a trespasser and a person with a possessory interest in land.
HB 1092revise the time frame for conducting hearings to vacate municipal streets or alleys.
HB 1093revise the criteria used to exempt certain school districts from the requirement to reorganize.
HB 1094revise certain provisions concerning the filing of campaign finance disclosure statements.
HB 1096repeal certain provisions relating to the appointment of municipal officers.
HB 1099revise certain provisions regarding local historic preservation projects.
HB 1104revise the deadline for withdrawing from a primary election.
HB 1110appropriate funding for the purpose of a one-time increase in state aid to education.
HB 1114revise the conditions under which contracts with local officials are permitted.
HB 1118revise certain provisions concerning the extraterritorial jurisdiction of municipalities.
HB 1119revise the procedure for reissuing certain alcoholic beverage licenses.
HB 1130allow certain adult children of overseas citizens to vote in the state.
HB 1133revise certain provisions relating to the excusal of a child from school.
HB 1139remove the prohibition against certain appointive officers lobbying after completing their service in state government.
HB 1141establish a date to begin absentee voting and to revise the deadline for the printing of ballots.
HB 1145provide for the identification of the law applicable to certain claims for damages.
HB 1148revise the minimum wage law for certain seasonal employees and to declare an emergency.
HB 1149allow legal residents of the United States to obtain a concealed pistol permit.
HB 1154require persons convicted of crimes involving domestic violence to support domestic violence programs.
HB 1155revise various trust provisions.
HB 1157revise the rate of the insurance company premium and annuity taxes applied to court appearance bonds and to establish an annual fee for certificate of authority for domestic insurers issuing court appearance bonds.
HB 1162authorize the secretary of state to allow a person in charge of election to use the state system.
HB 1169provide for the enlargement of special zoning areas, to revise certain provisions regarding special zoning areas, and to provide for the appointment of special zoning area commissions.
HB 1173require the person in charge of local elections to notify the secretary of state when the dates of elections have been set.
HB 1174revise certain provisions concerning alcoholic beverage licenses issued at the county fairgrounds.
HB 1175establish the jump start scholarship program.
HB 1179permit local political subdivisions with volunteer advanced life support personnel to establish deferred compensation plans.
HB 1180revise and repeal certain outdated provisions regarding land surveying.
HB 1194establish the State of South Dakota endowment fund.
HB 1207allow the consignment or auction of certain out-of-state vehicles and motorcycles.
HB 1208revise certain provisions relating to public schools to allow school districts to operate more economically.
HB 1215repeal certain refund provisions of the motor fuel tax for certain nonhighway agricultural use of motor fuels and to provide for the distribution of such motor fuel tax.
HB 1216prohibit certain contract restrictions on the use of ethanol blender pumps by retailers.
HB 1217establish certain legislative findings pertaining to the decision of a pregnant mother considering termination of her relationship with her child by an abortion, to establish certain procedures to better insure that such decisions are voluntary, uncoerced, and informed, and to revise certain causes of action for professional negligence relating to performance of an abortion.
HB 1219extend certain protections against precipitous eviction to certain long-term tenants at will.
HB 1221establish a task force on teen driving safety.
HB 1228increase the bonding limit for the four technical institutes.
HB 1230establish the large project development fund, to provide for its administration, and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1231provide for the sale of certain surplus real estate, to appropriate the proceeds to the revolving economic development and initiative fund, and to revise certain provisions relating to the sale of certain surplus property.
HB 1232provide for the sale of certain surplus real estate, to provide for the deposit of the proceeds, and to revise certain provisions relating to the sale of certain surplus property.
HB 1233limit liability from damages caused by certain aviation products.
HB 1234repeal the requirement for certain reports to be made to the Board of Economic Development.
HB 1235create the Board of Regents performance improvement fund and make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1240exempt certain sales of non-temperature-controlled baked goods from certain licensing requirements.
HB 1242authorize the use of tribal identification cards as the equivalent of certain state-issued documents for identification purposes.
HB 1244make an appropriation for costs related to disasters in the state.
HB 1245revise certain provisions regarding the travel reimbursements for county veterans' service officers.
HB 1246make an appropriation to reimburse certain family physicians, midlevel practitioners, and dentists who have complied with the requirements of the physician tuition reimbursement program, the midlevel tuition reimbursement program, and the dental tuition reimbursement program.
HB 1247make an appropriation to fund property and sales tax refunds for certain elderly persons and persons with a disability.
HB 1248extend the sunset of the one-half percent increase in the gross receipts tax imposed on visitor-related businesses.
HB 1249authorize a carryover of the fiscal year 2011 state aid to special education appropriation to fiscal year 2012.
HB 1251appropriate money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools.
HB 1256revise certain provisions regarding the sale of new or used vehicles and the sale of certain emergency vehicles.
SB 1make form and style revisions to certain statutes related to natural resources.
SB 2repeal, update, and make form and style revisions to certain provisions related to the Bureau of Administration.
SB 3revise certain provisions regarding the administration of the state seal.
SB 4update certain standards governing pedestrian control signals.
SB 5revise the maximum distance from a bridge for posting maximum vehicle weight warning signage.
SB 6provide for the transfer of the state's interests in the Sisseton National Guard Armory to the city of Sisseton.
SB 8revise certain provisions related to school district unreserved fund balances.
SB 9revise certain provisions regarding eligibility requirements for the state risk pool.
SB 10appropriate certain funds for the construction of a new dairy manufacturing plant at South Dakota State University and to declare an emergency.
SB 11make an appropriation from the coordinated natural resources fund to the State Conservation Commission and to declare an emergency.
SB 12provide for a Visitation Grant Advisory Group.
SB 13revise certain evidentiary rules relating to the statements of children.
SB 14require the mandatory reporting of abuse or neglect of elderly or disabled adults.
SB 15revise the definition of accredited prevention or treatment facilities and to authorize the Division of Drug and Alcohol Abuse to inspect these facilities and access their records.
SB 16authorize licensure of persons graduating from social work programs that are in candidacy status.
SB 17provide for a property tax exemption for certain property leased by the Science and Technology Authority.
SB 18revise certain requirements regarding a commercial driver license.
SB 19update certain provisions pertaining to motor carrier safety and the transportation of hazardous materials.
SB 20remove the requirement of a prior felony conviction for a fourth and subsequent driving under the influence offenses.
SB 21eliminate the requirement for single action hardware on primary exit doors for specialty resorts and vacation homes.
SB 22provide for the regulation and licensure of birth centers.
SB 23update certain citations to federal regulations regarding pipeline safety inspection.
SB 24increase the filing fee for a rate case filed by a gas or electric public utility.
SB 25revise certain provisions regarding the use of funds in the telephone solicitation account.
SB 26revise certain provisions regarding the implementation of a proposed rate or practice by a gas or electric public utility.
SB 27revise certain provisions relating to the State Electrical Commission.
SB 28revise certain provisions regarding the authority of the secretary of transportation to create limited speed zones through highway work areas and to declare an emergency.
SB 32revise the time period to update certain sex offender registration information and to require the collection of passport and professional license information for such registration purposes.
SB 33revise certain provisions regarding the 24/7 sobriety program, to authorize the collection of certain fees, and to authorize the use of ignition interlock devices.
SB 34create the crime of possessing, selling, or distributing certain substances intended for the purpose of intoxication.
SB 35revise certain provisions regarding the crime of taking or disseminating pictures without consent and to provide for a felony penalty under certain circumstances.
SB 36add a tribal member who is a certified law enforcement officer to the Law Enforcement Officers Standards Commission.
SB 37revise the appropriation for the construction and renovation of a combined minimum security and parole facility in Rapid City and to declare an emergency.
SB 38establish network adequacy standards, quality assessment and improvement requirements, utilization review and benefit determination requirements, and grievance procedures for managed health care plans, and to repeal certain standards for managed health care plans.
SB 39revise certain provisions regarding what organizations qualify for an exemption from sales tax as a relief agency or a religious educational institution.
SB 40provide that the uniform administration of certain state taxes apply to the telecommunications gross receipts tax and to limit the application of the uniform administration of certain state taxes.
SB 42revise certain provisions regarding the exemption from the motor fuel tax for bulk fuel transfers into a terminal.
SB 43revise certain health insurance standards for patient protection.
SB 44revise certain provisions regarding representations and warranties in insurance and annuity applications.
SB 45repeal the requirement to prepare a report on extending health insurance to medically uninsurable individuals who are not part of a small employer group.
SB 46provide that the state treasurer shall receive certain cost penalties in certain alcoholic beverage cases.
SB 47revise certain firm ownership provisions regarding real estate license holders and to make form and style revisions to certain provisions related to the Real Estate Commission.
SB 48revise certain provisions regarding the consumption of distilled spirits in public and to provide certain penalties for consumption of alcoholic beverages.
SB 49authorize the Real Estate Commission to commence actions for injunctions against certain individuals and entities that engage in the practice of real estate without a license issued and to provide for recovery of costs of the injunction proceedings by the commission.
SB 50revise certain certification levels of emergency medical technicians.
SB 51revise certain provisions relating to a previous appropriation for renovation of the nursing care building on the South Dakota Veterans' Home campus and to declare an emergency.
SB 52authorize the South Dakota Building Authority and the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs to provide for the design, construction, and equipping of the veterans home near Hot Springs and to declare an emergency.
SB 53revise certain provisions relating to the Veterans Commission and to veterans' rights, benefits, and services.
SB 55allow the shooting of coyotes from snowmobiles.
SB 59revise certain provisions clarifying that counties are not responsible for constructing, repairing, and maintaining roads contained in improvement districts.
SB 61authorize board members of sanitary districts to contract with the districts in limited cases.
SB 62revise procedures and amounts relating to compensation and expense reimbursement for sanitary district board members.
SB 64provide that interest paid on negative balances in employers' experience rating accounts be credited to their experience rating accounts.
SB 65allow nonpublic schools accredited by certain accrediting agencies other than the Department of Education to become members of the South Dakota High School Activities Association.
SB 66revise certain provisions regarding land leased by counties.
SB 67reduce the minimum size for improvement districts.
SB 68authorize investment of public funds in bonds issued by or direct obligations of certain political subdivisions or bonding authorities of the state.
SB 69revise certain provisions relating to county veterans memorials.
SB 70prohibit the creation of private transfer fee obligations and to require certain procedures for notice and disclosure for existing private transfer fee obligations.
SB 75revise the requirements for the annual conference held for the directors of equalization.
SB 76exempt certain gift certificates and closed-loop prepaid cards from the unclaimed property provisions.
SB 77require school boards to approve pick-up locations for any open enrolled students who are transported in their resident school districts by receiving school districts.
SB 80apply certain provisions concerning actions for recovery of damages for personal injury or death to municipal officers, employees, and volunteers.
SB 86revise the investment fee rate for certain employers and to declare an emergency.
SB 89clarify a municipality's ability to assess a fee for street maintenance.
SB 90revise certain provisions concerning tax incremental districts.
SB 93authorize an organization to contribute to a political action committee and to set a limit on contributions.
SB 94repeal and revise certain provisions related to building energy codes.
SB 95provide for the printing of voting rights notices.
SB 98revise certain provisions concerning the employment of a city manager and to declare an emergency.
SB 101provide a penalty for denying access to public records.
SB 102repeal an outdated provision regarding the assessment of property for school districts.
SB 103revise certain provisions concerning special alcoholic beverage licenses issued in conjunction with special events.
SB 106provide for reciprocal nonresident trapping licenses.
SB 108allow for the appointment of an alternate board member for the county legal expense relief board.
SB 109authorize the secretary of state to promulgate rules concerning lobbyist registration fees, to impose a penalty for the failure to timely file lobbyist or lobbyist employer reports, and to repeal certain provisions concerning lobbyists who fail to comply with certain requirements.
SB 110revise certain provisions relating to collateral real estate mortgages.
SB 111extend for two years the period of time in which school districts may expend capital outlay funds for certain transportation, insurance, energy, and utility costs.
SB 112repeal the provision that requires county treasurers to collect the oldest delinquent property tax first.
SB 113revise certain provisions regarding the notice requirements for changes in zoning requested by landowners.
SB 114provide that parties to a divorce or separate maintenance action be restrained from making changes to insurance coverage.
SB 119revise certain provisions relating to sureties for water user district treasurers.
SB 120revise the amount of compensation that water user district directors may receive.
SB 121authorize an alcoholic beverage retail license for certain malt beverage and wine dealers.
SB 122revise certain provisions relating to the expenditure of water user district funds.
SB 125revise the time period for computing unemployment insurance employer contribution rates.
SB 129revise which county employees may assist in the execution of United States passport applications and to declare an emergency.
SB 130provide a procedure for the Secretary of State to conduct certain local elections when an emergency exists.
SB 132provide the right of first refusal to construct and own electric transmission lines to incumbent electric utilities.
SB 133revise certain provisions related to distribution of funds to sparse school districts.
SB 139exempt from state regulation certain medical foster home care for veterans.
SB 140provide for access critical nursing facilities to ensure access to health care within a reasonable distance.
SB 142repeal the requirement that members of certain boards and commissions receive the advice and consent of the Senate.
SB 146require certain notice requirements for retailers that do not have nexus in South Dakota which are selling tangible personal property, services, or products transferred electronically for use in South Dakota.
SB 147expand the application of nexus for the purpose of collecting sales and use taxes owed to the state.
SB 149establish policies for youth athletes with concussions resulting from participation in youth athletic activities.
SB 151revise the grandfathering provisions and renewal requirements of massage therapy licensure.
SB 152revise certain provisions concerning state aid to education, to revise and provide for the adjustment of the per student allocation for the state aid to general education formula, and to revise certain property tax levies for the general fund of a school district.
SB 158toll the Department of Environment and Natural Resources administrative rules on underground injection control Class III wells and in situ leach mining until the department obtains primary enforcement authority of the comparable federal programs.
SB 168revise certain provisions regarding certain state purchases of supplies and services.
SB 173allow specific details of alleged sex crimes against minors be suppressed under certain conditions.
SB 176provide for the crime of human trafficking, to establish the elements and degrees of the crime, and to provide penalties for the violation thereof.
SB 178revise certain provisions relating to the rights and duties of joint legal custodians.
SB 184make appropriations from the water and environment fund, the water pollution control revolving fund subfund, and the drinking water revolving fund subfund for various water and environmental purposes, to revise the state water plan, and to declare an emergency.
SB 187revise certain provisions regarding the dairy inspection fund.
SB 189revise certain budgetary provisions relating to certain funds received from the federal government.
SB 190revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2011.
SB 191revise certain provisions providing for the sales tax on food refund program.
SB 192revise certain allocations for disabilities in the state aid for special education formula.
SB 193authorize counties to issue additional on-sale licenses for certain facilities located on hunting preserves.
SB 194create a Wind Energy Competitive Advisory Task Force and to provide for the appointment of the task force members.
SB 196modify the ethanol production incentive payment, to create the ethanol infrastructure incentive fund, to appropriate money to encourage the use of ethanol, and to make transfers into the ethanol infrastructure incentive fund and the revolving economic development and initiative fund.
SB 200revise certain provisions related to school district fund balances and to declare an emergency.