2024 Bills
House Bill
House Commemoration
House Concurrent Resolution
House Joint Resolution
Senate Bill
Senate Commemoration
Senate Concurrent Resolution
Senate Joint Resolution
Senate Resolution
Bill | Title |
Bill Type: House Bill | |
HB 1001 | repeal the expiration of a reduction in certain gross receipts and use tax rates. repeal the expiration of a reduction in certain gross receipts and use tax rates. |
HB 1002 | require administration of the ACT to public school students in grade eleven. require administration of the ACT to public school students in grade eleven. |
HB 1003 | update a reference to the Internal Revenue Code for purposes of higher education savings plans. update a reference to the Internal Revenue Code for purposes of higher education savings plans. |
HB 1004 | update the official code of laws. update the official code of laws. |
HB 1005 | revise the manner of citing the Administrative Rules of South Dakota. revise the manner of citing the Administrative Rules of South Dakota. |
HB 1006 | increase the amount of time permitted the Interim Rules Review Committee to review final permanent rulemaking materials. increase the amount of time permitted the Interim Rules Review Committee to review final permanent rulemaking materials. |
HB 1007 | amend the requirement to employ a county veterans' service officer. amend the requirement to employ a county veterans' service officer. |
HB 1008 | modify the eligibility for admission to the state veterans' home and repeal the residency requirement. modify the eligibility for admission to the state veterans' home and repeal the residency requirement. |
HB 1009 | modify the observation of time in South Dakota. modify the observation of time in South Dakota. |
HB 1010 | require customer consent for installation of a smart meter for a utility service. require customer consent for installation of a smart meter for a utility service. |
HB 1011 | revise the membership of the South Dakota Capitol Complex Restoration and Beautification Commission. revise the membership of the South Dakota Capitol Complex Restoration and Beautification Commission. |
HB 1012 | adopt the interstate counseling licensure compact and revise educational requirements to comply with the compact. adopt the interstate counseling licensure compact and revise educational requirements to comply with the compact. |
HB 1013 | adopt the advanced practice registered nurse compact. adopt the advanced practice registered nurse compact. |
HB 1014 | amend the criteria for designation as a regional nursing facility and applicable reimbursement. amend the criteria for designation as a regional nursing facility and applicable reimbursement. |
HB 1015 | adopt the social work licensure compact. adopt the social work licensure compact. |
HB 1016 | conduct a feasibility study on the medicaid program of all-inclusive care for the elderly and make an appropriation therefor. conduct a feasibility study on the medicaid program of all-inclusive care for the elderly and make an appropriation therefor. |
HB 1017 | adopt the psychology interjurisdictional licensure compact. adopt the psychology interjurisdictional licensure compact. |
HB 1018 | revise certain references to the Internal Revenue Code. revise certain references to the Internal Revenue Code. |
HB 1019 | clarify language regarding sales and use tax in certain statutes. clarify language regarding sales and use tax in certain statutes. |
HB 1020 | revise the method by which completion of a required suicide awareness and prevention training is verified. revise the method by which completion of a required suicide awareness and prevention training is verified. |
HB 1021 | merge the Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission and the Professional Administrators Practices and Standards Commission. merge the Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission and the Professional Administrators Practices and Standards Commission. |
HB 1022 | make an appropriation to the Department of Education to provide professional development in literacy to teachers, and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation to the Department of Education to provide professional development in literacy to teachers, and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1023 | provide immunity from liability for certain actions of the State Bar and its agents. provide immunity from liability for certain actions of the State Bar and its agents. |
HB 1024 | require that an application for a medical marijuana registry identification card include a notice of federal law regarding firearms and the unlawful use of a controlled substance. require that an application for a medical marijuana registry identification card include a notice of federal law regarding firearms and the unlawful use of a controlled substance. |
HB 1025 | establish the crime of exposure of a law enforcement officer to a controlled drug or substance and to provide a penalty therefor. establish the crime of exposure of a law enforcement officer to a controlled drug or substance and to provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1026 | clarify the requirement for the construction or expansion of a municipal campground or tourist accommodation facility. clarify the requirement for the construction or expansion of a municipal campground or tourist accommodation facility. |
HB 1027 | modify substances listed on the controlled substances schedule and to declare an emergency. modify substances listed on the controlled substances schedule and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1028 | classify xylazine as a Schedule III controlled substance, establish permissible uses, and to declare an emergency. classify xylazine as a Schedule III controlled substance, establish permissible uses, and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1029 | modify and repeal provisions related to the licensure of hearing aid dispensers and audiologists. modify and repeal provisions related to the licensure of hearing aid dispensers and audiologists. |
HB 1030 | update statutory and regulatory references pertaining to water pollution. update statutory and regulatory references pertaining to water pollution. |
HB 1031 | update the development and implementation of conservation district standards. update the development and implementation of conservation district standards. |
HB 1032 | extend to veterinarians provisions governing drugs, medicines, and various biological products that are prepared for animal use. extend to veterinarians provisions governing drugs, medicines, and various biological products that are prepared for animal use. |
HB 1033 | address the administration of State Conservation Commission functions by the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. address the administration of State Conservation Commission functions by the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. |
HB 1034 | require hydrogen pipelines to be permitted by the Public Utilities Commission. require hydrogen pipelines to be permitted by the Public Utilities Commission. |
HB 1035 | extend the period of renewal for an enhanced permit to carry a concealed pistol. extend the period of renewal for an enhanced permit to carry a concealed pistol. |
HB 1036 | require that a dispensary post notice of the federal law regarding possession of a firearm and the use of marijuana and to provide a civil penalty. require that a dispensary post notice of the federal law regarding possession of a firearm and the use of marijuana and to provide a civil penalty. |
HB 1037 | require the producers of wind and solar energy infrastructure to implement or participate in a wind and solar energy infrastructure stewardship program. require the producers of wind and solar energy infrastructure to implement or participate in a wind and solar energy infrastructure stewardship program. |
HB 1038 | exclude certain habitual DUI offenders from eligibility for presumptive probation. exclude certain habitual DUI offenders from eligibility for presumptive probation. |
HB 1039 | provide for the payment of legal expenses originating from crime committed at a facility maintained by the Department of Corrections. provide for the payment of legal expenses originating from crime committed at a facility maintained by the Department of Corrections. |
HB 1040 | limit annual valuation increases on owner-occupied single-family dwellings. limit annual valuation increases on owner-occupied single-family dwellings. |
HB 1041 | modify the definition of public infrastructure to allow a federally recognized Indian tribe to be eligible for housing infrastructure grants and loans and to declare an emergency. modify the definition of public infrastructure to allow a federally recognized Indian tribe to be eligible for housing infrastructure grants and loans and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1042 | establish parameters for the reimbursement of school districts that provide free or reduced price meals to students. establish parameters for the reimbursement of school districts that provide free or reduced price meals to students. |
HB 1043 | include lithium in the definition of precious metal for purposes of the minerals severance tax, and to set the tax rate for lithium severed in this state. include lithium in the definition of precious metal for purposes of the minerals severance tax, and to set the tax rate for lithium severed in this state. |
HB 1044 | update the United States census survey used to ascertain and adjust the salary of members of the Legislature. update the United States census survey used to ascertain and adjust the salary of members of the Legislature. |
HB 1045 | revise provisions relating to the possession, manufacture, and distribution of child pornography. revise provisions relating to the possession, manufacture, and distribution of child pornography. |
HB 1046 | prohibit the intentional disarming of a law enforcement officer and to provide a penalty therefor. prohibit the intentional disarming of a law enforcement officer and to provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1047 | enhance the penalties for eluding law enforcement. enhance the penalties for eluding law enforcement. |
HB 1048 | revise the requirements pertaining to average teacher compensation and to establish a minimum teacher salary. revise the requirements pertaining to average teacher compensation and to establish a minimum teacher salary. |
HB 1049 | authorize the Board of Regents to accept and use easement proceeds for the purposes authorized by the 2022 Session Laws, chapter 198. authorize the Board of Regents to accept and use easement proceeds for the purposes authorized by the 2022 Session Laws, chapter 198. |
HB 1050 | update references to certain federal motor carrier regulations. update references to certain federal motor carrier regulations. |
HB 1051 | make technical changes to provisions regarding the compensation of agents. make technical changes to provisions regarding the compensation of agents. |
HB 1052 | increase the minimum fee required with an application for construction of an energy conversion and transmission facility. increase the minimum fee required with an application for construction of an energy conversion and transmission facility. |
HB 1053 | create term limits for public utilities commissioners. create term limits for public utilities commissioners. |
HB 1054 | amend requirements for cosmetology apprenticeships. amend requirements for cosmetology apprenticeships. |
HB 1055 | raise the appraisal value of surplus property that may be sold by a political subdivision without notice. raise the appraisal value of surplus property that may be sold by a political subdivision without notice. |
HB 1056 | increase the property tax exemption allowed for certain veterans with a disability. increase the property tax exemption allowed for certain veterans with a disability. |
HB 1057 | create the Commission on Indigent Legal Services and Office of Indigent Legal Services, to make an appropriation for reimbursing county indigent legal services, and to declare an emergency. create the Commission on Indigent Legal Services and Office of Indigent Legal Services, to make an appropriation for reimbursing county indigent legal services, and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1058 | modify agency reporting requirements on licensure, certification, job placements, and the labor market. modify agency reporting requirements on licensure, certification, job placements, and the labor market. |
HB 1059 | revise certain provisions regarding insurance holding companies. revise certain provisions regarding insurance holding companies. |
HB 1060 | revise certain provisions related to travel reimbursement. revise certain provisions related to travel reimbursement. |
HB 1061 | make an appropriation for costs related to emergencies and disasters impacting the state and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation for costs related to emergencies and disasters impacting the state and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1062 | make an appropriation for costs related to the suppression of wildfires impacting the state and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation for costs related to the suppression of wildfires impacting the state and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1063 | amend the valuation service used to value vehicles. amend the valuation service used to value vehicles. |
HB 1064 | make an appropriation for increases in the construction costs of infrastructure at Lake Alvin and Newell Lake, and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation for increases in the construction costs of infrastructure at Lake Alvin and Newell Lake, and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1065 | make an appropriation for the design and construction of a multi-use building on the grounds of the State Fair and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation for the design and construction of a multi-use building on the grounds of the State Fair and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1066 | provide a grant to qualifying teachers to incentivize recruitment and retention and to make an appropriation therefor. provide a grant to qualifying teachers to incentivize recruitment and retention and to make an appropriation therefor. |
HB 1067 | designate Medal of Honor Recognition Day. designate Medal of Honor Recognition Day. |
HB 1068 | allow disabled veterans to obtain a standard issue county motor vehicle or motorcycle license plate. allow disabled veterans to obtain a standard issue county motor vehicle or motorcycle license plate. |
HB 1069 | permit the display of campaign signs in municipalities in conjunction with the beginning of absentee voting. permit the display of campaign signs in municipalities in conjunction with the beginning of absentee voting. |
HB 1070 | provide for the use of the obligation recovery center by counties. provide for the use of the obligation recovery center by counties. |
HB 1071 | revise a provision providing authority to the Governor to enter into agreements with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. revise a provision providing authority to the Governor to enter into agreements with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. |
HB 1072 | establish qualifications for members of the Board of Education Standards. establish qualifications for members of the Board of Education Standards. |
HB 1073 | keep interest earned on incarceration construction fund moneys in the same fund. keep interest earned on incarceration construction fund moneys in the same fund. |
HB 1074 | expand eligibility to practice as a dental hygienist under the collaborative supervision of a dentist. expand eligibility to practice as a dental hygienist under the collaborative supervision of a dentist. |
HB 1075 | modify provisions pertaining to the deadlines for the filing of certain election related documents. modify provisions pertaining to the deadlines for the filing of certain election related documents. |
HB 1076 | require the consideration of the definition of antisemitism when investigating unfair or discriminatory practices. require the consideration of the definition of antisemitism when investigating unfair or discriminatory practices. |
HB 1077 | provide for the disbursement of the catastrophic county poor relief fund to the participating counties in the event of the discontinuance of the fund. provide for the disbursement of the catastrophic county poor relief fund to the participating counties in the event of the discontinuance of the fund. |
HB 1078 | allow compliance with seat belt laws to be considered in determining damages for injuries. allow compliance with seat belt laws to be considered in determining damages for injuries. |
HB 1079 | require property owner permission or a siting permit prior to entry for an examination and survey. require property owner permission or a siting permit prior to entry for an examination and survey. |
HB 1080 | make an appropriation to improve visitation to and awareness of the South Dakota Hall of Fame. make an appropriation to improve visitation to and awareness of the South Dakota Hall of Fame. |
HB 1081 | establish provisions related to the reimbursement of doula services through the state Medicaid program. establish provisions related to the reimbursement of doula services through the state Medicaid program. |
HB 1082 | change the eligibility requirements, and the exempt value, of a property tax relief program for disabled veterans and surviving spouses. change the eligibility requirements, and the exempt value, of a property tax relief program for disabled veterans and surviving spouses. |
HB 1083 | permit a person convicted of certain driving under the influence offenses to drive for certain purposes. permit a person convicted of certain driving under the influence offenses to drive for certain purposes. |
HB 1084 | repeal a provision related to habeas corpus proceedings. repeal a provision related to habeas corpus proceedings. |
HB 1085 | specify the venue of appeal to circuit court for persons committed to a mental health facility. specify the venue of appeal to circuit court for persons committed to a mental health facility. |
HB 1086 | establish an enhanced penalty for probationers intentionally causing contact with bodily fluids or human waste with a Unified Judicial System employee. establish an enhanced penalty for probationers intentionally causing contact with bodily fluids or human waste with a Unified Judicial System employee. |
HB 1087 | modify the definitions of a child in need of supervision and a delinquent child. modify the definitions of a child in need of supervision and a delinquent child. |
HB 1088 | remove the option for a court services officer to prepare documentation in an adoption proceeding. remove the option for a court services officer to prepare documentation in an adoption proceeding. |
HB 1089 | exclude certain crimes from presumptive probation. exclude certain crimes from presumptive probation. |
HB 1090 | revise provisions related to tax deeds and to declare an emergency. revise provisions related to tax deeds and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1091 | enact the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact. enact the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact. |
HB 1092 | revise provisions regarding the 911 emergency surcharge. revise provisions regarding the 911 emergency surcharge. |
HB 1093 | make an appropriation to provide a grant for the construction of a facility to provide certain health facilities and services. make an appropriation to provide a grant for the construction of a facility to provide certain health facilities and services. |
HB 1094 | prohibit a ban of combustion engines. prohibit a ban of combustion engines. |
HB 1095 | establish provisions for the operation of automated motor vehicles. establish provisions for the operation of automated motor vehicles. |
HB 1096 | provide that a temporary restraining order may extend beyond thirty days in certain circumstances involving stalking. provide that a temporary restraining order may extend beyond thirty days in certain circumstances involving stalking. |
HB 1097 | authorize transportation activities by air ambulance operators. authorize transportation activities by air ambulance operators. |
HB 1098 | provide free birth certificates to persons experiencing homelessness. provide free birth certificates to persons experiencing homelessness. |
HB 1099 | establish educational standards for the expanded practice of optometry. establish educational standards for the expanded practice of optometry. |
HB 1100 | modify certain requirements for eligibility to receive a gift of a museum collection from a county or municipality. modify certain requirements for eligibility to receive a gift of a museum collection from a county or municipality. |
HB 1101 | provide a special motor vehicle license plate for recipients of the Legion of Merit award. provide a special motor vehicle license plate for recipients of the Legion of Merit award. |
HB 1102 | provide an appropriation to construct a community center in the community of Whitewood. provide an appropriation to construct a community center in the community of Whitewood. |
HB 1103 | provide an appropriation to construct a community center in the community of Lead. provide an appropriation to construct a community center in the community of Lead. |
HB 1104 | enhance the penalty for accessory to first- or second-degree murder. enhance the penalty for accessory to first- or second-degree murder. |
HB 1105 | revise the compensation for an improvement district board member. revise the compensation for an improvement district board member. |
HB 1106 | exempt baby food, infant formula, and children's diapers from the state sales tax and state use tax. exempt baby food, infant formula, and children's diapers from the state sales tax and state use tax. |
HB 1107 | prohibit the use of certain mobile electronic devices while driving, and to provide a penalty therefor. prohibit the use of certain mobile electronic devices while driving, and to provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1108 | permit an individual to change enrollment in a medicare supplement policy. permit an individual to change enrollment in a medicare supplement policy. |
HB 1109 | eliminate the cap on assessment amounts for road improvements and to allow townships to plan and pay for the paving and maintenance of non-section line roads. eliminate the cap on assessment amounts for road improvements and to allow townships to plan and pay for the paving and maintenance of non-section line roads. |
HB 1110 | eliminate the right to a preliminary hearing when an offender is charged with a nonviolent felony and when the offender is out of custody. eliminate the right to a preliminary hearing when an offender is charged with a nonviolent felony and when the offender is out of custody. |
HB 1111 | require members of the Legislature to attend a course on the federal and state constitutions. require members of the Legislature to attend a course on the federal and state constitutions. |
HB 1112 | permit a hunter with a disabled hunter permit to use a motorized wheelchair for hunting on school or public lands. permit a hunter with a disabled hunter permit to use a motorized wheelchair for hunting on school or public lands. |
HB 1113 | prohibit the use of state resources for the provision of lewd or lascivious content. prohibit the use of state resources for the provision of lewd or lascivious content. |
HB 1114 | prohibit the use of paid petition circulators to collect signatures for a statewide ballot measure. prohibit the use of paid petition circulators to collect signatures for a statewide ballot measure. |
HB 1115 | provide an appropriation for the replacement of pipes for the McCook Lake pumping system. provide an appropriation for the replacement of pipes for the McCook Lake pumping system. |
HB 1116 | make fraudulent solicitation of charitable contributions a deceptive act or practice. make fraudulent solicitation of charitable contributions a deceptive act or practice. |
HB 1117 | repeal a requirement for the filing of an annual report regarding prearranged funeral trust contracts. repeal a requirement for the filing of an annual report regarding prearranged funeral trust contracts. |
HB 1118 | revise unclaimed property provisions. revise unclaimed property provisions. |
HB 1119 | create a habitat conservation specialty plate and emblem. create a habitat conservation specialty plate and emblem. |
HB 1120 | provide special motor vehicle license plates for advanced life support personnel and emergency medical technicians. provide special motor vehicle license plates for advanced life support personnel and emergency medical technicians. |
HB 1121 | make an appropriation to provide a grant for the construction of a veteran's skilled trade center. make an appropriation to provide a grant for the construction of a veteran's skilled trade center. |
HB 1122 | prohibit cost sharing in certain health insurance policies for diagnostic and supplemental breast imaging examinations. prohibit cost sharing in certain health insurance policies for diagnostic and supplemental breast imaging examinations. |
HB 1123 | allow for an action to establish paternity after age eighteen based on genetic test results. allow for an action to establish paternity after age eighteen based on genetic test results. |
HB 1124 | provide for the temporary filling of water development district board positions created as a result of population increases. provide for the temporary filling of water development district board positions created as a result of population increases. |
HB 1125 | prohibit the chemical modification or conversion of industrial hemp and the sale or distribution of chemically modified or converted industrial hemp and to provide a penalty therefor. prohibit the chemical modification or conversion of industrial hemp and the sale or distribution of chemically modified or converted industrial hemp and to provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1126 | permit an alternative delivery method for issuance of a policy by an insurer. permit an alternative delivery method for issuance of a policy by an insurer. |
HB 1127 | modify requirements for incorporating municipalities that are within three miles of another incorporated municipality. modify requirements for incorporating municipalities that are within three miles of another incorporated municipality. |
HB 1128 | require a zoning authority to determine that a well is an established well that has not been abandoned in making a permitting decision. require a zoning authority to determine that a well is an established well that has not been abandoned in making a permitting decision. |
HB 1129 | repeal the session law authorizing the Board of Regents to contract for the design and construction of a new dairy research and extension farm on the campus of South Dakota State University, and to declare an emergency. repeal the session law authorizing the Board of Regents to contract for the design and construction of a new dairy research and extension farm on the campus of South Dakota State University, and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1130 | revise water development district boundaries. revise water development district boundaries. |
HB 1131 | waive certain fees for nondriver identification cards for individuals who are homeless. waive certain fees for nondriver identification cards for individuals who are homeless. |
HB 1132 | revise certain provisions pertaining to municipal government. revise certain provisions pertaining to municipal government. |
HB 1133 | revise a provision related to aggravated assault. revise a provision related to aggravated assault. |
HB 1134 | amend the school funding formula to provide for the use of an averaged fall enrollment when determining local need. amend the school funding formula to provide for the use of an averaged fall enrollment when determining local need. |
HB 1135 | expand definitions pertaining to the purchasing of grain. expand definitions pertaining to the purchasing of grain. |
HB 1136 | revise the renewal fee for barber's certificate of registration. revise the renewal fee for barber's certificate of registration. |
HB 1137 | provide for a minimum teacher salary. provide for a minimum teacher salary. |
HB 1138 | establish a sales tax exemption for certain disabled veterans. establish a sales tax exemption for certain disabled veterans. |
HB 1139 | revise the malt beverage license to also allow the sale of spirits produced by an artisan distiller. revise the malt beverage license to also allow the sale of spirits produced by an artisan distiller. |
HB 1140 | revise certain provisions relating to petitions containing illegal actions and to declare an emergency. revise certain provisions relating to petitions containing illegal actions and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1141 | improve public safety in South Dakota. improve public safety in South Dakota. |
HB 1142 | improve education and to provide for the workforce of South Dakota. improve education and to provide for the workforce of South Dakota. |
HB 1143 | improve agriculture in South Dakota. improve agriculture in South Dakota. |
HB 1144 | provide for the study of the Community, Hope, Opportunity, Independence, Careers, Empowerment, Success waiver program and to provide an appropriation therefor. provide for the study of the Community, Hope, Opportunity, Independence, Careers, Empowerment, Success waiver program and to provide an appropriation therefor. |
HB 1145 | modify brand registration and use laws. modify brand registration and use laws. |
HB 1146 | regulate the sale of certain cannabis-infused beverages. regulate the sale of certain cannabis-infused beverages. |
HB 1147 | address discriminatory acts against entities participating in a 340B drug pricing program. address discriminatory acts against entities participating in a 340B drug pricing program. |
HB 1148 | require legislative authorization for the construction of new campgrounds and additional camping sites. require legislative authorization for the construction of new campgrounds and additional camping sites. |
HB 1149 | allow for a vacation home establishment and provide for municipal and county regulation thereof. allow for a vacation home establishment and provide for municipal and county regulation thereof. |
HB 1150 | enable the exercise of control by local governments over the presence and operation of medical marijuana establishments within their jurisdictions. enable the exercise of control by local governments over the presence and operation of medical marijuana establishments within their jurisdictions. |
HB 1151 | define and require active efforts for purposes of preserving and reuniting families following instances of abuse or neglect. define and require active efforts for purposes of preserving and reuniting families following instances of abuse or neglect. |
HB 1152 | establish the crime of possession of a weapon or tools with intent to commit theft and to provide a penalty therefor. establish the crime of possession of a weapon or tools with intent to commit theft and to provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1153 | impose a reporting requirement regarding a lost or stolen firearm and to provide a penalty therefor. impose a reporting requirement regarding a lost or stolen firearm and to provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1154 | establish the minimum age for marriage. establish the minimum age for marriage. |
HB 1155 | require the consideration of certain definitions when investigating unfair or discriminatory practices. require the consideration of certain definitions when investigating unfair or discriminatory practices. |
HB 1156 | make an appropriation to enhance the economic health of South Dakota. make an appropriation to enhance the economic health of South Dakota. |
HB 1157 | make an appropriation for the economic development of South Dakota. make an appropriation for the economic development of South Dakota. |
HB 1158 | limit reliance upon secondary sources as statements of law. limit reliance upon secondary sources as statements of law. |
HB 1159 | transfer the Office of Indian Education to the Department of Education. transfer the Office of Indian Education to the Department of Education. |
HB 1160 | modify and establish provisions regarding remote sales tax and tribal tax agreements. modify and establish provisions regarding remote sales tax and tribal tax agreements. |
HB 1161 | regulate the acceptance of a central bank digital currency. regulate the acceptance of a central bank digital currency. |
HB 1162 | revise certain provisions pertaining to time of school district elections. revise certain provisions pertaining to time of school district elections. |
HB 1163 | amend provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code. amend provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code. |
HB 1164 | require a school board to hold a bond election at a primary or school general election. require a school board to hold a bond election at a primary or school general election. |
HB 1165 | institute procedures for addressing the bullying of a student. institute procedures for addressing the bullying of a student. |
HB 1166 | clarify determinations regarding the wearing of facemasks. clarify determinations regarding the wearing of facemasks. |
HB 1167 | clarify determinations regarding the injection of a COVID-19 vaccine. clarify determinations regarding the injection of a COVID-19 vaccine. |
HB 1168 | require the dispensing of drugs prescribed for an off-label use during a public health emergency. require the dispensing of drugs prescribed for an off-label use during a public health emergency. |
HB 1169 | prohibit the manufacturing, delivering, distributing, and selling of food containing specified substances. prohibit the manufacturing, delivering, distributing, and selling of food containing specified substances. |
HB 1170 | allow a licensed distiller to sell and ship distilled spirits directly to a consumer. allow a licensed distiller to sell and ship distilled spirits directly to a consumer. |
HB 1171 | improve child care in South Dakota. improve child care in South Dakota. |
HB 1172 | prohibit the act of collusion during the procurement process and provide a penalty therefor. prohibit the act of collusion during the procurement process and provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1173 | revise unemployment insurance contribution rates. revise unemployment insurance contribution rates. |
HB 1174 | require proper storage of a firearm and to provide a penalty therefor. require proper storage of a firearm and to provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1175 | allow for the permanent reduction of taxes in South Dakota. allow for the permanent reduction of taxes in South Dakota. |
HB 1176 | allow for changes to healthcare related provisions. allow for changes to healthcare related provisions. |
HB 1177 | provide for the enhancement and improvement of South Dakota. provide for the enhancement and improvement of South Dakota. |
HB 1178 | prohibit the Board of Regents or any institution under its control from using state resources for obscene live conduct. prohibit the Board of Regents or any institution under its control from using state resources for obscene live conduct. |
HB 1179 | make an appropriation to ensure South Dakota's greatness. make an appropriation to ensure South Dakota's greatness. |
HB 1180 | require legislative approval for the purchase of real property by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks. require legislative approval for the purchase of real property by the Department of Game, Fish and Parks. |
HB 1181 | increase the number of years the discretionary formula may be applied to a structure, and to allow for the individual application of the discretionary formula for a structure. increase the number of years the discretionary formula may be applied to a structure, and to allow for the individual application of the discretionary formula for a structure. |
HB 1182 | revise provisions pertaining to the observation of the conduct of an election. revise provisions pertaining to the observation of the conduct of an election. |
HB 1183 | modernize the process for annual audits of third-party insurance administrators. modernize the process for annual audits of third-party insurance administrators. |
HB 1184 | require the Department of Social Services and the Department of Education to apply for and administer the summer electronic benefit transfer for children program and to make an appropriation therefor. require the Department of Social Services and the Department of Education to apply for and administer the summer electronic benefit transfer for children program and to make an appropriation therefor. |
HB 1185 | amend provisions regarding entry on private property for examination and survey of a project requiring a siting permit. amend provisions regarding entry on private property for examination and survey of a project requiring a siting permit. |
HB 1186 | define the requirements for granting a carbon pipeline easement. define the requirements for granting a carbon pipeline easement. |
HB 1187 | create a one-year career and technical education instructor educator permit. create a one-year career and technical education instructor educator permit. |
HB 1188 | revise the process by which a legislative vacancy is filled. revise the process by which a legislative vacancy is filled. |
HB 1189 | prohibit the use of public funds for campaigning or other partisan activity. prohibit the use of public funds for campaigning or other partisan activity. |
HB 1190 | establish public use criteria for purposes of condemnation proceedings. establish public use criteria for purposes of condemnation proceedings. |
HB 1191 | require an official declaration of war or other Congressional action before the South Dakota National Guard may be deployed by the federal government. require an official declaration of war or other Congressional action before the South Dakota National Guard may be deployed by the federal government. |
HB 1192 | enhance the penalty for rape of a child twelve years of age or under. enhance the penalty for rape of a child twelve years of age or under. |
HB 1193 | provide that required siting permits be filed with condemnation petitions. provide that required siting permits be filed with condemnation petitions. |
HB 1194 | clarify provisions pertaining to tax increment finance districts. clarify provisions pertaining to tax increment finance districts. |
HB 1195 | provide authority for a court to order offenders convicted of vehicular homicide to pay restitution to a victim's children until age eighteen. provide authority for a court to order offenders convicted of vehicular homicide to pay restitution to a victim's children until age eighteen. |
HB 1196 | streamline the process by which an on-sale retail license holder may acquire a special event license. streamline the process by which an on-sale retail license holder may acquire a special event license. |
HB 1197 | require the publication of measures taken to restrict the access of obscene materials by minors. require the publication of measures taken to restrict the access of obscene materials by minors. |
HB 1198 | revise the process for nominating candidates for the offices of lieutenant governor, attorney general, and secretary of state. revise the process for nominating candidates for the offices of lieutenant governor, attorney general, and secretary of state. |
HB 1199 | repeal certain provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code. repeal certain provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code. |
HB 1200 | increase the minimum fee required with an application for construction of an energy conversion and transmission facility. increase the minimum fee required with an application for construction of an energy conversion and transmission facility. |
HB 1201 | make an appropriation for the teacher apprenticeship pathway program. make an appropriation for the teacher apprenticeship pathway program. |
HB 1202 | establish procedures for the termination of services by a provider through the CHOICES waiver program. establish procedures for the termination of services by a provider through the CHOICES waiver program. |
HB 1203 | clarify references to the court in a condemnation proceeding. clarify references to the court in a condemnation proceeding. |
HB 1204 | establish a civil action for nonconsensual condom removal. establish a civil action for nonconsensual condom removal. |
HB 1205 | appropriate money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the current expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools. appropriate money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the current expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools. |
HB 1206 | make an appropriation for a grant to the Douglas school district for the construction costs of a new school. make an appropriation for a grant to the Douglas school district for the construction costs of a new school. |
HB 1207 | create requirements for the disclosure of certain information relating to health care sharing arrangements. create requirements for the disclosure of certain information relating to health care sharing arrangements. |
HB 1208 | require the director of equalization to adjust certain agricultural land values. require the director of equalization to adjust certain agricultural land values. |
HB 1209 | appropriate moneys to reconstruct Custer West Dam. appropriate moneys to reconstruct Custer West Dam. |
HB 1210 | permit a child adjudicated delinquent for theft of a firearm to be committed to the Department of Corrections. permit a child adjudicated delinquent for theft of a firearm to be committed to the Department of Corrections. |
HB 1211 | repeal the Midwestern Regional Higher Education Compact. repeal the Midwestern Regional Higher Education Compact. |
HB 1212 | require certain vehicles to be equipped with mud flaps. require certain vehicles to be equipped with mud flaps. |
HB 1213 | create the Dr. Nicholas W. Drummond Center for Civic Engagement at Black Hills State University. create the Dr. Nicholas W. Drummond Center for Civic Engagement at Black Hills State University. |
HB 1214 | amend requirements for a cosmetology apprenticeship. amend requirements for a cosmetology apprenticeship. |
HB 1215 | require a study of radio communication services in the Piedmont Valley region and make an appropriation to perform the study and purchase digital vehicular repeater systems. require a study of radio communication services in the Piedmont Valley region and make an appropriation to perform the study and purchase digital vehicular repeater systems. |
HB 1216 | create the local assistance fund and to provide for the transfer of certain unobligated cash balances. create the local assistance fund and to provide for the transfer of certain unobligated cash balances. |
HB 1217 | allow a city or county to impose local restrictions and regulations on video lottery. allow a city or county to impose local restrictions and regulations on video lottery. |
HB 1218 | create the building opportunity through out-of-school time program and to make an appropriation therefor. create the building opportunity through out-of-school time program and to make an appropriation therefor. |
HB 1219 | prohibit the exercise of eminent domain for the construction of pipelines carrying carbon oxide. prohibit the exercise of eminent domain for the construction of pipelines carrying carbon oxide. |
HB 1220 | allow an appeal of a decision of the Department of Education regarding special education or related services by a civil action against the department. allow an appeal of a decision of the Department of Education regarding special education or related services by a civil action against the department. |
HB 1221 | enhance right to work laws and provide a penalty therefor. enhance right to work laws and provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1222 | require free voice communication services for correctional inmates and to make an appropriation therefor. require free voice communication services for correctional inmates and to make an appropriation therefor. |
HB 1223 | repeal a section of the Administrative Rules of South Dakota regarding cooperation with the Division of Child Support. repeal a section of the Administrative Rules of South Dakota regarding cooperation with the Division of Child Support. |
HB 1224 | require the creation of an informational video and other materials describing the state's abortion law and medical care for a pregnant woman experiencing life-threatening or health-threatening medical conditions. require the creation of an informational video and other materials describing the state's abortion law and medical care for a pregnant woman experiencing life-threatening or health-threatening medical conditions. |
HB 1225 | define a multi-passenger quadricycle and to provide for the regulation of multi-passenger quadricycles. define a multi-passenger quadricycle and to provide for the regulation of multi-passenger quadricycles. |
HB 1226 | make an appropriation to the Department of Education for grants to support the provision of telemedicine in school districts. make an appropriation to the Department of Education for grants to support the provision of telemedicine in school districts. |
HB 1227 | prohibit a homeowners' association from placing certain restrictions on firearms or firearm ammunition. prohibit a homeowners' association from placing certain restrictions on firearms or firearm ammunition. |
HB 1228 | provide that required exterior hunting garments may be fluorescent pink. provide that required exterior hunting garments may be fluorescent pink. |
HB 1229 | add a county as able to be assigned responsibility for secondary highways on municipal boundaries. add a county as able to be assigned responsibility for secondary highways on municipal boundaries. |
HB 1230 | amend provisions regarding reports to be done for a guardianship or conservatorship and to provide a penalty therefor. amend provisions regarding reports to be done for a guardianship or conservatorship and to provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1231 | place restrictions on the ownership of agricultural land. place restrictions on the ownership of agricultural land. |
HB 1232 | create the Indian Child Welfare Advisory Council. create the Indian Child Welfare Advisory Council. |
HB 1233 | amend requirements for a cosmetology apprenticeship. amend requirements for a cosmetology apprenticeship. |
HB 1234 | address the issuance and revocation requirements pertaining to a permit to carry a concealed weapon. address the issuance and revocation requirements pertaining to a permit to carry a concealed weapon. |
HB 1235 | make an appropriation of State Fiscal Recovery Fund moneys for eligible water quality projects. make an appropriation of State Fiscal Recovery Fund moneys for eligible water quality projects. |
HB 1236 | recognize students as Rushmore State Athletes upon demonstrating prescribed levels of physical fitness. recognize students as Rushmore State Athletes upon demonstrating prescribed levels of physical fitness. |
HB 1237 | establish provisions related to the rating of books available in school districts. establish provisions related to the rating of books available in school districts. |
HB 1238 | reimburse school districts for costs incurred in providing reduced price meals to students. reimburse school districts for costs incurred in providing reduced price meals to students. |
HB 1239 | prohibit the dissemination of incorrect or misleading ballot information and to provide a penalty therefor. prohibit the dissemination of incorrect or misleading ballot information and to provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1240 | permit a homeowner's association, development, or incorporated community to modify a restrictive covenant. permit a homeowner's association, development, or incorporated community to modify a restrictive covenant. |
HB 1241 | modify the amount of time allowed to an employee to vote at any election in this state. modify the amount of time allowed to an employee to vote at any election in this state. |
HB 1242 | require the placement of informational signs explaining works of art accepted by the state and displayed at a rest area or facility operated by the Department of Transportation. require the placement of informational signs explaining works of art accepted by the state and displayed at a rest area or facility operated by the Department of Transportation. |
HB 1243 | extend deadlines for action by the Public Utilities Commission upon the request of any party. extend deadlines for action by the Public Utilities Commission upon the request of any party. |
HB 1244 | provide a process to withdraw a signature from a petition for an initiated measure, constitutional amendment, or a referendum on a law in certain situations and to declare an emergency. provide a process to withdraw a signature from a petition for an initiated measure, constitutional amendment, or a referendum on a law in certain situations and to declare an emergency. |
HB 1245 | revise provisions related to the custody of an alleged delinquent child before and after a temporary custody hearing. revise provisions related to the custody of an alleged delinquent child before and after a temporary custody hearing. |
HB 1246 | establish a pre-condemnation process and to require reclamation and restoration of property damaged by condemnation. establish a pre-condemnation process and to require reclamation and restoration of property damaged by condemnation. |
HB 1247 | provide consumer protection through fair access to financial and insurance products and services. provide consumer protection through fair access to financial and insurance products and services. |
HB 1248 | prohibit a person from coercing an individual to submit to certain vaccinations. prohibit a person from coercing an individual to submit to certain vaccinations. |
HB 1249 | establish a task force to address the welfare of Indian children in South Dakota. establish a task force to address the welfare of Indian children in South Dakota. |
HB 1250 | provide for the creation and use of South Dakota educational empowerment accounts. provide for the creation and use of South Dakota educational empowerment accounts. |
HB 1251 | modify provisions related to the annexation of unplatted territory or agricultural land. modify provisions related to the annexation of unplatted territory or agricultural land. |
HB 1252 | address South Dakota State Brand Board administration and operations. address South Dakota State Brand Board administration and operations. |
HB 1253 | permit nonaccredited schools to participate in the partners in education tax credit program. permit nonaccredited schools to participate in the partners in education tax credit program. |
HB 1254 | remove irreconcilable differences as a cause for divorce. remove irreconcilable differences as a cause for divorce. |
HB 1255 | establish a property tax exemption for religious societies, and to modify the application requirements for certain property tax exemptions. establish a property tax exemption for religious societies, and to modify the application requirements for certain property tax exemptions. |
HB 1256 | establish percentage requirements for voluntary agreements governing pipeline construction prior to the filing of a petition for condemnation. establish percentage requirements for voluntary agreements governing pipeline construction prior to the filing of a petition for condemnation. |
HB 1257 | require the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council to establish an interim study committee on minors' access to pornographic material. require the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council to establish an interim study committee on minors' access to pornographic material. |
HB 1258 | provide that a company transporting hydrogen, by pipeline, is not a common carrier. provide that a company transporting hydrogen, by pipeline, is not a common carrier. |
HB 1259 | appropriate money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the current expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools. appropriate money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the current expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools. |
Bill Type: House Commemoration | |
HC 8001 | Recognizing the Mitchell Friends of NRA as the largest Friends of NRA chapter in the state and celebrating the chapter's significant support of gun safety classes, hunter education courses, and youth shooting sports. Recognizing the Mitchell Friends of NRA as the largest Friends of NRA chapter in the state and celebrating the chapter's significant support of gun safety classes, hunter education courses, and youth shooting sports. |
HC 8002 | Celebrating the LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit community in South Dakota. Celebrating the LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit community in South Dakota. |
HC 8003 | Recognizing the Chester Lady Flyers as the 2023 State B Volleyball Champions. Recognizing the Chester Lady Flyers as the 2023 State B Volleyball Champions. |
HC 8004 | Honoring Sophie Spier of Sioux Falls, South Dakota Girls State Governor, and Gavin Pischke of Hartford, South Dakota Boys State Governor, and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs. Honoring Sophie Spier of Sioux Falls, South Dakota Girls State Governor, and Gavin Pischke of Hartford, South Dakota Boys State Governor, and commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs. |
HC 8005 | Recognizing and celebrating the De Smet Bulldogs as the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Class B boys' basketball state champions. Recognizing and celebrating the De Smet Bulldogs as the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Class B boys' basketball state champions. |
HC 8006 | Celebrating Doris Neilan as the first woman to serve as a sergeant-at-arms in the South Dakota Legislature. Celebrating Doris Neilan as the first woman to serve as a sergeant-at-arms in the South Dakota Legislature. |
HC 8007 | Recognizing and expressing gratitude for fifty years of prudent and reliable financial stewardship of the state pension program by the South Dakota Retirement System. Recognizing and expressing gratitude for fifty years of prudent and reliable financial stewardship of the state pension program by the South Dakota Retirement System. |
HC 8008 | Celebrating the Sioux Falls Lincoln Patriots football team. Celebrating the Sioux Falls Lincoln Patriots football team. |
HC 8009 | Celebrating the South Dakota State University Jackrabbit football team winning a second consecutive NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) National Championship. Celebrating the South Dakota State University Jackrabbit football team winning a second consecutive NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) National Championship. |
HC 8010 | Celebrating the life of Robert "Bob" Montross of De Smet, South Dakota. Celebrating the life of Robert "Bob" Montross of De Smet, South Dakota. |
HC 8011 | Honoring Jason Jons, a member of the South Central School District Board of Education, on his years of school board service. Honoring Jason Jons, a member of the South Central School District Board of Education, on his years of school board service. |
HC 8012 | Honoring the victims of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. Honoring the victims of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. |
HC 8013 | Honoring Hayden Joe Schmautz of Fort Pierre for a life of service tragically cut short. Honoring Hayden Joe Schmautz of Fort Pierre for a life of service tragically cut short. |
HC 8014 | Congratulating Eric Schroeder for becoming the new fire chief of the Wessington Springs Volunteer Fire Department. Congratulating Eric Schroeder for becoming the new fire chief of the Wessington Springs Volunteer Fire Department. |
HC 8015 | Celebrating the Parkston Trojans as the 2023 class 9AA state football champions. Celebrating the Parkston Trojans as the 2023 class 9AA state football champions. |
HC 8016 | Honoring the life of Kenneth Michael Prorok. Honoring the life of Kenneth Michael Prorok. |
HC 8017 | Celebrating Bea Schelske and Alice Hager, the Parkston Pals, and their contributions to the community. Celebrating Bea Schelske and Alice Hager, the Parkston Pals, and their contributions to the community. |
HC 8018 | Recognizing and celebrating the Pierre Governors football team. Recognizing and celebrating the Pierre Governors football team. |
HC 8019 | Congratulating Tucker Kraft on his outstanding football career and being drafted into the National Football League. Congratulating Tucker Kraft on his outstanding football career and being drafted into the National Football League. |
HC 8020 | Honoring Pat Powers for his years of service to the South Dakota Republican Party. Honoring Pat Powers for his years of service to the South Dakota Republican Party. |
HC 8021 | Honoring the Estelline/Hendricks Redhawks for winning the State A gymnastics title two years in a row. Honoring the Estelline/Hendricks Redhawks for winning the State A gymnastics title two years in a row. |
HC 8022 | Celebrating the state championship win by the Mitchell High School gymnastics team. Celebrating the state championship win by the Mitchell High School gymnastics team. |
HC 8023 | Commending and honoring the Harrisburg School Board on its selection as the Associated School Boards of South Dakota Outstanding School Board for 2023. Commending and honoring the Harrisburg School Board on its selection as the Associated School Boards of South Dakota Outstanding School Board for 2023. |
HC 8024 | Honoring Kelly Larson for his longstanding public service and congratulating him on his upcoming retirement. Honoring Kelly Larson for his longstanding public service and congratulating him on his upcoming retirement. |
HC 8025 | Celebrating the success of the Mitchell Show Choir, Friend de Coup, at the Southwest Showdown competition. Celebrating the success of the Mitchell Show Choir, Friend de Coup, at the Southwest Showdown competition. |
HC 8026 | Recognizing Jack Cochrane for his achievements as a collegiate athlete at the University of South Dakota and congratulating him on his success as a two-time Super Bowl champion with the Kansas City Chiefs. Recognizing Jack Cochrane for his achievements as a collegiate athlete at the University of South Dakota and congratulating him on his success as a two-time Super Bowl champion with the Kansas City Chiefs. |
HC 8027 | Celebrating the scoring of 1000 points by Justin "Cash" Albers. Celebrating the scoring of 1000 points by Justin "Cash" Albers. |
HC 8028 | Honoring the Slovek Ranch as the 2023 Leopold Conservation Award recipient. Honoring the Slovek Ranch as the 2023 Leopold Conservation Award recipient. |
HC 8029 | Celebrating the wrestling career of Jackson Remmers. Celebrating the wrestling career of Jackson Remmers. |
HC 8030 | Celebrating the achievements and continued success of the Black Hills Powwow. Celebrating the achievements and continued success of the Black Hills Powwow. |
HC 8031 | Recognizing Nancy Green, the spokesperson for Aunt Jemima, as a true American success story that was erased from history. Recognizing Nancy Green, the spokesperson for Aunt Jemima, as a true American success story that was erased from history. |
Bill Type: House Concurrent Resolution | |
HCR 6001 | Supporting the Electoral College. Supporting the Electoral College. |
HCR 6002 | To provide for an interim study regarding foreign ownership of agricultural land. To provide for an interim study regarding foreign ownership of agricultural land. |
HCR 6003 | To create the One Hundredth Session Planning Committee of the South Dakota Legislature. To create the One Hundredth Session Planning Committee of the South Dakota Legislature. |
HCR 6004 | Affirming the Legislature's support and commitment of the State of Israel. Affirming the Legislature's support and commitment of the State of Israel. |
HCR 6005 | Recognizing the Mitchell Friends of NRA as the largest Friends of NRA chapter in the state and celebrating the chapter's significant support of gun safety classes, hunter education courses, and youth shooting sports. Recognizing the Mitchell Friends of NRA as the largest Friends of NRA chapter in the state and celebrating the chapter's significant support of gun safety classes, hunter education courses, and youth shooting sports. |
HCR 6006 | Urging the members of South Dakota's congressional delegation to sponsor and support an amendment to the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Act. Urging the members of South Dakota's congressional delegation to sponsor and support an amendment to the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Act. |
HCR 6007 | Encouraging the United States Department of Veteran Affairs to allow veterans to receive long-term care services at facilities that do not otherwise meet the requirements set by the department. Encouraging the United States Department of Veteran Affairs to allow veterans to receive long-term care services at facilities that do not otherwise meet the requirements set by the department. |
HCR 6008 | Opposing an initiated measure to place the right to an abortion in the Constitution of South Dakota. Opposing an initiated measure to place the right to an abortion in the Constitution of South Dakota. |
HCR 6009 | Condemning rape as a tactic of war. Condemning rape as a tactic of war. |
HCR 6010 | Acknowledging the need to protect our borders and affirming South Dakota's support of the defense of the southern border. Acknowledging the need to protect our borders and affirming South Dakota's support of the defense of the southern border. |
HCR 6011 | Urging the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) law enforcement to establish a law enforcement training academy in South Dakota. Urging the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) law enforcement to establish a law enforcement training academy in South Dakota. |
HCR 6012 | Acknowledging the challenges and responses during the COVID-19 pandemic and committing to accountability and action. Acknowledging the challenges and responses during the COVID-19 pandemic and committing to accountability and action. |
Bill Type: House Joint Resolution | |
HJR 5001 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, requiring all non-judicial offices elected by a statewide vote to be nominated at a primary election. Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, requiring all non-judicial offices elected by a statewide vote to be nominated at a primary election. |
HJR 5002 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota revising the process by which a legislative vacancy is filled. Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota revising the process by which a legislative vacancy is filled. |
HJR 5003 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election, an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, to limit the placement of restrictions on the right to bear arms. Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election, an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, to limit the placement of restrictions on the right to bear arms. |
Bill Type: Senate Bill | |
SB 1 | expand eligibility for the reduced tuition benefit for certain school district and Head Start employees at Board of Regents institutions to school counselors. expand eligibility for the reduced tuition benefit for certain school district and Head Start employees at Board of Regents institutions to school counselors. |
SB 2 | remove provisions for establishing a uniform method for calculating high school credit received from completing a postsecondary course. remove provisions for establishing a uniform method for calculating high school credit received from completing a postsecondary course. |
SB 3 | extend the length of time allowed for a tax agreement with an Indian tribe. extend the length of time allowed for a tax agreement with an Indian tribe. |
SB 4 | revise provisions regarding township contracts for snow removal. revise provisions regarding township contracts for snow removal. |
SB 5 | reduce the amount of time required before the removal of a city manager is effective. reduce the amount of time required before the removal of a city manager is effective. |
SB 6 | revise provisions related to death by distribution of a Schedule I or II substance. revise provisions related to death by distribution of a Schedule I or II substance. |
SB 7 | revise the water resources projects list. revise the water resources projects list. |
SB 8 | allow licensed hunting preserve facilities to sell alcoholic beverages on designated days outside of the shooting preserve season. allow licensed hunting preserve facilities to sell alcoholic beverages on designated days outside of the shooting preserve season. |
SB 9 | further limit applications for clemency for violent crime offenders sentenced to life imprisonment. further limit applications for clemency for violent crime offenders sentenced to life imprisonment. |
SB 10 | require that a notification of medical cannabis certification be provided to a patient's primary or referring practitioner. require that a notification of medical cannabis certification be provided to a patient's primary or referring practitioner. |
SB 11 | prohibit a practitioner from referring a patient to a medical cannabis clinic with which the practitioner or an immediate family member has a financial relationship and to provide a penalty therefor. prohibit a practitioner from referring a patient to a medical cannabis clinic with which the practitioner or an immediate family member has a financial relationship and to provide a penalty therefor. |
SB 12 | authorize certain employer actions regarding the use of cannabis by an employee or a prospective employee. authorize certain employer actions regarding the use of cannabis by an employee or a prospective employee. |
SB 13 | revise the process for nominating candidates for the offices of lieutenant governor, attorney general, and secretary of state. revise the process for nominating candidates for the offices of lieutenant governor, attorney general, and secretary of state. |
SB 14 | expand authorization for the conditional taking of coyotes from snowmobiles. expand authorization for the conditional taking of coyotes from snowmobiles. |
SB 15 | require a convicted defendant to reimburse the cost of digital forensic examination fees. require a convicted defendant to reimburse the cost of digital forensic examination fees. |
SB 16 | make appropriations for water and environmental purposes and to declare an emergency. make appropriations for water and environmental purposes and to declare an emergency. |
SB 17 | modify the residency requirements for voter registration and declare an emergency. modify the residency requirements for voter registration and declare an emergency. |
SB 18 | allow the secretary of state to share information from the statewide voter registration file. allow the secretary of state to share information from the statewide voter registration file. |
SB 19 | rescind rulemaking authority pertaining to the process for publishing required voter registration numbers. rescind rulemaking authority pertaining to the process for publishing required voter registration numbers. |
SB 20 | establish the crime of threatening or intimidating an election official or election worker. establish the crime of threatening or intimidating an election official or election worker. |
SB 21 | rescind rule-making authority for the annual report of the number of voters removed from a county's voter registration list. rescind rule-making authority for the annual report of the number of voters removed from a county's voter registration list. |
SB 22 | amend language regarding the licensing period for a grain buyer. amend language regarding the licensing period for a grain buyer. |
SB 23 | exempt an electric vehicle charging station from being subject to a civil fine for overcharging. exempt an electric vehicle charging station from being subject to a civil fine for overcharging. |
SB 24 | increase the maximum user fee for a participant submitting to wear a drug patch under the 24/7 sobriety program. increase the maximum user fee for a participant submitting to wear a drug patch under the 24/7 sobriety program. |
SB 25 | revise provisions regarding possessing, manufacturing, or distributing child pornography. revise provisions regarding possessing, manufacturing, or distributing child pornography. |
SB 26 | clarify the membership of the Open Meeting Commission. clarify the membership of the Open Meeting Commission. |
SB 27 | modify the criteria for removal from the sex offender registry. modify the criteria for removal from the sex offender registry. |
SB 28 | modify tax refunds for elderly persons and persons with a disability, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency. modify tax refunds for elderly persons and persons with a disability, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency. |
SB 29 | allow eligible members of the South Dakota National Guard attending an in-state private, nonprofit post-secondary institution to receive the state tuition benefit. allow eligible members of the South Dakota National Guard attending an in-state private, nonprofit post-secondary institution to receive the state tuition benefit. |
SB 30 | prohibit discrimination based on military status. prohibit discrimination based on military status. |
SB 31 | create the indigent legal services fund, to provide ongoing revenue therefor, and to make an appropriation therefor. create the indigent legal services fund, to provide ongoing revenue therefor, and to make an appropriation therefor. |
SB 32 | provide for the distribution of tax revenue from certain gross receipts occurring on fairgrounds. provide for the distribution of tax revenue from certain gross receipts occurring on fairgrounds. |
SB 33 | repeal the Petroleum Release Compensation Board. repeal the Petroleum Release Compensation Board. |
SB 34 | establish and modify provisions related to school safety. establish and modify provisions related to school safety. |
SB 35 | provide that certain personal information of a lottery prize winner may only be used for advertising or promotion with the winner's consent. provide that certain personal information of a lottery prize winner may only be used for advertising or promotion with the winner's consent. |
SB 36 | revise provisions related to driving under the influence. revise provisions related to driving under the influence. |
SB 37 | revise provisions regarding repair and maintenance of mail routes. revise provisions regarding repair and maintenance of mail routes. |
SB 38 | amend the amount a merchant or place of business may assess against returned checks. amend the amount a merchant or place of business may assess against returned checks. |
SB 39 | prohibit a homeowners' association from placing restrictions on firearms or firearm ammunition. prohibit a homeowners' association from placing restrictions on firearms or firearm ammunition. |
SB 40 | establish a criminal background check requirement for licensure as an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant. establish a criminal background check requirement for licensure as an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant. |
SB 41 | modify an administrative procedure for revoking a nonresponsive insurance producer's license. modify an administrative procedure for revoking a nonresponsive insurance producer's license. |
SB 42 | modify provisions related to medical cannabis. modify provisions related to medical cannabis. |
SB 43 | establish procedures for the imposition of fines and probation against medical cannabis establishments, increase the allowable fee for a medical cannabis establishment registration certificate, and direct the Department of Health to promulgate rules to increase the fee for a registration certificate. establish procedures for the imposition of fines and probation against medical cannabis establishments, increase the allowable fee for a medical cannabis establishment registration certificate, and direct the Department of Health to promulgate rules to increase the fee for a registration certificate. |
SB 44 | make an appropriation to reimburse health care professionals who have complied with the requirements for health care recruitment assistance programs, and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation to reimburse health care professionals who have complied with the requirements for health care recruitment assistance programs, and to declare an emergency. |
SB 45 | make an appropriation for the establishment of a Center for Quantum Information Science and Technology and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation for the establishment of a Center for Quantum Information Science and Technology and to declare an emergency. |
SB 46 | authorize the disclosure of referral status by Department of Human Services personnel. authorize the disclosure of referral status by Department of Human Services personnel. |
SB 47 | revise the incentive program for juvenile diversion opportunities. revise the incentive program for juvenile diversion opportunities. |
SB 48 | provide for the disclosure of a cast vote record and ballot images as a public record and declare an emergency. provide for the disclosure of a cast vote record and ballot images as a public record and declare an emergency. |
SB 49 | make an appropriation for the site preparation of a prison facility for offenders committed to the Department of Corrections, to transfer moneys to the incarceration construction fund, and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation for the site preparation of a prison facility for offenders committed to the Department of Corrections, to transfer moneys to the incarceration construction fund, and to declare an emergency. |
SB 50 | make an appropriation for the site preparation and construction of a prison facility for offenders committed to the Department of Corrections in Rapid City, to transfer moneys to the incarceration construction fund, and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation for the site preparation and construction of a prison facility for offenders committed to the Department of Corrections in Rapid City, to transfer moneys to the incarceration construction fund, and to declare an emergency. |
SB 51 | revise property tax levies for school districts and to revise the state aid to general and special education formulas. revise property tax levies for school districts and to revise the state aid to general and special education formulas. |
SB 52 | revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2024. revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2024. |
SB 53 | make an appropriation for eligible water and wastewater projects and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation for eligible water and wastewater projects and to declare an emergency. |
SB 54 | update hunting and fishing residency requirements. update hunting and fishing residency requirements. |
SB 55 | remove multiple vehicle ownership as a condition for purchasing an additional park entry license at a reduced price. remove multiple vehicle ownership as a condition for purchasing an additional park entry license at a reduced price. |
SB 56 | permit the operation of a Class I electric bicycle on the Mickelson Trail. permit the operation of a Class I electric bicycle on the Mickelson Trail. |
SB 57 | create uniform procedures for consideration of criminal histories and convictions in professional or occupational licensure. create uniform procedures for consideration of criminal histories and convictions in professional or occupational licensure. |
SB 58 | revise provisions regarding money transmission. revise provisions regarding money transmission. |
SB 59 | provide for the downgrade of commercial driver licenses and commercial learners permits upon notice of certain drug and alcohol violations. provide for the downgrade of commercial driver licenses and commercial learners permits upon notice of certain drug and alcohol violations. |
SB 60 | update references to certain regulations regarding medical qualifications for certain commercial drivers. update references to certain regulations regarding medical qualifications for certain commercial drivers. |
SB 61 | repeal the Visitation Grant Advisory Group. repeal the Visitation Grant Advisory Group. |
SB 62 | amend the requirements to notify a law enforcement officer after an accident has occurred. amend the requirements to notify a law enforcement officer after an accident has occurred. |
SB 63 | revise provisions related to the licensure and regulation of ambulance services. revise provisions related to the licensure and regulation of ambulance services. |
SB 64 | revise provisions related to the regulation of emergency medical services and associated personnel. revise provisions related to the regulation of emergency medical services and associated personnel. |
SB 65 | modify time limits for collection efforts for debts owed to the state. modify time limits for collection efforts for debts owed to the state. |
SB 66 | make an appropriation for eligible water, wastewater, and storm water projects throughout state government, and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation for eligible water, wastewater, and storm water projects throughout state government, and to declare an emergency. |
SB 67 | provide for the sale of certain real estate located in Hughes County and to provide for the deposit of the proceeds into a continuously appropriated fund. provide for the sale of certain real estate located in Hughes County and to provide for the deposit of the proceeds into a continuously appropriated fund. |
SB 68 | amend certain provisions pertaining to the South Dakota Retirement System to comply with federal law. amend certain provisions pertaining to the South Dakota Retirement System to comply with federal law. |
SB 69 | amend certain provisions pertaining to the South Dakota Retirement System. amend certain provisions pertaining to the South Dakota Retirement System. |
SB 70 | make an appropriation for the replacement of the Richmond Lake dam and spillway, for the general maintenance and repair of other state-owned dams, and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation for the replacement of the Richmond Lake dam and spillway, for the general maintenance and repair of other state-owned dams, and to declare an emergency. |
SB 71 | remove a prohibition on the ability of law enforcement and various governmental entities to inspect, search, seize, prosecute, or impose disciplinary action on cannabis dispensaries, cultivation facilities, manufacturing facilities, and testing facilities. remove a prohibition on the ability of law enforcement and various governmental entities to inspect, search, seize, prosecute, or impose disciplinary action on cannabis dispensaries, cultivation facilities, manufacturing facilities, and testing facilities. |
SB 72 | increase the annual limit of tax credits that an insurance company may claim through the partners in education tax credit program. increase the annual limit of tax credits that an insurance company may claim through the partners in education tax credit program. |
SB 73 | provide that the presiding officer of the Senate is required to sign each enrolled bill. provide that the presiding officer of the Senate is required to sign each enrolled bill. |
SB 74 | establish reentry initiatives and programs in the Department of Corrections. establish reentry initiatives and programs in the Department of Corrections. |
SB 75 | modify provisions pertaining to the designation of a legal newspaper. modify provisions pertaining to the designation of a legal newspaper. |
SB 76 | modify provisions pertaining to the appointment of vacant positions on a board or commission. modify provisions pertaining to the appointment of vacant positions on a board or commission. |
SB 77 | revise a provision related to threatening law enforcement officers. revise a provision related to threatening law enforcement officers. |
SB 78 | provide for an E15 fuel tax refund. provide for an E15 fuel tax refund. |
SB 79 | revise provisions related to the possession, distribution, and manufacture of child pornography. revise provisions related to the possession, distribution, and manufacture of child pornography. |
SB 80 | improve technology equipment for providers of elderly care and to make an appropriation therefor. improve technology equipment for providers of elderly care and to make an appropriation therefor. |
SB 81 | expand permission on installing electric wiring in a residence. expand permission on installing electric wiring in a residence. |
SB 82 | modify standards for a bona fide practitioner-patient relationship required prior to the issuance of a medical cannabis certification. modify standards for a bona fide practitioner-patient relationship required prior to the issuance of a medical cannabis certification. |
SB 83 | make an appropriation for the revised construction costs of maintenance shops for the Wildland Fire Suppression Division and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation for the revised construction costs of maintenance shops for the Wildland Fire Suppression Division and to declare an emergency. |
SB 84 | update the edition of the guidebook used for measuring damages to trees or plants. update the edition of the guidebook used for measuring damages to trees or plants. |
SB 85 | revise a provision related to an action to quiet title to real property. revise a provision related to an action to quiet title to real property. |
SB 86 | allow a municipality authorized to allow legal games of chance to issue additional off-sale liquor licenses to hotel-motel convention facilities. allow a municipality authorized to allow legal games of chance to issue additional off-sale liquor licenses to hotel-motel convention facilities. |
SB 87 | revise provisions related to the State Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners and its appointed professional councils. revise provisions related to the State Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners and its appointed professional councils. |
SB 88 | provide information to an injured employee about eligibility in a program offered by a nonprofit organization. provide information to an injured employee about eligibility in a program offered by a nonprofit organization. |
SB 89 | reduce the notice requirement period to terminate a tenancy at will. reduce the notice requirement period to terminate a tenancy at will. |
SB 90 | revise and repeal provisions related to forcible entry and detainer. revise and repeal provisions related to forcible entry and detainer. |
SB 91 | revise sex offender residency restrictions to include private parks, playgrounds, and pools. revise sex offender residency restrictions to include private parks, playgrounds, and pools. |
SB 92 | prohibit automatic issuance of video lottery machines to a restaurant operating with a full-service restaurant on-sale license. prohibit automatic issuance of video lottery machines to a restaurant operating with a full-service restaurant on-sale license. |
SB 93 | modify the definition of public infrastructure to allow a federally recognized Indian tribe to be eligible for housing infrastructure loans and grants. modify the definition of public infrastructure to allow a federally recognized Indian tribe to be eligible for housing infrastructure loans and grants. |
SB 94 | amend provisions pertaining to the partners in education tax credit program. amend provisions pertaining to the partners in education tax credit program. |
SB 95 | exempt one motor vehicle of a debtor from being taken by legal process. exempt one motor vehicle of a debtor from being taken by legal process. |
SB 96 | prohibit the use of a deepfake to influence an election and to provide a penalty therefor. prohibit the use of a deepfake to influence an election and to provide a penalty therefor. |
SB 97 | establish the admissibility of evidence of similar crimes in sexual assault cases. establish the admissibility of evidence of similar crimes in sexual assault cases. |
SB 98 | establish the admissibility of evidence of similar crimes in child molestation cases. establish the admissibility of evidence of similar crimes in child molestation cases. |
SB 99 | modify provisions pertaining to applying for an absentee ballot application and to declare an emergency. modify provisions pertaining to applying for an absentee ballot application and to declare an emergency. |
SB 100 | prohibit the imposition of additional immunization requirements on children. prohibit the imposition of additional immunization requirements on children. |
SB 101 | prohibit the conduct of certain physical examinations or screenings on students in a school district without parental consent. prohibit the conduct of certain physical examinations or screenings on students in a school district without parental consent. |
SB 102 | revise the process for annexing or excluding property contiguous to a road district. revise the process for annexing or excluding property contiguous to a road district. |
SB 103 | standardize certain school safety practices. standardize certain school safety practices. |
SB 104 | make an appropriation to support the operations of the Phoenix Correspondence Commission. make an appropriation to support the operations of the Phoenix Correspondence Commission. |
SB 105 | provide for the employment of veterans' service officers by the Department of Veterans Affairs. provide for the employment of veterans' service officers by the Department of Veterans Affairs. |
SB 106 | make an appropriation to support airline terminal improvement, expansion, and infrastructure projects. make an appropriation to support airline terminal improvement, expansion, and infrastructure projects. |
SB 107 | prohibit the dissemination of materially deceptive media without disclosure and to provide a penalty therefor. prohibit the dissemination of materially deceptive media without disclosure and to provide a penalty therefor. |
SB 108 | revise a provision related to retrocession of jurisdiction over federal enclaves. revise a provision related to retrocession of jurisdiction over federal enclaves. |
SB 109 | provisionally repeal capital punishment. provisionally repeal capital punishment. |
SB 110 | void covenants that prohibit or restrict the possession or use of firearms and ammunition. void covenants that prohibit or restrict the possession or use of firearms and ammunition. |
SB 111 | revise requirements for mining and mineral exploration. revise requirements for mining and mineral exploration. |
SB 112 | establish a non-resident title fee. establish a non-resident title fee. |
SB 113 | establish the state flag design commission. establish the state flag design commission. |
SB 114 | create a presumption of workers' compensation coverage for occupational cancer for firefighters. create a presumption of workers' compensation coverage for occupational cancer for firefighters. |
SB 115 | prevent a county, township, or municipality from authorizing a guaranteed income program. prevent a county, township, or municipality from authorizing a guaranteed income program. |
SB 116 | provide for vapor product certification requirements and to provide a penalty therefor. provide for vapor product certification requirements and to provide a penalty therefor. |
SB 117 | revise provisions regarding industrial hemp. revise provisions regarding industrial hemp. |
SB 118 | permit the use of an online management and communication platform to be used by homeowners who are governed by a restrictive contract. permit the use of an online management and communication platform to be used by homeowners who are governed by a restrictive contract. |
SB 119 | permit the use of tribal identification cards when registering to vote. permit the use of tribal identification cards when registering to vote. |
SB 120 | provide an additional basis for the Interim Rules Review Committee to revert a proposed administrative rule. provide an additional basis for the Interim Rules Review Committee to revert a proposed administrative rule. |
SB 121 | revise the process to vacate certain highways. revise the process to vacate certain highways. |
SB 122 | ensure the availability of law enforcement and emergency services in certain state parks and to declare an emergency. ensure the availability of law enforcement and emergency services in certain state parks and to declare an emergency. |
SB 123 | revise provisions pertaining to voter registration requirements and the state board of elections. revise provisions pertaining to voter registration requirements and the state board of elections. |
SB 124 | revise the eligibility of roads for the rural access infrastructure fund. revise the eligibility of roads for the rural access infrastructure fund. |
SB 125 | require the Department of Social Services to conduct a state-wide study on child care, to provide an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency. require the Department of Social Services to conduct a state-wide study on child care, to provide an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency. |
SB 126 | improve agriculture in South Dakota. improve agriculture in South Dakota. |
SB 127 | revise the requirements pertaining to average teacher compensation and to establish a minimum teacher salary. revise the requirements pertaining to average teacher compensation and to establish a minimum teacher salary. |
SB 128 | improve public safety in South Dakota. improve public safety in South Dakota. |
SB 129 | improve the workforce of South Dakota. improve the workforce of South Dakota. |
SB 130 | consider certain goods when given as a prize through a redemption store as purchases for resale. consider certain goods when given as a prize through a redemption store as purchases for resale. |
SB 131 | include shelterbelts as a factor affecting productivity in determining assessed value of agricultural land. include shelterbelts as a factor affecting productivity in determining assessed value of agricultural land. |
SB 132 | increase the state minimum wage. increase the state minimum wage. |
SB 133 | permit the use of campaign contributions for child day care services. permit the use of campaign contributions for child day care services. |
SB 134 | make an appropriation to create the healthy forest critical infrastructure relief and grant program and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation to create the healthy forest critical infrastructure relief and grant program and to declare an emergency. |
SB 135 | authorize the payment of administrative expenses from habitat stamp sales. authorize the payment of administrative expenses from habitat stamp sales. |
SB 136 | expand the scope of a physician wellness program and to declare an emergency. expand the scope of a physician wellness program and to declare an emergency. |
SB 137 | repeal the expiration of a reduction in certain gross receipts and use tax rates. repeal the expiration of a reduction in certain gross receipts and use tax rates. |
SB 138 | make an appropriation to provide for the development of South Dakota. make an appropriation to provide for the development of South Dakota. |
SB 139 | exempt enrolled members of Indian tribes from admission fees, camping permit fees, and park service fees at state parks or recreation areas. exempt enrolled members of Indian tribes from admission fees, camping permit fees, and park service fees at state parks or recreation areas. |
SB 140 | prohibit the imposition of fishing and hunting license fees on members of an Indian Tribe. prohibit the imposition of fishing and hunting license fees on members of an Indian Tribe. |
SB 141 | include a medical marijuana card issued by a South Dakota tribe in the definition of nonresident cardholder. include a medical marijuana card issued by a South Dakota tribe in the definition of nonresident cardholder. |
SB 142 | recognize geographic place names containing the word scalp as offensive. recognize geographic place names containing the word scalp as offensive. |
SB 143 | create the Commission on Indian Affairs. create the Commission on Indian Affairs. |
SB 144 | make an appropriation for grants to support airport terminal infrastructure projects and terminal improvement and expansion. make an appropriation for grants to support airport terminal infrastructure projects and terminal improvement and expansion. |
SB 145 | modify the amount of time to report an injury for workers' compensation. modify the amount of time to report an injury for workers' compensation. |
SB 146 | revise and repeal provisions related to threatening persons holding statewide office, judicial officers, and elected officers and to provide a penalty therefor. revise and repeal provisions related to threatening persons holding statewide office, judicial officers, and elected officers and to provide a penalty therefor. |
SB 147 | provide for the distribution of informational materials regarding palliative care. provide for the distribution of informational materials regarding palliative care. |
SB 148 | provide permissive authority to a governing body of a municipality or county to deny reissuance of an on-sale license not actively used. provide permissive authority to a governing body of a municipality or county to deny reissuance of an on-sale license not actively used. |
SB 149 | establish the admissibility of evidence of similar acts in civil cases involving sexual assault or child molestation. establish the admissibility of evidence of similar acts in civil cases involving sexual assault or child molestation. |
SB 150 | make an appropriation to the Board of Regents to provide grant funding for the operation of the bioproducts facility in Brookings. make an appropriation to the Board of Regents to provide grant funding for the operation of the bioproducts facility in Brookings. |
SB 151 | revise and repeal provisions related to the licensure of athletic trainers. revise and repeal provisions related to the licensure of athletic trainers. |
SB 152 | establish maximum fees for legal publications and to remove related rule-making authority from the Bureau of Administration. establish maximum fees for legal publications and to remove related rule-making authority from the Bureau of Administration. |
SB 153 | make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to improve and repair infrastructure around Lake Hiddenwood. make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to improve and repair infrastructure around Lake Hiddenwood. |
SB 154 | establish the Commission on Truth and Reconciliation. establish the Commission on Truth and Reconciliation. |
SB 155 | permit the playing of an Honor Song at graduation ceremonies. permit the playing of an Honor Song at graduation ceremonies. |
SB 156 | authorize enrolled tribal members to attend certain institutions of higher education without payment of tuition and mandatory fees. authorize enrolled tribal members to attend certain institutions of higher education without payment of tuition and mandatory fees. |
SB 157 | establish the nonbeneficiary student scholarship program and make an appropriation therefor. establish the nonbeneficiary student scholarship program and make an appropriation therefor. |
SB 158 | transfer the Office of Indian Education to the Department of Education. transfer the Office of Indian Education to the Department of Education. |
SB 159 | prohibit school districts from using certain mascots and team names that are derogatory toward Native American peoples or culture. prohibit school districts from using certain mascots and team names that are derogatory toward Native American peoples or culture. |
SB 160 | rename South Scalp Creek Lakeside Use Area in Gregory County. rename South Scalp Creek Lakeside Use Area in Gregory County. |
SB 161 | incorporate the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings in the social studies curriculum. incorporate the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings in the social studies curriculum. |
SB 162 | make an appropriation for the erection of the South Dakota Sioux Code Talker Memorial and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation for the erection of the South Dakota Sioux Code Talker Memorial and to declare an emergency. |
SB 163 | recognize hair discrimination as an unfair or discriminatory practice for employment. recognize hair discrimination as an unfair or discriminatory practice for employment. |
SB 164 | lower the state sales tax rate and the state use tax rate on food to zero percent, and to increase certain gross receipts tax rates, excise tax rates, and use tax rates. lower the state sales tax rate and the state use tax rate on food to zero percent, and to increase certain gross receipts tax rates, excise tax rates, and use tax rates. |
SB 165 | create the South Dakota-Ireland Trade Commission. create the South Dakota-Ireland Trade Commission. |
SB 166 | revise provisions regarding drones. revise provisions regarding drones. |
SB 167 | limit annual valuation increases on owner-occupied single-family dwellings. limit annual valuation increases on owner-occupied single-family dwellings. |
SB 168 | make an appropriation for victim services. make an appropriation for victim services. |
SB 169 | revise provisions regarding drones. revise provisions regarding drones. |
SB 170 | repeal and replace an appropriation regarding the South Dakota women's prison and to declare an emergency. repeal and replace an appropriation regarding the South Dakota women's prison and to declare an emergency. |
SB 171 | make and change an appropriation related to the construction of the new state public health laboratory and to declare an emergency. make and change an appropriation related to the construction of the new state public health laboratory and to declare an emergency. |
SB 172 | allow a person to temporarily take responsibility of a feral cat for the purpose of spaying or neutering the animal. allow a person to temporarily take responsibility of a feral cat for the purpose of spaying or neutering the animal. |
SB 173 | provide a landowner-on-own-land license for antlerless elk. provide a landowner-on-own-land license for antlerless elk. |
SB 174 | increase the nonresident fee for a habitat stamp. increase the nonresident fee for a habitat stamp. |
SB 175 | add a domestic abuse shelter to the definition of a community safety zone. add a domestic abuse shelter to the definition of a community safety zone. |
SB 176 | establish criteria for determining certain shared parenting plan provisions. establish criteria for determining certain shared parenting plan provisions. |
SB 177 | permit the appointment of a circuit court judge or Supreme Court justice as a member of the Public Utilities Commission in place of a disqualified or incapacitated commissioner. permit the appointment of a circuit court judge or Supreme Court justice as a member of the Public Utilities Commission in place of a disqualified or incapacitated commissioner. |
SB 178 | expand the authorization for performance of an abortion beyond preserving the life of a pregnant female. expand the authorization for performance of an abortion beyond preserving the life of a pregnant female. |
SB 179 | create provisions for the protection of warehouse distribution center employees. create provisions for the protection of warehouse distribution center employees. |
SB 180 | modify provisions pertaining to unethical conduct and improper collection of fees relating to assistance or referrals in a veterans benefits matter. modify provisions pertaining to unethical conduct and improper collection of fees relating to assistance or referrals in a veterans benefits matter. |
SB 181 | specify work search requirements for unemployment benefits. specify work search requirements for unemployment benefits. |
SB 182 | repeal and revise certain provisions regarding the petition circulation process to comply with federal court decisions. repeal and revise certain provisions regarding the petition circulation process to comply with federal court decisions. |
SB 183 | provide property tax relief to certain seniors. provide property tax relief to certain seniors. |
SB 184 | expand provisions regarding the protection of minors from certain exhibitions. expand provisions regarding the protection of minors from certain exhibitions. |
SB 185 | require members of the Legislature and staff of the Legislative Research to attend a course on Indian law. require members of the Legislature and staff of the Legislative Research to attend a course on Indian law. |
SB 186 | modify provisions pertaining to the voting rights of members of an Indian tribe. modify provisions pertaining to the voting rights of members of an Indian tribe. |
SB 187 | make an appropriation to establish a cybersecurity services initiative for counties and municipalities and to declare an emergency. make an appropriation to establish a cybersecurity services initiative for counties and municipalities and to declare an emergency. |
SB 188 | modify the time before which rural access infrastructure grant moneys must be expended or obligated. modify the time before which rural access infrastructure grant moneys must be expended or obligated. |
SB 189 | include impacted townships in the issuance of a conditional use permit. include impacted townships in the issuance of a conditional use permit. |
SB 190 | require a comparison of reemployment assistance recipients against death records for reemployment assistance eligibility integrity. require a comparison of reemployment assistance recipients against death records for reemployment assistance eligibility integrity. |
SB 191 | restrict the use of medical cannabis for individuals on probation or conditional release. restrict the use of medical cannabis for individuals on probation or conditional release. |
SB 192 | increase the dollar limit for playing video lottery. increase the dollar limit for playing video lottery. |
SB 193 | permit fees to be prorated for alcoholic licenses. permit fees to be prorated for alcoholic licenses. |
SB 194 | create a license plate for certain retired firefighters and clarify provisions regarding special firefighter license plates. create a license plate for certain retired firefighters and clarify provisions regarding special firefighter license plates. |
SB 195 | modify provisions regarding the process to vacate certain highways. modify provisions regarding the process to vacate certain highways. |
SB 196 | clarify provisions regarding historical license plates. clarify provisions regarding historical license plates. |
SB 197 | revise provisions regarding the alcohol beverage fund. revise provisions regarding the alcohol beverage fund. |
SB 198 | authorize school districts and nonpublic schools to acquire and administer nasal glucagon. authorize school districts and nonpublic schools to acquire and administer nasal glucagon. |
SB 199 | revise provisions pertaining to the consolidation or boundary changes of counties. revise provisions pertaining to the consolidation or boundary changes of counties. |
SB 200 | make an appropriation for a grant to the city of Mobridge for purchasing modular holding cells. make an appropriation for a grant to the city of Mobridge for purchasing modular holding cells. |
SB 201 | provide new statutory requirements for regulating linear transmission facilities, to allow counties to impose a surcharge on certain pipeline companies, and to establish a landowner bill of rights. provide new statutory requirements for regulating linear transmission facilities, to allow counties to impose a surcharge on certain pipeline companies, and to establish a landowner bill of rights. |
SB 202 | require active efforts in abuse and neglect proceedings that involve Indian children. require active efforts in abuse and neglect proceedings that involve Indian children. |
SB 203 | expand certain privileges for individuals who hold an unrestricted enhanced concealed carry permit. expand certain privileges for individuals who hold an unrestricted enhanced concealed carry permit. |
SB 204 | make an appropriation for a grant to the Douglas school district for the construction costs of a new school. make an appropriation for a grant to the Douglas school district for the construction costs of a new school. |
SB 205 | direct the Department of Social Services to modify administrative rules related to work requirements for the child care assistance program. direct the Department of Social Services to modify administrative rules related to work requirements for the child care assistance program. |
SB 206 | encourage sales of meat through the use of animal share agreements and the creation of a processor grant program. encourage sales of meat through the use of animal share agreements and the creation of a processor grant program. |
SB 207 | increase oversight of pool arrangements. increase oversight of pool arrangements. |
SB 208 | establish reporting requirements for future fund awards or grants and to make technical changes. establish reporting requirements for future fund awards or grants and to make technical changes. |
SB 209 | make an appropriation for grants to assisted living centers and nursing facilities for costs related to telemedicine. make an appropriation for grants to assisted living centers and nursing facilities for costs related to telemedicine. |
SB 210 | establish an individual's right to make autonomous decisions about the individual's reproductive health care, and to repeal provisions related to abortion. establish an individual's right to make autonomous decisions about the individual's reproductive health care, and to repeal provisions related to abortion. |
SB 211 | revise notarial acts. revise notarial acts. |
SB 212 | allow for the payment of goods or services by a school district between school board meetings in certain circumstances. allow for the payment of goods or services by a school district between school board meetings in certain circumstances. |
SB 213 | provide for the disclosure of a cast vote record as a public record and make an appropriation therefor. provide for the disclosure of a cast vote record as a public record and make an appropriation therefor. |
SB 214 | provide a rebuttable presumption in favor of joint physical custody of a minor child. provide a rebuttable presumption in favor of joint physical custody of a minor child. |
SB 215 | prohibit the intentional release of polluting emissions into the atmosphere by cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency and microwave radiation and providing enforcement and penalties for violations. prohibit the intentional release of polluting emissions into the atmosphere by cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency and microwave radiation and providing enforcement and penalties for violations. |
SB 216 | modify provisions related to prohibited medical interventions on minors. modify provisions related to prohibited medical interventions on minors. |
SB 217 | require disclosure of certain information prior to the sale of property bound by a homeowners' association. require disclosure of certain information prior to the sale of property bound by a homeowners' association. |
SB 218 | restrict the power of eminent domain to a utility used for a public purpose. restrict the power of eminent domain to a utility used for a public purpose. |
SB 219 | modify provisions related to the control of counties and municipalities over medical marijuana establishments within their jurisdictions. modify provisions related to the control of counties and municipalities over medical marijuana establishments within their jurisdictions. |
SB 220 | prohibit an employer from withholding compensation from an employee who quits without notice. prohibit an employer from withholding compensation from an employee who quits without notice. |
Bill Type: Senate Commemoration | |
SC 801 | Recognizing and commending the National Conference of State Legislatures on its fiftieth anniversary in 2025. Recognizing and commending the National Conference of State Legislatures on its fiftieth anniversary in 2025. |
SC 802 | Celebrating John and Laurie Stiegelmeier’s contributions to the State of South Dakota and South Dakota State University. Celebrating John and Laurie Stiegelmeier’s contributions to the State of South Dakota and South Dakota State University. |
SC 803 | Honoring the outstanding military service of Major General Michael L. Place. Honoring the outstanding military service of Major General Michael L. Place. |
SC 804 | Honoring the 2022-2023 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Dr. Jennifer Lowery, Tea School Superintendent; Darren Ellwein, Harrisburg Middle School Principal; Kathy Holter, Platte-Geddes School Business Official; Dr. Samantha Walder, Tea Elementary School Principal; Pete Wilson, Meade Secondary School Principal; Brady Sumners, Spearfish Assistant Middle School Principal; Ann Pettit, Douglas Curriculum Leader; and Mischelle Slaba, Wagner Director of Special Education. Honoring the 2022-2023 Outstanding School Administrators of South Dakota: Dr. Jennifer Lowery, Tea School Superintendent; Darren Ellwein, Harrisburg Middle School Principal; Kathy Holter, Platte-Geddes School Business Official; Dr. Samantha Walder, Tea Elementary School Principal; Pete Wilson, Meade Secondary School Principal; Brady Sumners, Spearfish Assistant Middle School Principal; Ann Pettit, Douglas Curriculum Leader; and Mischelle Slaba, Wagner Director of Special Education. |
SC 805 | Honoring and remembering the life of Brandon Valley Middle School student Spencer Roger Thorsland. Honoring and remembering the life of Brandon Valley Middle School student Spencer Roger Thorsland. |
SC 806 | Celebrating the career and accomplishments of LeRoy Koopman, on the occasion of receiving the National Volunteer Fire Council Lifetime Achievement Award. Celebrating the career and accomplishments of LeRoy Koopman, on the occasion of receiving the National Volunteer Fire Council Lifetime Achievement Award. |
SC 807 | Honoring the life of Kenneth Michael Prorok. Honoring the life of Kenneth Michael Prorok. |
SC 808 | Recognizing the annual South Dakota Senior Games. Recognizing the annual South Dakota Senior Games. |
SC 809 | Honoring the life and service of Union County Sheriff Dan Limoges. Honoring the life and service of Union County Sheriff Dan Limoges. |
SC 810 | Honoring the Canton C-Hawks boys wrestling team. Honoring the Canton C-Hawks boys wrestling team. |
SC 811 | Recognizing Coach Ben Irlbeck for his coaching success and exemplary service to his community. Recognizing Coach Ben Irlbeck for his coaching success and exemplary service to his community. |
SC 812 | Recognizing the Dell Rapids Quarriers as the 2023 State 11A football champions. Recognizing the Dell Rapids Quarriers as the 2023 State 11A football champions. |
SC 813 | Honoring the Slovek Ranch as the 2023 Leopold Conservation Award recipient. Honoring the Slovek Ranch as the 2023 Leopold Conservation Award recipient. |
SC 814 | Honoring Dale Becker, a member of the Bridgewater-Emery School District Board of Education, on his years of school board service. Honoring Dale Becker, a member of the Bridgewater-Emery School District Board of Education, on his years of school board service. |
SC 815 | Celebrating and honoring Tabor's Czech Days annual festivities on the occasion of its seventy-fifth anniversary. Celebrating and honoring Tabor's Czech Days annual festivities on the occasion of its seventy-fifth anniversary. |
SC 816 | Honoring the late Alexei Navalny for his bravery in standing in opposition to Vladimir Putin and for his tireless advocacy for democracy in Russia. Honoring the late Alexei Navalny for his bravery in standing in opposition to Vladimir Putin and for his tireless advocacy for democracy in Russia. |
SC 817 | Honoring the 2023-2024 Canton C-Hawk girls wrestling team for its outstanding accomplishments. Honoring the 2023-2024 Canton C-Hawk girls wrestling team for its outstanding accomplishments. |
SC 818 | Honoring the 2023-2024 Canton C-Hawks boys wrestling team for its outstanding accomplishments. Honoring the 2023-2024 Canton C-Hawks boys wrestling team for its outstanding accomplishments. |
Bill Type: Senate Concurrent Resolution | |
SCR 601 | Celebrating the sister-state relationship with Taiwan. Celebrating the sister-state relationship with Taiwan. |
SCR 602 | To analyze and report information on the healthcare workforce in South Dakota. To analyze and report information on the healthcare workforce in South Dakota. |
SCR 603 | Opposing the adoption and development of a central bank digital currency. Opposing the adoption and development of a central bank digital currency. |
SCR 604 | Urging the South Dakota Congressional delegation to work with the Biden administration to address the nation's immigration system. Urging the South Dakota Congressional delegation to work with the Biden administration to address the nation's immigration system. |
SCR 605 | Affirming the value of grassland ecosystems and the importance of farmers and ranchers as managers. Affirming the value of grassland ecosystems and the importance of farmers and ranchers as managers. |
Bill Type: Senate Joint Resolution | |
SJR 501 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election, an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, authorizing the state to impose work requirements on certain individuals who are eligible for expanded Medicaid. Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election, an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, authorizing the state to impose work requirements on certain individuals who are eligible for expanded Medicaid. |
SJR 502 | Providing legislative approval for a future use water permit application by the Lewis and Clark Regional Water System. Providing legislative approval for a future use water permit application by the Lewis and Clark Regional Water System. |
SJR 503 | Applying for a convention of states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States, to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office for members of Congress and other federal officials. Applying for a convention of states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States, to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office for members of Congress and other federal officials. |
SJR 504 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota revising the process by which a legislative vacancy is filled. Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota revising the process by which a legislative vacancy is filled. |
SJR 505 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, limiting the assessed value of real property and the amount of tax on real property. Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, limiting the assessed value of real property and the amount of tax on real property. |
SJR 506 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election, an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, to address the right of citizens to bear arms. Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election, an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, to address the right of citizens to bear arms. |
SJR 507 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota restricting the use of proceeds from the imposition of charges with respect to aircraft and aircraft fuel. Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota restricting the use of proceeds from the imposition of charges with respect to aircraft and aircraft fuel. |
SJR 508 | Applying for a convention of states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States, to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office for members of Congress and other federal officials. Applying for a convention of states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States, to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office for members of Congress and other federal officials. |
SJR 509 | Applying to the United States Congress under Article V of the United States Constitution to call for a convention for proposing an amendment to the constitution establishing congressional term limits. Applying to the United States Congress under Article V of the United States Constitution to call for a convention for proposing an amendment to the constitution establishing congressional term limits. |
SJR 510 | To refer to the voters the question of whether this state should lower the state sales and use tax rate on food to zero percent, and to increase certain gross receipts tax rates, excise tax rates, and use tax rates. To refer to the voters the question of whether this state should lower the state sales and use tax rate on food to zero percent, and to increase certain gross receipts tax rates, excise tax rates, and use tax rates. |
SJR 511 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, underscoring that an individual must be a citizen of the United States to be eligible to vote. Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, underscoring that an individual must be a citizen of the United States to be eligible to vote. |
Bill Type: Senate Resolution | |
SR 701 | In support of investigating and opening an official inquiry into the Medals of Honor given to the United States soldiers who participated in the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890. In support of investigating and opening an official inquiry into the Medals of Honor given to the United States soldiers who participated in the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890. |