House Judiciary — 2025
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Active Bills
No Active Bills
Inactive Bills
HB 1060revise a provision related to civil commitment following a determination of mental incompetency.
HB 1082revise juror qualifications.
HB 1086clarify a provision related to the award of punitive damages in a wrongful death action.
HB 1088enhance the penalty for causing death by distributing a Schedule I or II substance.
HB 1090establish the crime of hazing and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1091revise the applicability of the statute of repose for construction deficiencies.
HB 1123repeal medical purpose as a defense in prosecutions involving cannabis.
HB 1128revise certain provisions related to sexual contact with a child under sixteen.
HB 1148provide immunity for off-duty law enforcement officers who perform a citizen's arrest or assist with a lawful arrest.
HB 1199repeal a provision requiring the sale of property acquired by a tax deed.
HB 1207revise and repeal provisions related to rape in the first degree and to provide a penalty therefor.
HB 1214provide immunity for security personnel of a religious organization.
HB 1227provide that certain testamentary gifts given to a lawyer from a client are invalid.
HB 1244make certain federal laws applicable to public employees.
HB 1250revise certain provisions related to proof of service of legal documents.
HB 1267prohibit the use of paid petition circulators, and provide a penalty therefor.
HCR 6012Urging the Supreme Court of the United States to establish marriage as between a man and a woman.
SB 57revise presumptive probation.
SB 83revise the penalty and provide treatment for the ingestion of certain controlled substances.
SB 166clarify that a digital network is not subject to a cause of action based on the doctrine of product liability.
SB 172provide a rebuttable presumption in favor of joint physical custody of a minor child.
Sponsored Bills
HB 1011revise provisions related to the stenographic recording of certain proceedings.
HB 1023modify the definition of a conviction for purposes of license revocation.
HB 1051update provisions on the interim legislative oversight of administrative rulemaking.