Senate State Affairs — 2025
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Active Bills
No Active BillsInactive Bills
Bill | Title |
HB 1062 | amend provisions pertaining to the maintenance and publication of the statewide voter registration file. |
HB 1073 | designate contact information provided on a voter registration form as not for public inspection. |
HB 1085 | establish a moratorium on the construction of carbon dioxide pipelines in this state. |
HB 1130 | provide permissible dates for municipal and school district elections. |
HB 1167 | make an appropriation for the development of South Dakota. |
HB 1168 | make an appropriation to enhance the economic health of South Dakota. |
HB 1170 | make an appropriation for economic development in South Dakota. |
HJR 5006 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election amendments to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, requiring an intervening general election before consideration of an initiated constitutional amendment or initiated measure having the same subject as a previously rejected initiated amendment or measure. |
SB 4 | authorize the sale of real property in Spink County by the Department of Human Services and to declare an emergency. |
SB 9 | make public the calendars and appointment logs of statewide public officials. |
SB 48 | modify provisions pertaining to the registration of voters. |
SB 49 | prohibit the exercise of the right of eminent domain for the construction of certain facilities. |
SB 53 | make modifications to the implementation, review, and oversight of the internal control system of the state. |
SB 105 | establish election day as a legal holiday. |
SB 125 | make reports produced by automatic tabulating equipment open to public inspection. |
SB 148 | provide for the economic development of South Dakota. |
SB 149 | improve the operations and effectiveness of South Dakota. |
SB 151 | improve the transparency and openness of state government. |
SB 186 | establish standard time in this state. |
SB 199 | support the betterment of South Dakota. |
SB 204 | prohibit the expenditure of certain funds appropriated for purposes related to the construction of a prison facility. |
SB 217 | prohibit the use of automatic tabulating equipment. |
SJR 504 | Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, requiring a number of signatures on a petition to initiate a constitutional amendment be obtained from each county. |
Sponsored Bills
Bill | Title |
SB 4 | authorize the sale of real property in Spink County by the Department of Human Services and to declare an emergency. |
SB 48 | modify provisions pertaining to the registration of voters. |
SB 216 | reduce the growth in the assessed value of owner-occupied property, limit increases in certain property tax revenues, revise provisions regarding school district excess tax levies, and revise eligibility requirements for a property tax assessment freeze. |