Senate Commerce and Energy — 2012
Active Bills
No Active BillsInactive Bills
Bill | Title |
SB 94 | establish a pilot uninsured motorist identification database program and to make an appropriation therefor. |
SB 96 | provide the assessment and payment of taxes on certain school and endowment mineral rights leases. |
SB 97 | require the payment of a surface access fee for oil and gas exploration and production. |
SB 109 | revise the definition of adjusted gross proceeds that are subject to the Deadwood gaming gross revenue tax. |
SB 126 | create an oil pipeline indemnity bond program. |
SB 144 | amend provisions regarding captive insurance companies. |
SB 166 | require evidence of financial responsibility at the time of vehicle registration, to provide for a motor vehicle insurance data base, and to provide for the administration thereof. |
SB 178 | amend the criteria for construction manager engagement. |
SB 184 | prohibit hiring discrimination on the basis of current employment status. |
SB 185 | provide an exception from the statutory requirements for persons taking steps towards self-employment and to allow them to collect unemployment compensation. |
Sponsored Bills
Bill | Title |
SB 7 | repeal certain provisions allowing for the certification of technology parks and to allow public or private developers to apply for certification. |
SB 11 | authorize the Governor's Office of Economic Development to create and administer a working capital loan program. |
SB 26 | revise certain requirements pertaining to earnest money paid in a cooperative or cobrokerage real estate transaction. |
SB 27 | revise disciplinary action remedies of the Cosmetology Commission. |
SB 28 | revise provisions regarding the renewal process for certain third party insurance administrators. |
SB 32 | revise the suitability requirements for annuities. |
SB 33 | revise the exemptions for insurance agent examinations. |
SB 34 | revise certain provisions and delete certain obsolete provisions pertaining to the Department of Labor and Regulation. |
SB 35 | update certain citations to federal regulations and increase certain civil penalties regarding pipeline safety inspection. |
SB 50 | revise the permissible uses of the cigarette fire safety standard act fund. |
SB 51 | eliminate an obsolete reference to the Division of Commercial Inspection and Regulation. |