Senate Transportation — 2012
Active Bills
No Active BillsInactive Bills
Bill | Title |
HB 1122 | revise certain provisions relating to the vacation, change, or location of highways. |
SB 80 | exempt veterans from the twelve-month residency requirement for the purposes of tuition and fees. |
SB 117 | require that certain heliports be approved by the South Dakota Aeronautics Commission. |
SB 118 | revise certain documentation requirements for obtaining an operator's license. |
Sponsored Bills
Bill | Title |
SB 3 | revise the composition of the state trunk highway system. |
SB 16 | define a final stage manufacturer dealer and to provide for licensing of final stage manufacturer dealers. |
SB 17 | require certain fuel tax returns and reports to be filed by electronic means and to require certain fuel taxes to be remitted by electronic transfer. |
SB 22 | revise certain provisions regarding the vacation or the change of location of county and township highways on school and public lands. |
SB 55 | update certain provisions pertaining to motor carrier safety and transportation of hazardous materials. |