| | | | |
| _FY12 Fiscal Close LRC Memo - FY12 Fiscal Close.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | FY13 Final Wrap Up |
| _FY2013 Budget Summary Packet (updated).pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | FY13 Final Wrap Up |
| _FY2013 FINAL Scorecard - April 17 2012.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | FY13 Final Wrap Up |
| _FY2013 General Bill Summary.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | FY13 Final Wrap Up |
| _FY2013 Preliminary Scorecard.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | FY13 Final Wrap Up |
| 10 - Yr Capital Plan - BOR 2012.pdf | Attachment | Board of Regents | Board of Regents |
| 2010 Changes to COLA - SDRS.pdf | Attachment | South Dakota Retirement System | SDRS |
| 2011 Annual Report - UJS.pdf | Attachment | Unified Judicial System | Unified Judicial System |
| 2012 Estimates for Ongoing GF Revenues to JCA - 2_23_2012.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | Revenue Estimate |
| 5 Percent One-Time Funding Source - BOR - FY12.pdf | Attachment | Board of Regents | Board of Regents |
| 911 Coordination Fund Condition Statement - Co3144 - Public Safety.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | Public Safety |
| Administration - FY13 Final Wrap Up.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | FY13 Final Wrap Up |
| Agency Additional Handouts - FY13 - DSS.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | Social Services |
| Agency Budget Presentation - FY13 - BOP.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | BHR |
| Agency Budget Presentation - FY13 - Public Safety.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | Public Safety |
| Agency PowerPoint FY13 - Revenue.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | Revenue |
| Agency PowerPoint Presentation - FY13 - Military.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | Military |
| Agency Presentation - Auditor - FY13.pdf | Attachment | state auditor | State Auditor |
| Agency Presentation - BFM - FY13.pdf | Attachment | Bureau of Finance and Management | BFM |
| Agency Presentation - DLR - FY13.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | Labor and Regulation |
| Agency Presentation - DOE - FY13.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | Education |
| Agency Presentation - FY13 - BOP.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | BHR |
| Agency Presentation - FY13 - Health.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | Health |
| Agency Presentation - FY13 - Investment Council.pdf | Attachment | investment council | Investment Council |
| Agency Presentation - FY13 - Military.pdf | Attachment | Appropriations | Military |