House State Affairs — 2013
Active Bills
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Inactive Bills
HB 1046increase the penalties for the failure to timely and accurately pay the bank franchise tax.
HB 1109provide that criminal booking photos and police logs are open records.
HB 1111repeal the five-year period after which pardon records are sealed.
HB 1114repeal the confidentiality status of certain derogatory materials and to create an exception to certain open records provisions for certain defamatory information.
HB 1121require the publication of information on the number of veterans and veterans with service-connected disabilities employed by South Dakota state government.
HB 1134require legislative approval for the erection, maintenance, and lease of certain buildings by the Board of Regents.
HB 1138revise the state aid to education formula and to make an appropriation.
HB 1139revise certain provisions regarding educational data reporting.
HB 1186remove a requirement that certain documents presented for driver licensing purposes be copied and retained.
HB 1190prohibit the State of South Dakota and its political subdivisions from adopting and developing United Nations sponsored environmental and developmental policies that would infringe or restrict the private property rights of the owners of private property.
HB 1196establish the rural economic development partnership program and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1201compensate school districts for recent funding shortfalls by increasing the per student allocation in the state aid to general education formula over the next three years.
HB 1202revise the index factor in the state aid to general education formula.
HB 1205expand Medicaid.
HB 1221provide for the establishment and maintenance of a state veterans and public servants cemetery and memorial park.
HB 1222provide that any federal law that attempts to ban firearms, to limit the size of firearm magazines, or to impose other limitations on firearms is unenforceable in South Dakota, to provide a penalty, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1223establish a task force to study the delivery of services to veterans.
HB 1242make application under Article V of the United States Constitution for a Balanced Budget Amendment Convention.
HB 1244prohibit the Expansion of Medicaid eligibility.
HJR 1001Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to Article III, section 5 of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to legislative redistricting.
HJR 1002Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to Article III, section 6 of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to four-year legislative terms and term limits.
SB 110provide for the release of certain military records of deceased veterans.
SB 207make certain legislative findings concerning federal infringement on Second Amendment rights.
SB 232limit political contributions by certain political action committees.
SJR 1Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an amendment to Article III, section 6 of the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, relating to legislative terms and legislative term limits.
Sponsored Bills
HB 1012revise certain provisions regarding the students eligible for resident tuition benefits at universities controlled by the Board of Regents.
HB 1030authorize the South Dakota Building Authority to finance the construction of improvements in the state park system for the Department of Game, Fish and Parks and to declare an emergency.
HB 1036prohibit retention of certain administration costs for untimely 911 surcharge remittances.
HB 1045revise certain provisions regarding alternative apportionment methods available for determination of the bank franchise tax.
HB 1046increase the penalties for the failure to timely and accurately pay the bank franchise tax.
HB 1053revise the lending limit for state chartered banks.
HB 1056revise various trust and trust company provisions.
HB 1061revise certain provisions related to the regulation of captive insurance companies.
HB 1063repeal certain outdated and obsolete provisions regarding the Bureau of Information and Telecommunications.
HB 1108expand the application of certain open meetings provisions to certain committees of public boards.
HB 1109provide that criminal booking photos and police logs are open records.
HB 1110provide for openness in certain electronic records databases and to open certain information regarding electronic record systems.
HB 1111repeal the five-year period after which pardon records are sealed.
HB 1112clarify the application of certain open meetings provisions to certain three-member public boards.
HB 1113expand the definition of teleconference to include certain meetings conducted through electronic text colloquy and to require the retention of certain records of text colloquy meetings for public inspection.
HB 1114repeal the confidentiality status of certain derogatory materials and to create an exception to certain open records provisions for certain defamatory information.
HB 1115clarify the deliberative process exception to certain open records provisions.
HB 1116revise the terms and expiration dates of appointees to certain boards and commissions.
HB 1217revise and expand certain provisions related to organ and tissue donation.