House Local Government — 2020
Active Bills
No Active Bills
Inactive Bills
HB 1241revise requirements for legal newspapers.
HB 1269prohibit the internet publication of certain land records.
SB 104limit entitlement to mechanics' liens.
Sponsored Bills
HB 1049establish a maximum on the number of words contained in a statement of a proponent or opponent for the ballot question pamphlet.
HB 1050provide for voter registration through an online voter registration system provided by the Office of the Secretary of State.
HB 1051revise certain provisions regarding public access to voter registration data.
HB 1052change a reference from a secondary election to a runoff election to maintain consistency in terms.
HB 1053revise certain provisions regarding the submission process for ballot measures.
HB 1054revise the documentation required for voter registration.
HB 1055revise certain provisions regarding the termination of a political committee under certain circumstances.