Senate Commerce and Energy — 2002
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Bill | Title |
SB 23 | revise the rule-making authority for group health plans. |
SB 24 | continue to allow investigative materials to be confidential during the investigative phase and to allow the material to be obtained by parties to a complaint after a probable cause determination is made. |
SB 25 | place a maximum fee for certain initial public offerings of securities. |
SB 26 | authorize a civil penalty for securities violations by registered or unregistered persons or entities. |
SB 27 | revise the requirement for review of an insurance company's actuarial data after credit unemployment rate filings. |
SB 28 | eliminate the requirement that appointed scale inspectors take an oath of office and post a performance bond. |
SB 29 | revise certain fees for special inspections and examination of certain weighing and measuring devices and certain standards and testing equipment. |
SB 30 | limit the ability of the director of the division of securities to review securities registration based on merit review. |
SB 37 | modify the permissible exclusions for life insurance policies. |
SB 39 | revise the duties of the filing office in dealing with uniform commercial code records. |
SB 50 | regulate the practice of accountancy. |
SB 180 | regulate unsolicited electronic commerce. |