Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1210provide for the appointment of delegates from state tribal governments to the Legislature.
HB 1221revise the financial disclosure requirements for lobbyists and employers of lobbyists.
HB 1264create a school consolidation commission, revise state aid to education, and to appropriate money to increase teacher's salaries.
HB 1279revise certain provisions regarding the tobacco prevention and reduction program.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 68provide for the appointment of delegates from state tribal governments to the Legislature.
SB 83codify the legislation passed in 2000.
SB 128require an agency to serve minutes of the rules hearing before the agency appears before the Interim Rules Committee.
SB 131make an appropriation to provide for an electronic voting machine in the Senate chamber.
SB 132make an appropriation to provide for an electronic message display board in the senate chamber.
SB 166provide for a Streamlined Sales Tax Project Task Force, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 176clarify the purposes for which funds in the special racing revolving fund and South Dakota-bred racing fund may be used.
SB 186provide for the preservation of certain public broadcasting records of the legislative session.
SB 236provide for legislative redistricting by a bipartisan, nonlegislative commission and to declare an emergency.