Senate Bill 166
provide for a Streamlined Sales Tax Project Task Force, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
Senator Koskan (prime) and Representatives Juhnke (prime), Jensen, and Napoli
01/25/2001 First read in Senate and referred to Senate Taxation S.J. 215 N/A
01/31/2001 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this dateN/A
02/07/2001 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this dateN/A
02/07/2001 Senate Taxation Do Pass,, Failed, YEAS 3, NAYS 6.N/A
02/07/2001 Senate Taxation Do Pass,, Failed, YEAS 3, NAYS 6.N/A
02/07/2001 Senate Taxation Deferred to 41st legislative day, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 2.N/A
02/07/2001 Senate Taxation Deferred to 41st legislative day, Passed, YEAS 7, NAYS 2.N/A
02/14/2001 Senate Taxation Reconsidered, Passed, YEAS 8, NAYS 0.
02/14/2001 Senate Taxation Hog Housed, Passed
02/14/2001 Senate Taxation Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 5, NAYS 2.
02/14/2001 Senate Taxation Title Amended, Passed
02/16/2001 Motion to Amend,, Passed S.J. 562
02/16/2001 Senate Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 33, NAYS 1. S.J. 563
02/20/2001 First read in House and referred to House Taxation H.J. 604 N/A
02/27/2001 Scheduled for Committee hearing on this dateN/A
02/27/2001 House Taxation Do Pass,, Passed, YEAS 14, NAYS 0.N/A
02/28/2001 House of Representatives Do Pass Amended,, Passed, YEAS 64, NAYS 5. H.J. 781
02/28/2001 Signed by President S.J. 743 N/A
02/28/2001 Signed by Speaker H.J. 803
03/01/2001 Delivered to the Governor on Thursday, March 01, 2001 S.J. 763 N/A
03/05/2001 Signed by Governor S.J. 840 N/A

Bill Text Versions

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