Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1083revise certain state education benefits for veterans.
HB 1125increase the amount of certain veterans' bonus payments.
HB 1126revise the salary schedule for veterans' service officers.
HB 1163allow certain disabled veterans to obtain a disabled hunter permit.
HB 1245revise certain provisions regarding the travel reimbursements for county veterans' service officers.
HB 1253establish provisions for military and overseas voters.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 6provide for the transfer of the state's interests in the Sisseton National Guard Armory to the city of Sisseton.
SB 51revise certain provisions relating to a previous appropriation for renovation of the nursing care building on the South Dakota Veterans' Home campus and to declare an emergency.
SB 52authorize the South Dakota Building Authority and the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs to provide for the design, construction, and equipping of the veterans home near Hot Springs and to declare an emergency.
SB 53revise certain provisions relating to the Veterans Commission and to veterans' rights, benefits, and services.
SB 56revise the qualifications of a county veterans' service officer.
SB 58provide tuition benefits to certain National Guard members attending tribal colleges.
SB 69revise certain provisions relating to county veterans memorials.
SB 123allow military spouses to receive unemployment compensation if they leave their jobs due to a spouse's military transfer.
SB 139exempt from state regulation certain medical foster home care for veterans.
SB 161prohibit certain unfair or discriminatory practices based on veteran or military status.
SB 188revise certain provisions regarding the eligibility of National Guard members for certain graduate tuition reductions.