Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1044revise certain dates pertaining to references to the Internal Revenue Code.
HB 1102increase the tax upon the sale of certain alcoholic beverages and to distribute the revenue to the counties.
HB 1132require that certain county assessment records be made available to local equalization boards.
HB 1139revise the property tax levies for the general fund of a school district.
HB 1141impose a severance tax on the quarrying of certain minerals.
HB 1153increase the tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products and to dedicate the increased revenue to a trust fund.
HB 1161revise the distribution of certain gaming tax revenues.
HB 1177revise when certain assessments have to be paid before an assessment may be appealed.
HB 1186exempt certain residential utilities from sales and use tax and to declare an emergency.
HB 1187revise the time period for adjusting property tax levies for the purpose of maintaining the state's percentage of aid to general and special education.
HB 1192revise the property tax revenue base for counties.
HB 1216revise the procedure for filing for a property tax credit for renewable resource energy systems.
HB 1223clarify how the motor vehicle excise tax is calculated on certain leased vehicles.
HB 1238authorize the use of the municipal sales tax for school districts.
HB 1244provide that a portion of the interest earned on the people's trust fund be deposited in the tobacco prevention and reduction trust fund.
HB 1245revise the provisions concerning the licensing, assessment, and taxation of manufactured homes.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 96reduce the capitalization rate for a nonagricultural acreage.
SB 101require sales and use tax paid to be deducted from the gross receipts to determine the contractors' excise tax.
SB 110exempt certain funeral services and expenses from sales and use tax.
SB 116repeal the statutes concerning the imposition of the inheritance tax.
SB 138provide for a capital outlay fund for rural fire protection districts.
SB 140clarify certain provisions relating to the payment of taxes to municipalities from the revenues of electric cooperatives providing service within a municipality.
SB 159impose an additional tax on certain alcoholic beverages and to distribute the revenue to counties.
SB 163require certain state vehicles to use ethanol or biodiesel blend.
SB 165provide for incentives for development of certain commercial small power production facilities.
SB 166provide for a Streamlined Sales Tax Project Task Force, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 171reduce the sales and use tax on food.
SB 174provide for a refund of certain taxes attributed to the construction of a new or expanded wind energy generation facilities.
SB 175exempt from sales and use tax certain contract services provided to agricultural producers by an agent of a parent company through a local contracting entity.
SB 177impose an excise tax on the gross receipts of wireless, cellular, and personal communications system telephone companies.
SB 179revise the appeal procedure concerning the factor used for valuing agricultural and nonagricultural property.
SB 197create a classification for owner-operated farm property and class 2 agricultural property, to establish a maximum property tax levy for class 2 agricultural property for the general fund of a school district, and to repeal the classification for nonagricultural acreage.
SB 200provide for the taxation of severed mineral interests.
SB 209permit certain businesses to remit sales and use tax after the machinery is under production.
SB 214establish a telecommunications gross receipts tax, to provide for its distribution, and to repeal certain property taxes and certain gross receipts taxes paid by certain telecommunications companies.
SB 223make an appropriation to fund tax refunds for elderly and disabled persons and to declare an emergency.
SB 225revise certain provisions relating to insurance taxes, cash surrender values of insurance policies, and the payment of insurance benefits.