HB 1023 | provide motor carrier inspectors enforcement authority for certain violations regarding the licensing of commercial drivers. |
HB 1024 | revise the penalties for overweight vehicle violations. |
HB 1026 | disqualify a person from operating a commercial motor vehicle for certain traffic convictions regarding railroad crossings and to provide certain penalties. |
HB 1030 | authorize the highway patrol to promulgate rules regarding splash aprons and flaps for motor vehicles. |
HB 1034 | reduce the legal blood alcohol limits for motor vehicle drivers and boat operators. |
HB 1035 | increase the gross receipts tax on certain vehicle rentals. |
HB 1037 | authorize the Department of Revenue to deny a motor vehicle registration or title to certain commercial motor carriers and to provide for the suspension or revocation of certain commercial motor carrier registration, license plates, or permits. |
HB 1038 | authorize certain law enforcement vehicles to exceed speed limits without the use of an audible siren, air horn, or flashing emergency lights under certain conditions. |
HB 1055 | require that certain vehicle accident reports include information on the use of cellular phones or communication devices. |
HB 1061 | prohibit the use of mobile telephones in moving vehicles under certain circumstances. |
HB 1062 | increase certain penalties for eluding a law enforcement officer. |
HB 1067 | establish a fee for the assignment of a vehicle identification number. |
HB 1091 | make compliance with federal selective service requirements a condition of obtaining certain driver licenses. |
HB 1118 | require the use of an ignition interlock device in motor vehicles used by certain persons guilty of a second violation of driving under the influence and to provide for certain penalties with regard to ignition interlock devices. |
HB 1121 | revise the requirements for the location of side exhaust on certain motor vehicles. |
HB 1122 | repeal certain provisions regarding implied consent for withdrawal of bodily substances and chemical tests when operating a motor vehicle. |
HB 1126 | regulate the discharge of firearms from public right-of-way. |
HB 1131 | provide for civil recovery of unpaid property and services. |
HB 1133 | revise certain requirements for displaying motor vehicles at events. |
HB 1152 | revise the taxation and registration requirements of certain all-terrain vehicles and off-road motorcycles. |
HB 1156 | provide legislators with distinctive motor vehicle license plates. |
HB 1169 | revise certain provisions regarding disclosure statements for motor vehicles. |
HB 1172 | modify the duration period and signing requirements for vehicle weight restrictions. |
HB 1188 | revise certain penalties for moving or obtaining a used mobile home or manufactured home without an affidavit from the county treasurer. |
HB 1194 | require driver education students to take driver license test. |
HB 1204 | repeal the prohibition on certain objects dangling between a motor vehicle driver and the vehicle’s windshield. |
HB 1210 | consider the value of certain insurance checks when calculating the purchase price of a motor vehicle. |
HB 1211 | provide for the use of electric personal assistive mobility devices. |
HB 1230 | require that certain state vehicles be equipped as flexible fuel vehicles. |
HB 1231 | require the use of ethanol fuel in certain state vehicles. |
HB 1259 | revise the information that is collected and appears on a driver license. |
HB 1265 | allow for the issuance of metal plates with a special designation to auction agencies. |
HB 1273 | revise the requirements for obtaining plates and certificates to park in any space reserved for a person with a disability and to provide a penalty therefor. |
HB 1276 | revise certain provisions related to enforcement actions for weight violations by certain buses. |
HB 1291 | revise the requirements for obtaining a specialty license plate organizational decal. |
SB 66 | prohibit the use of certain camera technology for speeding violations. |
SB 70 | revise certain provisions regarding disclosure statements for motor vehicles. |
SB 71 | revise certain penalties concerning inspections, repairs, and maintenance to certain vehicles. |
SB 86 | provide for the use of an ignition interlock device in a motor vehicle used by any person guilty of a second or subsequent violation of driving under the influence. |
SB 97 | revise the weight exemption for vehicles hauling speciality crops. |
SB 104 | exempt certain motor vehicles used to transport inventory replacement vehicles to a dealer's principal place of business from the requirement to be licensed as a commercial motor vehicle. |
SB 110 | revise certain provisions regarding the regulation of vehicle dealers. |
SB 121 | revise certain provisions regarding the family exclusion for auto insurance coverage. |
SB 128 | establish certain civil penalties for overweight vehicle violations and to provide for the disposition of the civil penalties. |
SB 148 | revise and extend certain provisions relating to the licensure of drivers who have experienced epileptic, narcoleptic, or other convulsions, seizures, or blackouts. |
SB 164 | require damage disclosure statements for certain large boats. |