Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1025revise certain provisions regarding references to the Internal Revenue Code.
HB 1026repeal fleet licensing procedures for certain vehicles.
HB 1027revise the definition of a trailer for the purpose of titling a restored or rebuilt trailer.
HB 1028revise the due dates of certain tax returns and remittances.
HB 1029revise certain provisions concerning the taxation of telecommunications companies.
HB 1030revise the provisions relating to placement of surplus lines insurance and tax allocation of surplus lines insurance.
HB 1031increase the national registry fee for real estate appraisers.
HB 1032authorize imposition of a permanent injunction upon any person engaged in an unlicensed real estate appraisal practice.
HB 1033provide for the registration and regulation of appraisal management companies.
HB 1034repeal the requirement for motor vehicle liability insurance safety rating discounts for certain older motor vehicle drivers.
HB 1035revise the process for the collection of the annual insurance company examination assessment fee.
HB 1159create an ombudsman position to assist taxpayers with property assessment appeals.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 38establish network adequacy standards, quality assessment and improvement requirements, utilization review and benefit determination requirements, and grievance procedures for managed health care plans, and to repeal certain standards for managed health care plans.
SB 39revise certain provisions regarding what organizations qualify for an exemption from sales tax as a relief agency or a religious educational institution.
SB 40provide that the uniform administration of certain state taxes apply to the telecommunications gross receipts tax and to limit the application of the uniform administration of certain state taxes.
SB 41define the term, sale at retail, for the purpose of determining what constitutes gross receipts of a telecommunications company subject to the telecommunications gross receipts tax.
SB 42revise certain provisions regarding the exemption from the motor fuel tax for bulk fuel transfers into a terminal.
SB 43revise certain health insurance standards for patient protection.
SB 44revise certain provisions regarding representations and warranties in insurance and annuity applications.
SB 45repeal the requirement to prepare a report on extending health insurance to medically uninsurable individuals who are not part of a small employer group.
SB 46provide that the state treasurer shall receive certain cost penalties in certain alcoholic beverage cases.
SB 47revise certain firm ownership provisions regarding real estate license holders and to make form and style revisions to certain provisions related to the Real Estate Commission.
SB 48revise certain provisions regarding the consumption of distilled spirits in public and to provide certain penalties for consumption of alcoholic beverages.
SB 49authorize the Real Estate Commission to commence actions for injunctions against certain individuals and entities that engage in the practice of real estate without a license issued and to provide for recovery of costs of the injunction proceedings by the commission.