Bill Type: House Bill
HB 1012revise certain provisions regarding the students eligible for resident tuition benefits at universities controlled by the Board of Regents.
HB 1064provide for certain methods of disbursement for school district flexible spending accounts.
HB 1087provide for the creation of school sentinel programs and for the training of school sentinels.
HB 1088require the high school activities association to continue to hold state tournaments in certain venues.
HB 1098require the Legislature to approve bonds for lease purchase agreements with the four postsecondary technical institutes, and to approve bonds for lease purchase agreements with Western Dakota Technical Institute and Southeast Technical Institute.
HB 1119establish a school-to-work grant program in the Department of Education and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1128allow certain students to participate in the opportunity scholarship program under certain circumstances.
HB 1133establish an innovation grant program for school districts and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1134require legislative approval for the erection, maintenance, and lease of certain buildings by the Board of Regents.
HB 1137impact education in South Dakota, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1138revise the state aid to education formula and to make an appropriation.
HB 1139revise certain provisions regarding educational data reporting.
HB 1164establish a classroom innovation grant program and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1165revise certain provisions concerning the agricultural land task force.
HB 1166reward teachers in school districts that have a low percentage of graduates in need of remediation upon entering higher education, and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1172appropriate one-time funds for enhancement of secondary career and technical education.
HB 1173establish an education property tax credit program.
HB 1176define truancy.
HB 1183establish a pilot program that uses home-based educational technology to prepare certain preschool children for school, and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1198allow certain opportunity scholarship recipients who graduate early to use the remainder of their scholarship award for graduate studies.
HB 1200require a school board to conduct a public hearing on certain proposals which will obligate the school district for future payments.
HB 1201compensate school districts for recent funding shortfalls by increasing the per student allocation in the state aid to general education formula over the next three years.
HB 1202revise the index factor in the state aid to general education formula.
HB 1203allow nonpublic schools to obtain state accreditation without adhering to any Common Core standards.
HB 1204require the Board of Education to obtain legislative approval before adopting any further Common Core standards, and to repeal a provision requiring the board to conduct certain public hearings.
HB 1213provide a reduced amount of state aid to education funding to certain school districts with a fall enrollment of less than one hundred.
HB 1239appropriate money to the Board of Regents for the purpose of funding increased employee health insurance costs, and to declare an emergency.
HB 1245provide civil immunity for school board members in certain situations.
Bill Type: Senate Bill
SB 3require the reporting of the outcomes of certain licensure and certification examinations.
SB 5establish the public purpose and goals of postsecondary education, to provide for the funding of higher education, and to create the Council on Higher Education Policy Goals, Performance, and Accountability.
SB 15provide for expenditures for early learning services from the special education fund, and to revise certain provisions regarding state aid to special education.
SB 28revise the property tax levies for the general fund of a school district.
SB 41revise certain provisions regarding the requirements for school bus inspection and to authorize the Highway Patrol to approve school bus inspectors.
SB 71correct the name of a postsecondary institution authorized to provide educational programs in South Dakota, and to revise the requirements for an institution seeking such authorization.
SB 79deposit money in the permanent school fund based on certain acres of school and public lands open to public hunting.
SB 80reinstate certain provisions repealed in the Eighty-seventh Legislative Session regarding the accounting for federal impact aid.
SB 96exempt certain school districts from the requirement to reorganize due to low enrollment.
SB 98revise certain statutory immunization exemption requirements.
SB 99revise the term used to refer to the imposition of an additional property tax levy for raising revenue for school districts.
SB 117provide for an expedited endorsement of certain licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits for spouses of active duty military personnel.
SB 119ensure freedom of media coverage of high school activities.
SB 137impact education in South Dakota.
SB 138 make an appropriation to enhance education by revising the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2013.
SB 158provide for the funding of educational programs for children in residential treatment centers, intensive residential treatment centers, or licensed group care centers.
SB 159revise the state aid to general education formula by including an adjustment for students with limited English proficiency.
SB 187allow a school district to opt out of the continuing contract requirements for teachers.
SB 188make an appropriation to fund the Teach for America grant program.
SB 191increase state aid to education and revise certain provisions related to education funding.
SB 193revise the per student allocation in the state aid to general education formula.
SB 194extend the sunset date for certain expenditures from a school district's capital outlay fund.
SB 196revise the index factor in the state aid to general education and state aid to special education formulas.
SB 197revise the calculation of the small school adjustment in the state aid to education formula.
SB 199exempt certain property used for educational purposes from taxation.
SB 202provide for the creation of a pilot program for public charter schools.
SB 213require certain opportunity scholarship recipients to reside in South Dakota for five years following graduation from postsecondary education.
SB 216establish a state-wide driver education program and make an appropriation therefor.
SB 229make an appropriation for the purpose of providing funding for career and technical education.
SB 230equalize certain levies for the general fund of school districts.
SB 233create the critical teaching needs scholarship program, to make an appropriation to the education enhancement trust fund to provide for the annual funding of the scholarships, and to declare an emergency.
SB 235create the building South Dakota fund and certain other funds and programs to enhance economic development and education, to make certain deposits and transfers, to make continuous appropriations, to revise certain education funding to support economic development, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 236appropriate money to the Board of Regents to fund the expansion of information systems programs and cyber security programs at Dakota State University, and to declare an emergency.