Codified Laws



10-52-1    Non-ad valorem tax defined.

10-52-1.1    Gross receipts excludes tax imposed by chapters 10-45, D, 10-52, and A.

10-52-2    Imposition of tax--Conformance to state sales and use tax--Rate.

10-52-2.1    10-52-2.1. Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 33.

10-52-2.2    Tax on sale or use of motor and special fuel by certain municipalities--Rate--Exemptions.

10-52-2.3    Imposition of both non-ad valorem tax and motor and use fuel tax prohibited.

10-52-2.4    Additional non-ad valorem tax authorized--Prerequisites--Adoption--Referendum--Limitation.

10-52-2.5    10-52-2.5. Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 34.

10-52-2.6    10-52-2.6. Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 35, as amended by SL 2003, ch 61, § 21, eff. Jan. 1, 2006.

10-52-2.7    Materials incorporated in construction work--Restriction on application of rate increase.

10-52-2.8    Alcoholic beverage sales--Non-ad valorem tax prohibited--Exception.

10-52-2.9    10-52-2.9. Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 36.

10-52-2.10    Issuance of municipal non-ad valorem tax revenue bonds.

10-52-2.11    Imposition of non-ad valorem tax on municipally owned airport--Manner of imposition.

10-52-3    Referendum procedure and scope--Continuing tax ordinances.

10-52-4    State administration--Exception.

10-52-5    Distribution of collections.

10-52-5.1    Distribution of motor and use fuel collections.

10-52-6    10-52-6, 10-52-7. Repealed by SL 2001, ch 56, §§ 18, 19.

10-52-8    10-52-8. Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 39; SL 2002, ch 68, § 3.

10-52-9    Effective date of ordinance.

10-52-10    Refund of tax on capital assets used in manufacturing personal property for sale or lease.

10-52-11    10-52-11. Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 41, as amended by SL 2003, ch 61, § 21, eff. Jan. 1, 2006.

10-52-12    10-52-12. Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 42, as amended by SL 2003, ch 61, § 21, eff. Jan. 1, 2006.

10-52-13    Municipality to report boundary changes to secretary of revenue--Effective date of changes--Changes to streets and addresses.

10-52-14    Transportation of property and passengers within single municipality subject to tax.

10-52-15    Repealed.

10-52-16    10-52-16. Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 48, as amended by SL 2003, ch 61, § 22, effective January 1, 2005.

10-52-17    Refund to contractors or subcontractors of sales or use tax upon certain fabricated tangible personal property.

10-52-18    Timely filing of returns and payment of taxes--Extension--Penalty or interest.

10-52-1Non-ad valorem tax defined.

Non-ad valorem tax, as used in this chapter, shall mean any tax other than an ad valorem real property tax.

Source: SL 1969, ch 190, § 2; SL 1992, ch 80, § 210.

10-52-1.1Gross receipts excludes tax imposed by chapters 10-45, 10-45D, 10-52, and 10-52A.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, gross receipts as defined in this chapter do not include any tax imposed by this chapter and chapters 10-45, 10-45D, and 10-52A that is separately stated on the invoice, bill of sale, or similar document given to the purchaser.

Source: SL 2013, ch 56, § 3.

10-52-2Imposition of tax--Conformance to state sales and use tax--Rate.

Any incorporated municipality within this state may impose any non-ad valorem tax in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, except upon fuel used for motor vehicles, by ordinance enacted by its local governing board. However, no tax may be levied on the sale, use, storage and consumption of items taxed under chapters 10-45 and 10-46, unless such tax conforms in all respects to the state tax on such items with the exception of the rate, and the rate levied does not exceed two percent.

Source: SL 1969, ch 190, § 3; SL 1977, ch 103, § 1; SL 1983, ch 101, § 2; SL 1987, ch 112, § 1; SL 1991, ch 111, § 1; SL 1994, ch 103; SL 1995, ch 68, § 46; SL 1995, ch 73, § 1; SL 1997, ch 71, § 1; SL 2002, ch 64, § 32.

     10-52-2.1.   Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 33.

10-52-2.2Tax on sale or use of motor and special fuel by certain municipalities--Rate--Exemptions.

A municipality of the second and third class as defined by § 9-2-1 may levy a tax on the sale or use of motor and special fuel as defined in chapter 10-47B by motor vehicles operated upon the public highways of the state and the streets and highways of the municipality. This tax may not exceed the rate of one cent per gallon. The tax authorized pursuant to this section may not apply to motor or special fuel for the purpose of operating or propelling stationary gas engines, tractors used for agricultural purposes, or the purchase of fuel for lighting, heating, cleaning, or other commercial use.

Source: SL 1980, ch 106, § 1; SL 1983, ch 100, § 73; SL 1995, ch 71, § 188.

10-52-2.3Imposition of both non-ad valorem tax and motor and use fuel tax prohibited.

A municipality may not impose both a municipal non-ad valorem tax as provided for in this chapter and a tax on motor fuel and on users of fuel as provided for and defined in § 10-52-2.2.

Source: SL 1980, ch 106, § 4.

10-52-2.4Additional non-ad valorem tax authorized--Prerequisites--Adoption--Referendum--Limitation.

A municipality which has warranted indebtedness in an amount which is fifty percent or more of its current budget, may, upon a two-thirds vote of the members of its governing body, adopt a non-ad valorem tax of one percent over and above the other limits allowed by this chapter.

The tax authorized by this section may be referred.

The amount of warranted indebtedness to be eliminated under this section shall be specified in the ordinance adopting the tax. The tax shall cease at the end of the quarter in which the amount of the warranted indebtedness is eliminated. No municipality using this section may impose the tax allowed herein for two years after the warranted indebtedness is eliminated as provided herein.

Source: SL 1981, ch 115.

     10-52-2.5.   Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 34.

     10-52-2.6.   Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 35, as amended by SL 2003, ch 61, § 21, eff. Jan. 1, 2006.

10-52-2.7Materials incorporated in construction work--Restriction on application of rate increase.

No tax increase may be levied on materials incorporated in construction work pursuant to construction contracts bid or entered into on or before the effective date of the tax increase.

Source: SL 1984, ch 93, § 3; SL 2001, ch 56, § 17.

10-52-2.8Alcoholic beverage sales--Non-ad valorem tax prohibited--Exception.

No non-ad valorem tax may be levied under chapter 10-52 which is based upon the amount of or receipts from the sale of alcoholic beverages as that term is defined in § 35-1-1 except for sales or use taxes similar to those imposed by chapter 10-45 or 10-46.

Source: SL 1984, ch 104.

     10-52-2.9.   Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 36.

10-52-2.10Issuance of municipal non-ad valorem tax revenue bonds.

Any incorporated municipality imposing a non-ad valorem tax in accordance with § 10-52-2 may issue municipal non-ad valorem tax revenue bonds pursuant to this section and chapter 6-8B in anticipation of the collection of the taxes. The bonds shall be payable solely from the collections of the taxes imposed by the municipality under § 10-52-2, as determined by the governing body. The governing body shall, in the resolution or ordinance authorizing the bonds, agree that it will continue to impose and collect the taxes so long as the bonds are outstanding. The governing body shall also pledge so much of the collections of the taxes as may be necessary to pay the principal premium and interest on the bonds and to maintain any debt service reserve established for the bonds. For bonds issued prior to January 1, 2004, the proceeds of the bonds may be used for land acquisition, the funding of public ambulances and medical emergency response vehicles, public hospitals or nonprofit hospitals with fifty or fewer licensed beds and other public health care facilities or nonprofit health care facilities with fifty or fewer licensed beds, capital asset acquisition and capital improvements, to establish a debt service reserve fund for the bonds and to pay not more than one year's capitalized interest on the bonds.

No election is required to authorize the issuance of municipal non-ad valorem tax revenue bonds. The bonds shall be issued and sold as provided in chapter 6-8B.

Source: SL 1987, ch 113; SL 1990, ch 98; SL 1991, ch 111, § 2; SL 2002, ch 64, § 38; SL 2003, ch 61, § 18.

10-52-2.11Imposition of non-ad valorem tax on municipally owned airport--Manner of imposition.

Any incorporated municipality within this state may impose any non-ad valorem tax in accordance with the provisions of chapters 10-52 and 10-52A at a municipally owned airport outside the municipality's corporate limits by ordinance enacted by its local governing board. The municipality shall levy a rate of taxation and apply the tax in the same manner that the municipality applies the tax within the municipal corporate limits.

Source: SL 2003, ch 75, § 1.

10-52-3. Referendum procedure and scope--Continuing tax ordinances.

Any tax imposed by the governing board of any municipality pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, may be referred to a vote of the people for its approval or disapproval in the same manner as provided in §§ 9-20-7, 9-20-8, and 9-20-10. A tax imposed by municipal ordinance which was in effect on December 31, 2003, is continued under the provisions of this chapter if:

(1)    The governing board of the municipality has reviewed the existing tax ordinance to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter; and

(2)    The governing board of the municipality documents the review, any amendment, and the intent to continue the tax in the official minutes of the governing board.

Any amendment made by the municipality to comply with the provisions of chapter 10-45C, §§ 10-1-44.3, 10-45-1 to 10-45-1.4, inclusive, 10-45-2.3, 10-45-3.4, 10-45-5, 10-45-5.3, 10-45-8, 10-45-24, 10-45-30, 10-45-61, 10-45-108 and 10-45-109, 10-46-1, 10-46-17.6, 10-52-2, 10-52-2.10, 10-52-3, 10-52-9, 10-52-13, 10-52-14, and 10-59-27 or the determination to continue the tax under the provisions of this chapter is deemed to be an administrative decision pursuant to § 9-20-19 and is not subject to referendum.

Source: SL 1969, ch 190, § 6; SL 1992, ch 60, § 2; SL 2002, ch 64, § 37; SL 2003, ch 61, § 17; SL 2021, ch 49, § 12.

10-52-4State administration--Exception.

The administration of non-ad valorem taxes adopted under this chapter shall be by the Department of Revenue whenever a similar tax is imposed by the state except the tax on motor and use fuel authorized pursuant to this chapter. The Department of Revenue may prescribe forms and promulgate rules pursuant to chapter 1-26 for the making of returns and for the ascertainment, assessment, and collection of the tax imposed pursuant hereto including the tax on motor and use fuel as provided by this chapter. It shall keep full and accurate records of all moneys received and distributed under this chapter. Nothing in this chapter prevents incorporated municipalities from contracting with the Department of Revenue for the administration and collection of other taxes imposed pursuant to this chapter.

Source: SL 1969, ch 190, § 4; SL 1980, ch 106, § 3; SL 1987, ch 82, § 46; SL 2003, ch 272 (Ex. Ord. 03-1), § 82; SL 2011, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 11-1), § 161, eff. Apr. 12, 2011.

10-52-5Distribution of collections.

All moneys received and collected on behalf of a particular political subdivision by the Department of Revenue, pursuant to this chapter, shall be credited to a special municipal non-ad valorem tax fund which is hereby established in the state treasury and after deducting the amount of refunds made, the amounts necessary to defray the cost of collecting the tax, and the administrative expenses incident thereto, shall be paid within thirty days after collection to the municipality entitled thereto.

Source: SL 1969, ch 190, § 5; SL 1992, ch 60, § 2; SL 2003, ch 272 (Ex. Ord. 03-1), § 82; SL 2011, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 11-1), § 161, eff. Apr. 12, 2011.

10-52-5.1Distribution of motor and use fuel collections.

The proceeds of the tax on motor and use fuel authorized by § 10-52-2.2 shall be credited to a municipal street fund to be expended under the supervision of the governing body of the municipality for the purposes of reconstructing, supervising, and maintaining of highways, streets, and bridges under the jurisdiction of the municipality.

Source: SL 1980, ch 106, § 2.

     10-52-6, 10-52-7.   Repealed by SL 2001, ch 56, §§ 18, 19.

     10-52-8.   Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 39; SL 2002, ch 68, § 3.

10-52-9Effective date of ordinance.

Notwithstanding § 9-19-13, any new ordinance or amendment to an ordinance enacted under the authority of this chapter, and any tax rate affected thereby, can be effective only on January first or July first of a calendar year. The ordinance or amendment shall be effective on the earlier of January first or July first following at least ninety days notification by the municipality to the secretary of revenue that the ordinance or amendment has been enacted unless the ordinance or amendment is suspended by operation of a referendum. If an ordinance or amendment enacted under this chapter is referred and the referred ordinance or amendment is approved the effective date is the earlier of January first or July first following at least ninety days notification by the municipality to the secretary of revenue that the ordinance or amendment has been approved notwithstanding § 9-20-15. Notification of the enactment or approval of the ordinance shall be in writing and mailed, along with a copy of the ordinance or amendment, by registered or certified mail to the secretary of revenue.

Source: SL 1983, ch 101, § 5; SL 1987, ch 29, § 74; SL 1987, ch 114; SL 1992, ch 101; SL 2002, ch 64, § 40; SL 2003, ch 272 (Ex. Ord. 03-1), § 82; SL 2011, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 11-1), § 161, eff. Apr. 12, 2011.

10-52-10Refund of tax on capital assets used in manufacturing personal property for sale or lease.

A municipality imposing a sales or use tax under this chapter may by ordinance enacted by its local governing body provide for a refund for such taxes to the consumer or user of machinery or other tangible personal property in the nature of a capital asset which is used directly in the manufacturing or processing or fabricating or compounding of personal property which is intended to be sold or leased for final use consumption. The ordinance shall provide a procedure for making application for refund and the payment of the refund by the municipality.

Source: SL 1985, ch 98.

     10-52-11.   Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 41, as amended by SL 2003, ch 61, § 21, eff. Jan. 1, 2006.

     10-52-12.   Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 42, as amended by SL 2003, ch 61, § 21, eff. Jan. 1, 2006.

10-52-13Municipality to report boundary changes to secretary of revenue--Effective date of changes--Changes to streets and addresses.

For purposes of this chapter, any new resolution or amendment enacted by a municipality that changes the boundaries of the municipality is effective on the first day of the first calendar quarter following at least ninety days notification by the municipality to the secretary of revenue that the resolution or amendment has been enacted unless the ordinance or amendment is suspended by operation of a referendum. If a resolution or amendment enacted pursuant to chapter 9-4 is referred and the referred resolution or amendment is approved, the effective date is the first day of the first calendar quarter following at least ninety days notification by a municipality to the secretary of revenue that the resolution or amendment has been approved. The municipality shall provide written notification of the enactment or approval of the resolution or amendment, along with a copy of the resolution or amendment by registered or certified mail or by any electronic means to the secretary of revenue. The municipality shall also provide any changes or additions to streets and addresses.

Source: SL 2000, ch 67, § 1; SL 2002, ch 64, § 43; SL 2003, ch 61, § 19; SL 2003, ch 272 (Ex. Ord. 03-1), § 82; SL 2011, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 11-1), § 161, eff. Apr. 12, 2011.

10-52-14Transportation of property and passengers within single municipality subject to tax.

For the purposes of the tax imposed by this chapter, the transportation of tangible personal property and passengers shall be taxed only if the origins and destination of the property or passenger are within the same municipality.

Source: SL 2002, ch 64, § 44.


Source: SL 2002, ch 64, § 45; SL 2003, ch 61, § 20; SL 2021, ch 49, § 13.

     10-52-16.   Repealed by SL 2002, ch 64, § 48, as amended by SL 2003, ch 61, § 22, effective January 1, 2005.

10-52-17Refund to contractors or subcontractors of sales or use tax upon certain fabricated tangible personal property.

A municipality imposing a sales or use tax under this chapter may by ordinance enacted by its local governing body provide for a refund of such taxes to a contractor or subcontractor licensed pursuant to chapter 10-46A or 10-46B if the contractor or subcontractor meets the requirements provided in § 10-61-1. The ordinance shall provide a procedure for filing an application for the refund and receiving the payment of the refund by the municipality.

Source: SL 2006, ch 60, § 1.

10-52-18Timely filing of returns and payment of taxes--Extension--Penalty or interest.

Any person who holds a license issued pursuant to this chapter or who is a person whose receipts are subject to the tax imposed by this chapter shall, except as otherwise provided in this section, file a return, and pay any tax due, to the Department of Revenue on or before the twentieth day of the month following each monthly period. The return shall be filed on forms prescribed and furnished by the department.

If the person remits the tax by electronic transfer to the state, the person shall file the return by electronic means on or before the twentieth day of the month following each period and remit the tax on or before the twenty-fifth day of the month following each period.

The secretary may require or allow a person to file a return, and pay any tax due, on a basis other than monthly. The return and remittance is due the twentieth day of the month following the reporting period or at a time otherwise determined by the secretary.

The secretary may grant an extension of not more than five days for filing a return and remittance.

Unless an extension is granted, penalty or interest under § 10-59-6 shall be paid if a return or remittance is not made on time.

Source: SL 2011, ch 64, § 5; SL 2017, ch 65, § 7.