Date of primary election.
Date of general election--Officers elected.
Statewide elections limited to primary, runoff, and general election dates.
Opening and closing times for polls--Voters in line at closing time.
Emergency extension of closing times--Reopening after extended emergency.
Elections of governmental subdivision held in conjunction with June primary
Combined elections of governmental subdivisions.
Postponement of election for weather conditions.
Notification to voters of postponement of election.
12-2-1. Date of primary election.
The primary election provided for in chapter 12-6 shall be held at the regular polling place in every voting precinct throughout the state on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June of every even-numbered year.
Source: SDC 1939, §§ 16.0202, 16.0237; SL 1945, ch 75; SL 1955, ch 54, § 1; SL 1968, ch 73, § 1; SL 1972, ch 75, § 1; SL 1973, ch 68, § 1; SL 1986, ch 115, § 1; SL 1997, ch 75, § 1; SL 2005, ch 87, § 1.
12-2-2. Date of general election--Officers elected.
On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered year an election shall be held in the several election precincts in the state, which shall be known as the general election and the several state, district, and county officers, members of the Legislature, senators and representatives in Congress, and judges of the Supreme and Circuit Courts shall be elected at the general election next preceding the expiration of the term of each of such officers, respectively, except such officers as are required by law to be elected at a special election; and in a year when a President and vice-president of the United States are to be chosen, a number of electors of President and vice-president of the United States, equal to the number of senators and representatives in Congress to which the state may be entitled or such other number as the Congress of the United States may require, shall be selected at such election.
Source: PolC 1877, ch 27, § 2; CL 1887, § 1441; RPolC 1903, § 1864; RC 1919, § 7211; SDC 1939, § 16.0602.
12-2-2.1. Statewide elections limited to primary, runoff, and general election dates.
No statewide election or referendum may be held on a date other than a date ordinarily provided by statute for a primary, runoff, or general election, with the exception of a date provided by the Legislature to hold a special election.
Source: SL 1986, ch 116; SL 2000 (SS), ch 2, § 2.
12-2-3. Opening and closing times for polls--Voters in line at closing time.
At each election to be held under this title, the polls shall be opened at the hour of seven a.m. and remain continuously open until seven p.m., standard time or daylight savings time, whichever is in effect. However, no polling place may be closed at any election until all the voters who have presented themselves at the polling place inside or outside for the purpose of voting prior to the time of the closing of the polls have had time to cast their ballots.
Source: SDC 1939, §§ 16.0222, 16.1201; SL 1955, ch 54, §§ 3, 5; SL 1968, ch 76, § 1; SDCL Supp, § 12-6-24; SL 1973, ch 68, § 2; SL 1981, ch 119, § 1; SL 2000, ch 71, § 1.
12-2-4. Emergency extension of closing times--Reopening after extended emergency.
Notwithstanding § 12-2-3, the county auditor may, upon request of the superintendent of an election precinct, if an emergency exists by reason of mechanical failure of a voting machine or an unanticipated shortage of ballots or like unforeseen event warrants it, extend the polling hours for that precinct until the emergency situation has been resolved. If the emergency situation is not resolved within two hours, except for a primary or general election, the polling place shall remain closed for one week and reopen at the time of the closure of the polling place.
Source: SL 1974, ch 122; SL 1997, ch 76, § 1; SL 2014, ch 70, § 1, eff. Feb. 19, 2014.
12-2-5. Elections of governmental subdivision held in conjunction with June primary election.
Any other provision of law notwithstanding, the members of the governing body of any governmental subdivision may choose to hold their elections in conjunction with the regular June primary election. The combined election is subject to approval by the county commissions of the counties in which the governmental subdivision is located. Expenses of a combined election shall be shared in a manner agreed upon by the governing body of the subdivision and the county commissions involved. All other governmental responsibilities associated with holding elections under the provisions for that subdivision and Title 12 shall be shared as agreed upon by the governing bodies. The governmental subdivision clerk shall publish the notice of vacancy between February fifteenth and March first. No nominating petition may be circulated for signatures until March first. Nominating petitions shall be filed under the provisions required for that subdivision by the last Tuesday in March. The clerk shall certify to the appropriate county auditor the candidate names and ballot language to be voted on by the first Thursday after the last Tuesday in March.
Source: SL 1996, ch 60, § 6; SDCL 9-13-38; SL 2007, ch 81, § 4.
12-2-6. Combined elections of governmental subdivisions.
The members of the governing body of any governmental subdivision may choose to hold their election in conjunction with any other governmental subdivision's election if the statutory dates for the election coincide. The combined election is subject to approval by all of the governing bodies involved in the combined election. Expenses of a combined election shall be shared in a manner agreed upon by the governing bodies involved in the combined election. All other governmental statutory responsibilities associated with the election shall be shared as agreed upon by the governing bodies.
Source: SL 1996, ch 60, § 7; SDCL 9-13-39.
12-2-8. Postponement of election for weather conditions.
No earlier than twenty-four hours before the polls open, the person in charge of the election may call a special emergency meeting, pursuant to §§ 1-25-1 and 1-25-1.1, of the local governing board to postpone any election, except a primary or general election, for one week if the weather conditions put into question the opening of a polling place. The polling place shall then remain open for the same number of hours as it would normally have been open. Absentee voting shall continue pursuant to chapter 12-19.
Source: SL 2014, ch 70, § 2, eff. Feb. 19, 2014.
12-2-9. Notification to voters of postponement of election.
The person in charge of the election shall use any and all means necessary to notify the voters in the jurisdiction of the postponement of an election pursuant to this chapter. If the postponement misses the deadline for the official newspaper, a notice shall be posted in three of the most public places within the jurisdiction.
Source: SL 2014, ch 70, § 3, eff. Feb. 19, 2014.