01 State Policies And Supervision
02 County Board Of Education [Repealed]
03 Duties Of Secretary Of Education
04 Supervision Of Nonpublic Schools [Repealed]
05 Types And Organization Of School Districts
06 School District Reorganization
07 School District Elections
08 School Boards And School District Officers
09 Associated School Boards Of South Dakota [Repealed]
10 School District Employees
11 School District Tax Levies
12 County Elementary School Equalization Fund [Repealed]
13 General State Aid To Schools
14 Grants And Donations To Schools
15 Intergovernmental Cooperation In Education
15A Pilot Charter School For American Indian Students [Repealed]
16 School District Funds And Accounts
17 Compromise Of Judgments For School Districts
18 School District Warrants And Disbursements
19 School District Bonds And Notes
20 School District Purchases And Contracts
21 Disposal Of School District Property
22 School Census [Repealed]
23 Establishment And Discontinuance Of Schools
24 School Grounds And Buildings
25 Fire Safety In School Buildings
26 School Term And Holidays
27 Compulsory School Attendance
28 School Attendance Privileges And Tuition
28A Open Enrollment And Tuition Regulation Programs With Neighboring States
28B Enrollment Options Program With Iowa [Repealed]
29 School Buses And Transportation Of Students
30 Student Allowances In Lieu Of Transportation
31 State Support Of Transportation And Allowances [Repealed]
32 Supervision Of Students And Conduct Of School
33 Curriculum And Courses Of Instruction
33A School Health Services
33B Programs For Deaf And Hard-Of-Hearing Children
34 Textbooks
35 School Food Services Programs
36 High School Activities Association
37 Special Assistance And Related Services
37A Community Education [Repealed]
38 Hospital Schools [Repealed]
39 Career And Technical Education
39A South Dakota Board Of Technical Education
40 Vocational Rehabilitation [Repealed]
41 Junior Colleges [Repealed]
42 Certification And Evaluation Of Teachers, Principals, And Superintendents
43 Employment Of Teachers
44 Teachers' Institutes And Association Meetings [Repealed]
45 Teachers' Retirement System [Repealed]
46 Appeals In School Matters
47 Educational Telecommunications
48 Authorization To Provide Postsecondary Education
48A Education Accountability Report
49 State Board Of Regents
50 State Postsecondary Commission [Repealed]
50A Midwestern Board For Medical And Allied Health Education [Repealed]
51 Facilities At State Institutions
51A Board Of Regents Revenue Bonds
52 Grants And Donations To State Institutions
53 Administration Of State Institutions
53A Midwest Education Compact [Repealed]
53B Tuition Reciprocity With Minnesota
53C Midwestern Regional Higher Education Compact [Repealed]
53D Western Regional Education Compact
53E Interstate Compact On Educational Opportunity For Military Children
54 Extension Work Of State Institutions
55 Scholarships And Free Tuition At State Institutions
55A Need-Based Grants
55B Tuition Equalization Grants [Repealed]
55C Superior Scholar Scholarships [Repealed]
55D Educational Excellence And Financial Assistance Programs [Repealed]
55E Advance Payment Of Higher Education Costs
55F Mickelson Scholars Program [Repealed]
55G Memorial Education
56 Higher Education Loan Guaranty Program
56A Health Profession Scholarship Loans [Repealed]
56B Medical Profession Scholarship Program
56C Medical Education Scholarship [Repealed]
57 University Of South Dakota
58 South Dakota State University
59 State Colleges
60 South Dakota School Of Mines And Technology
61 School For The Blind And Visually Impaired
62 South Dakota Services For The Deaf
63 Higher Education Savings Plan
64 School Sentinels
65 Partners In Education Tax Credit Program
66 Jobs For South Dakota's Graduates
67 Requirements For Athletic Teams And Sports
13-1-1 13-1-1, 13-1-2. Obsolete
13-1-2.1 13-1-2.1. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-1-3 13-1-3. Transferred to § 13-3-1.1
13-1-5 13-1-5. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 23, § 2
13-1-6 13-1-6. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-1-7 13-1-7. Transferred to § 13-3-1.2
13-1-8 13-1-8. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-1-9 13-1-9. Transferred to § 13-3-1.3
13-1-10 13-1-10. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-1-11 13-1-11, 13-1-12. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 99, §§ 1, 2
13-1-12.1 Promulgation of rules on classification and accreditation of schools, preparation of certified personnel, eligibility for state aid, career and technical education, and curriculum requirements.
13-1-13 13-1-13, 13-1-14. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-1-15 13-1-15. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 99, § 10
13-1-16 13-1-16 to 13-1-18. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-1-19 13-1-19. Repealed by SL 1969, ch 38
13-1-20 13-1-20 to 13-1-22. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-1-22.1 13-1-22.1. Repealed by SL 2006, ch 74, § 1.
13-1-23 Acceptance and distribution of money, goods, and services.
13-1-24 13-1-24. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-1-25 13-1-25. Transferred to § 13-3-1.4
13-1-26 13-1-26 to 13-1-30. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-1-31 School library supervision--No minimum expenditures.
13-1-32 13-1-32 to 13-1-38. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-1-39 State board recommendations to Governor and Legislature.
13-1-40 13-1-40. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-1-41 13-1-41, 13-1-42. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, §§ 1A, 1B
13-1-43 Board and department to develop standards and practices for students.
13-1-44 13-1-44. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 82, § 1.
13-1-45 State policy to permit military and National Guard recruiters access to public school students.
13-1-46 Public schools to permit military and National Guard recruiters access to students.
13-1-47 Transferred to § 1-54-11 by SL 2019, ch 235 (Ex. Ord. 19-1), § 20, eff. Apr. 14, 2019.
13-1-48 Certain teachers required to take course in South Dakota Indian studies.
13-1-49 Transferred to § 1-54-12 by SL 2019, ch 235 (Ex. Ord. 19-1), § 21, eff. Apr. 14, 2019.
13-1-50 13-1-50. Repealed by SL 2019, ch 235 (Ex. Ord. 19-1), § 22, eff. Apr. 14, 2019.
13-1-51 Promulgation of rules regarding curriculum and coursework.
13-1-52 False claims concerning academic degree--Violation as misdemeanor--Revocation of license--Evaluation of academic credentials.
13-1-53 False claims concerning degree, certificate, diploma, or transcript--Violation as misdemeanor--Revocation of license.
13-1-54 Public school counselors earning National Certified School Counselor credential--Reimbursement and stipend.
13-1-55 Promulgation of rules regarding reimbursement and stipend.
13-1-56 Electronic mail to parent or guardian.
13-1-57 Definitions regarding news media coverage of high school activities.
13-1-58 Interference with news media coverage of high school activities prohibited--Exception.
13-1-59 Promulgation of rules to accommodate news media coverage of high school activities.
13-1-60 Annual report to Board of Regents--Licensure examination outcomes.
13-1-61 Annual report to Board of Technical Education--Licensure examination outcomes.
13-1-62 Repealed.
13-1-63 Repealed.
13-1-64 Repealed.
13-1-65 13-1-65. Repealed by SL 2017, ch 76, § 3.
13-1-66 Wearing of eagle feather, eagle plume, or beaded cap--Permitted at honoring or graduation ceremony.
13-1-67 Divisive concepts--Definition.
13-1-68 Engagement with divisive concepts--Compulsion prohibited.
13-1-69 Instruction--Racial classification prohibited.
13-1-70 Use of funding for certain purposes prohibited.
13-1-71 Application and scope of provisions.
13-3-1 13-3-1. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 99, § 10
13-3-1.2 13-3-1.2. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 2
13-3-1.4 General supervision of accredited elementary and secondary schools.
13-3-2 13-3-2 to 13-3-14. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 99, § 10
13-3-15 13-3-15. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-3-16 13-3-16 to 13-3-18. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 99, § 10
13-3-19 13-3-19. Repealed by SL 1970, ch 96, § 6
13-3-20 13-3-20 to 13-3-22. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 99, § 10
13-3-23 13-3-23. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-3-24 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 87, § 1.
13-3-25 13-3-25, 13-3-26. Repealed by SL 1994, ch 111, §§ 1, 2
13-3-27 13-3-27. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-3-28 13-3-28. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 99, § 10
13-3-29 13-3-29. Repealed by SL 1970, ch 96, § 6
13-3-30 13-3-30, 13-3-31. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 99, § 10
13-3-32 13-3-32. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-3-33 13-3-33 to 13-3-41. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 99, § 10
13-3-42 13-3-42, 13-3-43. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-3-44 13-3-44. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 378
13-3-45 13-3-45. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 3
13-3-47 Classification and accreditation of schools.
13-3-48 Standards revision cycle--Content standards.
13-3-48.1 Adoption of uniform content standards drafted by multistate consortium.
13-3-49 13-3-49. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 5
13-3-50 13-3-50. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 88, § 1
13-3-51 Data reporting and record systems--Evaluation--Promulgation of rules--Exception.
13-3-51.1 Definitions regarding privacy of records.
13-3-51.2 Information not subject to survey, analysis, or evaluation without consent.
13-3-51.3 Prohibition against reporting personally identifiable information--Exception.
13-3-51.4 Department to develop security measures to protect personally identifiable information.
13-3-51.5 Disclosure of aggregate data otherwise allowed.
13-3-51.6 Disclosure of aggregate data necessary for impact aid.
13-3-52 13-3-52, 13-3-53. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, §§ 6, 7
13-3-54 13-3-54. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 16, § 15
13-3-55 Academic achievement tests.
13-3-55.1 13-3-55.1. Repealed by SL 2009, ch 71, § 1.
13-3-55.2 Parental inspection and review of academic achievement test assessment.
13-3-56 Test scores part of permanent record--Release of scores.
13-3-56.1 Cheating on academic achievement test--Investigation.
13-3-56.2 Report of investigation--Consequences of a determination of cheating.
13-3-57 13-3-57. Repealed by SL 1998, ch 186, § 1
13-3-58 13-3-58. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 86, § 1.
13-3-59 13-3-59. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 87, § 1.
13-3-60 Department to analyze demographics of public education workforce.
13-3-61 Biennial assessment to comply with federal law--Timing.
13-3-62 State accountability system established.
13-3-63 State accountability system based on standards approved by board--Annual academic indicators.
13-3-64 Comparison of students to state's proficient level of academic achievement--Continuous and substantial academic improvement.
13-3-65 Annual determination of each school's progress.
13-3-66 Achievement standards established.
13-3-67 Interventions--Ranking.
13-3-68 Department of Education to implement and administer state accountability system.
13-3-69 Promulgation of rules to establish state accountability system.
13-3-70 13-3-70 to 13-3-72. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 88, §§ 1 to 3.
13-3-73 13-3-73 to 13-3-75. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 82, §§ 2 to 7.
13-3-76 13-3-76 to 13-3-83. Repealed by SL 2017, ch 74, §§ 5 to 12.
13-3-83.1 13-3-83.1. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 82, § 8.
13-3-84 Partially enrolled student required to take academic achievement test.
13-3-85 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 87, §§ 2 to 5.
13-3-89 Public hearings prior to adoption of content standards--Quorum.
13-3-90 Notice of intent to receive public comment and testimony--Notice of hearings.
13-3-91 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills to be included in school curriculum.
13-3-92 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training resources.
13-3-93 Annual survey of cardiopulmonary resuscitation instruction--Report to Legislature.
13-3-94 Programs that may be used for cardiopulmonary resuscitation instruction.
13-3-95 CPR and AED instructors.
13-3-96 Annual survey of schools.
13-3-97 Waivers that affect school accountability.
13-4-1, 13-4-2.
13-4-5, 13-4-6.
School districts defined--General corporate and proprietary powers.
Types of school districts abolished--New boards for former superimposed
13-5-4, 13-5-5.
13-5-7 to 13-5-13.
School districts overlapping county boundaries--County determined by
residence of majority.
School districts as corporations--Form of name.
Naming and numbering of school districts.
Recording of school district names, numbers and boundaries--Duplicate names
Change of name of school district--Petition--Notice--Hearing--Report of new
name to secretary.
13-5-18, 13-5-19.
13-5-21 to 13-5-28.
Vested contract rights not impaired.
Cooperative educational service units.
Cooperative educational service units--Powers--Authorization to issue notes.
Cooperative educational service units--Purpose--Acquiring, leasing and selling
real and personal property--Agreement establishing units.
Cooperative educational service units--Compliance with school district
requirements and budget procedures.
Limitations on authority of cooperative educational service units to issue notes.
Cooperative education service units to file annual audit and disclosure
Application procedure by school district for waiver from compliance with
administrative rules--School reform plan.
Formation of new school district--Requirements.
13-6-1 Definition of terms.
13-6-1.1 Validation of past reorganization proceedings--Disputed proceedings excepted.
13-6-2 Legislative policy.
13-6-2.1 13-6-2.1 to 13-6-2.9. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-3 13-6-3. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 4
13-6-3.1 13-6-3.1. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-6-3.2 Record of proceedings kept by county commissioners--Plats transmitted to secretary.
13-6-3.3 Public officials to make available information from public records.
13-6-4 Requirements for school district reorganization.
13-6-5 13-6-5. Repealed by SL 2001, ch 71, § 1
13-6-6 13-6-6. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-7 Municipality to be all in same district--Exception.
13-6-8 13-6-8. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 378
13-6-8.1 13-6-8.1 to 13-6-8.11. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-9 13-6-9. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 14
13-6-9.1 13-6-9.1. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 88, § 5
13-6-9.2 County commissioners as school board for district unable to furnish own board--Power to finance and operate school program.
13-6-9.3 13-6-9.3, 13-6-9.4. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, §§ 15, 16
13-6-10 Reorganization initiated by school board or voters--Development of plan--Deadlines for acknowledging petition and filing plan--Submission of plan to voters.
13-6-11 13-6-11, 13-6-12. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-13 Contents of reorganization plan--Acceptance or rejection of annexed area by receiving board--Excess tax levy.
13-6-13.1 Former school district representation areas for consolidated districts--Establishment--Election of board members.
13-6-13.2 Rejection of request to transfer not actionable.
13-6-14 13-6-14. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-15 13-6-15. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 17
13-6-16 13-6-16. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-17 Plan incorporated in minutes--Distribution of copies--Approved plan binding--Superseding later plan.
13-6-18 Review of plan by secretary--Hearings--Notice of compliance or noncompliance--Duration of plan.
13-6-18.1 Boundary changes--When allowed.
13-6-19 13-6-19. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 14
13-6-20 13-6-20 to 13-6-24. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-25 13-6-25. Transferred to § 13-6-3.3
13-6-26 13-6-26. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-27 13-6-27. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 103, § 17
13-6-28 13-6-28, 13-6-29. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-30 Annexed territory to remain with original school district--Exception.
13-6-31 13-6-31 to 13-6-36. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-37 13-6-37. Transferred to § 13-6-1.1
13-6-38 13-6-38 to 13-6-40. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-41 Special election called on state approval of plan--Eligibility to vote.
13-6-41.1 Election on dissolution of district restricted to dissolving district--Resolution of annexing district.
13-6-41.2 Date of election.
13-6-41.3 Notice of election--Contents--Costs of election.
13-6-42 13-6-42. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-43 Ballot form for election on reorganization.
13-6-44 General election law applicable to reorganization elections.
13-6-45 Certification and canvass of votes--Results transmitted to secretary.
13-6-46 13-6-46. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-47 Vote required to approve reorganization plan.
13-6-48 Secretary's notice of election results--Order effecting plan--Contents.
13-6-48.1 Distribution of copies of reorganization order.
13-6-48.2 Correction of county boundary records to show reorganization--Notice to secretary.
13-6-49 Reconsideration of rejected plan.
13-6-50 13-6-50 to 13-6-52. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-53 Joint exercise of county powers in reorganization of joint districts.
13-6-54 13-6-54 to 13-6-58. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-59 Joint district controlled by county with majority of children.
13-6-60 13-6-60. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-61 Operative date of reorganization--Participation in elections before operative date.
13-6-61.1 Operative date when reorganization consists solely of dissolution of school district.
13-6-62 Election of board for new district--Notices and declarations of candidacy--Costs.
13-6-62.1 13-6-62.1. Repealed by SL 1991, ch 143, § 4
13-6-63 Election and terms of members of new board--Residence requirements.
13-6-64 Assumption of office, organization and contracts made before new district operational--Continued operation of old boards.
13-6-65 13-6-65. Repealed by omission from SL 1968, ch 41, § 2
13-6-66 Effective date of change of boundaries by creation of new district.
13-6-67 Dissolution of district after transfer of total area by reorganization--Expiration of terms of officers.
13-6-68 13-6-68 to 13-6-72. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-73 13-6-73. Repealed by omission from SL 1968, ch 41, § 2
13-6-74 13-6-74. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-75 Filling of vacancies on school board created by transfer of territory to another district.
13-6-76 13-6-76. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-77 Valuation by county commissioners of school property and debt--Adjustments--Joint county action.
13-6-78 Transfer of assets and liabilities on reorganization--Copy of directive to secretary.
13-6-79 13-6-79. Repealed by omission from SL 1968, ch 42, § 1
13-6-80 13-6-80. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-81 Tax to discharge liabilities of district dissolved in reorganization--Tax limitation--Bond issue.
13-6-82 Bonded indebtedness not transferred by reorganization--Continuation of tax levy and redemption of bonded indebtedness--Trust fund.
13-6-83 Disposition of records of district dissolved by reorganization.
13-6-84 Board proposal for boundary change and land exchange.
13-6-84.1 Criteria for boundary change or land exchange.
13-6-84.2 Procedure for land exchange.
13-6-84.3 Submission of question by school board when requested by five percent of votes--Majority vote--Submission to county commissioners upon passage.
13-6-84.4 Authority to reorganize pursuant to §§ 13-6-10, 13-6-13, and 13-6-18 unaffected.
13-6-85 13-6-85, 13-6-85.1. Repealed by SL 2016, ch 82, §§ 5, 6
13-6-85.2 Amendment, addition, or deletion of information--Time limits.
13-6-85.3 Moratorium on minor boundary changes.
13-6-85.4 Petition to transfer land on closing of rural attendance center.
13-6-86 Contents of resolution for boundary change.
13-6-86.1 13-6-86.1. Repealed by SL 2016, ch 82, § 8.
13-6-87 Order of county commissioners approving or making boundary change--Distribution of copies.
13-6-88 Adjustment of assets and liabilities on boundary change.
13-6-89 13-6-89. Repealed by SL 2016, ch 82, § 9
13-6-89.1 13-6-89.1, 13-6-90. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 85, § 43
13-6-91 13-6-91. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 19
13-6-92 13-6-92 to 13-6-96. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 82, §§ 9 to 15
13-6-97 Required reorganization of school district with low enrollment--Exceptions.
13-6-98 13-6-98. Repealed by SL 2009, ch 85, § 3, eff. July 1, 2010
13-6-99 School district created by reorganization to consist of adjoining territory--Exemption.
13-7-1 13-7-1, 13-7-2. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 69, § 4
13-7-3 Public offices incompatible with board membership.
13-7-4 Registration of voters--Notice of registration.
13-7-4.1 13-7-4.1. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 20
13-7-4.2 Registration and residence required to vote in school election--Residence defined--Challenge--Contest of election.
13-7-5 Publication of notice of vacancies on school board--Newly created school districts.
13-7-6 Filing of candidate's nominating petition--Formal declaration of candidacy--Contents, circulation, and verification of nominating petition.
13-7-6.1 Option to adopt campaign finance law.
13-7-6.2 Candidate's nominating petition in newly created school district.
13-7-7 Withdrawal by candidate for board membership.
13-7-8 Publication of notice of election--Contents--Facsimile of ballot.
13-7-8.1 Notice of special election.
13-7-9 Election not held if no contest or question--Certificates of election.
13-7-9.1 Death or withdrawal of candidate resulting in no contest.
13-7-9.5 13-7-9.5, 13-7-9.6. Repealed by SL 1999, ch 78, §§ 1, 2
13-7-10 Date and hours of annual school elections--Procedure for absentee voting, voter registration, and counting ballots.
13-7-10.1 Joint school district and municipal elections authorized--Date--Sharing costs and responsibilities.
13-7-10.2 Notices and nomination procedure for certain joint elections.
13-7-10.3 Joint school board and primary elections.
13-7-10.4 Notices and nomination procedure for joint board and primary elections.
13-7-11 Voting precincts and polling places.
13-7-12 Precinct superintendents and precinct deputies of school elections--Compensation.
13-7-13 Ballots and election supplies--Form and content of ballots--Absentee ballots.
13-7-14 Absentee voting in school elections.
13-7-15 13-7-15, 13-7-16. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 86, § 20
13-7-17 Certification of school district election returns--Preservation of ballots and ballot boxes.
13-7-18 Canvass of election results--Certificates of election--Certification of results.
13-7-19 13-7-19. Repealed by SL 1981, ch 130, § 1
13-7-19.1 Tie vote--Recount procedure--Resolution by lot.
13-7-19.2 Close margin in school board election--Request for recount--Recount board established.
13-7-19.3 Close margin in school election--Petition for recount--Appointment of recount board--Production of ballot boxes--Disputes.
13-7-19.4 Compensation of recount board.
13-7-20 13-7-20. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 67, § 4
13-7-21 13-7-21 to 13-7-26. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 86, § 20
13-7-27 Definitions.
13-7-28 13-7-28, 13-7-29. Repealed by SL 2010, ch 80, § 3, eff. Jan. 1, 2012.
13-7-30 Information regarding school elections to be provided in school board minutes.
13-7-31 Time for providing election information.
13-7-32 Joint school-primary elections--Increase or decrease of school board terms subject to referendum.
13-7-33 Joint school-primary elections--Number of vacancies and term years determined by school board.
13-7-34 Joint school-primary elections--Procedure to return school board term to three years.
13-8-1 School board defined.
13-8-2 Composition and terms of office of school board members--Resolution for term length change--Joint school-primary elections--Notice and hearing.
13-8-3 Petition or school board resolution for election to increase size of district board, establish, or discontinue school board representation areas.
13-8-4 Elections and terms of office after increase in size of school board--Reduction in size of board.
13-8-5 Waiting period after election on size of school board.
13-8-6 13-8-6. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 21
13-8-7 13-8-7. Repealed by SL 2006, ch 76, § 1
13-8-7.1 School board member representation areas--Establishment--Election of board members.
13-8-8 13-8-8, 13-8-8.1. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 86, § 20
13-8-8.2 13-8-8.2. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 153, § 1
13-8-8.3 13-8-8.3. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 86, § 20
13-8-9 13-8-9. Repealed by omission from SL 1968, ch 46
13-8-10 Meetings of board--Election of officers--Designation of depository and newspaper--Quorum.
13-8-10.1 Associations of school boards--Majority vote for membership--Annual dues.
13-8-10.2 Attendance at association meetings--Appointment of members and official delegates--Expenses.
13-8-11 13-8-11. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 22
13-8-12 13-8-12, 13-8-13. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 86, § 20
13-8-14 Assumption of office by newly elected or appointed members--Oath and bond.
13-8-15 Filing and administration of oaths.
13-8-16 Failure of member to qualify.
13-8-17 13-8-17. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 23
13-8-18 Amount of business manager's bond.
13-8-19 Approval and filing of bonds.
13-8-20 New or additional bond required.
13-8-21 Action on bond after default--Taxpayer's action.
13-8-22 Incumbent continued in office when successor not elected or qualified.
13-8-23 Events creating vacancy on school board.
13-8-24 Resignation not effective until successor appointed and qualified.
13-8-25 Appointment to fill vacancy on school board--Qualification and term of appointee.
13-8-26 Appointment of committees--Persons authorized to countersign checks and warrants.
13-8-27 13-8-27, 13-8-28. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, §§ 24, 25
13-8-29 13-8-29 to 13-8-32. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 86, § 20
13-8-33 13-8-33. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 26
13-8-34 Approval and signing of minutes of school board.
13-8-35 Publication of minutes of board--Contents--Changes after publication--Business manager to sign.
13-8-36 13-8-36. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 27
13-8-36.1 Publication rates paid by school boards.
13-8-37 Compensation of board members.
13-8-38 Travel allowance of school board members.
13-8-39 Management of schools by board--General powers.
13-8-39.1 13-8-39.1. Repealed by SL 1987, ch 31, § 6A
13-8-39.2 Authority to provide day-care for children of enrolled students.
13-8-40 13-8-40. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 104, § 7
13-8-41 13-8-41. Repealed by SL 1985, ch 120, § 1
13-8-42 13-8-42. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 86, § 20
13-8-43 Records of business manager open to public inspection.
13-8-44 Destruction, falsification or failure to deliver records as misdemeanor.
13-8-45 13-8-45. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 86, § 20
13-8-46 13-8-46. Repealed by SL 1970, ch 43, § 1
13-8-47 Annual report to department--Contents, filing, and auditing--Past-due reports.
13-8-48 Forfeiture by officer or employee for failure to make report.
13-8-49 13-8-49. Repealed by SL 1973, ch 86, § 20
13-8-50 Before or after school programming for school children--Fee.
13-8-50.1 Fees deposited into school district's public enterprise fund.
13-8-51 13-8-51 to 13-8-54. Repealed by SL 1991, ch 127, § 5
13-8-55 Membership in associations to enhance state education quality permitted.
13-10-1 13-10-1. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-10-2 General power of school boards to employ personnel.
13-10-2.1 13-10-2.1. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 28
13-10-3 Group life and health insurance for employees and retirees.
13-10-4 Retirement pension agreement with employees--Premiums.
13-10-5 13-10-5. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-10-6 13-10-6. Repealed by SL 2016, ch 83, §§ 1, 2, eff. Jan. 1, 2017.
13-10-7 13-10-7. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 75, § 1.
13-10-8 Discontinuance of retirement system by board.
13-10-9 Liability insurance for protection of employees.
13-10-10 13-10-10, 13-10-11. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 29
13-10-12 Criminal background investigation--Prospective employees, technical college instructors, and student teachers--Temporary employment pending results.
13-10-12.1 Single investigation required of employee of multiple school districts--Condition--Procedure for transfer of report.
13-10-13 Criminal conviction as factor in hiring decision.
13-10-14 Persons continuously employed from July 1, 2000, exempt from criminal background check.
13-10-15 Suspension or resignation of employee for criminal conviction--Reporting.
13-10-16 Conviction defined.
13-10-17 School counselors.
13-10-18 Repealed.
Adoption of annual school budget--Publication--Cash flow--Levy--Changes in
Contingency line item in budget--Maximum--Transfer of funds.
Report of levy amount to county auditor--Spread against property in district--General fund and special education fund report.
Amendment of budget to utilize unobligated resources.
Levy to be subject to legal dollars and cents limitations.
District funds appropriated to payment of judgment.
13-11-5, 13-11-6.
Monthly payments to school districts--Interest on late payments--Statements to
business manager.
Encumbrance of budget unexpended from prior fiscal year--Resolution--Detailed listing.
Levy of district sending students to another district.
Weighted average tax levy of receiving districts.
Use of funds raised from levy of sending district.
1996B school fiscal half-year.
Levy authorized to pay judgment against school district.
Refusal of school district to levy tax to pay judgment creditor--Board of county
commissioners to levy tax.
13-13-1 Apportionment among school districts of school fund income.
13-13-1.1 Individual school district average daily membership defined.
13-13-1.2 Fall enrollment records subject to examination by department.
13-13-1.3 Overreported fall enrollment data--Recovery of overpayment--Misdemeanor.
13-13-1.4 13-13-1.4 to 13-13-1.7. Repealed by SL 2016, ch 85, §§ 1 to 4
13-13-1.8 13-13-1.8. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 74, § 1
13-13-1.9 13-13-1.9. Repealed by SL 2016, ch 85, § 5
13-13-2 Payments to school districts of permanent school fund income.
13-13-3 Withholding of permanent school fund income from districts in default on obligation to school fund.
13-13-4 Sources of county general school fund.
13-13-5 Report and distribution of county general school fund to school districts.
13-13-6 Payment of tax collections to school districts--Receipt.
13-13-7 13-13-7 to 13-13-9. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-13-10 13-13-10. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 126, § 10
13-13-10.1 Education funding--Terms and procedures.
13-13-10.2 Assessed value of property in tax increment financing district created before July 1, 2018--Districts created for industrial or economic development purposes.
13-13-10.3 13-13-10.3. Repealed by SL 2011, ch 89, § 2, eff. Mar. 17, 2011.
13-13-10.4 Enrolled student defined.
13-13-10.5 Student enrolled on partial basis--Effect on fall enrollment.
13-13-10.6 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 87, §§ 6, 7
13-13-10.8 Assessed value of property in tax increment financing district created after June 30, 2018.
13-13-10.9 Tax increment financing districts created for industrial, economic development, or affordable housing purposes after June 30, 2018.
13-13-10.10 Industrial, economic development, and affordable housing purposes defined for purposes of § 13-13-10.9.
13-13-11 Purpose and policy of general school aid.
13-13-11.1 Federal Title VIII funds for children with disabilities deposited in school district special education fund.
13-13-12 13-13-12. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 89, § 1
13-13-13 Eligibility of district for state aid.
13-13-13.1 13-13-13.1. Repealed by SL 1992, ch 118
13-13-14 Attendance centers for entire term required.
13-13-15 13-13-15. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 69, § 7
13-13-16 13-13-16. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 94, § 5
13-13-17 13-13-17. Repealed by SL 2016, ch 85, § 7
13-13-18 Accredited public schools required.
13-13-19 Eligibility of newly reorganized district.
13-13-20 13-13-20. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 126, § 11
13-13-20.1 13-13-20.1, 13-13-20.2. Repealed by SL 1969, ch 44, § 36
13-13-20.3 13-13-20.3. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 126, § 12
13-13-20.4 Actual assessed value for property given reduced value.
13-13-21 13-13-21, 13-13-21.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 30, §§ 39, 40
13-13-21.2 13-13-21.2. Repealed by SL 1980, ch 122, § 5
13-13-22 13-13-22 to 13-13-24. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 126, § 13
13-13-24.1 13-13-24.1. Repealed by SL 1991, ch 131, § 1
13-13-24.2 13-13-24.2. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 88, § 6
13-13-25 13-13-25, 13-13-26. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 126, § 13
13-13-26.1 13-13-26.1. Repealed by SL 1981, ch 136, § 3
13-13-27 13-13-27 to 13-13-32. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 126, § 13
13-13-32.1 13-13-32.1. Repealed by SL 1990, ch 117, § 2
13-13-33 13-13-33. Repealed by SL 1969, ch 44, § 36
13-13-34 13-13-34. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 126, § 13
13-13-34.1 13-13-34.1. Repealed by SL 1969, ch 44, § 36
13-13-35 13-13-35. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 124, § 2
13-13-36 Manner of payment of state aid.
13-13-37 Submission of final financial report.
13-13-37.1 13-13-37.1. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 94, § 29
13-13-37.2 13-13-37.2. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 94, § 7
13-13-37.3 13-13-37.3. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 30, § 42
13-13-37.4 Promulgation of rules.
13-13-37.5 13-13-37.5, 13-13-37.6. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 94, §§ 8, 9
13-13-38 Determination of eligibility of school districts for state aid--Information required from counties and districts--Delinquency--Forfeited funds.
13-13-38.1 13-13-38.1. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 94, § 36
13-13-39 Apportionment of state aid--Payments to school districts--Deduction of delinquent payments where funds pledged.
13-13-40 13-13-40. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 107, § 2
13-13-41 Correction of errors in foundation program payments.
13-13-42 13-13-42, 13-13-43. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 94, §§ 10, 10A
13-13-45 13-13-45 to 13-13-46.1. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 94, §§ 11 to 13
13-13-47 13-13-47 to 13-13-51. Repealed by SL 1994, ch 115, §§ 1 to 5
13-13-53 13-13-53 to 13-13-58. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 94, §§ 14 to 20
13-13-59 13-13-59 to 13-13-62. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 88, §§ 7 to 10; SL 1995, ch 94, §§ 21 to 24
13-13-63 13-13-63 to 13-13-65. Repealed by SL 1993, ch 81, § 13F
13-13-66 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 87, §§ 9, 10
13-13-69 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 87, §§ 11, 12.
13-13-71 Equalizing increase in local effort with increase in need.
13-13-72 Legislative policy on annual increase in appropriation for state aid.
13-13-72.1 Adjustment to certain levies.
13-13-73 Calculation of state aid for each school district.
13-13-73.1 Real property valuation of manufactured homes to be excluded from calculation.
13-13-73.2 13-13-73.2 to 13-13-73.4. Repealed by SL 2011, ch 89, §§ 3 to 5, eff. Mar. 17, 2011.
13-13-73.5 Reduction of state aid by subtracting allowable general fund cash balance from lowest general fund monthly cash balance.
13-13-73.6 Average teacher salary--Calculation--Required increase.
13-13-73.7 Legislative intent regarding increases in teacher compensation.
13-13-73.8 State minimum salary required--Definition.
13-13-73.9 Required increase or minimum salary--Penalty--Waiver.
13-13-74 Monthly payments of aid to public schools--Adjustment for deductions for delinquent payments.
13-13-75 13-13-75. Repealed by SL 2010, ch 88, § 2
13-13-76 13-13-76, 13-13-77. Repealed by SL 2011, ch 89, §§ 6, 7, eff. Mar. 17, 2011.
13-13-78 Definition of terms used in § 13-13-79.
13-13-79 Distribution of funds to sparse school districts.
13-13-80 13-13-80. Repealed by SL 2010, ch 84, § 3
13-13-81 Definition of terms.
13-13-82 State aid to certain school districts for career and technical education.
13-13-83 Monthly payments.
13-13-84 Promulgation of rules on certification of resident pupils attending schools in another state.
13-13-85 Transfer of funds for jump start scholarships.
13-13-86 Child residing in licensed group care center for minors.
13-13-87 Children residing in residential treatment center or intensive residential treatment center.
13-13-88 Workforce education fund created.
13-13-89 Disbursements from workforce education fund.
13-13-90 Promulgation of rules regarding workforce education fund.
13-13-91 Technology and assessment costs and sparse school district benefits deducted from distributions.
13-13-92 Deposits in animal disease research and diagnostic laboratory bond redemption and operations fund.
Contracts with federal agencies--Receipt and expenditure of federal grants.
Contracts for federal surplus commodity programs--Receipt and expenditure
of federal funds.
Federal funds under Mineral Leasing and Taylor Grazing Acts allocated to
districts by area of producing lands.
School district entitlement statement delivered semiannually--Warrants
transmitted to districts.
Oil well and mine revenue treated as permanent school fund income.
School district contracts with federal agencies--Receipt and expenditure of
federal grants.
Acceptance of gifts and donations to school districts--Agreements, rules, and
13-14-8.1, 13-14-9. Repealed.
13-14-10, 13-14-11.
Authorization of nonprofit benevolent organizations to solicit and accept
private funds for educational and interscholastic activities.
School board not obligated to accept and organization not obligated to provide
funds without agreement as to terms and purposes.
Classroom innovation grant program.
School district contracts with state agencies and subdivisions authorized.
Contracts between school districts to share services of employees.
Contracts between districts for joint facilities.
Shared employee services grant program.
Contracts for education of Indian children--Receipt and expenditure of
federal grants.
School district contracts with federal agencies for education of children
residing in district--Tuition charges--Sharing of costs--Copy of contract to
School facilities located on federal property.
Rules applicable to education provided under federal contract--Acceptance
in lieu of public education.
School operating under federal contract credited to district--Application of
school district laws--Eligibility for state and county school funds.
Conveyance of school district property to United States for educational
purposes--Terms of conveyance--Resolution and deed.
Interstate school district agreements to establish tuition rate--School board
action--Appeal of school board decision.
Interstate assignment of students on reciprocal basis only.
Contracts between districts for joint facilities.
Financing of interstate joint facilities.
Location of interstate joint facilities.
Joint facilities credited to district--Kindergarten through grade six required--Exception.
13-15-15 to 13-15-19.
Agreement and contracts with education commission of the states.
Enrollment in adjoining school districts in Minnesota.
Reciprocity required for enrolling in Minnesota school district--Application
of section.
Transportation needs for students commuting between South Dakota and
Resident school district responsible for tuition of student enrolled in
Minnesota school.
Agreement with nonprofit organization to provide for children's recreation--Funding.
Certain agreements forbidden.
Agreements exempt from § 13-15-26.
Reorganization of district based on number of students--Exception for
district within reservation boundaries.
Student enrolling in nonresident district remains financial obligation of
resident district.
Agreements for whole-grade sharing of students--Conditions.
Approval and adoption of agreements for whole-grade sharing of students--Term--Termination--Requirements.
Promulgation of rules for whole-grade sharing of students.
13-15A-1 to 13-15A-10. Repealed.
13-16-1 Sources of school district funds.
13-16-2 Funds to comport with generally accepted accounting principles.
13-16-3 General fund defined.
13-16-4 Lease payments from general fund in federally affected areas--Purchase on option made from capital outlay fund.
13-16-5 13-16-5. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-16-6 Capital outlay fund--Definition--Uses--Levy.
13-16-6.1 Bidders on installment purchases or lease-purchase agreement to state interest rate and installment schedule.
13-16-6.2 Capital outlay certificates authorized--Issuance--Sale--Election--Maturity.
13-16-6.3 Hearing on installment purchase, lease-purchase or capital outlay certificates--Approval or reference to voters.
13-16-6.4 Referendum petition and election on installment purchase or capital outlay certificates.
13-16-7 Additional tax levy for certain funds or obligations--Pledge of taxes--Limitations.
13-16-7.1 13-16-7.1. Repealed by SL 2016, ch 83, § 14.
13-16-7.2 Maximum taxes--Pledge of taxes.
13-16-7.3 Maximum pledge of taxes--Limitations.
13-16-7.4 Maximum pledge of taxes--Transition.
13-16-8 Bond and certificate proceeds placed in capital outlay fund.
13-16-9 Expenditure of money from capital outlay fund.
13-16-9.1 Validation of prior school district contracts.
13-16-9.2 Five-year plan required when fund used to construct new facilities or additions.
13-16-9.3 Public hearing for use of capital outlay fund--Notice.
13-16-10 Annual levy to pay school district bonds--Irrepealable--Exclusive of maximum levy.
13-16-11 Levy of annual tax for school district bonds--Reduction on accumulation of surplus in bond redemption fund.
13-16-12 Refunding bond proceeds placed in bond redemption fund--Reduction of annual tax levy.
13-16-13 Tax proceeds paid into bond redemption fund--Purposes for which used.
13-16-14 Restriction on transfers from bond redemption fund.
13-16-15 Designation of depositories for school district--Resolution.
13-16-15.1 Domestic savings and loan associations as official depositories--Restrictions.
13-16-16 13-16-16, 13-16-17. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-16-18 Deposit and investment of fund accumulations--Crediting of interest--Maturity of bond redemption fund investments--Filing of resolutions.
13-16-18.1 Domestic federal credit union as public depository--Requirement.
13-16-19 Custodial funds--Stewardship--Designation of employee--Surety bond.
13-16-20 Disbursements--Records--Receipts--Payment of claims--Serially numbered ticket sales--Destruction of records.
13-16-21 Custodial funds--Monthly and annual reports--Audits.
13-16-22 13-16-22, 13-16-23. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 86, §§ 133, 134
13-16-24 Unlawful contracts and warrants void.
13-16-25 13-16-25. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-16-26 Transfers between school district funds.
13-16-26.1 13-16-26.1. Repealed by SL 1999, ch 79, § 2
13-16-26.2 Transfers from general fund--Prohibitions--Exceptions.
13-16-26.3 Transfer of moneys between funds in newly consolidated districts--Restrictions--Reversion of funds--Promulgation of rules.
13-16-26.4 Transfer of certain special education funds to carry out activities under Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
13-16-27 13-16-27. Repealed by SL 1976, ch 53, § 2
13-16-28 Audit of school district books called by state, school board, or voters.
13-16-29 School district repayment fund created--Pledge of revenues--Creation of sub-funds or accounts.
13-16-30 Title VIII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act fund.
13-16-31 Transfers from Title VIII fund.
13-16-32 Special education fund--Legal costs allowable expenditures.
13-16-33 School annual financial reports.
13-16-35 Use of admission fees for interscholastic activities by local organization--Approved purposes--Report to school board.
School board authorized to compromise judgments.
Resolution of board authorizing compromise--Contents.
Petition for circuit court approval of judgment compromise--Attached papers.
Time and place of hearing--Publication of notice.
Circuit court hearing on judgment compromise.
Circuit court order approving judgment compromise--Cash settlement required.
Costs and expenses paid by judgment debtor--Deposit with school board.
13-18-1 School payments--Check, warrant, or electronic funds transfer--Prior authorization.
13-18-2 Contents and signing of checks and warrants.
13-18-3 Itemized invoice and verified voucher required for issuance of check or warrant--Retention.
13-18-4 13-18-4. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 86, § 135
13-18-5 13-18-5 to 13-18-7. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-18-8 Business manager's check register--Form and contents.
13-18-9 Registered warrant prenumbered and issued when funds insufficient--Records kept--Endorsement--Interest earned.
13-18-10 Checks for federal tax payments as preferred obligation--Special accounts for federal moneys.
13-18-11 Register of warrants not paid for want of funds--Payment in order of registration.
13-18-12 13-18-12. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 82, § 17.
13-18-13 Call of registered warrants for payment--Cessation of interest.
13-18-14 Cancellation of check or warrant not presented for payment--Notation in register.
13-18-15 Payment of check or warrant despite cancellation provisions.
13-18-16 Petty cash account--Maximum amount.
13-18-17 Incidental account.
13-18-18 Health insurance flexible spending accounts.
13-19-1 School board power to borrow on notes--Authorization, issuance and sale--Maximum term.
13-19-1.1 13-19-1.1. Repealed by SL 1980, ch 128, § 2
13-19-1.2 Issuance and sale of notes to health and educational facilities authority--Exemption from competitive bids.
13-19-2 Amount borrowed on notes limited by anticipated receipts.
13-19-2.1 Repealed
13-19-3 Borrowing limit reduced by outstanding warrants or notes.
13-19-4 Interest rate on notes.
13-19-5 Signing of notes.
13-19-6 Cash receipts devoted to retirement of warrants and notes when note outstanding.
13-19-7 Bonding power of school districts--Purposes for which bonds authorized.
13-19-8 Constitutional debt limit to be observed.
13-19-8.1 Debt limit of school district created by reorganization--Readjustment of property, assets, debts, and liabilities.
13-19-9 Authorization, issuance, and sale of bonds--No election.
13-19-10 13-19-10 to 13-19-13. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 43, § 131
13-19-14 13-19-14. Repealed by SL 1980, ch 130
13-19-15 13-19-15 to 13-19-17. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 43, § 131
13-19-18 13-19-18. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-19-19 13-19-19 to 13-19-26. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 43, § 131
13-19-27 Financing arrangements for capital improvements and expenditures incident to consolidation.
13-19-28 Terms of financing arrangements.
13-19-29 Limitation on expenditures when amounts are due and funds pledged as security.
13-19-30 Agreement for payment of amounts due but not yet paid--Trustee--Security interest perfected.
Board approval required for contracts.
Interest of school district officer or employee in sale of school equipment as
Contracts let in accordance with public agency procurement law.
Emergency maintenance needs corrected in accordance with public agency
procurement law.
Purchases from another school district without advertising for bids.
Purchase of copyrighted material.
Deposit and performance bond by supply and equipment bidders--Rejection
of bids.
Deposit and performance bond by school improvement bidders--Rejection
of bids.
Employment of superintendent to oversee construction and remodeling
contracts--Acceptance and payment deferred until completion.
13-20-10 to 13-20-18.
13-21-1 to 13-21-7.
Validation of prior conveyances of school district real property--Assertion of
vested rights.
Conveyance of property by successor district.
Library materials discarded--Marking required--Disposition.
13-22-6 to 13-22-9.
13-22-10, 13-22-11.
School board's power to establish and discontinue--Time for action closing
Power of district voters to direct establishment or discontinuance of attendance
Resolution or petition to discontinue attendance center--Time of election--Board bound by decision of voters.
13-23-4 to 13-23-7.
Establishment of attendance center outside boundaries of school district--Joint
powers agreement.
Cooperative educational learning units and virtual schools unaffected.
Attendance center established before January 1, 2016.
School board authority to purchase or lease land for school purposes.
Eminent domain power for acquisition of school land--Resolution and
action by school board.
Selection of school site on state-owned land--Appraisement, sale, and
conveyance to school district.
Exchange of property with state, municipality, township, or county.
Oil and gas exploration and development leases authorized--Private or
public sale.
Pooling and unitization of oil and gas development authorized.
Oil and gas leases not to interfere with school purposes.
Oil and gas proceeds paid into district general fund.
School board power to erect, acquire, equip and dispose of school and
accessory buildings--Dormitories for postsecondary students prohibited.
Maximum term of leases of school property--Bid requirements.
Equipment, maintenance, and repair of buildings and athletic fields.
13-24-12, 13-24-13.
Sanitary facilities and utilities required for school buildings.
Flagpole required--Display of flag.
Display of Ten Commandments permitted--Conditions.
Right to post flag--Opportunity to recite pledge of allegiance--National
13-24-18.2, 13-24-18.3.
Use of school facilities or buses for other community or commercial
purposes--Compensation--Liability for damages.
Fee for use of school parking facilities.
Representatives of patriotic societies permitted to speak to students at
public schools.
National motto to be displayed in prominent location of public school.
Litigation regarding display of national motto--Attorney general to provide
representation--State to pay expenses.
13-25-1 Construction and maintenance of buildings in safe condition required--Matters considered.
13-25-2 Rules authorized to implement fire safety.
13-25-3 State Fire Marshal's power to inspect buildings.
13-25-4 Periodic inspection by State Fire Marshal--Conditions.
13-25-5 School building access for inspection--Aid and assistance by school officials.
13-25-6 Report of fire inspections--Distribution of copies.
13-25-7 Order to school board to eliminate hazardous conditions--Time allowed to comply.
13-25-8 13-25-8. Repealed by SL 1991, ch 139, § 7
13-25-8.1 Aggrieved schools' demand for hearing--Conduct of proceedings.
13-25-9 Authority to close or vacate school.
13-25-10 Evacuation drills.
13-25-11 Installation of automatic fire alarm equipment--Time requirements.
13-25-12 Fire alarm provisions--Exemption by state fire marshal.
13-25-13 Rules authorized for implementation of school fire alarm installations.
13-25-14 Extension of time to apply.
13-25-15 International codes as basis for new construction.
13-25-16 Inspection by certain municipalities.
13-25-17 Authority of state fire marshal.
13-26-1 School fiscal year--Local board to set length of school term, day and week--Number of hours in school term.
13-26-1.1 Instructional time spent administering statewide academic assessments.
13-26-2 Time required in school term--Make up time--Summer term.
13-26-2.1 13-26-2.1. Repealed by SL 2000, ch 80, § 3
13-26-2.2 13-26-2.2. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 113, § 4
13-26-2.3 13-26-2.3. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 94, § 25
13-26-2.4 13-26-2.4. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 113, § 1A
13-26-3 13-26-3. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 122, § 6
13-26-4 Teacher-parent conferences counted as hours in session.
13-26-4.1 In-service training.
13-26-5 13-26-5. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 42
13-26-6 School term provisions not applicable to special schools.
13-26-7 13-26-7. Repealed by SL 1974, ch 128, § 10
13-26-8 13-26-8. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 88, § 17
13-26-9 School board decision on opening day of classes--Petition for referendum.
13-26-10 Petition to refer a school board decision on opening day of classes.
13-26-11 Contents of petition on opening day of classes.
13-26-12 Requirements for voters signing petition.
13-26-13 Time of election.
13-26-14 Publication of referred decision.
13-26-15 Ballots--Printing and distribution.
13-26-16 Approval by majority--Rejection.
13-26-17 Nonreferral or rejection of referendum--Decision not subject to further referendum.
13-27-1 Responsibility of person controlling child--High school equivalency test preparation program--Kindergarten--Transfer from another state.
13-27-1.1 Religious exemption after eighth grade.
13-27-1.2 Promulgation of rules on high school equivalency testing.
13-27-2 Child excused from school.
13-27-3 Alternative instruction--Notification--Requirements.
13-27-3.1 Birth certificate or affidavit to be submitted--Violation as misdemeanor.
13-27-3.2 Maintenance of birth certificate by school as permanent record.
13-27-3.3 Report to district school board of children for whom birth certificate not furnished--Board to notify state's attorney.
13-27-3.4 Certified copy of birth certificate to be provided to certain persons at no cost.
13-27-4 13-27-4, 13-27-5. Repealed by SL 1979, ch 118, §§ 1, 2.
13-27-6 Child excused because of illness in family.
13-27-6.1 Student excused from attendance--Events of state, youth programs, and work as precinct election official.
13-27-7 Notification of alternative instruction.
13-27-8 Appeal on attendance matters to state board --Finality of decision.
13-27-9 Record of certificates of excuse--Copies to secretary and place of instruction.
13-27-10 13-27-10. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 99, § 1.
13-27-11 Failure to send child to school as misdemeanor.
13-27-12 13-27-12. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 82, § 18.
13-27-13 13-27-13. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 116, § 13.
13-27-14 Truancy officer employed by district--Duties--President of board acting where no officer employed.
13-27-15 Attendance records maintained by superintendent or president of board--Reports required.
13-27-16 Warnings by school boards to send children to school--Report to truancy officer.
13-27-17 Investigations and records of truancy officer.
13-27-18 Neglect of duty by superintendent, president of board, school board, or truancy officer--Harboring or employment of truant child--Hindering attendance by child--Misdemeanor.
13-27-19 Truancy officers--Power--Authority to apprehend--Supervisory control by secretary.
13-27-20 Complaints against persons responsible for truancy--Contents of complaint--Verification--Dismissal.
13-27-21 Warrant for arrest of parent, guardian, or responsible person--Summons of witnesses.
13-27-22 13-27-22. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377.
13-27-23 Penalties invoked on finding of guilty.
13-27-24 13-27-24 to 13-27-27. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 142, §§ 13 to 16.
13-27-28 Disobedience of circuit court order as contempt.
13-27-29 Placement of child who has attended unaccredited school or alternative program--Appeal.
13-28-1 13-28-1. Repealed by SL 1979, ch 116, § 3
13-28-1.1 Enrolled student defined.
13-28-2 Kindergarten enrollment eligibility--Transfer from another state.
13-28-3 13-28-3. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 117, § 4
13-28-4 Legal age provisions applicable to public and nonpublic schools.
13-28-5 Public school privileges free to children until age twenty-one--Fee for early childhood services.
13-28-6 Continuation of privileges to pupil becoming twenty-one during school year.
13-28-7 13-28-7. Repealed by SL 1978, ch 113
13-28-7.1 Immunizations required for admission to school or early childhood program--Exceptions--Rules.
13-28-7.2 Immunizations provided at public expense.
13-28-7.3 Exclusion of student for risk of infectious disease or communicable parasite--Readmission.
13-28-8 Admission of adults resident in district without tuition.
13-28-9 School residence for free school privileges--Change of residence--Children of transferred active duty military personnel.
13-28-9.1 Residence of child assigned to special education program.
13-28-10 School residency of child residing in home other than residence of parents, guardian, or noncustodial parents--Petition to local school board--Appeal.
13-28-10.1 13-28-10.1. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 143, § 9
13-28-11 Child residing in residential treatment center or intensive residential treatment center--Responsibility for tuition.
13-28-11.1 13-28-11.1 to 13-28-11.4. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 98, §§ 1 to 4
13-28-12 13-28-12 to 13-28-12.2. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 143, §§ 10 to 12
13-28-13 13-28-13. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-28-14 School privileges of persons honorably discharged from military service.
13-28-15 Assignment of elementary students within district--Factors considered--Review of board's decision.
13-28-16 13-28-16 to 13-28-18. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-28-19 Assignment of students by school board.
13-28-19.1 Student assignment where school district dissolves and is annexed to another district.
13-28-20 13-28-20. Repealed by SL 1997, ch 98, § 16
13-28-21 Admission of nonresident students.
13-28-22 Tuition charged for students not entitled to free school privileges of district.
13-28-22.1 13-28-22.1. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 110, § 5
13-28-22.2 13-28-22.2. Repealed by SL 1993, ch 138, § 2
13-28-23 School board to pay tuition for assigned students.
13-28-24 Advance payment of tuition by student or parents--Refund if student ceases to attend.
13-28-25 13-28-25. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 110, § 8
13-28-26 13-28-26. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 98, § 5
13-28-27 13-28-27. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 110, § 9
13-28-28 13-28-28, 13-28-29. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 144, §§ 7, 8
13-28-30 Period of pupil's membership in school--Date of permanent withdrawal.
13-28-31 13-28-31 to 13-28-33. Repealed by SL 1970, ch 102
13-28-33.1 13-28-33.1. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-28-33.2 13-28-33.2. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 153, § 3
13-28-34 Rebates and refunds to induce attendance at school as misdemeanor.
13-28-35 Tuition charges for adult education program.
13-28-36 13-28-36. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 94, § 37
13-28-37 High school student postsecondary course enrollment--Dual credit--Eligibility.
13-28-37.1 State subsidized high school dual credit program--Course requirements--Limitations on participation--Tuition rate--Payment of tuition and costs.
13-28-38 13-28-38. Repealed by SL 1999, ch 86, § 1
13-28-39 Payment of tuition costs for students in residential treatment centers, intensive residential treatment centers, or group care centers for minor--Tuition rate setting--Promulgation of Rules.
13-28-40 Enrollment options program established.
13-28-41 Request for transfer--Nonresident child excused from attending in another district--Nonresident child provided with alternative instruction.
13-28-41.1 School district not required to provide transportation to student transferred within district.
13-28-42 13-28-42. Repealed by SL 2000, ch 84, § 1
13-28-42.1 Transfer of special education students--Nonresident district's responsibilities.
13-28-43 Enrollment of student in other than resident district or transfer within district--Approval and notification.
13-28-44 Standards for acceptance or rejection of application to enroll.
13-28-45 Transportation of transfer student.
13-28-46 Transfer credits.
13-28-47 Disclosure.
13-28-47.1 Return of student to resident school district or assigned school--Notice.
13-28-48 Nonresident district must serve student's grade level within district.
13-28-49 13-28-49. Repealed by SL 2010, ch 88, § 1.
13-28-50 School districts to provide student mailing lists to Board of Regents and technical colleges--Use in providing post-secondary school information--Exception.
13-28-51 Enrollment of child on partial basis upon request of parent or guardian--Alternative instruction.
13-28-52 Promulgation of rules regarding services and tuition for children residing in residential treatment centers and intensive residential treatment centers.
13-28-53 Student--Registered sex offender--Board policy.
Open enrollment or tuition regulation programs--Agreements with neighboring states.
Open enrollment agreements--Contents.
Tuition regulation program agreements--Contents.
Application procedure--Agreement to specify.
Reasons application may be denied--Application to specify.
South Dakota school district not responsible for transportation to bordering state--Agreement to specify.
Additional terms relating to special education and related services.
Student from bordering state included in South Dakota receiving school district's fall
enrollment for aid purposes.
South Dakota student sent to bordering state not included in resident school district's
fall enrollment for aid purposes.
Student from resident school district not receiving state aid--Enrollment in bordering
state without payment to state prohibited.
Promulgation of rules.
School district not entitled to additional funding.
Effect of tuition regulation agreement on school district's fall enrollment for aid
Entitlements where tuition rate and per student equivalent differ.
Effect of chapter on existing agreements.
District operation of buses permitted--Purposes for which used.
School board may allow nonprofit civic organizations to use buses--Use by
other organizations.
Transportation for nonpublic school students--Conditions.
Establishment of bus routes within district--Rules prescribed by state board.
Bus service provided students of another district--Contract.
Regulation of bus routes crossing school district boundaries--Appeal to state
board and courts.
Annual inspection of school buses--Issuance and display of certificate--Operation without certificate as petty offense.
School bus inspectors--Inspection without approval as misdemeanor.
13-29-7 to 13-29-12.
13-29-13 to 13-29-18.
Fee for students within five miles--Amount.
School districts prohibited from bidding to provide student transportation
School bus driver training.
Students eligible for transportation or board and room allowance.
Transportation allowance to pupils living in first or second class municipality.
Mileage allowance in lieu of transportation for students.
13-31-2 to 13-31-2.6.
13-31-4, 13-31-5.
13-31-5.1, 13-31-5.2.
13-31-5.3 to 13-31-7.
13-32-1 Disciplinary authority over students on school premises.
13-32-2 Physical force authorized when reasonable and necessary--Attendance at school functions away from premises--Authority of bus drivers.
13-32-3 Reference for psychiatric treatment prohibited without parents' consent.
13-32-4 School board to assist in discipline--Suspension and expulsion of pupils--Report to local authorities--Hearings--Alternative settings.
13-32-4.1 Attendance policy--Adoption by school board--Suspension and expulsion power unaffected.
13-32-4.2 Procedure for suspension--Appeal--Hearing.
13-32-4.3 Effect of student's suspension or expulsion on enrollment.
13-32-4.4 Early reinstatement of expelled student.
13-32-4.5 Conditions for early reinstatement.
13-32-4.6 Return to school upon fulfillment of conditions--Revocation of early reinstatement.
13-32-4.7 Due process procedures--Promulgation of early reinstatement rules.
13-32-5 Injury to school property as ground for suspension or expulsion.
13-32-6 Disturbance of school as misdemeanor.
13-32-7 Possession of firearm or dangerous weapon--Public elementary or secondary school premises or vehicle--Violation--Exceptions.
13-32-8 School safety patrols--Insurance coverage.
13-32-9 Suspension from extracurricular activities for controlled substances violation--Unified Judicial System to give certain notices.
13-32-9.1 Consequences imposed by local school districts.
13-32-9.2 Reduced suspensions--Minimum requirements--Commencement of suspension.
13-32-10 Definition of terms regarding self-administration of medication.
13-32-11 Student self-administration of prescription asthma and anaphylaxis medication.
13-32-12 Disciplinary action regarding self-administration of medication.
13-32-13 Applicability of provisions regarding self-administration of medication.
13-32-14 Adoption of bullying policy.
13-32-15 Bullying defined.
13-32-16 Bullying policy requirements.
13-32-17 Action for damages from bullying--Immunity for reporting.
13-32-18 Incidents involving electronic devices.
13-32-19 Model bullying policy.
13-32-20 Policy for school district employees on use of restraint and seclusion.
13-33-1 Conformity to standards adopted by state board.
13-33-2 13-33-2. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 378
13-33-3 Adult education, summer school, kindergarten, and nursery schools.
13-33-4 Instruction on United States and state Constitutions required--Years when given.
13-33-5 13-33-5, 13-33-6. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, §§ 45, 46
13-33-6.1 Character development instruction.
13-33-7 13-33-7. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 133
13-33-7.1 13-33-7.1, 13-33-7.2. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-33-8 13-33-8. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 47
13-33-9 Sectarian doctrine prohibited in public schools.
13-33-10 Released time for religious instruction.
13-33-11 Instruction to promote mastery of English language.
13-33-12 13-33-12, 13-33-13. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, §§ 48, 49
13-33-14 13-33-14, 13-33-15. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 94, §§ 26, 27
13-33-16 13-33-16. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 103, § 1.
13-33-17 American sign language recognized--Authorized in high school and colleges--Encouraged in elementary schools.
13-33-18 13-33-18. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 50
13-33-19 Recommended high school program and basic high school program--Enrollment and completion requirements.
13-33-20 Distance learning defined.
13-33-21 Certificate authorizing distance learning provider to provide courses required.
13-33-22 Promulgation of rules relating to distance learning certificate.
13-33-23 Promulgation of rules establishing priorities and eligibility for distance learning courses.
13-33-23.1 Distance learning--Children of transferred military personnel--Eligibility.
13-33-24 South Dakota virtual school created.
13-33-25 South Dakota Virtual School Advisory Council established.
13-33-26 Council membership.
13-33-27 Council terms--Vacancies.
13-33-28 Promulgation of rules concerning virtual school.
13-33-29 Granting of credit for distance learning courses not offered by South Dakota Virtual School prohibited--Exceptions.
13-33-30 Accredited schools required to accept transfer credits for courses taken from other accredited schools outside regular school term--Conditions.
13-33A-1 School health services--Coordination by registered nurse.
13-33A-2 Promulgation of rules--Board of Education Standards--Board of Nursing--Application of chapter.
13-33A-3 Liability insurance.
13-33A-4 Stock of epinephrine auto-injectors for emergency situations.
13-33A-5 Policy for use and storage of epinephrine auto-injectors.
13-33A-6 Administration of epinephrine auto-injector.
13-33A-7 Training for epinephrine auto-injector administration.
13-33A-8 Immunity from liability--Administering epinephrine.
13-33A-9 Possession and administration of opioid antagonists by school personnel.
13-33A-10 Training on administration of opioid antagonists.
13-33A-11 Immunity from liability for injuries or damage associated with administration of opioid antagonists.
13-33A-12 Nasal glucagon--School district and nonpublic schools--Prescription--Distribution.
13-33A-13 Nasal glucagon--Use--Storage--Maintenance.
13-33A-14 Nasal glucagon--Administration--Requirements.
13-33A-15 Nasal glucagon--Authorized employees--Training--Documentation.
13-33A-16 Nasal glucagon--Immunity from liability.
13-33B-1 Programs for deaf and hard-of-hearing children.
13-33B-2 Consideration of pupil's specific communication needs.
13-33B-3 Placement of deaf and hard of hearing children.
13-33B-4 Definitions.
13-33B-5 Resource for parents to monitor and track deaf and hard-of-hearing children's language acquisition.
13-33B-6 Tools to assess language and literacy development of deaf and hard-of-hearing children.
13-33B-7 Dissemination of parent resource--Strategies to assist child's success.
13-33B-8 Information to be provided to advisory committee--Language developmental milestones to be included in parent resource.
13-33B-9 Advisory committee--Members--Duties.
13-33B-10 Reporting criteria specific to language and literacy development.
13-33B-11 Implementation and application of §§ 13-33B-4 to 13-33B-10.
13-34-1 to 13-34-10.
13-34-12 to 13-34-15.
13-34-16, 13-34-16.1.
13-34-16.2, 13-34-16.3. Repealed.
13-34-17 to 13-34-22.
Loan of textbooks--Textbooks defined.
Persons enrolled in schools operated by government entity other than local
school district excepted.
Representation of school board, board member or school district by attorney
Establishment of programs by districts.
Charges for meals.
Sales tax exemption.
Cost accounting system.
Accounting for funds.
Extension of food services program to elderly persons.
State health inspection requirements.
13-36-1 13-36-1 to 13-36-3. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 99, § 10
13-36-4 High school interscholastic activities--Delegation of control to association.
13-36-5 Annual audit of high school activities association--Payment--Report.
13-36-7 Participation in interscholastic activities--Eligibility.
13-36-8 Participation of certain nonpublic school students in interscholastic activities at other nonpublic schools.
13-36-9 Concussion guidelines and information sheet.
13-36-10 Coaches to complete training program.
13-36-11 Removal of athlete exhibiting symptoms of concussion.
13-36-12 Return of athlete to activity.
13-36-13 Licensed health care provider defined.
13-36-14 Cause of action not created.
13-37-1 Children in need of special education or special education and related services.
13-37-1.1 Rules governing standards for special education.
13-37-1.2 Department as agency responsible for special education--Regulatory and coordinating authority.
13-37-1.3 Free education for special education children.
13-37-1.4 Appeal through civil action permitted.
13-37-2 Special education defined--Conformity to approved program where possible.
13-37-2.1 Surrogate parent defined.
13-37-3 13-37-3, 13-37-3.1. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-37-4 13-37-4. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 101, § 11
13-37-5 13-37-5. Repealed by omission from SL 1969, ch 58
13-37-5.1 13-37-5.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 151, § 1
13-37-6 13-37-6. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-37-7 13-37-7. Repealed by SL 1997, ch 88, § 5
13-37-8 13-37-8. Repealed by SL 1968, ch 51
13-37-8.1 13-37-8.1. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-37-8.2 13-37-8.2. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 101, § 12
13-37-8.3 13-37-8.3. Repealed by SL 1976, ch 122, § 7
13-37-8.4 Cost paid by school district.
13-37-8.5 13-37-8.5. Repealed by omission from SL 1969, ch 58, § 5
13-37-8.6 Costs of special education services--Sources--Provisions--Financial losses.
13-37-8.7 13-37-8.7, 13-37-8.8. Repealed by SL 1980, ch 134, §§ 1, 2
13-37-8.9 Mileage allowance in lieu of transportation for special education--Actual cost in lieu of mileage--Source of payment.
13-37-8.10 Crediting of state, local, and federal special education funds.
13-37-9 13-37-9 to 13-37-12. Repealed by SL 1968, ch 51
13-37-13 Expenditures for education of children in need in state-owned institutions.
13-37-14 13-37-14. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 99, § 5
13-37-14.1 13-37-14.1, 13-37-14.2. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, §§ 55, 56
13-37-15 13-37-15. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-37-16 District tax levy--Special education--School district special education fund.
13-37-16.1 13-37-16.1. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-37-16.2 Levy equalization.
13-37-16.3 Basis for adjustment to certain levies.
13-37-17 13-37-17. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-37-18 Costs and statistical information included in annual financial report.
13-37-19 13-37-19. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 136, § 2
13-37-20 Payment of claims for direct services.
13-37-20.1 13-37-20.1. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-37-21 13-37-21, 13-37-22. Repealed by SL 1976, ch 121, § 9
13-37-23 13-37-23. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-37-24 13-37-24 to 13-37-24.2. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 101, §§ 16 to 18
13-37-24.3 Repealed
13-37-24.4 13-37-24.4, 13-37-24.5. Repealed by SL 1993, ch 137, §§ 1, 2
13-37-24.6 13-37-24.6. Repealed by SL 1997, ch 103, § 1
13-37-25 13-37-25. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 147, § 1
13-37-26 13-37-26. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 101, § 19
13-37-27 Surrogate parent acting in place of parent--Immunity--Exceptions.
13-37-28 Definition of autism spectrum disorder.
13-37-28.1 Dyslexia defined.
13-37-29 Blind student defined for purposes of braille literary assessment and educational services.
13-37-30 Braille literary assessment and educational services for blind students.
13-37-31 Competency of braille instructors--Promulgation of rules.
13-37-32 13-37-32 to 13-37-34. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 101, §§ 20 to 22
13-37-35 13-37-35. Repealed by SL 1999, ch 90, § 1
13-37-35.1 Definitions.
13-37-35.2 Department to recalculate allocations for disability levels biennially.
13-37-36 13-37-36. Repealed by SL 1999, ch 90, § 3
13-37-36.1 School district special education fund statutory carryover.
13-37-36.2 Level five disability criteria.
13-37-36.3 Computation of state aid to districts for special education.
13-37-37 Monthly payment of state aid for special education.
13-37-38 13-37-38. Temporary and executed
13-37-39 13-37-39. Temporary and executed
13-37-40 Portion of appropriation set aside for extraordinary expenses.
13-37-40.1 Certification required for funding.
13-37-41 Establishing guidelines for expenditure of state aid for special education--Annual report.
13-37-42 Limitation on expenditure of funds set aside for extraordinary expenditures.
13-37-43 13-37-43. Temporary and executed
13-37-44 Reduction of district's aid for special education for excess balance in fund.
13-37-45 Allocation of undistributed appropriations.
13-37-46 Rules defining special education process--Appeal of local district's determinations--Hearing.
13-37-47 Promulgation of rules.
13-37-48 13-37-48. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 100, § 2.
13-37-48.1 13-37-48.1. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 79, § 16.
13-37-49 Record of public school child count subject to examination by department.
13-37-50 Overreporting child count data--Recovery of twice amount of state aid--Intentional overreporting as misdemeanor.
13-37-51 13-37-51. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 79, § 17.
13-37-52 Department may promulgate rules to define disabilities.
13-37-53 13-37-53. Repealed by SL 2013, ch 79, § 18.
13-37-54 Promulgation of rules for reallocation of state aid to special education.
13-37-55 Coordinated early intervening services.
13-37-56 Approval for early intervening services.
13-37-57 Annual report on early intervening services.
13-37-58 Promulgation of rules on early intervening services.
13-37-59 District with early intervening services ineligible for other funds.
13-37-60 Extraordinary Cost Oversight Board established.
13-37-61 Oversight board members--Terms.
13-39-1 13-39-1. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-39-1.1 13-39-1.1. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 147, § 1
13-39-1.2 Definitions.
13-39-2 13-39-2. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 130, § 1
13-39-3 13-39-3. Repealed by SL 1994, ch 128, § 1
13-39-4 13-39-4. Repealed by SL 1969, ch 218, § 2
13-39-4.1 13-39-4.1. Repealed by SL 1994, ch 128, § 2
13-39-5 13-39-5. Repealed by SL 1993, ch 140
13-39-6 13-39-6. Repealed by SL 1985, ch 133, § 1
13-39-7 13-39-7. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 57
13-39-8 General supervision by director.
13-39-9 Schools subject to general supervision by director.
13-39-10 13-39-10, 13-39-10.1. Repealed by SL 1985, ch 134, §§ 1, 2
13-39-11 13-39-11. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 58
13-39-12 Cooperation with federal agencies.
13-39-13 Agreements with federal and state agencies.
13-39-14 13-39-14. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 59
13-39-15 13-39-15. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 147, § 55
13-39-16 13-39-16, 13-39-17. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, §§ 60, 61
13-39-17.1 13-39-17.1, 13-39-18. Repealed by SL 2017, ch 81, § 44.
13-39-19 Distribution of state and federal funds to schools--State treasurer custodian of money from federal appropriations.
13-39-20 13-39-20. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 147, § 56
13-39-21 Uniform system for gathering and reporting data.
13-39-22 13-39-22. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 88, § 19
13-39-23 13-39-23. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 62
13-39-23.1 13-39-23.1. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 147, § 57
13-39-24 13-39-24. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 63
13-39-25 13-39-25. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 88, § 20
13-39-26 Nonpublic secondary or postsecondary technical institutions.
13-39-27 LEA authority to establish career and technical education programs.
13-39-28 Persons eligible for vocational education.
13-39-29 Property acquired, held, used and transferred by secretary--Legislative approval required for real property.
13-39-30 13-39-30. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 147, § 58
13-39-31 13-39-31. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-39-32 13-39-32. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 64
13-39-33 13-39-33. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 147, § 59
13-39-34 13-39-34 to 13-39-39.1. Repealed by SL 2017, ch 81, § 46.
13-39-40 13-39-40. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 147, § 60
13-39-41 Submission of plan for multidistrict, career and technical academy--Compliance with state plan and rules.
13-39-42 State board examination of plan for multidistrict, career and technical academy--Approval or disapproval.
13-39-43 Agreement of participation in multidistrict, career and technical academy--Resolution of agreement.
13-39-44 Multidistrict, career and technical academy center board.
13-39-45 Small academy center board.
13-39-46 Terms of office of center board members--Vacancies.
13-39-47 Oaths of center board members.
13-39-48 Meetings of center board--Annual election of officers.
13-39-49 Chairman and vice chairman of center board.
13-39-50 Voting by center board members--Quorum--Majority required for action.
13-39-51 Employment of personnel by center board.
13-39-52 13-39-52. Repealed by SL 1994, ch 130, § 1
13-39-53 School district laws applicable to multidistrict, career and technical academies.
13-39-54 Bonds and tax levies prohibited--Funds provided by participating districts.
13-39-55 Assessment of participating districts for proportionate share of center expenses--Payment.
13-39-56 Apportionment and distribution of funds available to multidistrict, career and technical academies.
13-39-57 Appropriated and federal funds used for distribution.
13-39-58 Business of center--Ownership of property.
13-39-59 District becoming participant in established center--Procedure.
13-39-60 School board resolution to participate in established center--Fee--Publication of resolution.
13-39-61 Referendum on district participation in multidistrict center--Majority required for approval.
13-39-62 Withdrawal of district from participation in academy--Submission to voters--Effect of withdrawal.
13-39-63 13-39-63. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 147, § 61
13-39-64 Rules for multidistrict, career and technical academies.
13-39-65 13-39-65 to 13-39-74. Repealed by SL 2017, ch 81, § 46.
13-39-75 Sales tax increase--Instructor salaries.
13-39A-1 Definitions.
13-39A-2 South Dakota Board of Technical Education--Creation.
13-39A-3 Political party membership.
13-39A-4 Member terms--Limits.
13-39A-5 Vacancies.
13-39A-6 President--Meetings.
13-39A-7 Majority vote required--Minutes.
13-39A-8 Member compensation and expenses.
13-39A-9 Board members--No technical college employees.
13-39A-10 Executive director.
13-39A-11 Local governing bodies--Retain powers not given to board.
13-39A-12 Tuition and fees.
13-39A-13 Annual state funding requests.
13-39A-14 Management policies, goals, and objectives.
13-39A-15 New construction or major renovation of facilities.
13-39A-16 Additional duties of board.
13-39A-17 Accreditations.
13-39A-18 Promulgation of rules.
13-39A-19 Successor to Board of Education Standards on agreements.
13-39A-20 Performance of agreements.
13-39A-21 Apportionment and distribution of funds to LEAs.
13-39A-22 Distribution of funds to technical colleges.
13-39A-23 Separate accounting and funds by LEAs.
13-39A-24 Lease-purchase agreements between LEAs and health and educational facilities authority or board for capital improvements.
13-39A-25 Provisions of lease-purchase agreements.
13-39A-26 Security for payments by LEA or board under lease-purchase agreements.
13-39A-27 Technical colleges facilities fund.
13-39A-28 Tuition subaccount.
13-39A-29 Technical college equipment fund.
13-39A-30 Payment of obligations under lease-purchase agreement.
13-39A-31 Petition to establish technical college.
13-39A-32 Recommendation of petition to Legislature.
13-39A-33 Legislative approval of petition.
13-39A-34 Joint resolution specifying duties and powers of postsecondary technical institute.
13-39A-35 Petition to establish technical college as distinct separate LEA.
13-39A-36 Board governing distinct separate LEA.
13-39A-37 Terms of board members.
13-39A-38 Appointment of members.
13-39A-39 Continuing contract and collective bargaining provisions not applicable--Notice of nonrenewal.
13-39A-40 Confidentiality of student information.
13-39A-41 Administrative rules not affected.
13-39A-42 State support of four technical colleges.
13-42-1 Definitions.
13-42-1.1 13-42-1.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 153, § 2
13-42-1.2 Certificate required for teachers, administrators, and other educational professionals in schools.
13-42-2 13-42-2. Repealed by SL 2001, ch 86, § 1
13-42-3 Certification of educational professionals--Promulgation of Rules.
13-42-3.1 13-42-3.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 30, § 46
13-42-3.2 Educator permit--Emergency CTE instructor--Promulgation of rules.
13-42-4 Issuance of certificates by secretary.
13-42-4.1 13-42-4.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 153, § 3
13-42-4.2 Investigations by secretary.
13-42-5 13-42-5. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-42-5.1 Use of institute funds--Vouchers and warrants.
13-42-6 Oath or affirmation of allegiance required--Aliens excepted.
13-42-7 Repealed.
13-42-8 13-42-8. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-42-9 Grounds for refusal to issue or renew certificate or for revocation or suspension.
13-42-10 Suspension or refusal to issue or renew certificate for breach of contract.
13-42-11 Mandatory revocation of certificate for disloyal conduct or refusal to take oath of allegiance.
13-42-12 Procedures for revocation or suspension of certificate.
13-42-13 13-42-13. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 98, § 11.
13-42-14 Private or public hearing--Appearance and production of evidence--Witnesses--Record of proceedings.
13-42-15 Secretary's decision on revocation or suspension of certificate--Effective date and duration--Service of order and findings.
13-42-15.1 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 87, § 18.
13-42-16 Appeal to circuit court from revocation or suspension of certificate.
13-42-17 Confidentiality of investigative information--Disclosure.
13-42-17.1 Public and confidential records--Disclosure.
13-42-17.2 Costs of contested case proceeding.
13-42-18 Interstate Agreement on Qualification of Educational Personnel enacted--Text of agreement.
13-42-19 Secretary as "designated state official".
13-42-20 Filing and publication of contracts.
13-42-21 13-42-21, 13-42-22. Repealed by SL 1991, ch 153, § 3
13-42-23 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 87, §§ 19 to 21.
13-42-26 Certification by National Board for Professional Teaching Standards--Reimbursement for fees--Stipend for certified teachers--Adoption of rules.
13-42-27 Board to review certification process and establish revised standards.
13-42-28 Board to establish alternative certification program.
13-42-28.1 13-42-28.1. Repealed by SL 2004, ch 133, § 6, eff. July 1, 2008.
13-42-29 Administrator not meeting certification standards to submit professional development plan.
13-42-30 13-42-30, 13-42-31. Repealed by SL 2004, ch 133, § 6, eff. July 1, 2008.
13-42-32 Suspension or revocation of certificate for compromising integrity of academic achievement test.
13-42-33 Promulgation of rules on performance standards.
13-42-34 Teacher evaluations.
13-42-35 Work group to develop model evaluation instrument.
13-42-35.1 Rejected by referendum.
13-42-36 Right to not renew contract preserved.
13-42-37 Rejected by referendum.
13-42-67 Expedited issuance of teaching certificate for military personnel and spouses--Requirements.
13-42-68 Temporary certificate for spouses of military personnel.
13-42-69 Duration of expedited certificate.
13-42-70 Evaluation records and documents not open to inspection or copying.
13-42-71 Suicide awareness and prevention training--Board approval--Requirements.
13-42-72 Immunity from liability regarding suicide awareness and prevention training.
13-43-1 Employment of school board member in same district prohibited.
13-43-2 13-43-2. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 65
13-43-3 13-43-3. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 108, § 1.
13-43-3.1 13-43-3.1, 13-43-3.2. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 101, §§ 4, 5.
13-43-3.3 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 87, § 22.
13-43-4 Written contract required--Execution.
13-43-5 Certificate required before contract signed--Exception when academic training being completed.
13-43-5.1 Employment of person with revoked or suspended certificate prohibited.
13-43-5.2 Rejected by referendum.
13-43-6 Contents of contract of employment--Distribution of copies--Duration.
13-43-6.1 Just cause for termination or nonrenewal of teacher.
13-43-6.2 Written notice of intention to recommend nonrenewal--Opportunity for hearing--Time limitations.
13-43-6.3 Nonrenewal of teacher's contract.
13-43-6.4 Nonrenewal due to staff reduction.
13-43-6.5 Termination not caused by amount of compensation.
13-43-6.6 Right to termination on statutory grounds not limited by collective bargaining agreement--Protection of teacher not limited.
13-43-6.7 Written notice of recommendation for termination--Content--Hearing--Action.
13-43-6.8 Evidence of delivery of notification of intention to recommend nonrenewal or termination.
13-43-6.9 Evidence of delivery of written request for a hearing.
13-43-7 13-43-7. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 66
13-43-7.1 13-43-7.1. Repealed by SL 2011, ch 87, § 4.
13-43-8 13-43-8, 13-43-9. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-43-9.1 13-43-9.1 to 13-43-12. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, §§ 67 to 73
13-43-12.1 13-43-12.1, 13-43-12.2. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 153, §§ 4, 5
13-43-12.3 13-43-12.3, 13-43-12.4. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 153, §§ 8, 9
13-43-12.5 13-43-12.5. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 153, § 6
13-43-13 13-43-13. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 74
13-43-14 13-43-14. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 126, § 2
13-43-15 13-43-15. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, § 74A
13-43-15.1 Right of employee to run for office.
13-43-16 Declaration of teaching as profession--Persons included.
13-43-17 Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission created--Number and qualifications of members.
13-43-17.1 Operation within department--Functions--Submission of records and reports.
13-43-18 Appointment of members of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission--Terms.
13-43-19 Vacancies on Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission--Removal of members.
13-43-20 Election of officers of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission--Adoption of rules.
13-43-20.1 Appointment of executive secretary to commission--Employees.
13-43-21 Meetings of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission.
13-43-22 13-43-22. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 23, § 2
13-43-23 Expenses of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission or Professional Administrators Practices and Standards Commission.
13-43-24 13-43-24. Repealed by SL 1974, ch 137, § 8
13-43-25 Rules of Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission--Code of ethics--Recommendations to boards.
13-43-25.1 13-43-25.1, 13-43-26. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, §§ 76, 77
13-43-27 13-43-27. Repealed by SL 1974, ch 137, § 8
13-43-28 Reprimand or disciplinary action for teacher misconduct--Procedure.
13-43-28.1 Complaint requesting revocation or suspension of certificate--Procedure--Decision--Appeal.
13-43-29 13-43-29. Repealed by SL 1974, ch 137, § 8
13-43-30 13-43-30. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 98, § 23.
13-43-31 13-43-31 to 13-43-37. Repealed by SL 1986, ch 122, § 1
13-43-38 Professional administrators practices and standards commission--Creation--Number and qualifications of members.
13-43-39 Operation within department--Functions--Submission of records and reports.
13-43-40 Appointment of commission members--Terms.
13-43-41 Vacancies--Removal of members.
13-43-42 Election of officers--Adoption of rules.
13-43-43 Appointment of executive secretary--Employees.
13-43-44 Meetings.
13-43-45 Adoption of rules and code of professional ethics--Recommendations to boards.
13-43-46 13-43-46, 13-43-47. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 87, §§ 78, 79
13-43-48 Reprimand or disciplinary action for administrator misconduct--Procedure.
13-43-49 Complaint requesting revocation or suspension of certificate of administrator--Procedure--Decision--Appeal.
13-43-50 13-43-50. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 98, § 26.
13-43-51 13-43-51 to 13-43-55. Repealed by SL 1995, ch 88, §§ 21 to 25
13-43-55.1 Mentor teacher program created--Promulgation of rules--Participation in program.
13-43-56 13-43-56. Repealed by SL 1994, ch 135
13-43-57 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 87, §§ 23, 24.
13-43-59 Uncertified administrators subject to code of ethics--Discipline for violation.
13-43-60 Certification of health of employee.
13-43-61 Signing bonus––Authorization.
13-43-62 Signing bonus––Payment.
13-43-63 Negotiation with collective bargaining representative.
Right to appeal to circuit court from decision by school board or special committee--Time of taking appeal.
Parties to appeal.
Notice of appeal--Service and filing--Bond to pay costs.
Certification of record to clerk of courts--Failure to transmit--Fees.
Trial de novo in circuit court--Judgment or order--Enforcement.
Appeal to Supreme Court.
South Dakota Board of Directors for Educational Telecommunications created--Composition and appointment of members.
Board and facilities as educational telecommunications section.
Function of board of directors.
Officers of board.
Employment of personnel for office--Supplies and equipment.
Administrative control over office.
Meetings of board--Records--Reports.
Expenses of board members.
Telecommunications network sponsored by board.
Acquisition and use of property.
Gifts and contributions for educational telecommunications.
Acceptance and use of federal aid.
Federal licenses for telecommunications--Applications, reports, and requests to
Federal Communications Commission.
Construction, maintenance, and operation of telecommunications facilities.
Contracting for interconnecting channel service.
Operation of telecommunications network consistent with federal regulations and
department policies.
Establishment of general policy for educational telecommunications.
INFOTEXT system.
Standard broadcast and closed circuit programs.
Powers of board extended to radio--Construction priorities--Allocation of
Facilities not used for subversive purposes or to influence legislation.
Lease arrangements for sharing cost of operating facilities.
13-47-19 to 13-47-21. Repealed.
13-47-22, 13-47-23. Repealed.
13-48-1 13-48-1 to 13-48-19. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 129, §§ 1 to 22
13-48-20 13-48-20. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 86, § 154
13-48-21 13-48-21. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 129, § 23
13-48-22 13-48-22, 13-48-23. Unconstitutional
13-48-24 13-48-24 to 13-48-33. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 129, §§ 24 to 33
13-48-34 Definitions.
13-48-35 Certificate of authorization required to provide postsecondary education.
13-48-36 Existing postsecondary institutions authorized to provide educational programs.
13-48-37 Requirements for issuance of certificate of authorization.
13-48-38 Continuation of authorization of certain institutions.
13-48-38.1 Annual renewal of certificate of authorization.
13-48-38.2 Reinstatement of expired certificate.
13-48-39 Registry for authorized postsecondary institutions--Name or location change--Promulgation of rules.
13-48-40 Complaints--Enforcement by attorney general.
13-48-41 Exempt institutions.
13-48-42 Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement--National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement's Policies and Standards.
13-48-43 Physical location in this state defined.
13-48A-1, 13-48A-2. Repealed.
13-48A-3, 13-48A-4. Repealed.
13-48A-5, 13-48A-6. Repealed.
Annual accountability report to Government Operations and Audit Committee.
13-49-1 Control of educational institutions vested in board--Appointment of members.
13-49-2 Qualifications of members of board.
13-49-3 Term of office of regents--Student regent excluded.
13-49-4 Repealed.
13-49-5 13-49-5. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-49-6 Oath of office of regents.
13-49-6.1 Student regent appointed by Governor--Term of appointment--Voting member--Vacancy.
13-49-6.2 13-49-6.2. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 109, § 7.
13-49-7 Meetings of board--Vote required for action--Minutes--Open to public.
13-49-8 13-49-8. Repealed by SL 1971, ch 23, § 2
13-49-9 President of board--Election and term.
13-49-10 Appointment of executive director--Qualifications--Supervision by board.
13-49-10.1 13-49-10.1. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-49-11 Corporate powers of board--Management of property.
13-49-12 Administration of oaths and examination of witnesses.
13-49-13 Government and regulation of institutions--Supervision of buildings and property.
13-49-14 Employment of officers, instructors and employees--Compensation and terms of employment--Disparate treatment on certain grounds prohibited.
13-49-14.1 Right of instructors and employees to run for office--Exception.
13-49-14.2 Separate retirement or deferred compensation plans prohibited--Exceptions.
13-49-14.3 Employee insurance benefits through self-insured plan.
13-49-14.4 13-49-14.4 to 13-49-14.10. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 110, §§ 1 to 7.
13-49-14.11 FTE demand pool created.
13-49-14.12 South Dakota Services for the Deaf and the South Dakota School for the Visually Handicapped--Maintenance and repair fund.
13-49-14.13 Criminal background check.
13-49-15 Purchasing and contracting for institutions--Incidental powers of board.
13-49-16 Contracts let in accordance with public agency procurement law.
13-49-17 13-49-17. Repealed by SL 1997, ch 38, § 6
13-49-18 Prosecution of actions by board--Proceeds of judgment.
13-49-19 Customary management powers conferred on board.
13-49-20 Interstate contracts for education of South Dakota residents.
13-49-20.1 Contracts to reserve spaces for South Dakota dental students.
13-49-20.2 Contracts to reserve spaces for South Dakota optometric students.
13-49-20.3 13-49-20.3, 13-49-20.4. Repealed by SL 1984, ch 129, §§ 4, 5
13-49-20.5 Veterinary student grants.
13-49-20.6 Livestock emergency disease fund--Use for reservations or grants for veterinary students.
13-49-20.7 Veterinary medicine education tuition assistance--Contract regarding conditions to be met by student.
13-49-20.8 Violation of contract by student--Repayment of tuition awards--Damages.
13-49-20.9 Forgiveness or deferral of repayment based upon special circumstances.
13-49-20.10 Repayment deposited in livestock disease emergency fund.
13-49-20.11 Notification and collection as to repayment.
13-49-20.12 Report as to award recipients.
13-49-20.13 Applicability of tuition assistance program.
13-49-20.14 Contracts to reserve spaces for South Dakota State University veterinary students to complete degree.
13-49-20.15 Assistance for students entering veterinary medicine.
13-49-20.16 Requirements for veterinary students receiving tuition grants.
13-49-21 Accounting and record-keeping systems--Budget--Duties of executive director.
13-49-22 13-49-22. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 16, § 16
13-49-23 13-49-23. Repealed by SL 1988, ch 156
13-49-24 13-49-24 to 13-49-27. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 110, §§ 8 to 11.
13-49-27.1 Nonaccredited institutions prohibited from offering postsecondary education credit or degree--Misdemeanor and civil penalty--Exception.
13-49-28 13-49-28 to 13-49-30. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 110, §§ 12 to 14.
13-49-31 "Records" defined for purposes of public access.
13-49-32 Functions of Agricultural Heritage Museum.
13-49-33 Salary negotiations not settled by certain date deemed to be at impasse.
13-49-34 Resale of computers leased to students upon expiration of lease.
13-49-35 Board of Regents performance improvement fund.
13-49-36 Federal grants and contracts fund.
13-49-37 Other grants and contracts fund.
13-49-38 Precision agriculture fund created.
13-49-39 Collective bargaining--Prohibition.
13-49-40 Annual Presentation--Board of Regents.
13-51-1 Legislative approval required for erecting, maintaining buildings or leasing facilities.
13-51-1.1 Authority of board to lease site for public higher education programs--Funding.
13-51-1.2 Repealed.
13-51-1.3 Sioux Falls site for instructional, research, and service programs--Limitations on use.
13-51-1.4 Government Operations and Audit Committee review.
13-51-1.5 Sioux Falls research park.
13-51-1.6 South Dakota State University Agricultural Experiment Station in Moody County.
13-51-2 Educational facilities fund continued--Purposes--Appropriation requirements and restrictions.
13-51-3 13-51-3. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 154, § 2
13-51-4 Recommendations by regents for legislative appropriation or authorization of expenditures.
13-51-5 Separate institutional funds in treasury for self-liquidating projects.
13-51-6 Identification of funds for self-liquidating projects--Consolidation of funds for institution.
13-51-7 Institutional accounting for individual project funds--Reconciliation with consolidated funds in treasury.
13-51-8 Federal concurrence in accounting procedures required.
13-51-8.1 Power to combine self-liquidating projects or facilities on institutional basis.
13-51-8.2 Power to issue refunding bonds for revenue bonds issued on self-liquidating projects or facilities.
13-51-8.3 13-51-8.3. Repealed by SL 1970, ch 109
13-51-9 Eminent domain power for institutional purposes.
13-51-10 Resolution for condemnation of private property--Proceedings.
13-51-11 Protection from fire loss of buildings in construction.
13-51-12 Moving or disposal of certain structures authorized by regents.
13-51-13 13-51-13. Repealed by SL 1994, ch 140, § 2
13-51-14 Receipts from sale of temporary structures.
13-51-15 Long range financing plan required for improvements financed by private donations--Establishing endowments.
13-51-16 Real property transfer to South Dakota State University Growth Partnership, Ltd..
13-51-17 Real property to be used for research park.
13-51-18 Reversion of property to Board of Regents.
13-51-19 Restrictions in deed.
13-51A-1 Definitions.
13-51A-2 Power to acquire property.
13-51A-3 Power to accept grants.
13-51A-4 Borrowing power of board.
13-51A-5 Interim notes authorized--Purposes.
13-51A-6 Terms of interim notes--Maturity date--Extension.
13-51A-7 Security for payment of interim notes--Sources of payment.
13-51A-8 Additional provisions to make interim notes salable.
13-51A-9 Registration of interim notes--Interest payments--Redemption.
13-51A-10 Execution of interim notes.
13-51A-11 Sale of interim notes.
13-51A-12 Payment of interim notes on issuance of bonds.
13-51A-13 Power to issue bonds--Purposes--Resolution--Signatures.
13-51A-14 Terms of bonds.
13-51A-15 Pledge of income for security of bonds.
13-51A-16 Rights of prior bondholders protected.
13-51A-17 Covenant to maintain adequate income for bond retirement.
13-51A-18 Covenant against debt or charge endangering income pledged to bond retirement.
13-51A-19 Covenant against alienation of project so as to endanger bond security.
13-51A-20 Additional covenants for security of bonds.
13-51A-21 Trustee for bondholders--General powers--Trust agreement.
13-51A-22 Covenants to take actions for benefit of bondholders.
13-51A-23 Prohibition against obligating state.
13-51A-24 Limited obligation of bonds.
13-51A-25 Recording not required to perfect lien.
13-51A-26 Validity of bonds despite expiration of terms of officers--Irregularities in proceedings.
13-51A-27 Sale of bonds--Minimum price.
13-51A-28 Negotiability of bonds.
13-51A-29 Bonds as legal investments.
13-51A-30 Deposit of bond proceeds and revenues--Security--Disbursement.
13-51A-31 Agreements as to custody of funds.
13-51A-32 Actions for enforcement of chapter and resolutions.
13-51A-33 Power to issue refunding bonds for matured obligations.
13-51A-34 Exchange of refunding bonds--Sale and use of proceeds--Cancellation of bonds and coupons received.
13-51A-35 Power to issue refunding bonds for unmatured obligations.
13-51A-36 Exchange or sale of refunding bonds--Use of proceeds.
13-51A-37 Contracts and leases to carry out purposes.
13-51A-38 Parietal rules.
13-51A-39 Establishment and collection of fees.
13-51A-40 Retention of revenues by board.
13-51A-41 Accounting for project financing--Audits.
13-51A-42 Supplemental nature of chapter--Conflicting provisions.
13-51A-43 Severability of provisions.
13-51A-44 Short title.
Acceptance and administration of gifts by regents--Application to specific purposes.
Certification by attorney general of freedom from obligations on state--Legislative
approval required for gifts of real property and building funds.
Acceptance of federal gifts--Governor's approval required--Buildings to be on real
property owned by institution.
Acceptance and use of federal funds for operational purposes and improvements.
Acceptance and use of federal funds for student aid and special educational
Direct endowments--Uses limited.
13-53-1 Departments and courses of study--Textbooks--Admission and graduation requirements.
13-53-1.1 Draft registration compliance as prerequisite to enrollment--Statement of registration compliance.
13-53-1.2 Form for statement of registration compliance--Inclusion in application.
13-53-1.3 Postsecondary institutions may offer elective course in American sign language.
13-53-2 Unnecessary duplication of departments and facilities prohibited.
13-53-3 Economy considered in administration of schools--Unification of work.
13-53-4 Rules and regulations for management of institutions.
13-53-5 Delegation of authority to school officials.
13-53-6 Tuition rates and fees.
13-53-6.1 13-53-6.1. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 156, § 2
13-53-6.2 Reciprocal attendance agreements between South Dakota and Minnesota boards--Legislative approval required.
13-53-6.3 Qualification for resident tuition rates.
13-53-7 Degrees and honors conferred by board--Faculty recommendation.
13-53-8 Contract with school board for educational services.
13-53-9 13-53-9, 13-53-10. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-53-11 Federal funds and institutional endowment income paid to state treasurer--Credit to institution.
13-53-12 13-53-12, 13-53-13. Repealed by SL 1983, ch 29, §§ 8, 9
13-53-14 Institutional officer appointed to receive fees and charges--Payment into treasury.
13-53-15 Receipt by state treasurer of institutional moneys--Distribution.
13-53-15.1 13-53-15.1. Repealed by SL 1996, ch 131, § 1
13-53-15.2 13-53-15.2. Repealed by SL 1983, ch 137, § 2
13-53-15.3 Medical school funds.
13-53-16 13-53-16. Repealed by SL 1983, ch 29, § 10
13-53-17 Expenditure of federal funds limited to amounts received during year--Approval of budget excesses.
13-53-18 Board approval of expenditures required--Indebtedness limited to available funds--Expenditures limited by legal purposes.
13-53-19 Delegation of authority for expenditures to institutional officer--Bond--Method of expenditures and purposes.
13-53-20 Examination of vouchers and claims by state auditor--Issuance and transmittal of warrant.
13-53-21 Insurance against loss or damage to educational materials and equipment at institutions.
13-53-22 Institutions named as insured in policies.
13-53-23 Payment of insurance premiums.
13-53-23.1 Residence defined.
13-53-24 Twelve-month residency requirement to qualify as resident student.
13-53-25 Residence in state for sole purpose of attending institution of higher education not counted for residency requirement.
13-53-26 Twelve months of residency must immediately precede first day of classes.
13-53-27 Residence of unemancipated person for purpose of higher education.
13-53-28 Board of Regents approval required when guardian residence basis of residency and predominant purposes is for education.
13-53-29 Exception to twelve-month residency requirements.
13-53-29.1 Resident tuition--Veterans--Armed forces personnel--Spouse or child.
13-53-29.2 Recipient of veteran's educational benefits exempt from twelve-month residency requirement.
13-53-30 Reclassification of residence status upon removal of parents' residence.
13-53-31 Residence classification to remain with continuous enrollment.
13-53-32 Affect of foreign citizenship on residence status.
13-53-33 Exemption from nonresident tuition and fees for nonresident student.
13-53-34 Factors relevant to change in nonresident status and predominant purpose for physical presence in state.
13-53-34.1 Reclassification to resident status upon marriage to state resident.
13-53-35 Affect of paying taxes and voting on residence status.
13-53-36 Burden of proof in claim to resident student status.
13-53-37 Appeal of residency determination.
13-53-38 Authority of board to grant resident status in unusual circumstances.
13-53-39 Penalties for fraud or deceit by student in applying for resident status.
13-53-40 Suspension for failure to pay additional money due because of nonresident status.
13-53-41 Waiver of overpayment of tuition and fees for failure to timely appeal.
13-53-41.1 Resident status of graduates of high school operated by Bureau of Indian Affairs.
13-53-41.2 Repealed
13-53-42 Loss of eligibility for intercollegiate extracurricular competition upon controlled substance violation.
13-53-43 Transfer of credits--General education.
13-53-44 Technical colleges--Transfer of credits.
13-53-45 Confidentiality of information--Restrictions.
13-53-46 Definition of terms in §§ 13-53-47 and 13-53-48.
13-53-47 Immunizations required for students entering public or private postsecondary educational institutions--Alternatives.
13-53-48 Time for submission of documentation.
13-53-49 Expressive activity and intellectual diversity defined.
13-53-50 Commitment to free expression and discussion of intellectually diverse topics at institutions of higher education.
13-53-51 Use of outdoor areas as public forum--Reasonable restrictions--Expressive activity in other areas not limited.
13-53-52 Discrimination based on content or viewpoint of expressive activity prohibited.
13-53-53 Annual report on intellectual diversity and free exchange of ideas.
13-53-54 Programs to increase enrollment, retention, and support for students who are tribal members.
13-53-55 State resources prohibited--Obscene live conduct.
Agreement covering public higher education institutions authorized--Text.
Agreement covering public vocational-technical education institutions.
13-53C-1 Repealed.
13-53C-2 Repealed.
Governor authorized to enter Western Regional Education Compact.
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education resident members.
Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children adopted.
Governor to appoint representative to commission.
Agriculture and home economics extension department maintained at state
Receipt and disbursement of federal funds for agricultural extension work.
County appropriations for agricultural improvement in cooperation with extension
Reports of state university on agricultural extension work.
Farmers' institutes provided by Board of Regents.
Other forms of extension work provided by board.
Agricultural extension work--Assent to federal act--Acceptance of grants.
Board of Regents to conduct extension work.
Cooperative work conducted by county commissioners--Agreement with state and
federal government.
Establishment and composition of county extension board--Appointment and terms
of office--Officers of board.
Per diem and expenses of county extension board.
Expenditures by county extension board--Warrants.
13-55-1 Regents prohibited from granting scholarships except as expressly provided.
13-55-2 Veterans entitled to free tuition at state institutions--Period of entitlement.
13-55-2.1 Repealed.
13-55-3 Time allowed for use of veterans' benefits.
13-55-4 Veterans' benefits not applicable if federal benefits available.
13-55-5 Determination of eligibility for veterans' benefits.
13-55-6 Free education of children of residents who died during service in armed forces.
13-55-7 Free education of veteran's orphan--Armed forces defined.
13-55-8 Application for veteran's orphan benefits--Determination of eligibility--Rules.
13-55-9 Certificate of eligibility of veteran's orphan--Action of board final.
13-55-9.1 Assistance to dependents of prisoners or missing in action--Definition of terms.
13-55-9.2 Free tuition and fees to dependents.
13-55-9.3 Federal benefits considered.
13-55-9.4 Application to board for benefits--Determination of eligibility--Promulgation of rules.
13-55-9.5 Certificates of entitlement--Disposition of copies.
13-55-9.6 Benefits not lost by return or death of parent.
13-55-9.7 State funds used for benefits.
13-55-10 National Guard member disabled or deceased on duty--Free tuition for child or spouse.
13-55-11 Residents with visual impairment--Tuition and fee exemption--Credit hours to which entitled--Qualifying degree of impairment.
13-55-11.1 Certification of visual impairment of beneficiary.
13-55-11.2 Exclusion from tuition and fee exemption.
13-55-12 Visual impairment exemption not applicable to repeat work.
13-55-13 Visual impairment exemption not applicable to private instruction charges.
13-55-14 13-55-14 to 13-55-14.3. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 110, §§ 15 to 18.
13-55-15 13-55-15 to 13-55-19. Repealed by SL 1990, ch 140, §§ 8 to 12
13-55-20 13-55-20. Repealed by SL 2007, ch 110, § 19.
13-55-21 Firefighter, certified law enforcement officer, survivor and emergency medical technician defined.
13-55-22 Free tuition for survivors of certain firefighters, certified law enforcement officers and emergency medical technicians.
13-55-23 Application of legislative exemptions.
13-55-24 Reduced tuition--Teachers, vocational instructors, and school counselors--Records.
13-55-25 Reduced tuition--Teachers, vocational instructors, and school counselors--Maximum credit hours.
13-55-26 Reduced tuition--Teachers, vocational instructors, and school counselors--Course space limited.
13-55-27 Reduced tuition--Teachers, vocational instructors, and school counselors--Eligibility.
13-55-27.1 Reduced tuition--Teachers, vocational instructors, and school counselors--Application--Certification.
13-55-28 Reduced tuition--Teachers, vocational instructors, and school counselors--Prohibition with other reduced tuition benefits.
13-55-29 Loss of eligibility for state funded scholarships upon controlled substance violation.
13-55-30 Opportunity scholarship program established.
13-55-31 Eligibility requirements for opportunity scholarship.
13-55-31.1 High school course requirements for opportunity scholarship eligibility.
13-55-31.2 Alternative testing requirements for opportunity scholarship eligibility.
13-55-31.3 Opportunity scholarship eligibility requirements for students who received alternative instruction.
13-55-31.4 Opportunity scholarship requirements for students who have completed one semester at university, college, or technical college.
13-55-32 13-55-32. Repealed by SL 2003, ch 110, § 7, eff. July 1, 2005.
13-55-33 Allocation of scholarship--Total amount.
13-55-34 Continuing eligibility requirements for scholarship recipients.
13-55-35 Board of Regents to allocate appropriated funds and other funds received for program.
13-55-36 Board of Regents to promulgate rules.
13-55-37 Hagen-Harvey memorial scholarship program established.
13-55-38 Scholarship board established--Terms--Meetings--Membership--Quorum.
13-55-39 Eligibility for scholarship--Criteria.
13-55-39.1 Authority of board to require information of scholarship applicants.
13-55-40 Scholarship award payments--Amounts.
13-55-41 13-55-41. Repealed by SL 2014, ch 97, § 2.
13-55-41.1 Number of scholarships.
13-55-42 Maintaining eligibility--Criteria--Waiver of criteria--Rescission of award.
13-55-42.1 Alternate award of amount of rescinded scholarship.
13-55-43 Department to support board.
13-55-44 Expenditure authority appropriated to department.
13-55-45 Secretary to approve vouchers and draw warrants.
13-55-46 Department to promulgate rules, criteria.
13-55-47 Jump start scholarship program established.
13-55-48 Eligibility requirements for jump start scholarship program.
13-55-49 Amount of scholarship--Installment payments.
13-55-50 Application for admission to approved institution--Determination of scholarship eligibility--Distribution of funds.
13-55-51 Secretary to transfer appropriated funds for jump start scholarships.
13-55-52 Rejected by referendum.
13-55-62 Teach for America grant program--Duration--Amount of grants.
13-55-63 Annual report to Governor and Legislature on Teach for America grant program.
13-55-64 Critical teaching needs scholarship program--Purpose.
13-55-65 Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship Board.
13-55-66 Basis for critical teaching needs scholarship awards.
13-55-67 Eligible postsecondary institutions.
13-55-68 Critical teaching needs scholarship eligibility criteria.
13-55-69 Grade point average--Written essay or other information.
13-55-70 Amount of critical teaching needs scholarship.
13-55-71 Maintenance of eligibility for critical teaching needs scholarship.
13-55-72 Transferred to § 1-54-21 by SL 2019, ch 235 (Ex. Ord. 19-1), § 31, eff. Apr. 14, 2019.
13-55-73 Transferred to § 1-54-22 by SL 2019, ch 235 (Ex. Ord. 19-1), § 32, eff. Apr. 14, 2019.
13-55-74 Transferred to § 1-54-23 by SL 2019, ch 235 (Ex. Ord. 19-1), § 33, eff. Apr. 14, 2019.
13-55-75 Transferred to § 1-54-24 by SL 2019, ch 235 (Ex. Ord. 19-1), § 34, eff. Apr. 14, 2019.
13-55-76 Transferred to § 1-54-25 by SL 2019, ch 235 (Ex. Ord. 19-1), § 35, eff. Apr. 14, 2019.
13-55-77 Transferred to § 1-54-26 by SL 2019, ch 235 (Ex. Ord. 19-1), § 36, eff. Apr. 14, 2019.
13-55-78 Board of Regents to promulgate rules.
13-55A-1 Finding as to public interest.
13-55A-2 Definitions.
13-55A-3 Students qualified to receive grants.
13-55A-4 Amount of grant.
13-55A-5 Information required to make financial need determination.
13-55A-6 13-55A-6. Repealed by SL 1982, ch 156, § 3
13-55A-7 Grants made annually--Payments--Certification of attendance and academic progress.
13-55A-8 13-55A-8, 13-55A-9. Repealed by SL 1981, ch 159, §§ 9, 10
13-55A-10 Refund to state if student discontinues attendance.
13-55A-11 Executive director to administer program.
13-55A-12 Need-based matching program.
13-55A-12.1 Acceptance and expenditure of state and private funds--Warrants and vouchers.
13-55A-13 Severability of provisions.
13-55A-14 Postsecondary scholarship grant fund created.
13-55A-15 South Dakota freedom scholarship board––Establishment.
13-55A-16 Scholarship--Eligible students.
13-55A-17 Scholarship--Eligible institutions.
Definition of terms.
Advance payment contract--Time limitations of benefits.
Reduction of time limitations of benefits.
Specification of payment options.
Limitation on tuition benefits in excess of resident tuition costs.
Obligations under contract--No guarantee of admission, resident status, or
Nontransferability--Substitution of beneficiary.
Deposits of payments--State fund.
Expenditures from fund--Administration costs and fees.
Schedule for payment to institutions of higher education.
Nonutilization of advance payment contract--Refunds.
Direct payment of costs to beneficiary.
Promulgation of rules.
Eligibility of certain students for memorial education cost equalization grant.
Amount of grant per credit hour.
Reduction of grant.
Action upon receipt of grant.
Promulgation of rules for implementing grant procedure.
Payment of authorized expenditures.
13-56-1 Agreements for implementation of federally insured student loan program authorized.
13-56-2 Administration of past agreements of Board of Regents.
13-56-3 Acceptance of federal and other funds--Administration of federal program.
13-56-4 Power of minor to contract for student loan.
13-56-5 Public credit not pledged for student loan program.
13-56-6 Records, accounting, and reports--Rules and regulations.
13-56-7 Citation of chapter.
13-56-8 Labor and social services departments to supply address and employer of defaulting debtor.
13-56-9 Recipients ineligible for physician tuition reimbursement program.
13-56B-2, 13-56B-3.
13-56B-5, 13-56B-5.1.
13-56B-8, 13-56B-9.
Designation and location--Control by board of regents--Programs of
13-57-2, 13-57-3.
School of medicine created.
Indian studies center recognized--Purposes.
Sectarian religion and partisan politics prohibited in university.
Equipment and instructional facilities for university.
Museum continued within historical society.
13-57-8 to 13-57-10.
13-57-13, 13-57-14.
13-57-16 to 13-57-22.
13-57-24 to 13-57-26.
13-57-27 to 13-57-34.
Name and location--Control by Board of Regents--Programs of instruction.
13-58-2, 13-58-3.
13-58-7 to 13-58-10.
Agricultural experiment station continued--Control by Board of Regents.
Agricultural experiment stations--Assent to federal act--Acceptance of
Animal disease research and diagnostic laboratory established--Supervision
by Board of Regents.
Director of animal disease laboratory--Employment of personnel.
Direction of animal disease research activities--Cooperation with Animal
Industry Board.
Budget for animal disease laboratory--Submission to Board of Regents and
Fees charged for animal diagnostic services--Revolving account.
South Dakota Art Museum.
13-58-20 to 13-58-23.
Sale of real property to fraternal organizations--Reversion.
13-58-26 to 13-58-31. Repealed.
Names, locations, and purposes of schools--Degrees authorized by Board of
Black Hills Indian studies center recognized--Purposes.
Dakota State University at Madison--Purposes--Degree programs.
Dakota State University--Medical records and respiratory therapy programs.
13-59-3 to 13-59-5.
13-59-6 to 13-59-10.
Lake County museum building as state property.
13-59-13 to 13-59-16.
Control of museum building by Board of Regents--Maintenance and
operational costs.
Name and location of school--Control by Board of Regents--Programs of
13-60-2, 13-60-3.
Mining experiment station continued--Control by Board of Regents.
Purpose of mining experiment station.
Assays and tests made at mining experiment station--Charges.
Collection and accounting for fees for assays and tests made at school--Deposit.
Museum of geology and paleontology administered by school--Purpose.
13-61-1 Name and location of school--Control by Board of Regents.
13-61-2 Construction and furnishing of buildings.
13-61-2.1 Expenditure of gifts for campus expansion.
13-61-3 Rules for governance--Superintendent--Administrator.
13-61-4 Name and location of school--Control by Board of Regents--Nonresidents.
13-61-5 Admission of older pupils to school--Nonresident pupils--Charges to nonresidents.
13-61-6 13-61-6. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-61-7 Transportation allowance.
13-61-8 13-61-8. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-61-9 Provision for care of blind or indigent children in other institutions.
13-62-1 South Dakota Services for the Deaf--Location--Purpose.
13-62-2 Personnel--Qualifications.
13-62-3 Administrator--Bond.
13-62-4 Employment and compensation.
13-62-5 Preservation of property.
13-62-6 Assistance--Criteria.
13-62-7 13-62-7, 13-62-8. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-62-9 13-62-9. Repealed by SL 1989, ch 171, § 3
13-62-10 13-62-10. Repealed by SL 1975, ch 128, § 377
13-62-11 Transportation allowance.
13-62-12 Use of moneys and property.
13-62-13 Annual operating period.
13-62-14 Rules--Governance and operation.
13-62-15 Lease of buildings--Conditions.
13-63-1 Definitions.
13-63-2 Powers of South Dakota Investment Council.
13-63-3 Depositories and managers--Bidding by financial institutions--Selection criteria.
13-63-4 Contract with financial institution to serve as program manager.
13-63-5 Duties of program manager.
13-63-6 Term of contract between council and financial institution.
13-63-7 Conditions applicable to nonrenewed contracts.
13-63-8 Termination of contract for good cause--Transfer of accounts.
13-63-9 Program operated through accounts--Requirements to open.
13-63-10 Contributions to accounts.
13-63-11 Withdrawals from account.
13-63-12 Changing designated beneficiary.
13-63-13 Transferring funds to another account--Conditions.
13-63-14 Limitations on changing designated beneficiary and rolling over funds.
13-63-15 13-63-15, 13-63-16. Repealed by SL 2002, ch 94, §§ 8, 9
13-63-17 Accounts to be maintained separately.
13-63-18 No direction of investments--Limited options permitted--Financial institution obligation.
13-63-19 Council to select financial institution in event of transfer of accounts--Exception.
13-63-20 Interest in account not subject to levy, judgment or garnishment--Not deemed asset--Interest not to be used as security--Inclusion as gross asset.
13-63-21 Council to adopt rules to prevent excess contributions.
13-63-21.1 Excess contributions--Processing.
13-63-22 Account distributions to be reported as required by federal law.
13-63-23 Account statements--Contents.
13-63-24 Statements to comply with federal or state tax laws.
13-63-25 Government and non-profit organizations as account owners--Beneficiaries identified after account opened.
13-63-26 Identifying information of account holders and beneficiaries confidential.
13-63-27 Account balance of beneficiary student treated as asset of parent--Exceptions.
13-63-28 Limitations of chapter.
13-63-29 Chapter does not establish guarantees.
13-63-30 Mandated disclaimers.
13-63-31 Annual report by council.
13-63-32 Immunity from liability.
School board may implement school sentinel program.
Approval of law enforcement official required.
School sentinel training course.
School employee right to refuse to carry firearms.
Permit to carry concealed weapon required.
Cause of action against school board.
Referendum petition on school board decision.
Time for filing petition.
Contents of petition.
Requirements for petition.
Election on referendum.
Publication of referred decision.
Ballots on referendum.
Majority vote required--Effective date of approved decision.
Immunity from liability.
Sovereign immunity not waived.
13-65-1 Definitions.
13-65-2 Partners in education tax credit program established.
13-65-3 Limit on tax credits.
13-65-3.1 Tax credits reducing quarterly payments.
13-65-3.2 Tax credits--Maximum allowable.
13-65-3.3 Tax credits--Calculation of maximum allowable.
13-65-4 Requirements for scholarship granting organizations.
13-65-4.1 Participation agreement--Requirements.
13-65-5 Annual financial information reports.
13-65-6 Responsibilities of eligible students and their parents.
13-65-7 Promulgation of rules.
13-65-8 Receipts for contributions--Reporting of each contribution.
13-65-9 Annual report of contributions.
13-65-10 Financial review or audit.
13-65-11 Applicability of chapter.
13-65-12 Regulatory authority over nonpublic schools not expanded.
13-66-1 Jobs for South Dakota's Graduates program--Establishment.
13-66-2 Conduct of program.
13-66-3 Special donation fund--Contributions--Use and disbursements.
13-67-1 Athletic teams and sports--Designation by sex--Participation.
13-67-2 Complaint--Investigation--Harm incurred by athlete.
13-67-3 Harm incurred by institution.
13-67-4 Limitation of actions--Attorney fees.
13-67-5 Lawsuit--Public defense--Costs assumed by state.