5-7-34. Apportionment of receipts from leasing of school, indemnity and endowment lands.
All money received from the leasing of all common school, indemnity, and endowment lands for oil and gas and other mineral or geothermal resources leasing of said lands shall be apportioned as follows:
Fifty percent shall be credited to the permanent school funds and fifty percent thereof into the several interest and income funds in the following proportions, to wit:
Common school 82.02289745
South Dakota State University 4.66838105
University of South Dakota 2.51170245
Educational and charitable .72960665
Department of Corrections, juvenile programs 1.16718575
School for Deaf 1.16728565
School for Blind and Visually Impaired .72952995
South Dakota Developmental Center--Redfield 1.16726135
School of Mines and Technology 1.16728735
Black Hills and Dakota State Universities 3.11243403
Northern State University 1.55642832
Source: SL 1955, ch 53; SL 1985, ch 39, § 3; SL 1989, ch 170, § 1; SL 1989, ch 238, § 4; SL 1998, ch 110, § 3; SL 2002, ch 132, § 3.