01. Definitions And General Provisions
02. Employment Security Divisions
03. Administration And Enforcement
04. The Unemployment Compensation Fund
05. Employers' Contributions And Accounts
05A. Reimbursement Of Benefits In Lieu Of Contributions
06. Reemployment Assistance Benefits
06A. Tribal Unemployment Insurance
07. Claims Administration
61-1-1 Definition of terms.
61-1-2 Department to administer title.
61-1-3 Employing unit defined.
61-1-4 Employer defined.
61-1-5 Successor employers subject to coverage.
61-1-5.1 Combined payrolls of predecessor and successor qualifying for coverage.
61-1-6 Employer subject to coverage by addition of another employing unit.
61-1-7 Extension of coverage to employment taxed under federal law.
61-1-8 Required coverage continues until terminated by law.
61-1-9 Elective coverage continues for period of election.
61-1-10 Employment defined.
61-1-10.1 Transferred to §§ 61-1-12, 61-1-13 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-1-10.3 Transferred to § 61-1-15 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-1-10.4 Transferred to § 61-1-36 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-1-10.5 Transferred to § 61-1-20 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-1-10.6 Transferred to §§ 61-1-22 to 61-1-25 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59. =
61-1-10.10 Repealed by SL 1990, ch 415, § 3.
61-1-10.11 Repealed by SL 1991, ch 414, § 1.
61-1-11 Employee and independent contractor distinguished.
61-1-12 Agent-drivers, commission-drivers, and salesmen included.
61-1-13 Employment by state or instrumentalities included.
61-1-14 Unemployment compensation funds for political subdivisions permitted--Expenditures from fund.
61-1-15 Employment by religious, charitable, educational, or other organization included.
61-1-16 Repealed by SL 1977, ch 420, § 38.
61-1-16.1 Transferred to § 61-1-14 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-1-17 Agricultural labor included--Criteria.
61-1-18 Services included within agricultural labor.
61-1-18.1 Transferred to § 61-1-33 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-1-19 Certain domestic service included.
61-1-20 Foreign service for employer with principal place of business in state included.
61-1-21 Repealed by SL 1989, ch 446.
61-1-22 Foreign service for employer resident in state included.
61-1-23 Elective coverage of foreign service.
61-1-24 American employer defined.
61-1-25 Crew members of American vessels included.
61-1-26 Service within and without state included--Base of operations or residence as basis for coverage.
61-1-27 Service considered within state--Services in more than one state.
61-1-28 Services within state not covered by any other compensation law.
61-1-29 Repealed by SL 1971, ch 276, § 93.
61-1-30 Service outside state controlled from within state.
61-1-31 Federal employment exempt--Payments permitted by Congress--Refund when state not certified.
61-1-31.1 Transferred to § 61-1-47 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-1-32 Employment exempt when covered by federal compensation law--Agreements for reciprocal treatment.
61-1-33 Employment exempt under Federal Unemployment Tax Act.
61-1-34 Foreign government service exempt.
61-1-35 Instrumentalities of foreign governments exempt.
61-1-36 Exempt employment by churches, institutions and state.
61-1-37 Incidental and student employment by educational institutions and nonprofit organizations exempt.
61-1-38 Student nurses, interns, and hospital patients exempt.
61-1-39 Newspaper delivery by minors exempt.
61-1-40 61-1-40. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 277, § 37.
61-1-41 Insurance agents and solicitors exempt.
61-1-42 61-1-42, 61-1-43. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 277, §§ 39, 40.
61-1-44 Employment by close relative exempt.
61-1-45 Coverage determined by nature of employment for major part of pay period.
61-1-46 Wages defined--Maximum annual wages subject to coverage.
61-1-47 National Guard weekend training payments not deemed wages.
61-1-48 Employer's contributions to certain plans not deemed wages.
61-1-49 Social security tax payments not deemed wages.
61-1-50 Dismissal payments not deemed wages.
61-1-51 Week of unemployment defined.
61-1-52 Registration at employment office required to commence week of unemployment.
61-1-53 Rules covering temporary or partial employment.
61-1-54 Rules covering seasonal employment.
61-1-55 Title inoperative if federal tax inoperative--Disposition of unobligated funds.
61-2-1 Superseded.
61-2-1.1 Department abolished--Performance of functions.
61-2-2 Superseded.
61-2-5 Repealed by SL 1973, ch 305, § 2.
61-2-6 Repealed by SL 1969, ch 218, § 2.
61-2-7 Repealed by SL 1988, ch 412.
61-2-7.1 Reemployment assistance advisory council--Composition and appointment--Functions--Meetings--Reports.
61-2-7.2 Direction and supervision by Department of Labor and Regulation--Independent functions retained by councils.
61-2-8 Meetings and functions of advisory council.
61-2-9 Repealed by SL 1971, ch 23, § 2.
61-2-10 61-2-10 to 61-2-11. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 277, §§ 41 to 43.
61-2-12 Superseded.
61-2-13 Political activity of employees--Prohibited and permitted activity.
61-2-14 Superseded.
61-2-15 Repealed
61-2-15.1 Repealed
61-2-15.2 Repealed
61-2-15.3 Repealed
61-2-15.4 Repealed
61-2-15.5 Repealed
61-2-15.6 Repealed
61-2-16 Administration of title by secretary--General powers.
61-2-17 61-2-17. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 277, § 45.
61-2-18 Recommendations to Governor and Legislature.
61-2-19 Representation of state to congressional delegation--Cooperation with agencies of other states.
61-2-20 Repealed by SL 1982, ch 16, § 44.
General purposes of departmental programs--Assistance, investigations, and research.
Work record maintained by employing unit--Inspection by department.
Report required of employers by secretary.
Information confidential--Use by claimant at hearing--Violation as misdemeanor.
Reports and communications privileged in actions for defamation.
Preservation and destruction of departmental records.
Powers of departmental personnel in conduct of investigations and hearings.
Disobedience of subpoena not excused by privilege against self-incrimination--Immunity from prosecution after claim of privilege.
Disobedience of departmental subpoena--Misdemeanor--Separate offenses.
Judicial enforcement of departmental subpoena--Disobedience as contempt.
61-3-11, 61-3-12. Repealed.
Availability of laws, rules, and reports.
Criminal prosecutions by attorney general or state's attorney.
Representation of department in civil actions.
Promulgation of rules to secure federal benefits.
Arrangements with other states for coordinated administration of benefits.
Agreements with federal government and other states for coordinated collection of
Cooperation and compliance with federal requirements--Reports and information.
Records made available to railroad retirement board.
Information furnished to federal public works agencies.
Employment security administration fund created--Moneys paid into fund--Purposes
for which used.
Separate administration and accounting for administration fund--Security provided
by depository.
Administration fund covered by state treasurer's bond--Deposit of recoveries on
State obligation to replace federal contributions expended in unauthorized manner.
Employment security contingency fund established--Interest, penalty, and fine
payments paid into fund--Restrictions on expenditures--Use of fund.
Refunds of interest, penalties, and fines paid from employment security contingency
Expenditures and refunds from employment security contingency fund--Deposit,
administration, and disbursement of fund.
Transfer of contingency fund balance to unemployment compensation fund.
Fund created--General purpose.
Contributions, receipts, and earnings constituting fund.
Secretary to administer fund--Liability on bond.
Separate accounts within fund.
Receipts deposited in clearing account--Refunds from clearing account--Deposits to
trust fund held by secretary of treasury.
Requisitions on trust fund for payment of benefits and refunds.
Deposit of requisitioned moneys in benefit and clearing accounts--Payment of
benefits and refunds.
Disposition of unexpended balance of requisitioned moneys.
Source of moneys in benefit account.
Depository for clearing and benefit accounts.
Reversion of unclaimed checks and warrants.
Provisions relating to trust fund dependent on separate accounting by secretary of
Transfer to secretary on termination of trust fund or separate accounting.
Investment of trust fund moneys transferred to secretary.
61-5-1 Employer subject to title for entire year.
61-5-2 Repealed by SL 1971, ch 276, § 93.
61-5-3 Elective coverage of employer--Minimum period of coverage--Notice of termination.
61-5-4 Elective coverage of distinct place of business--Minimum period of coverage--Notice of termination.
61-5-5 Termination of elective coverage on notice by secretary.
61-5-5.1 Transferred to § 61-5-32 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-5-6 61-5-6 to 61-5-9. Repealed by SL 1977, ch 420, § 38.
61-5-10 Repealed by SL 1973, ch 306, § 4.
61-5-11 Termination of coverage on application by employer no longer subject to title.
61-5-12 Repealed by SL 1977, ch 420, § 38.
61-5-13 Repealed by SL 1973, ch 306, § 4.
61-5-14 Repealed by SL 1977, ch 420, § 38.
61-5-15 Termination of coverage on transfer of account to successor in business.
61-5-16 61-5-16. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 277, § 75.
61-5-17 Termination of coverage on employer's cessation of business.
61-5-18 Provisions governing employers' contributions.
61-5-18.1 Temporary and obsolete.
61-5-18.5 Repealed by SL 1993, ch 377, §§ 4 to 9.
61-5-18.11 61-5-18.11 to 61-5-18.13. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 277, §§ 78 to 80.
61-5-18.14 Repealed by SL 2012, ch 252, § 56.
61-5-18.15 Transferred to § 61-5-25.1 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-5-18.16 Transferred to § 61-5-31 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-5-18.17 Transferred to § 61-5-25.2 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-5-19 Repealed by SL 1984, ch 334, § 3.
61-5-19.1 61-5-19.1. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 277, § 81.
61-5-20 Repealed by SL 1971, ch 276, § 93.
61-5-20.1 Repealed by SL 1984, ch 334, § 4.
61-5-20.2 Transferred to § 61-5-24 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-5-20.3 Transferred to §§ 61-5-26 to 61-5-26.4 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-5-21 Transferred to § 61-5-27 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-5-22 Repealed by SL 1984, ch 335, § 1.
61-5-23 Rules establishing method of computing employers' contributions.
61-5-23.1 Repealed by SL 1971, ch 276, § 93.
61-5-23.2 61-5-23.2. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 277, § 86.
61-5-24 Initial contribution rates for employers--Employer classification--Experience rating.
61-5-24.1 Transferred to §§ 61-5-29, 61-5-29.1 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-5-25 Employer's contribution rates--Rate schedule based on average high cost multiplier ratio.
61-5-25.1 Employer's reserve ratio for 2007 through 2009.
61-5-25.2 Employer's contribution rates for 2010 through 2014.
61-5-25.3 Employer's reserve ratio--Contribution rates for 2015 through 2017.
61-5-25.4 Employer's reserve ratio--Contribution rates for 2018 through 2019.
61-5-25.5 Employer's reserve ratio--Contribution rates for 2020 through 2023.
61-5-25.6 Employer's reserve ratio--Contribution rates for 2024 and thereafter.
61-5-26 61-5-26 to 61-5-26.4. Repealed by SL 2015, ch 259, §§ 4 to 8.
61-5-27 Reduced rate refused for delinquencies.
61-5-28 Increase in all employers' rate on reduction of amount in the unemployment compensation fund--Application and duration of rate--Amount payable.
61-5-28.1 Administrative fee.
61-5-29 Investment fee--Promulgation of rules.
61-5-29.1 Employer's investment in South Dakota's future fund--Purposes.
61-5-29.2 Transferred to § 61-5-41 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-5-29.3 Employer's investment in South Dakota's future fund--Reporting requirements.
61-5-30 61-5-30. Repealed by SL 2005, ch 280, § 3.
61-5-31 Interest on negative balance in employer's experience rating account.
61-5-32 Contributions by nonprofit organizations or political subdivisions--Direct payment of benefits in lieu of contributions.
61-5-32.1 Transferred to §§ 61-5-46 to 61-5-50 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-5-33 Rights of appeal under political subdivision coverage.
61-5-33.1 Transferred to § 61-5-51 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-5-33.2 Transferred to § 61-5-43 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-5-33.3 Transferred to § 61-5-52 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-5-34 Voluntary additional contributions credited to employer's account.
61-5-35 Contributions paid in accordance with rules.
61-5-36 Deduction of contributions from wages prohibited.
61-5-37 Contributions credited to experience-rating accounts.
61-5-38 Benefits charged against accounts--Allocation among successive employers in base period.
61-5-38.1 Repealed by SL 1983, ch 383, § 1.
61-5-39 Benefits charged against experience-rating accounts--Events for which account not chargeable--Erroneous payments.
61-5-40 Charges to experience-rating accounts not applicable to employers reimbursing benefits.
61-5-41 Proration among all employer experience-rating accounts of benefits paid but not charged to employer's experience-rating account.
61-5-42 Succession to experience-rating account on acquisition of business by another--Federal standards to be met.
61-5-43 Circumstance warranting return of experience-rating accounts to sellers.
61-5-44 New experience-rating account established after five years without coverage--Prior balances not considered--Exception.
61-5-45 Experience-rating account continued during employer's military service--Reestablishment on resumption of business.
61-5-46 Mandatory transfer of experience-rating account on transfer of business to another--Rate recalculation--Exception.
61-5-47 Knowing violation or attempted violation of § 61-5-46 related to determining contribution rate assignment as misdemeanor--Additional penalties.
61-5-48 Rules to implement application of § 61-5-46.
61-5-49 Definitions applicable to §§ 61-5-46 to 61-5-48.
61-5-50 Interpretation and application of §§ 61-5-46 to 61-5-49 to meet federal standards.
61-5-51 Waiver of mandatory transfer of experience-rating account--Conditions.
61-5-52 Procedures to identify transfer or acquisition of business.
61-5-53 Pooled fund maintained by department--Moneys credited.
61-5-54 Violation by employer to reduce benefits or contributions as misdemeanor--Separate offenses.
61-5-55 Employee's agreement to pay employer's contributions void-- Deduction from wages prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.
61-5-56 Adjustment and refund of erroneous contributions.
61-5-57 Interest on delinquent contributions.
61-5-58 Penalty for failure to timely pay contributions or submit reports.
61-5-59 Delinquent contributions as lien on employer's property--Attachment and continuation of lien.
61-5-60 Notice of lien filed with register of deeds.
61-5-61 Book maintained by register of deeds--Contents of lien entry--Endorsement and recording of notice--Exemption from fees.
61-5-62 Distress warrant for collection of contributions--Sale of property and disposition of proceeds--Sheriff's compensation.
61-5-63 Return of uncollectible distress warrant.
61-5-64 Liability of county officer for failure to issue or execute distress warrant.
61-5-65 Satisfaction of lien recorded on payment of contributions.
61-5-66 Civil action for collection of contributions--Preference on court calendar.
61-5-67 Action in South Dakota for contributions to other states--Reciprocity.
61-5-68 Priority of contribution claims in state insolvency proceedings.
61-5-69 Priority of contribution claims in bankruptcy proceedings.
61-5-70 Cancellation of uncollectible unemployment insurance contributions.
Reimbursement by state of benefits paid--Share of extended benefits.
Periodic billing of benefit costs to state--Amount.
61-5A-3, 61-5A-4. Repealed.
Election of political subdivision to make payments in lieu of contributions--Notice
of election.
Election of political subdivisions becoming subject to title.
Election by nonprofit organization to make payments in lieu of contributions--Minimum period of election.
Election by newly covered nonprofit organization--Time and minimum period of
Continuation of nonprofit organization's or political subdivision's election until
Change by nonprofit organization or political subdivision from contribution to
reimbursement of benefits--Minimum period of election.
Nonprofit organization not liable for reimbursed benefits paid to individuals with
previously uncovered service.
Extension of time for election or termination--Retroactive election.
Notice of department's determinations as to status of nonprofit organization or
political subdivision--Reconsideration, appeal, and review.
Surety bond required of organization paying in lieu of contributions.
Amount of surety bond.
Duration of surety bond--Renewal.
Adjustments in surety bond.
Liability of surety on bond on failure of organization to pay.
Termination of election to make payments in lieu of contributions on failure to file
bond--Extension of time for filing or adjustment.
Amount of payments required in lieu of contributions.
Apportionment of benefits chargeable between employers making contributions and
employers making payments in lieu of contributions.
Apportionment of benefits chargeable between employers making payments in lieu
of contributions.
Group account for employers making payments in lieu of contributions--Duration and
Apportionment among group members of payments in lieu of contributions.
Rules governing group accounts.
Balance in previous experience-rating account used for benefits chargeable to
employer making payments in lieu of contributions.
Method of making payments in lieu of contributions.
Periodic billing of organization, subdivision, or group making payments in lieu of
Request for permission to make payment in lieu of contributions on basis of
percentage of payroll.
Periodic billing for payments in lieu of contributions based on payroll--Percentages
Annual adjustment of payroll percentages to minimize excess or insufficient
61-5A-30 Redetermination of amount of payments billed to organization.
61-5A-31 Time of payment of bill for payments in lieu of contributions.
61-5A-32 Annual adjustment of payments in lieu of contributions--Payment of deficiency--Refund or retention of excess.
61-5A-33 Interest and penalties on past due payments in lieu of contributions.
61-5A-34 Payments in lieu of contributions not to be deducted from wages.
61-6-1 Requirements for eligibility for benefits during week.
61-6-1.1 Repealed by SL 1991, ch 414, § 2.
61-6-1.2 Transferred to §§ 61-6-24, 61-6-25 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-1.4 Transferred to § 61-6-30 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-1.5 Transferred to § 61-6-34 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-1.6 Transferred to § 61-6-26 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-1.7 Transferred to § 61-6-28 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-1.8 Repealed by SL 1990, ch 415, § 4.
61-6-1.9 Transferred to § 61-6-33 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-1.10 Transferred to § 61-6-13 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-2 Computation of weekly benefit amount.
61-6-3 Repealed by SL 1993, § 10.
61-6-4 Minimum base period and highest quarter wages required for benefits.
61-6-5 Benefits payable for each week of unemployment--Reduction for wages earned or received during week.
61-6-6 Eligibility requirements for waiting period.
61-6-7 Wages for insured work.
61-6-8 Maximum benefit amount based on base period wages--Trade readjustment payments.
61-6-9 Voluntary separation without good cause--Additional claims during benefit year--Trade readjustment payments.
61-6-9.1 Good cause for voluntarily leaving employment restricted to certain situations.
61-6-10 Repealed by SL 1971, ch 276, § 93.
61-6-11 Repealed by SL 1983, ch 22, § 13.
61-6-12 Repealed by SL 1993, ch 377, § 11.
61-6-13 Benefits denied to persons employed while incarcerated--Reemployment.
61-6-13.1 Transferred to § 61-6-9.1 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-14 Separation for misconduct--Additional claims during benefit year.
61-6-14.1 Misconduct defined.
61-6-15 Benefits not payable for unemployment due to labor dispute--Exceptions.
61-6-15.1 Transferred to § 61-6-21 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-15.2 Transferred to § 61-6-20 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-15.3 Transferred to §§ 61-6-22, 61-6-23 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-16 Failure to seek or accept suitable employment.
61-6-17 Factors considered in determining suitability of offered employment.
61-6-18 Repealed by SL 1979, ch 348, §§ 7, 8.
61-6-19 Work deemed unsuitable due to labor dispute, unfavorable working conditions, or requirement as to union membership.
61-6-20 Student may not receive benefits.
61-6-21 Benefits payable to individual in approved training program--Rules establishing conditions for approval of training.
61-6-22 61-6-22. Repealed by SL 2014, ch 250, §§ 1, 2, eff. Feb. 1, 2015.
61-6-23 Benefits for individuals seeking only part-time work.
61-6-23.1 Transferred to § 61-6-42 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-23.2 Transferred to § 61-6-45 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-23.3 Transferred to §§ 61-6-43, 61-6-44 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-24 Benefits based on employment by state or instrumentalities or by religious, charitable, or educational organization--Exception.
61-6-24.1 Transferred to § 61-6-40 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-25 Benefits not paid employees of educational institutions for services between successive academic years--Grounds for retroactive payments.
61-6-26 Benefits not paid for established vacation period or holiday recess preceded and followed by insured work.
61-6-27 61-6-27. Repealed by SL 2008, ch 277, § 134.
61-6-28 Application of provisions as to periods between academic years, sabbatical leaves, and vacation and holiday periods to certain employment.
61-6-29 Employee working for an employer under contract with a public or private school.
61-6-30 Benefits not paid for participation in sports or athletic events between successive seasons.
61-6-31 Repealed by SL 1982, ch 369, §§ 1, 2.
61-6-33 Federal school employees not disqualified.
61-6-34 Benefits not paid to aliens--Exceptions--Determination of alien status.
61-6-35 Benefits not payable for week in which other compensation received.
61-6-36 Benefits prohibited in more than one benefit year as the result of one separation from work.
61-6-37 Benefits not payable when benefits sought under other unemployment compensation law--Determination of ineligibility under other law.
61-6-38 Misrepresentation to increase benefits unlawful.
61-6-38.1 Transferred to §§ 61-6-57 to 61-6-59 by SL 2012, ch 252, § 59.
61-6-39 Denial of benefits from discovery of misrepresentation--Penalties.
61-6-40 Obtaining or attempting to obtain benefits by misrepresentation as misdemeanor or felony--Aggregation of benefits obtained to determine degree of offense.
61-6-41 Deduction or repayment of overpayments.
61-6-42 Waiver of right to recover overpayment.
61-6-43 Collection or deduction of overpayments by another state.
61-6-44 Interest on benefit not repaid--Interest paid into employment security contingency fund.
61-6-45 Cancellation of uncollectible overpayments.
61-6-46 Benefits restricted to amount in the unemployment compensation fund.
61-6-47 Waiver of rights and benefits prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.
61-6-48 Assignment of benefits void--Exemption from process--Waiver of exemption void--Information furnished to Department of Social Services--Disclosure of obligations by applicant--Deductions--Reimbursement of costs.
61-6-49 Extended benefits--Definition of terms.
61-6-50 Computation of unemployment rate to follow federal regulations.
61-6-51 Determination of state "on" indicator.
61-6-52 Determination of state "off" indicator.
61-6-53 Minimum period between extended benefit periods.
61-6-54 Public announcement of commencement or termination of extended benefit period.
61-6-55 Extended benefits limited to exhaustees--Eligibility for regular benefits.
61-6-56 Exhaustee defined.
61-6-57 Qualification for extended benefits despite receipt of more payments after appeal--Seasonal workers--Disqualified applicants for regular benefits.
61-6-58 Qualification for extended benefits on termination of regular benefit year.
61-6-59 Applicable benefit year defined.
61-6-60 Amount of weekly extended benefit--Reduction.
61-6-61 Maximum extended benefits payable in year--Reduction of total extended benefit amount.
61-6-62 Extended benefits not chargeable to employer.
61-6-63 Claims for and payment of extended benefits.
61-6-64 Administration of extended benefits to conform to federal requirements.
61-6-65 Interstate claims--Eligibility for extended benefits.
61-6-66 Disqualification for extended benefits on failure to seek or accept suitable work--Exception.
61-6-67 Voluntary withholding of federal income tax from benefit payments.
61-6-68 Eligibility verification--Information sharing.
Employer, tribal unit defined.
Employment defined.
Service-based benefits--Exceptions.
Tribal contributions--Exception.
Payments in lieu of contributions.
Billing for payments.
Liability for payments--Bond or deposit required.
Failure to make payment--Loss of option.
Reinstatement of option.
Exception from definition of employer.
Reinstatement as employer.
Notice of payment or report of delinquency--Contents.
Extended benefits to be financed by tribe.
Failure to make payments--Notification of Internal Revenue Service and Department
of Labor.
Rules for filing of claims--Posting by employers--Statement furnished at time of
Determination of claim by benefit section--Reference to appeal referee or secretary.
Notice to claimant and employers of decision by benefit section--Contents of notice.
Adjusted determination by benefit section.
Initial determination final unless appealed--Payment of benefits in accordance with
determination being appealed.
Appointment of appeals referees--Interest in proceedings prohibited.
Transfer of appeal before referee.
Rules for hearings and appeals.
Witness fees--Expense of proceedings as administration expense.
Decision by appeal referee--Notice to parties--Final unless appealed.
Payment of benefits in accordance with determination being appealed--Effect of
modification or reversal.
Action by secretary on own motion or appeal--Notice to parties--Final decision of
Department as party to judicial action--Representation of department in appeal.
Appeal of department's final decision--No bond required.
61-7-15 to 61-7-20. Repealed.
Fees not chargeable to claimant--Violation as misdemeanor.
Claimant's right to counsel--Maximum attorney fee--Employer's representation--Department's representation.
Findings, conclusions, and decisions not admissible as evidence in separate or
subsequent actions or proceedings.