Definition of terms.
Commissioners to adopt annual budget.
Auditor's annual report of transactions for previous fiscal year.
Filing and examination of auditor's report.
Preparation and filing of provisional budget.
Contents of provisional budget.
Line item for contingencies included in annual budget--Amount and source.
Publication of notice of commissioners' budget meeting.
Publication of text of provisional budget.
Commissioners' meeting for consideration of budget--Hearing of interested persons.
Amendment and correction of provisional budget by commissioners.
Maximum expenditures authorized in final budget.
Resolution adopting provisional budget--Publication of adopted budget.
Signing, attestation, and filing of final budget.
Trust imposed by adoption of budget.
Submission of budgets and tax levies to secretary of revenue.
Debts and liabilities exceeding maximum tax levy prohibited.
Counties authorized to enter lease-purchase agreement to lease real or personal
property--Longer agreements for jails and juvenile detention facilities.
County authorized to issue promissory notes.
Borrowing limit.
Reduction of borrowing limit for outstanding warrants or promissory notes.
Interest rate--Signatures.
Notes not paid in full within term.
Contracts exceeding maximum tax levy void--Personal liability of consenting
officers--Dissent to be recorded.
Computation of amount to be raised by property tax.
Unassigned general fund balance limitation.
Annual tax levy on property--Limitation on levies to be observed.
Appropriations to be within budget--Additions to budget prohibited.
State and federal grants expended without budget--Publication.
Supplemental budget for unanticipated disaster.
Supplemental budget to meet statutory obligations and indispensable functions of
government--Notice and hearing.
Procedural requirements for supplemental budgets.
Notice to county agencies of budget amounts.
Debts and liabilities exceeding appropriated amounts prohibited.
Excessive debts, liabilities, and payments void.
Personal liability of officers and employees creating or paying debts exceeding
appropriated amounts.
Liability for damages of officers and employees incurring debts exceeding
appropriated amounts.
Proration of appropriations covering more than one year.
Constructive knowledge of county financial condition and limitations.
7-21-31, 7-21-32. Repealed.
Reimbursements from any budget activity added to the activity from which it was
Transfer of appropriation for contingencies.
Uncollected taxes not considered asset in computing debt limitation.
Borrowing from county funds against anticipated tax collections--Restoration of
moneys borrowed.
Annual determination of delinquent real estate taxes.
Annual determination of warrants, claims and liabilities outstanding.
Certificates of indebtedness against delinquent taxes for payment of outstanding
warrants, claims, and liabilities.
Form of certificates of indebtedness against delinquent tax fund.
Sale or exchange of delinquent tax certificates of indebtedness.
Proceeds of certificates of indebtedness--Use to pay outstanding warrants, claims and
Resolution creating delinquent tax fund--Tax collections paid into fund.
Redemption of certificates of indebtedness from delinquent tax fund.
Apportionment of unused balance in delinquent tax fund.
Unused appropriations terminated at end of year--Consideration in next budget.
Unused contingency funds terminated at end of year.
Resolution to encumber unexpended appropriations--Contents--Listing kept by
Payment of claims against previous year's appropriation--Registration of warrants not
Transfer of surplus moneys in county funds--Outstanding warrants and obligations
to be provided for.
Transfer of unused balance of special funds.
Accumulation of funds for capital outlay purposes.
Authority to create depreciation reserve for capital acquisitions.
7-21-1. Definition of terms.
Terms used in this title, unless the context otherwise plainly requires, are defined as follows:
(1) "Institutions and agencies," when used in connection with a county, all subdivisions and departments of a county which are under the supervision or control of the board of county commissioners;
(2) "Fiscal year," the twelve months period ending on the thirty-first day of December, each year;
(3) "Current fiscal year," the then existing fiscal year;
(4) "Next fiscal year" or "following fiscal year," the fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the budget is adopted and levies made.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 2; SDC 1939, § 12.2001.
7-21-2. Commissioners to adopt annual budget.
It shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of each and every county to prepare and adopt an annual budget of all of the contemplated expenditures and revenues of the county and all of its institutions and agencies for each fiscal year, save and except so much of such contemplated expenditures as are for the making or maintenance of special improvements.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 4; SDC 1939, § 12.2002.
7-21-3. Auditor's annual report of transactions for previous fiscal year.
Not later than the first day in June in each year, the county auditor must make and present to the board for its use at the meeting thereof to be held in July for consideration of the annual budget for the following fiscal year a report showing:
(1) The amount of all budget appropriations for each purpose and object and for each item thereof, for each office, board, bureau, department, institution, and agency for the fiscal year immediately preceding, and showing the total amount of such appropriations payable out of each particular fund;
(2) The total amount expended by, through, or for each office, board, bureau, department, institution, and agency, and for each purpose and object and each item thereof, during the whole of the fiscal year immediately preceding, and showing the amount of such expenditures paid out of each particular fund;
(3) An estimate of the amount of all claims and demands on account of liabilities incurred or created during the fiscal year immediately preceding in payment for which no warrants, certificates, or orders have been issued, such estimate showing the amount of such claims and demands payable out of each particular fund;
(4) The balance unpaid on each contract payable out of any budget appropriation for the fiscal year immediately preceding;
(5) The amount of surplus, if any, in the appropriation for each office, board, bureau, department, institution, and agency, and in the appropriation for each purpose and object and such item thereof, for the fiscal year immediately preceding, at the close of such fiscal year, after deducting therefrom the estimated amount of unpaid claims and demands and all balances on contracts payable out of such appropriations;
(6) The balance in money, if any, in each fund at the close of the fiscal year immediately preceding;
(7) The total amount of all revenues received by, paid into, or deposited to the credit of each particular fund of the county and its institutions and agencies during the fiscal year immediately preceding, proper deductions and additions being made for all transfers made from one fund to another during such fiscal year.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 13; SDC 1939, § 12.2011.
7-21-4. Filing and examination of auditor's report.
All reports made by the county auditor under § 7-21-3, after being examined by the board, shall be filed in the office of the county auditor and shall be subject to inspection and examination by all interested persons during all office hours of such county auditor.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 13; SDC 1939, § 12.2011.
7-21-5. Preparation and filing of provisional budget.
From the estimates of revenues and expenditures made as provided for in § 7-21-3, and from such other information as may be required and obtained by the board of county commissioners, the board of each county must, between the fifteenth and thirtieth days of July in each year, make, prepare, and file in the office of the county auditor a provisional budget, for the following fiscal year.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 5; SDC 1939, § 12.2003; SL 1993, ch 86, § 34.
7-21-6. Contents of provisional budget.
The provisional budget required by § 7-21-5 shall contain:
(1) A detailed statement of the amount of revenues likely to be received from each and every source during the following fiscal year, the amount of revenue received from each and every source during the current fiscal year, and the estimated unexpended balance of money remaining in each fund at the close of the current fiscal year, together with an estimate of all debts and liabilities incurred or created during such fiscal year, and payable out of each of such funds, but remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year;
(2) The respective amounts proposed to be appropriated for expenditures for county purposes or its officers or departments or agencies thereof, during the following fiscal year.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 5; SDC 1939, § 12.2003.
7-21-6.1. Line item for contingencies included in annual budget--Amount and source.
In preparing the provisional budget as provided by § 7-21-6 the board of county commissioners may include in the budget a line item for contingencies. The line item shall be included in the annual budget adopted pursuant to § 7-21-12 and shall not exceed five percent of the total county budget. The amount to be budgeted for the contingency shall be included in the appropriation for the county commissioners out of general fund revenues.
Source: SL 1974, ch 66, §§ 1, 2.
7-21-8. Publication of notice of commissioners' budget meeting.
After the provisional budget has been filed in the office of the county auditor, the board of county commissioners shall publish a notice once a week for two successive weeks in the official newspapers of the county. The last notice shall be published before the first Tuesday in September, and the notice shall state where and when the board will meet. The board shall meet on the first Tuesday in September for the purpose of considering the budget and the various estimates, items, schedules, amounts, appropriations, and matters contained in the provisional budget. If the board meets prior to the first Tuesday in September for such purpose, the board shall designate certain days in the minutes of the board and the notice. However, the board shall also hold the hearing required on the first Tuesday in September. It shall also be stated in the notice that at any meeting of the board held for the purpose of considering the budget, any interested person may appear, either in person or by representative, and be heard and given an opportunity for a full and complete discussion of all the purposes, objects, items, schedules, appropriations, amounts, estimates, and matters set forth and contained in the provisional budget.
Source: SDC 1939, § 12.2004; SL 1951, ch 29, § 1; SL 1972, ch 43, § 2; SL 2001, ch 39, § 1.
7-21-8.1. Publication of text of provisional budget.
With the first notice published pursuant to § 7-21-8, the text of the provisional budget shall also be published. The text shall include each major revenue source and expenditure classified by function, subfunction and activity as defined by the auditor general.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 6; SDC 1939, § 12.2004; SL 1951, ch 29, § 1; SDCL, § 7-21-8; SL 1972, ch 43, § 3; SL 1984, ch 49, § 1.
7-21-9. Commissioners' meeting for consideration of budget--Hearing of interested persons.
At the time and place designated in the notice required by § 7-21-8, the board shall meet for the purpose of considering the provisional budget. The board may adjourn from day to day for further consideration. The board's minutes shall include the day and hour to which each meeting is adjourned. At such meetings any person interested in the provisional budget may appear, either in person or by representative, and shall be permitted to fully discuss the provisional budget and all of the purposes, objects, items, schedules, appropriations, amounts, estimates, and matters contained in the provisional budget. All consideration and hearings on the provisional budget shall be fully concluded by October first of each year.
Source: SDC 1939, § 12.2005; SL 1994, ch 66, § 1; SL 2001, ch 39, § 2.
7-21-10. Amendment and correction of provisional budget by commissioners.
At any meeting held pursuant to § 7-21-9 and during the consideration of the provisional budget by the board, the board may eliminate, amend, correct, change, or alter any of the purposes, objects, items, schedules, appropriations, amounts, estimates, or matters contained in the provisional budget in such manner as the board may deem necessary and proper. All such amendments, eliminations, corrections, changes, alterations, insertions, and additions shall be made before the final approval and adoption of the budget by the board before October first of each year. All amendments, corrections, changes, alterations, eliminations, insertions, and additions made in or to the provisional budget shall be noted on the provisional budget and shall be entered at length in the minutes of the board.
Source: SDC 1939, § 12.2006; SL 1951, ch 29, § 2; SL 1994, ch 66, § 2.
7-21-11. Maximum expenditures authorized in final budget.
After all amendments, corrections, changes, alterations, eliminations, insertions, and additions have been made in and to said provisional budget, and when the same is approved and adopted as the annual budget for the next fiscal year, the aggregate of all amounts appropriated therein and to be paid out of each fund must not exceed ninety-five per centum of the amount of all estimated revenues to be received by such fund from all sources during the next fiscal year with the unexpended balance in money remaining in such fund at the close of the current fiscal year in so far as can be estimated.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 8; SDC 1939, § 12.2006; SL 1951, ch 29, § 2.
7-21-12. Resolution adopting provisional budget--Publication of adopted budget.
The board of county commissioners shall, before October first in each fiscal year, before finally determining or fixing any of the tax levies for the following fiscal year and after all amendments, corrections, changes, alterations, eliminations, insertions, and additions have been made to the provisional budget, pass and adopt a resolution approving and adopting the provisional budget as the annual budget of appropriations and expenditures for the county, its institutions and agencies for the following fiscal year. The resolution may not thereafter be subject to reconsideration or revision. No amendments, corrections, changes, alterations, insertions, or additions may thereafter be made to the annual budget. Any changes in the provisional budget incorporated into the adopted annual budget shall be published in the minutes of the meeting at which the provisional budget is adopted as the annual budget.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 9; SDC 1939, § 12.2007; SL 1951, ch 29, § 3; SL 1972, ch 43, § 4; SL 1984, ch 49, § 2; SL 1993, ch 86, § 35.
7-21-13. Signing, attestation, and filing of final budget.
The resolution together with the budget as approved and adopted shall be signed by the members of the board, attested by the county auditor and filed in the office of the county auditor, and such budget, after approval and adoption, shall be known as the "annual budget for the fiscal year, beginning January 1st, 20____, and ending December 31st, 20____."
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 9; SDC 1939, § 12.2007; SL 1951, ch 29, § 3; SL 1984, ch 49, § 4.
7-21-14. Trust imposed by adoption of budget.
The adoption of such annual budget shall impose a trust upon the separate amounts therein set forth and contained and appropriated for the specific uses, purposes, objects, and items therein named.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 9; SDC 1939, § 12.2007; SL 1951, ch 29, § 3.
7-21-15. Submission of budgets and tax levies to secretary of revenue.
The county auditor shall submit a copy of the annual budget as adopted, to the secretary of revenue together with a report of the annual levies, before the taxes are extended on the tax lists of the county.
Source: SDC 1939, § 12.2007 as added by SL 1951, ch 29, § 3; SL 1974, ch 66, § 3; SL 1996, ch 56.
7-21-16. Debts and liabilities exceeding maximum tax levy prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for the officers of any county, unless specially and expressly authorized by law, to contract any debt or incur any pecuniary liability, unless both the principal and annual interest thereof, in addition to other necessary disbursements, can be paid by the levy for the current year on the taxable property within the county at not exceeding the maximum rate prescribed by law; or in case such levy for the current year has been made, then by levy for the next subsequent year at not exceeding such maximum rate.
Source: SL 1897, ch 28, § 140; RPolC 1903, § 2243; RC 1919, § 6957; SDC 1939, § 12.1901.
7-21-16.1. Counties authorized to enter lease-purchase agreement to lease real or personal property--Longer agreements for jails and juvenile detention facilities.
The provisions of § 7-21-16 or any other provision of law notwithstanding, any county may enter into a lease-purchase agreement for a term of years, not exceeding ten, for the purchase or lease by the county of real or personal property. However, if a lease-purchase agreement is for the purchase or lease of a jail or juvenile detention facility, the agreement may be for a term of years, not exceeding twenty years.
Any lease-purchase agreement for a term exceeding one year requires the approval of more than sixty percent of the members-elect of the board of commissioners. The final adoption of any lease-purchase agreement shall be by resolution which may be referred pursuant to chapter 7-18A.
Source: SL 1995, ch 37, § 1; SL 1996, ch 57.
7-21-16.2. County authorized to issue promissory notes.
The provisions of § 7-21-16 or any other provision of law notwithstanding, a county may borrow money from any source willing to lend the money by issuing a promissory note subject to the limitations set in §§ 7-21-16.3 to 7-21-16.6, inclusive. Notes issued pursuant to this section are payable solely from the sources provided in § 7-21-16.3 and do not constitute an indebtedness of the county within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provisions or limitations. The notes shall specify the authority under which the notes are issued and shall state that the notes are issued in conformity with the provisions, restrictions, and limitations of §§ 7-21-16.3 to 7-21-16.6, inclusive, and that the notes and the interest on the notes are payable from the sources specified in §§ 7-21-16.3 to 7-21-16.6, inclusive. The notes shall be authorized, issued, and sold in accordance with chapter 6-8B. No election is required, and the notes may not be issued for a term in excess of five years.
Source: SL 2012, ch 53, § 1.
7-21-16.3. Borrowing limit.
The money borrowed pursuant to § 7-21-16.2 may not exceed the sum of ninety-five percent of the amount of uncollected taxes levied by the county for the current fiscal year plus other receivables of the fund, including state or federal grant moneys, that have been earned by the county or committed by the state or federal governments but not collected at the date of borrowing.
Source: SL 2012, ch 53, § 2.
7-21-16.4. Reduction of borrowing limit for outstanding warrants or promissory notes.
If any registered warrants or promissory notes are outstanding against the fund for which the money is to be borrowed, the borrowing limit specified in § 7-21-16.3 is reduced by the amount of the outstanding warrants or promissory notes.
Source: SL 2012, ch 53, § 3.
7-21-16.5. Interest rate--Signatures.
The rate of interest for a promissory note authorized by § 7-21-16.2 shall be stated on the note. The note shall be signed by the chair of the board of county commissioners and by the county auditor.
Source: SL 2012, ch 53, § 4.
7-21-16.6. Notes not paid in full within term.
If a note authorized by §§ 7-21-16.2 to 7-21-16.5, inclusive, has been issued and not paid in full within the term provided in § 7-21-16.2, no cash receipts may be expended for any purpose except the retirement of principal and interest of notes outstanding against that fund, until all such notes are retired.
Source: SL 2012, ch 53, § 5.
7-21-17. Contracts exceeding maximum tax levy void--Personal liability of consenting officers--Dissent to be recorded.
Each contract made in violation of the provisions of § 7-21-16 is null and void in regard to any obligation thereby purported to be imposed on the county. However, any officer who made or authorized the contract is individually liable for its performance.
Each officer present when the unlawful contract is made, or authorized to be made is deemed to have participated in the making or authorization of the contract, unless the officer dissents therefrom and enters, or causes to be entered, such dissent on the records of the county.
Source: SL 1897, ch 28, § 140; RPolC 1903, § 2243; RC 1919, § 6957; SDC 1939, § 12.1901; SL 2016, ch 44, § 57.
7-21-18. Computation of amount to be raised by property tax.
Before October first in each fiscal year and after the annual budget for the following fiscal year has been approved and adopted, the board shall compute and determine:
(1) The total amount of all appropriations contained in the budget for the next fiscal year, and payable out of each particular fund;
(2) The total amount of revenue, except taxes on real property, likely to be received by each particular fund during the next fiscal year from all sources which includes the unobligated fund balance of each particular fund and excludes amounts authorized by law to be held in reserve;
(3) The difference between the total amount determined in subdivision (2) above, and the total amount determined in subdivision (1) above, and to the amount of such difference for each particular fund shall be added an amount equal to five percent of the total amount of all appropriations payable out of such fund during the next fiscal year and the total of such two amounts shall be the amount necessary to be raised for such fund during the next fiscal year by taxes on real property.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 17; SDC 1939, § 12.2015; SL 1981, ch 56, § 1; SL 1992, ch 80, § 2; SL 1993, ch 86, § 36.
7-21-18.1. Unassigned general fund balance limitation.
The total unassigned fund balance of the general fund may not exceed forty percent of the total amount of all general fund appropriations contained in the budget for the next fiscal year.
Source: SL 1981, ch 56, § 2; SL 2004, ch 70, § 1; SL 2016, ch 46, § 1.
7-21-19. Annual tax levy on property--Limitation on levies to be observed.
The board shall, after determining the amount of each fund pursuant to § 7-21-18, levy a tax for each such fund sufficient to raise the required amount therefor. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to authorize any tax levy in excess of any limitation upon tax levies which are now or which may hereafter be imposed by any of the laws of this state.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 17; SDC 1939, § 12.2015.
7-21-20. Appropriations to be within budget--Additions to budget prohibited.
The board of county commissioners must not at any time or in any manner whatsoever make or provide for any appropriation or appropriations or for any expenditure or expenditures for any purpose, object, or item whatever, other than in and by the annual budget for the fiscal year as hereinbefore provided, and must not after the approval and adoption of such annual budget for any fiscal year make or provide for any increase in or addition to any amount appropriated for any purpose, object, or item in such annual budget, save and except as provided by §§ 7-21-21 and 7-21-22.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 10; SL 1929, ch 95; SDC 1939, § 12.2008.
7-21-20.1. State and federal grants expended without budget--Publication.
Any funds made available after the final budget is adopted by a county from state and federal grants for expenditure by the county shall be paid into the county treasury and may be expended without specific provision in the annual budget of the county. In this case the commissioners shall publish, in the official newspaper of the county, the purpose for which the expenditures were made and to whom the expenditures were made.
Source: SL 1973, ch 42, § 1; SL 1980, ch 56, § 1.
7-21-21. Supplemental budget for unanticipated disaster.
In the event of an epidemic or disease or act of God, disaster, catastrophe, or accident, which results in damage to or destruction of any of the works, roads, buildings, or property of the county or any of its institutions or agencies, and the results of which have not been anticipated in the annual budget adopted for the fiscal year in which the same occur or take place, and which require the incurring of liabilities or expenditures of funds in connection with the suppression of the epidemic or disease, restoration of works, roads, buildings or property, or removing the menace above referred to, and restricted to causes where no other funds have been provided or appropriated therefor, the board may without further notice or hearing adopt a supplemental budget making and providing for an appropriation for the purpose and object, and for an amount deemed necessary, and may then incur liabilities or expend funds for such purpose, but not to exceed in the aggregate the amount specified in such supplemental budget.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 10; SL 1929, ch 95; SDC 1939, § 12.2008 (1).
7-21-22. Supplemental budget to meet statutory obligations and indispensable functions of government--Notice and hearing.
In the event of the passage and enactment of any law during a fiscal year and after the adoption of the annual budget for a following fiscal year, imposing some new obligation or duty upon a county, or in the event of the failure to provide by the final budget a sufficient revenue to enable the county to conduct the indispensable functions of government in any department, or to pay just obligations upon the county for the necessary conduct of the courts, or for the necessary aid and support of the poor or to discharge any duty which it is the lawful duty of the county to discharge, and of which requires the incurring of liabilities or expenditures of funds for a purpose or object for which no provision has been made in the annual budget for such fiscal year, and when such occasion arises the board must make, approve, and adopt a supplemental budget providing therein for an appropriation for such purposes in such amount as the board may deem necessary, and such budget shall set out in detail each item for which an appropriation is made and the amount thereof. Notice of its intention to make and adopt such supplemental budget, as provided in this section, stating the purpose, object and items and the amount to be appropriated for each item, with the time and place when the same will be considered and adopted by the governing board, shall be given in such manner as the board may determine, provided that the time fixed for considering and adopting the same shall not be less than ten days from date when such notice is first given.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 10; SL 1929, ch 95; SDC 1939, § 12.2008 (2); SL 1943, ch 32; SL 1945, ch 33; SL 1947, ch 43.
7-21-23. Procedural requirements for supplemental budgets.
All of the provisions of §§ 7-21-12 to 7-21-15, inclusive, with reference to the adoption of the resolution, signing of the resolution and budget, minute entries, and filing, shall apply to any supplemental budget made and adopted under the provisions of § 7-21-21 or § 7-21-22.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 10; SL 1929, ch 95; SDC 1939, § 12.2008; SL 1943, ch 32; SL 1945, ch 33; SL 1947, ch 43.
7-21-24. Notice to county agencies of budget amounts.
After the approval and adoption of the annual budget as provided in § 7-21-12, and immediately after the approval and adoption of each supplemental budget, as provided in § 7-21-21 or § 7-21-22, the county auditor shall notify in writing before the beginning of the next fiscal year, each officer and board, and each employee in charge of an office, bureau, or department, and each head, person, or board in charge of an institution or agency of the county for which any appropriation is provided in such annual or supplemental budget of the amount of such appropriations and the same shall be itemized so as to show in detail each purpose and object and each item thereof for which any appropriation is provided and the amount thereof.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 11; SDC 1939, § 12.2009.
7-21-25. Debts and liabilities exceeding appropriated amounts prohibited.
Unless specially and expressly authorized by law, it shall be unlawful for the board of county commissioners or any member thereof, or for any officer of any county or any employee thereof in charge of any institution or agency of a county, to contract any indebtedness or incur any liabilities for or in behalf of the county, in any manner whatsoever, either for a purpose, object, or item for which no appropriation is provided in the budget of such county for the fiscal year in which such indebtedness is attempted to be contracted or liability attempted to be created, or in excess of the amount of any specific appropriation for any purpose, object, or item set forth in the budgets of such county, for the fiscal year in which such indebtedness is attempted to be contracted or liability attempted to be created.
Source: SDC 1939, § 12.2020; SL 1995, ch 7, § 2.
7-21-26. Excessive debts, liabilities, and payments void.
All orders, authorizations, allowances, contracts, payments, or agreements or liabilities to pay, made or attempted to be made in violation of this chapter, shall be void and shall never be the foundation of a claim against any county or against any institution or agency thereof, and all warrants, certificates, orders, or other evidences of indebtedness drawn or issued for the purpose of paying any indebtedness or liabilities incurred or created or attempted to be incurred or created in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be void.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 22; SDC 1939, § 12.2021.
7-21-27. Personal liability of officers and employees creating or paying debts exceeding appropriated amounts.
All officers, boards, and members of boards, employees, and all other persons authorizing, contracting, or incurring, or attempting to authorize, contract, or incur any indebtedness or liability for or in behalf of any county or any institution or agency thereof in violation of the provisions of this chapter, or auditing, allowing, ordering paid, drawing, or issuing warrants in payment of, or paying any claims or demands upon or against a county or any institution or agency thereof, for any liability or indebtedness attempted to be created or incurred in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be jointly and severally liable in person and on their official bonds to the county or to the institution or agency thereof of which they are officers or employees, to the extent of any payment or payments made on such void claims.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 23; SDC 1939, § 12.2022.
7-21-28. Liability for damages of officers and employees incurring debts exceeding appropriated amounts.
All officers, boards, and members of boards, and employees of a county or any institution or agency thereof, authorizing, contracting, or incurring, or attempting to authorize, contract, or incur any indebtedness or liability for or in behalf of such county or institution thereof of which they are officers or employees, in violation of the provisions of this chapter, shall be jointly and severally liable in person and on their official bonds to the person, persons, corporation, or corporations damaged by such illegal authorization, indebtedness, or liability, to the extent of the loss sustained by such person, persons, corporation, or corporations.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 23; SDC 1939, § 12.2022.
7-21-29. Proration of appropriations covering more than one year.
In all cases where appropriations of money have heretofore or may hereafter be made for periods longer than one year, it shall be unlawful for the person or persons whose duty it is to expend such appropriation to audit, expend, or contract to pay more money in any one year than a pro rata share thereof; that is, the expenditures for one year shall never exceed the proportion which one year of time bears to the whole time unless otherwise expressly provided.
Source: SL 1890, ch 108, § 1; RPolC 1903, § 310; RC 1919, § 6959; SDC 1939, § 12.1902.
7-21-30. Constructive knowledge of county financial condition and limitations.
All officers, boards, and members of boards, and employees of every county and of all of its agencies and institutions and all other persons and corporations, shall be charged with notice of the financial condition of the county, and of all of its institutions and agencies, the limitations imposed by the budget thereof, the appropriations contained therein, the condition of each thereof, and the claims against the same.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 23; SDC 1939, § 12.2022.
7-21-32.1. Reimbursements from any budget activity added to the activity from which it was paid.
Any reimbursements received for unanticipated expenditures charged to any budget activity may be considered a supplemental budget and added to the budget activity from which it was paid. The supplement shall be recorded in the minutes of the proceedings of the board of county commissioners.
Source: SL 1971, ch 51; SL 1974, ch 67; SL 1991, ch 63.
7-21-32.2. Transfer of appropriation for contingencies.
No expenditures shall be charged to the line item authorized for by § 7-21-6.1, but such appropriated amount may be transferred, by resolution of the board, to any other appropriation in which insufficient amounts were provided or for items for which no appropriation was provided. When transfers are made from the contingency budget to other appropriations, whose revenue is provided by other than general fund revenues, a transfer of fund balances may be made from the county general fund to such other fund in the amount of the budget transfer.
Source: SL 1974, ch 66, §§ 1, 2.
7-21-33. Uncollected taxes not considered asset in computing debt limitation.
Whenever it shall be necessary to compute the indebtedness of a county or of any of its institutions or agencies, for bonding or other indebtedness purposes, delinquent taxes and taxes levied for the purposes set forth in the budget of the county shall not be considered an asset, but shall be deemed for such purposes to have been already pledged and expended for the purposes, objects, and items set forth in the budget; provided however, that all taxes levied for the payment and redemption of bonds, warrants, or other public debts, shall be deemed a competent and sufficient asset to be considered in the calculation of any constitutional or statutory limitation.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 20; SDC 1939, § 12.2019.
7-21-34. Borrowing from county funds against anticipated tax collections--Restoration of moneys borrowed.
Whenever moneys shall have been actually provided for any funds of the county by a levy of taxes and such moneys shall not have been actually collected and covered into the county treasury but concerning the receipt of which moneys there can be no question, the board of county commissioners is authorized, by a unanimous vote, to anticipate the receipt of such moneys into such fund by drawing temporarily upon the moneys in any other fund of the county for which there shall not be immediate use.
Any fund temporarily depleted by virtue of the foregoing provision shall be fully restored within nine months after a draft upon the same for the benefit of another fund shall have been made, and the moneys coming into the latter fund shall first be used to restore such depletion. The board shall provide, at the time of making such withdrawal, for reimbursing the fund from which moneys are thus temporarily withdrawn.
Source: SL 1921, ch 337; SDC 1939, § 12.1903; SL 1970, ch 20, § 1 (1); SL 1975, ch 76, § 12.
7-21-35. Annual determination of delinquent real estate taxes.
The board of county commissioners must, at its regular meeting in January of each year, ascertain and determine the total amount of taxes levied by such county on all real estate payable during the fiscal year just ended and which remained delinquent and unpaid at the close of such fiscal year excluding therefrom any and all amounts added thereto for penalties, interest, and costs of publication because of such delinquency, such delinquent taxes being so segregated as to show the amount thereof levied for each particular fund of the county.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 16; SDC 1939, § 12.2014.
7-21-36. Annual determination of warrants, claims and liabilities outstanding.
The board of county commissioners must also, at the same time, ascertain and determine the total amount of all warrants issued against each fund payable out of the appropriations for such fiscal year and which remain outstanding and unpaid at the close of such fiscal year because of insufficient money in the fund on which drawn to pay the same, together with the amount of interest accrued thereon, and also the amount of all claims and liabilities payable out of the appropriations for such preceding year for which no warrants have been issued, and the total amount of such claims and liabilities payable out of each particular fund.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 16; SDC 1939, § 12.2014.
7-21-37. Certificates of indebtedness against delinquent taxes for payment of outstanding warrants, claims, and liabilities.
For the purpose of providing funds for the payment of outstanding warrants and claims and liabilities, the board of county commissioners may, whenever the total amount of delinquent taxes for the preceding year on real estate payable into any fund shall be more than five percent of the total amount of taxes levied on real estate during the preceding year, without being required to submit the question of so doing to any election, by a resolution provide for the borrowing of money for the fund in an amount equal to the excess of delinquent taxes over five percent and shall issue certificates of indebtedness therefor, which shall be in denomination of one hundred dollars or multiples thereof, shall bear interest at a rate to be negotiated by the parties from the date thereof until paid and redeemed and shall be registered in the office of the county treasurer.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 16; SDC 1939, § 12.2014; SL 1983, ch 28, § 9.
7-21-38. Form of certificates of indebtedness against delinquent tax fund.
The certificates of indebtedness issued pursuant to § 7-21-37 shall be in substantially the same form as warrants drawn against the general fund of the county, except that they shall be known as certificates of indebtedness and each shall recite in the body thereof that it is drawn against and the principal and interest thereof is payable out of a special fund to be known as the "Delinquent tax fund for the fiscal year ending December 31st, 20____," and will be called in and paid and redeemed whenever there is sufficient money in such fund applicable for such purposes.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 16; SDC 1939, § 12.2014.
7-21-39. Sale or exchange of delinquent tax certificates of indebtedness.
Certificates of indebtedness issued pursuant to § 7-21-37 may be sold by the board at either public or private sale, but shall not be sold at less than their par value, or may be exchanged for such outstanding warrants, dollar for dollar with accrued interest thereon, but no brokerage, legal, or other fees, or commissions of any kind shall be paid to any person or corporation for negotiating or assisting in the preparation, sale, or exchange thereof.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 16; SDC 1939, § 12.2014.
7-21-40. Proceeds of certificates of indebtedness--Use to pay outstanding warrants, claims and liabilities.
The moneys so borrowed for each of such funds shall be deposited to the credit thereof and shall be used for the purpose of paying and redeeming the outstanding warrants drawn against such funds, and the claims and liabilities created, during such fiscal year, together with the interest thereon, and it shall be the duty of the treasurer immediately upon receiving the money so borrowed to deposit the same to the credit of the proper funds and to call in for payment such warrants, claims, and liabilities or so much thereof as such money will pay.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 16; SDC 1939, § 12.2014.
7-21-41. Resolution creating delinquent tax fund--Tax collections paid into fund.
Such resolution must create a fund to be known as the "Delinquent tax fund for the fiscal year ending December 31st, 20____," and shall provide that all delinquent taxes levied during such fiscal year for the funds for which such money has been borrowed, together with all penalties, interest, and costs added thereto, shall be, as fast as the same are collected, paid into and deposited to the credit of such fund, and shall be used for the payment of principal of and interest on such certificates of indebtedness and for no other purpose.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 16; SDC 1939, § 12.2014.
7-21-42. Redemption of certificates of indebtedness from delinquent tax fund.
The treasurer shall, whenever there shall be any money in any delinquent tax fund sufficient to pay one or more of the certificates of indebtedness issued against such fund with accrued interest, call the same in for payment and redemption in the same manner that warrants against the general fund of the county are called in for payment and redemption, and interest on such certificates shall cease on the date specified in the notice calling such certificates in for payment.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 16; SDC 1939, § 12.2014.
7-21-43. Apportionment of unused balance in delinquent tax fund.
If, after all certificates of indebtedness drawn against any delinquent tax fund shall have been fully paid, there remains any balance in such fund, such balance shall be apportioned to the several funds for which money was borrowed in proportion to the total amount of taxes levied for each fund in such fiscal year, and such fund shall thereupon be terminated and all delinquent taxes for such year thereafter paid shall be apportioned to the funds for which the same were originally levied.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 16; SDC 1939, § 12.2014.
7-21-44. Unused appropriations terminated at end of year--Consideration in next budget.
All appropriations for the expenditure of public moneys contained in the annual and supplemental budgets for such fiscal year, shall cease to be in effect at the expiration of the fiscal year for which the same were made, except as provided in § 7-21-45, and any unused balance appropriated shall be used and considered as revenue in making levy to cover expenditures in the next budget.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 14; SDC 1939, § 12.2012; SL 1975, ch 76, § 7.
7-21-44.1. Unused contingency funds terminated at end of year.
Any unused balance in the contingency budget shall revert at the close of the year and shall not be accumulated.
Source: SL 1974, ch 66, § 2.
7-21-45. Resolution to encumber unexpended appropriations--Contents--Listing kept by auditor.
The board of county commissioners may by resolution at its first meeting in January or within ten days thereafter encumber that portion of unexpended appropriations from the prior year for which legal obligations were incurred but were not paid. The resolution shall state the appropriation account and amount encumbered. The county auditor shall keep a detailed listing by payee and amount supporting such amount shown in the resolution.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 15; SDC 1939, § 12.2013; SL 1975, ch 76, § 8; SL 1976, ch 74, § 2.
7-21-47. Payment of claims against previous year's appropriation--Registration of warrants not paid.
Warrants issued for claims allowed against budget appropriations for the previous fiscal year which have been filed before the board's first meeting in January, shall be paid out of the fund on which drawn on the presentation to the treasurer of the county, and in case of insufficient funds on hand to pay such warrants, due to delinquent taxes or other failure of revenue, then such warrants, upon presentation to the treasurer, shall be registered and the amount necessary to pay such warrants, if not paid at the time of the adoption of the annual budget, shall be included in the next annual budget.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 15; SDC 1939, § 12.2013; SL 1975, ch 76, § 9.
7-21-48. Transfer of surplus moneys in county funds--Outstanding warrants and obligations to be provided for.
The board of county commissioners may transfer the surplus moneys that may be on hand in any of the several funds to such fund or funds as they may deem for the best interest of the county or may appropriate such surplus moneys to the payment of any outstanding indebtedness of the county. No moneys in any fund shall be transferred therefrom unless there be left in such fund sufficient money to pay all outstanding warrants drawn against such fund, together with any other indebtedness or contemplated expenditures from said fund for the current fiscal year. No money shall be transferred from any sinking or interest fund unless sufficient money be left therein to pay all interest which may accrue on and the principal of all outstanding bonds.
Source: SL 1927, ch 79, § 18; SL 1929, ch 99; SDC 1939, § 12.2016.
7-21-49. Transfer of unused balance of special funds.
Whenever there remains in the treasury of any county an unexpended balance of any special fund, and all claims against such fund have been fully paid, and the purpose for which it was created has been fully subserved, and there remains no further use for such balance for the purpose for which it was created, it shall be lawful for the board of county commissioners to transfer such balance to any other fund of the county or subdivision to which such balance belongs.
Source: SL 1887, ch 144, § 1; CL 1887, § 602; RPolC 1903, § 842; RC 1919, § 5880; SDC 1939, § 12.1904.
7-21-51. Accumulation of funds for capital outlay purposes.
A board of county commissioners may, by resolution, authorize the accumulation of funds for a period longer than one year for a capital outlay purpose which is otherwise authorized by law. For the purpose of this section, the term, capital outlay purpose, includes any purpose which is extraordinary in nature, exceeds the funding ability of a single-budget year, and may result in the purchase of services, materials, supplies, or equipment. The resolution is enacted if approved by a vote of sixty percent or more of the governing body and shall clearly set forth the purposes for which the funds are to be accumulated and the maximum amount that may be accumulated. The funds to be accumulated shall be expended within eighty-four months from the date of the resolution. If the specific purpose for which the funds are accumulated is no longer necessary, the funds shall revert to the fund from which the funds were originally appropriated. The amount of accumulation for a specific purpose may not exceed five million dollars. The accumulation of funds pursuant to this chapter is in addition to any accumulation of funds authorized by § 7-21-18.1.
Source: SL 1985, ch 54; SL 1988, ch 73; SL 2008, ch 36, § 1.
7-21-52. Authority to create depreciation reserve for capital acquisitions.
The governing body of any county may, by resolution, create a depreciation reserve within any proprietary fund which may only be used for capital acquisitions, not to exceed the accumulated depreciation of the fixed assets of the respective fund. If the specific purpose for which the funds are accumulated is no longer necessary, the funds shall revert to the general fund. These funds are in addition to those authorized by § 7-21-18.1
Source: SL 1997, ch 47, § 1.