Codified Laws

2-6-19Water Development Oversight Committee created--Purpose.

There is hereby created the Legislative Water Development Oversight Committee. The committee shall consist of four legislators, one each appointed by the majority and minority leaders of the Senate and one each appointed by the majority and minority leaders of the House of Representatives. The committee shall monitor the meetings and actions of the Board of Water and Natural Resources and the Water Management Board. The secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall cooperate with the members of the committee and assist them in carrying out their responsibilities. The secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources shall inform the members of the committee of the time and place of all meetings of the Board of Water and Natural Resources and Water Management Board and shall forward to the members of the committee copies of all materials sent to the members of those boards.

The committee shall select a chairperson from among its members and shall from time to time report to the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council on its activities. Members of the committee shall receive compensation as would any member of an interim legislative committee authorized by the Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council under chapter 2-9.

Source: SL 1982, ch 316, § 9A; SL 2004, ch 17, § 6; SL 2021, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 21-3), § 14, eff. Apr. 19, 2021.